®  Konstantynowicz Bogdan: family - genealogy - origin - ancestry - history - biography - education - information. Rodzina - edukacja - informacja - genealogia - pochodzenie - biografia - historia.



set out in February 2003 - May 2018.
The Russian conspiracy intelligence network - globalism and globalization.

ILUMINACI i Tadeusz Grabianka - niepodleglosc Polski, 11 listopada 1918.
In August 2018.

Tadeusz Grabianka - the Avignon Illuminati, Prometheism, Templars and Freemasons. The Konstantynowicz family and the Illuminati Order. Illuminati Order of Tadeusz Grabianka in Berlin, London and Avignon. The ideological and personal connection between the Illuminati of Tadeusz Grabianka and the Konstantynowicz family from Moscow and Miezonka - Tallinn - Swolna. The Clerkenwell district in London - watchmakers and Edward Brown of the Breguet Company. Illumines of Avignon and 'The New Church' (or Swedenborgianism). Bavarian Order of the Illuminati.
In June 2018.

PROMETHEISM: Berezyna and Lubuszany.
Miezonka-Swolna-Moscow-St Petersburg and the family history of Paszkowski-Armand-Konstantynowicz.

Berezyna and Lubuszany - the estate of Poniatowski-Tyszkiewicz-Potocki branch - the Knights Templar of the FREEMASONRY.
Miezonka-Swolna-Moscow-St Petersburg and the family history of Paszkowski-Armand-Konstantynowicz.

Berezyna - Lubuszany of Potocki-Tyszkiewicz-Poniatowski line and the Freemasonry - the Templars, Illuminati and Polish conspirators. Miezonka - Swolna - Moskwa and St Petersburg with the family history of Konstantynowicz - Armand - Paszkowski.
In June 2018.

The Freemasonry and 11 November 1918 - Independence of Poland. The Templars, Illuminati and Polish conspirators in 1768-1771, 1792-1794, 1796/1797, 1819/1820/1821, 1831/1833 until 1863.
The Templars, Illuminati and Polish conspirators in 1792/1794, 1796/1797, 1819/1820/1821, 1831/1833 until 1863. History of Secret Societies: Templars, Illuminati, and Freemasons. The Order of the Illuminati: Origins, Methods and Influence.
In April 2018.

The Russian communist conspiracy 1917-1987.

The Templars, Illuminati and Polish conspirators in 1792/1794, 1796/1797, 1819/1820/1821, 1831/1833 until 1863. History of Secret Societies: Templars, Illuminati, and Freemasons. The Order of the Illuminati: Origins, Methods and Influence.
08th March 2018.

® konstantynowicz.info welcome. History and genealogy - author Konstantynowicz Bogdan:
The Templars, Illuminati and Polish conspirators in 1792/1794, 1796/1797, 1819/1820/1821, 1831/1833 until 1863. Konstantynowicz Bogdan - genealogy - history - biography - archive - encyclopaedia - geography and people. Freemasonry, Illuminati and the Templars Order - conspiracy and conspirators - history of Secret Societies: Templars, Illuminati, and Freemasons. The Order of the Illuminati: Origins, Methods and Influence.
February 2018.

® konstantynowicz.info welcome. History and genealogy - author Konstantynowicz Bogdan - Edukacja, informacja, historia, genealogia, biografia: USA, Europa, Polska i Rosja. Globalizm i globalizacja. Genealogia i historia rodziny Konstantynowicz. Genealogy and history of the Konstantynowicz noble family. History of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. On 09th January 2017.

Globalization and globalism - Donald Trump, John F. Kennedy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel, Bronislaw Komorowski - the Russian global intelligence network. Konstantynowicz Bogdan - Polish Internet Archive. Key note.

Polish conspirators 1793 / 1819 / 1821 / 1833:

Jan Mikolaj Oskierka born Dec. 1735, died in exile in 1796 - Tobolsk and here he was buried.

The son of
Rafal Alojzy Oskierka 1708-1767 and Stanislawa Teresa OGINSKA.

Stanislawa Teresa Oskierka Oginska, 1724 - 1744, the daughter of Martian Michal Oginsky, b. 1672 in Witebsk.
Named Marcjan (Marcin) Michal Oginski 1672 - 1750, the Witebsk governor in 1730, Vitebsk castellan 1703-1730, marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, in 1712, 1718, 1723, prince.
Son of Szymon Karol Oginski and Teodora.
Husband of Tekla Ana / Anna Larska; Teresa Tyzenhauz; Teresa Oginska; and Krystyna Oginska.
Father of Stanislawa Teresa OSKIERKA / Oskierko

[with a daughter Marianna Straszewicz b. ca 1740.
Mother of Teresa; Aleksandra; and Alojzy Rokicki b. 1760;
and grandson Michal ROKICKI b. 1790 + KORNELA PROZOR;
great-grandson Ludwik Rokicki b. 1820/1830.
Maybe from ALOJZY was a daughter TEKLA ROKICKA married PROZOR, died 1860 with the son Mieczyslaw PROZOR b. 1830 + Zofia Oskierka 1830-1878,
and with granddaughter Stanislawa Prozor b. 1862, m. Jan Olizar-Wolczkiewicz 1855-1913.
The mother of named JAN OLIZAR WOLCZKIEWICZ was Wiktoria Modzelewska 1828-1903 born Szymanowska!];

Barbara Pac;
Ignacy Oginski Duke; Stanislaw Jerzy Oginski.
Brother of Boguslaw Kazimierz Oginski; Krystyna Tyszkiewicz; Eleonora Oginska and JERZY Oginski.
Half brother of Zofia Oginska and Aleksander Oginski.

Jan Mikolaj Oskierka / Ivan Oskirka, statesman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
He was the son of Rafal Aloizy.
Together with his brother Antoni Joachim Oskierka studied in Warsaw. Participated in the seven-year war of 1756-1763.
In 1764 he took Czartoryski's side and of King Stanislaw Poniatowski. He was the confederary Mozyr judge; was a deputy from the Mozyr County. In 1781, he was elected to the Tribunal of Lithuania. In August 1784, he was invited by Karol Radziwil to Nesvizh in connection with the King's visit planned there.
In August 1786, he signed a petition to the king asking for the border regiment. In 1788, together with Konstantin JELENSKI, he was a deputy to the Polish-Lithuanian Parliament from the Mozyr County.
In 1790, he gave up his son Rafal Oskierka to the top post in Lithuania.
The Constitution of May 3, 1791 greeted with his great enthusiasm. He was the richest owner in Lithuania, heir to a huge fortune (7 million zl). He owned Narovlei / NAROWLA (in the HOMEL county and close to KONOTOP - with the villages of Antonovo, Mukhoyedy, Ugly, Golovchitsy), Karpovichi in the Mozyr County; Barbarovo and Konotopy in Rechytsky / RZECZYCA COUNTY.
In early August 1793, together with his son Rafal Michal Oskierka

[born after 1761 - d. 1818; official in MOZYRZ, in 1791 served at the Royal Court, CONSPIRATOR in 1793 ! He married to Maria Oskierka b. ca 1790, the daughter of ANTONI OSKIERKA b. ca 1740. RAFAL's son - Jan Oskierka b. 1819 + Julia Oskierka the daughter of Pawel Oskierka official in RZECZYCA and granddaughter of Leopold Oskierka],

took part in the conspirative congress of the nobility in the estate of Karol Prozor in Khoyniki, whose goal was to prepare an armed attack against the Russian Army and for the revival of the Constitution on May 3, 1791.

Karol Prozor and Captain Hamilcar Kasinsky / KOSINSKI left the Khoyniki on April 20, 1794 in JUREWICZE / Yurovichi.
However, Jan Mikolaj Oskerko, through his envoy, warned that Russian soldiers were waiting for them in Jurewicze.
Thus he saved friends, but he himself was arrested on the first day of Easter in 1794.
After the Smolensk investigation, by decree of Catherine II of June 20, 1795, ranked among the first category of convicts; Oskerka was exiled to "the most remote Siberian cities." His property was confiscated and was distributed to Russian nobles, in particular, in 1793 his estate Barbarovo was transferred to the real secret adviser Sivers.
From Irkutsk, Oskerka was moved to Zhigansk in the Yakutsk region of Irkutsk province, where he brought 122 silver rubles.
Released under the amnesty of Paul I in 1796 but he was died of apoplexy in Tobolsk in 1796, where he was buried with honors by the son Dominik Oskierka, accompanying his father on his way back to his homeland.

Jan Mikolaj Oskierka born Dec. 1735, died in exile in 1796 - Tobolsk had 3 children:

Rafal Michal Oskierka 1761-1818 + Maria Oskierka

[with 1. Jan Oskierka b. 1820 + Julia Oskierka;
2. Emilia Oskierka + Hubert Artemiusz Swiatopelk;
3. Teresa Oskierka + Romuald Jelenski];
Dominik Oskierka b. ca 1770 + Salomea Gizycka

[with 1. Maria Oskierka b. ca 1790 + Jan Gizycki and
2. Kajetan Oskierka b. 1821 + Pss Stefania Julia Radziwill - the owner of MIEZONKA !];
Aniela Oskierka 1770-1804 + Ignacy Kajetan Prozor

[with 1. Kornela Prozor 1800-1835 + Michal Rokicki
2. Henryk Prozor b. ca 1800;
3. Maurycy Prozor h. wl. 1801-1886
+ Anna Chlopicka - see more details at my domain !].

After the death of Oskierka, the Russians to return only a small part of the property (Konotopy). The memory of the loss of the huge estates of Oskerka was preserved in the Belarusian proverb: "It disappeared, like Oskierka assets. [above inf. under copyright by the Russian Wikipedia]"

The Polish - Lithuanian conspirator in 1793-1794, General Antoni Tyzenhauz, junior, b. 1756, died 1816, the member of the Andrzej Mokronowski confederation in 1776 and the MP in 1776 of the Rzeczyca county:

Antoni Tyzenhauz JUNIOR, born in 1756, died on February 19, 1816, General of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the member of the Andrzej Mokronowski confederation in 1776 and a MP in 1776 from the Rzeczyca county; the Rohaczew official; president of Vilnius in 1792, deputy to the Parlaiment in 1790, member of the Friends of the Government Constitution; he was
a member of the Lithuanian underground government preparing in 1793 and 1794 the outbreak of the Kosciuszko Uprising in Lithuania
- compare:
Jan Mikolaj Oskierka born Dec. 1735, died in exile in 1796 - Tobolsk, and KAROL PROZOR [in early August 1793, JAN OSKIERKA acted together with his son Rafal Michal Oskierka born after 1761 - d. 1818; official in MOZYRZ, in 1791 served at the Royal Court, CONSPIRATOR in 1793; Jan and Rafal Oskierka took part in the conspirative congress of the nobility in the estate of Karol Prozor in Chojniki / Khoyniki, whose goal was to prepare an armed attack against the Russian Army and for the revival of the Constitution on May 3, 1791].

Antoni Tyzenhauz JUNIOR, born in 1756 was the Deputy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Kosciuszko insurrection; in 1794 he was a member of the Secret Deputation. In 1812, he joined the General Confederation of the Kingdom of Poland.
Antoni junior, married Zofia Tyzenhauz, whose marriage to Franciszek Ksawery Chominski ended with divorce. She was married three times.

Franciszek CHOMINSKI / Franciszek Ksawery Chominski b. bef. 1745, d. 1809 in Wilno, the Mscislaw governor, General major in 1788, Speaker of the Parliament in 1784; the member of the Bar Confederation (1768-1772);
he was a supporter of Michał Kazimierz Oginski, and he was in diplomatic missions to Vienna (1770), Paris, Germany and Italy, in order to obtain financial support for the Bar Confederation.
He participated in the battle of Stolowicze. After the collapse of the confederation,
he went - until 1775 - together with Oginski to emigrate to Bavaria, France and Italy. In 1775 he also was the secretary of Oginski and ran his interests. Shortly thereafter, he was associated with the royal party, collaborating with Antoni Tyzenhauz SENIOR and with J. Chreptowicz. A member of the parliament from the Pinsk County in 1780, 1782 and 1784.

Mentioned above Karol Prozor, b. ca 1759/1761, in Samaites / Zmudz, was the eldest son of Józef Prozor and his first wife Felicjanna Szczyt; brother of Ignacy PROZOR and Antoni Prozor. The name was given in honor of Karol of Courland; god mother - Zofia Zabiello.
KAROL Prozor in 1783 married to the stepdaughter of father, Ludwika Konstancja Szujska (daughter of Adam Szujski and Marianna Chalecki - third wife of Józef Prozor); she brought to her husband: Chojniki / Chojnice in the Owrucz county [from which he removed Wojciech Szujski from Nizin], with several manors, the Ostrohavsky estate; the Radohski estate and Siechniewicze / Siehniewicze farm (the Ryki county). KAROL received from his father in 1787 in Samogitia: Poniemunie, Pojesie, Niewiarowicze, Oszminta, Szlanów, Szaniec, Zodziszki.
During the war of 1792, KAROL PROZOR acted together with Antoni Tyzenhauz [junior - Antoni Tyzenhauz 1756 - 1816; General of Lithuania] and planned to organize a guerrilla at the rear of the Russian army in Lithuania.

Antoni Tyzenhauz (1756-1816) junior - CONSPIRATOR:
the son of
Tomasz Tyzenhauz b. 1730,
and the grandson of Franciszek Tyzenhauz and Barbara Towianska.
The great-grandson of
Michal Mikolaj Jan Tyzenhauz, b. ca 1690-1734 [see below];
the great-great-grandson of
Hieronim Tyzenhauz junior, b. ca 1650 - d. 1724, and Helena Tyzenhauz.
Come from:
Hieronim Tyzenhauz, b. ca 1610, SENIOR; and his father -
Reinhold von Tiesenhausen b. ca 1590
[Reinhold von Tiesenhausen b. ca 1590, the official in DORPAT had also son WILHELM !].


Kazimierz Wladyslaw SAPIEHA, top Lithuanian official in 1685, 1686, the Lithuanian court treasurer in 1686, b. ca 1650, d. 1703; 1 m. in 1678 Franciszka Kopec, 2 m. Anna Wincenta Fredra; with:
Jan Fryderyk Sapieha + Konstancja Franciszka Radziwill (1697 - 1756);
and Mikolaj, b. 1689, the Mscislaw official [see Augustyn Konstantynowicz];
Cecylia Zofia Sapieha, b. 1688, d. in Mozejkowo Wielkie in 1762; 1 m. in Dawgieliszki in 1710 to Jan Karol Chodkiewicz, 2 m. above Michal Tyzenhauz / Michal Mikolaj Jan Tyzenhauz b. ca 1690-1734.

In 1792 Karol Prozor went abroad, arrived in Königsberg; went to Klaipeda. Now he had the opportunity to communicate with his brother- in-law Franciszek Bukaty. Bukata urged Karol to come to London;
Karol Prozor soon established contacts with the conspiracy in Lithuania in January 1793; he cooperated closely with Cpt. Amilkar Kosinski, and from Jan Oskierka, he received secret brochures [see on JAN OSKIERKA older]. The manor in Chojniki became a conspiracy center at that time, and here in July 1793 the nobility congress was held, during which the members of the Volhynia-Polesie conspiracy set up a plan of action.
JAN Oskierka and Karol Prozor were called by General Governor T. Tutolmin in 1794, the "chief rebels" in Mozyr and Owrucz "the root of evil", the "spirit of disobedience and anarchy".
At the beginning of February 1794 KAROL PROZOR came from Chojnik to Warsaw; left Warsaw on the 13th or 14th of August under the name of Dabrowski;
the meeting with Kosciuszko took place in Dresden.
General Tadeusz Kosciuszko appointed Prozor as General Major and commander of all insurgent units in Ukraine, Polesie, Podolia and in a part of Lithuania, and A. Kosinski as his chief of staff.
Karol Prozor returning from Dresden, stopped briefly in Warsaw and moved to Zmudz to Poniemun. After meeting with the activists of the conspiracy in Kaunas, he went to Vilnius to Jakub Jasinski. From Vilnius, left in Polesie, to Zdzieciol [see Konstantynowicz here]
to the court's ex-minister Stanislaw Soltan, head of the conspiracy in the province of Nowogródek.
Then he went to Chojnik.
After the defeat of the KOSCIUSZKO insurrection, he went to Galicia with Michal Kleofas Oginski [see my domain] and General Franciszek Lazninski, in Jaroslaw; then left for Venice.

The Andrzej Mokronowski Confederation in 1776:

Józef Rafal Wereszczynski b. 1749, MP of the Upita county in 1788; Upita clerk in 1776-1794, a member of the Andrzej Mokronowski Confederation in 1776, MP in 1776 of the Upita county.

Andrzej Mokronowski 1713 - 1784, MP in 1776, the Masovia governor, general lieutenant in 1759, General Major in France in 1754, the Freemason. See about Mokronowski at my webpages

Count Tomasz Adam Ostrowski 1735 - 1817 a Polish nobleman, politician, statesman and Count since 1798, Colonel of the Crown Army in 1765, the Chamberlain of King Stanislaw II Augustus in 1767, inf. by Wikipedia: son of Piotr Ostrowski and Konstancja Stoinska. In 1765 he married Józefa Godlewska, with whom he had a daughter Julia. 1781 he married Apolonia Ledóchowska with nine children: Antoni Jan Ostrowski, General Commander of the National Guard during the November Uprising and Wladyslaw Ostrowski, Marshal of the Parliament of the Polish Kingdom in 1830. 1795, Ostrowski married Apolonia Kunegunda Brzozowska.
The king sought to strengthen the Permanent Council in 1776 through a confederation chaired by Andrzej Mokronowski in August of 1776, who was married (circa 1773) to the king's sister, Izabella Poniatowska;
the republican families clearly formed a core in the network;
the Oginski family had adherents on both the republican and royalist sides, is connected to those two factions.

Andrzej Mokronowski was assisted by Andrzej Oginski who married to a cousin of royalist Bishop Krzysztof Szembek that is Paula Szembek with son Michal Kleofas Oginski

[Michal Oginski was son-in-law of Michal Czartoryski];

above Andrzej Ignacy Joachim Jozafat Oginski born in 1740 in Tadulino in the Vicebsk province, died 1787 in Guzow, he was Marshal of the Parliament in 1776, the Marshal of the Andrzej Mokronowski Confederation in 1776, Troki governor in 1778, Freemason, son of Tadeusz Franciszek and Izabella Radziwill.

A royalists:

Antoni Tyzenhaus [Antoni Tyzenhauz junior, 1756 - 1816, General],
Ignacy Przebendowski who had married into the Wielopolski family;
and Kazimierz Raczynski with
Jan Komarzewski / Konarzewski.
Michal Walewski 1735 or 1740 - 1806, Voivode of Sieradz 1785-1792. Michal Walewski in 1788-1792 put forward the project of expansion of the Polish army to 100 000 soldiers; the Speaker of the Bar Confederation of Cracow province in 1771. A member of the Andrzej Mokronowski confederation, with Stanislaw August Poniatowski;
he was the son of Marcin Walewski / Martin (d. 1761) who married with Antonina Magdalene Szembek b. circa 1710, d. 1744, daughter of Antoni Felicjan Szembek. The mother of the future owner of Tuczyn, and after her death Marcin Walewski married to Marcjanna Romer (d. 1761).
Jozefina or Józefa Walewska nee Lubomirska married to Brigadier Adam Walewski, brother of Michal Walewski, the Voivode / governor of Sieradz.

Luczaj is located south-west of Verchnedvinsk, and 20 km east of Postawy
(Anna Bieganska daughter of Kazimierz and Aleksandra Kryszpin, married to mentioned Benedykt Tyzenhauz owner of Postawy.
His sons:
and Antoni Tyzenhauz;

the above Antoni Tyzenhauz SENIOR (1735-1785), the member of Parliament in 1761. In 1850 owner of Postawy - Konstanty Tyzenhauz (1785/6 - 1853), son of Ignacy Tyzenhauz (1760-1822), was the brother of Antoni - owner of Postawy),
the Witebsk province.

Note to Antoni PROZOR:

Antoni Prozor in 1816 was the owner of the Mozuryszki estate with a villages: Kapliczniki, Karszeliszki, Skaly, Sojdzie, Nowosiolki in the Derwiany parish. Mazuryszki existed since the year 1647; at the end of the eighteenth century, Mazuryszki owned the chamberlain Józef Sulistrowski. In 1805, the farm changed another owner - it is Antoni Prozor, the Vitebsk governor. Then Mazuryszki bordered on CEKONISKES / Ciechanowiszki belonging to Drzewicki, the writer of the Wilkomierz county.

Prozor Józef (1723-1788), MP, the Vitebsk governor. Born in Bobcin in Zmudz / Samaites, a son of Stanislaw PROZOR (died around 1756), official in Kaunas, and his first wife, Róza Siruc. JOZEF was married three times. The first wife was Felicjanna Szczyt (died after 1764), daughter of Józef SZCZYTT / Szczyt, official in Mscislaw; the second - Aleksandra Zaranek (died in Dudzicze in 1771), the wedding on September 7, 1767; third Maria Chalecka 1st voto Adam Szujski (c. 1751-1826). JOZEF from the first marriage had two daughters: Petronela Karenga, and Maria (died 1833), the wife of Ignacy Bykowski, the royal chamberlain;
and three sons:
mentioned above Antoni PROZOR
and Ignacy PROZOR / Ignacy Kajetan Prozor + ANIELA OSKIERKA [see Miezonka].

From the second marriage JOZEF had daughters: Róza (died on June 22, 1834), married in 1785 to Stanislaw Jelski; and Barbara PROZOR, married to Franciszek Bukaty and 2nd to Ksawery Lipski. JOZEF PROZOR studied in Królewiec, 1734-6 (Stanislaw Leszczynski was then residing there), and 1737 he was educated at the Knight's Academy in Luneville, which he left in 1741.

Mazuryszki - by the WILIA river, 17 km north-west to WILNO; south to MEJSZAGOLA.
In the 1830s, Antoni Prozor was heavily indebted. Not being able to pay the debt, Prozor had to move out. Probably this way Mazuryszki went to Teodor Illakowicz, one of Prozor's creditors. The Illakowiczs were the owners by the early 20th century. After the death of Teodor Illakowicz, the estate, in the second half of the nineteenth century, belonged to his daughters Hortensja and Joanna. Two villages - KOPLYCNINKAI / Kapliczniki and LEICIAI / Lojcie belonged to the former farm of Mazuryszki.
Mazuryszki / Ciechanowiszki in the mid-18th century, belonged to Bernard Buchowiecki, then to Michał Bulharowski. In 1784, Bulharowski sold Ciechanowiszki to Mikolaj Manuzzi; in the last decade of the eighteenth century, the estate belongs to priest Walenty Wolczacki.

Antoni Prozor was the Witebsk governor in 1825.

Now we back to the TYZENHAUZ family:

Konstanty Tyzenhauz born in 1786, in Zoludek, Count, landowner, painter, was the son of Ignacy TYZENHAUZ and Anna / Marianna Bieganska

[the grandson of Michal Ludwik Tyzenhauz / Tyzenhauzas, ca 1670-1708, and Barbara Korwin-Kosakowska-Tyzenhauz;

the great-grandson of Stefan Tyzenhauz , ca 1640 - 1708 - who was the son of

Wilhelm Tyzenhauz, b. ca 1620-1676; he come from -

Reinhold von Tiesenhausen, b. ca 1590, the official in DORPAT].

Waleria Tyzenhauz, born Wankowicz, in 1800 / 1805 - d. in 1841 / 1843, was the daughter of Antoni Wankowicz and Anna Soltan b. 1780. Waleria married mentioned Konstanty Tyzenhauz in 1822.

Named above IGNACY b. 1760 - d. 1822, was the brother of
Tadeusz Tyzenhauz;
half brother of Kasper Tyzenhauz;
Teresa Oskierka;
Benedykt Tyzenhauz junior;
Antoni Tyzenhauz;
and Teresa.

Barbara Gielgud Tyzenhauz nee Judycka, ca 1740 [not in 1720 !] - 1784, was the wife of Antoni Onufry Gielgud and KAZIMIERZ TYZENHAUZ / Kazimieras Tyzenhauzas, and
the mother of

[Mikolaj Gielgud / Mykolas Gelgaudas, born in 1768 in Warsaw, died 1813, was the son of Antoni Onufry Gielgud and Barbara Tyzenhauz],
Antonina von Rönne
[Antonina von Rönne nee Gielgud, born ca 1770, daughter of above named Antoni Onufry Gielgud and Barbara Gielgud Tyzenhauz; she was the wife of Felix von Rönne and mother of Antoni von Rönne; Maria Tekla Oginska; Ludwika von Rönne; Feliks Filip von Rönne and Teodora Oginska]
and ZOFIA TYZENHAUZ / Sofija Tyzenhauziene - Zofia Tyzenhauz
[?? - born ca 1790; acc. to me ca 1780] m. ca 1810 to Oktawiusz Antoine / Oktaw de Choiseul-Gouffier, 1773-1840, with son Aleksander Ignacy Choiseul-Gouffier m. Zofia Hutten-Czapska.
ZOFIA TYZENHAUZ m. 2nd to Antoni Tyzenhauz (1756-1816), CONSPIRATOR, General, in 1792 was the president of Wilno, MP in 1790, CONSPIRATOR in 1793 and 1794, the member of the 1794 Uprising of General Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
Kazimierz Tyzenhauz b. ca 1730,
was the son of
Benedykt Tyzenhauz b. ca 1700.

Kazimierz was the brother of Michal b. ca 1730 + Barbara Zyberk zu Wischling, 1740-1811.

Named BENEDYKT Tyzenhauz:
the son of Michal Jerzy Tyzenhauz b. ca 1670;
grandson of
Stefan Tyzenhauz 1630/1640–1708 [the Nowogródek governor in 1689, top Lithuanian official in 1687];
great-grandson of
Wilhelm Tyzenhauz, b. ca 1600/1620-1676, and Katarzyna Ciechomska.
The great-great-grandson of
Reinhold von Tiesenhausen b. ca 1590 [in 1633 official in DORPAT].

Some details on de Lacy:

1. Alexandr O'Brien de Lacy and Gabriela Radovitsky's genealogy:

Alexander O'Brien de Lacy, 1842-1908, was born to Patryk O'Brien de Lacy and Julia nee Von Dame. Patryk was born in 1790. Gabriela Radowicka was born in 1856. They had 6 children: Maria Jaholkowski, Genowefa Zembszuski / Zembrzuska, and 4 other children.
On February 17, 1863 Lt. Tytus O'Brien de Lacy escaped with 400 the guerrillas to Galicia in March 1863. In the Battle of Chroberz the guerrillas covered the retreat of the main body of Polish forces under Marian Langiewicz.
Patryk O’Brien de Lacy b. 1888 in Augustówek close to Grodno, d. 1964; served in the Army of the Russian Empire, to 1917, as a second lieutenant of engineers. He was then adjutant of General Joseph Dowbor-Musnicki in the Polish Corps in Russia [see Bobrujsk and Miezonka]. In 1920 he took part in the Polish-Bolshevik war.
1922 has been verified in the rank of major. He came from an old family of the counts, derived from Ireland. He was a brother of Terencjusz and Maurycy; married with Maria Duszynski, with whom he had a son Hugon (1925-1958) and daughter Margaret b. 1928.
Augustówek / Augustowek, 1760 - 1920, manor, lying at a distance of 3 km from Grodno, on the left bank of the Neman, belonged to the royal estates, wearing the other names. After the partitions 1795, the estates are confiscated and subsequently passed into private ownership.
In the second half of the eighteenth century, Antoni Tyzenhauz, SENIOR, treasurer of Lithuania, built palaces, calling them "Stanislaviv" and the other "Augustówek".

Antoni Tyzenhauz / Antoni Tyzenhaus SENIOR, b. 1733 in Nowojelnia, d. 1785 in Warsaw; the Lithuanian top Royal Court official since 1765, in 1762-1764, 1764-1765, in 1765-1780 main manager of the King properties in Lithuania.

In 1797 Catherine II gave Augustówek to General Maurice de Lacy for his merits during the Turkish-Russian war.

Maurice de Lacy, residing permanently in the palace of King Stanislaus Augustus, compiled in 1819 testament to his nephew, Patrick O'Brien, the son of Terence DE LACY, and Mary de Lacy, captain of troops of England. Even before his death, ie. before 1820, gen. Maurice de Lacy gave to above Patrick O'Brien surname de Lacy, and the Tsar Alexander I to combine the two names in one: O'Brien de Lacy.

The nomination to named Antoni Tyzenhauz / Antoni Tyzenhaus SENIOR, was connected with the construction by Stanisław August the KING, of his own party; probably [JOZEF] PROZOR recommended Antoni Tyzenhauz, under whose leadership he worked at that time (and also in 1775 and 1776) in the Treasury Commission of LITHUANIA.

Konstanty Tyzenhauz born in 1786, in Zoludek, Count, landowner, painter, was the son of Ignacy TYZENHAUZ and Anna / Marianna Bieganska. Waleria Tyzenhauz, born Wankowicz, in 1800 / 1805 - 1841 / 1843, was the daughter of Antoni Wankowicz and Anna Soltan b. 1780.
Waleria WANKOWICZ married Konstanty Tyzenhauz in 1822.
Ignacy Tyzenhauz b. 1760, d. 1822, General major of Lithuania.
IGNACY was the son of Michal Ludwik Tyzenhauz.

KAZIMIERZ Tyzenhauz / Kazimieras Tyzenhauzas [see above] b. ca 1740 - son of Benedykt Tyzenhauz SENIOR - was the husband of Barbara Gielgud, and father of ZOFIA Tyzenhauziene. Kazimierz Tyzenhauz was the brother of
Barbara Wawrzecka;
Benedykta Niezabitowska;
Aleksandra Anna Morykoni;
Teresa Tyzenhauz, and
Magdalena Maria Ewa Walewska.

Named above Magdalena Maria Ewa Tyzenhauz-Walewska, was the wife of Anastazy Walewski / Colonna-Walewski, b. ca 1730/1733, died in 1815 in Walewice [or Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815], close to Lowicz. Atanazy Colonna-Walewski was the son of Józef Kazimierz Walewski and Ludwika;
husband of Magdalena Maria Ewa Tyzenhauz
and Joanna PULASKI daughter of Jozef PULASKI;
ex-husband of Marie d'Ornano; father of Ksawery Walewski, Teresa Walewska, Józefa Witkowska and Antoni Bazyli Rudolf Walewski; brother of Teodora Walewska.

Named above Anna nee Pulaska / Joanna Pulaska, b. 1742 in Grabowo, was the daughter of Józef Pulaski; she was the sister of KAZIMIERZ PULASKI / Casimir Pulaski, the US Revolutionary Hero, the Polish conspirator.

In 2013 / 2014, the first on the world I show very interesting network!
Lenin and Inessa Armand, Duflon, nobility from Scotland, Italy, Ireland, France, Switzerland, the German noble families in Estonia.
This military - political intelligence network has a different appearance depending on, which side you watch from. It's like the external universe, which expands. It has a chaotic structure, but only to the viewers. For top executives of the network, it is extremely bright and clear. It works like clockwork.
Time passes, and this network is expanding, as the universe, at that time some stars turning pale, faded and disappeared.

The underground structure has clearly defined objectives at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries:
1. call up the chaos in Europe;
2. to bring the continental war;
3. overthrow of the Romanovs in Russia;
4. lead to anarchy in Russia;
5. starting the war between the invaders, who take away the Polish independence;
6. pulling the western countries into the war, and in due time also America.

The network in the 18th to 21st cent. The intelligences networks.
Overarching objectives are at the beginning of the 20th cent.:
1. Polish independence,
2. The independence of the Baltic States;
3. The creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Tools to achieve these goals are:
1. The money from the Scottish, Jewish and American banks; revenue from the Mediterranean trade - Marseille, Greece, Naples, Crimea; and plantations in Ceylon and from the Asian trade - Ceylon, India, Japan;
2. the use of secret non-goverment organisations (NGOs) in Europe and America;
3. The creation of favorable underground structures inside the intelligence networks of Western Europe and American countries.

Very interesting on line:
Chodzko - Oginski - Breguet - Konstantynowicz - Schaub - Gilliard - Duflon - Armand.

And now let's see how my genealogical research began, and not only those - in 1987 - and how it connects to the Artusov / Артур Христианович Артузов / Фраучи and Vernadsky! This short preface to my domain was formed 19 and on 20th April 2015, but its extensive fragments are also to read in the so-called 'Part 2 - Intelligence...'. So I invite you to read how somebody can create an history image omitting the historical facts...

"...The Trust's young mastermind, A. H. Artuzov / Артур Христианович Артузов (Фраучи), in his thirties at the peak of the operation, was a cousin of Potapov. Originally named Renucci or Fraucci, Artuzov is said by most sources to have returned to Russia from Genoa only on the eve of the Revolution, while the Soviets' fictionalized biography of Artuzov acknowledges that he was of Italo-Swiss ancestry. When Potapov was the Trust's emissary to Western Europe in the 1920s, he supposedly fooled the Russian aristocrats abroad into believing he was the representative of an anti-Bolshevik underground. Yet, as emigre chronicler of the Trust S. L. Voitsekhovsky had to admit, it was incomprehensible, how his contemporaries, his former superiors and colleagues, could have believed in the sincerity of his monarchical views. ... The Trust of the spies and provocateurs, as the above shows, turns out to be a microcosm of a much bigger East­West complex, whose strategic outlook was best stated by the infamous Toynbee in 1974. ... Cheka chief Dzerzhinsky wore another hat, as chairman of the Supreme Council for the National Economy, which allowed him to deal directly with the Western members of this larger Trust...".
Copyright of above quotation:
EIR Volume 15, Number 3, January 15, 1988; © 1988 EIR News Service Inc., All Rights Reserved. A Fresh Look at the February Revolution. New KGB skirts history lessons... by Aleln and Rachel Douglas.
"John Dziak leads the IASC's work on technology security, strategic denial and deception and countermeasures. He has served over three decades as a senior intelligence officer and an executive in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and in the Defense Intelligence Agency, with long experience in weapons proliferation intelligence, counterintelligence, strategic intelligence, global countermeasures and intelligence education. He is the author of the award-winning, Chekisty: A History of the KGB (1987), numerous other books, articles, and monographs, the most recent of: which is The Military Relationship Between China and Russia, 1995-2002 (2002), and is currently preparing a book on counterintelligence. Dr. Dziak is fluent in Russian. Dr. Dziak is co-founder and President of Dziak Group, Inc., a consulting firm in the fields of technology transfer, intelligence, counterintelligence and security, and national security affairs with clients in industry and the Intelligence Community. Dr. Dziak is an Adjunct Professor at the National Defense Intelligence College".
"... A. H. Artuzov, in his thirties at the peak of the operation, was a cousin of Potapov. Originally named Renucci or Fraucci, Artuzov is said by most sources to have it returned Russia from Genoa only on the eve of the Revolution, while the Soviet's fictionalized biography of Artuzov acknowledges that he was of Italo - Swiss ancestry. When Potapov was the Trust's emissary is Western Europe in the 1920s, he supposedly the Russian aristocrats fooled into believing abroad he was the representative of an anti-Bolshevik underground".
In this quotation, however, is a mistake. Characteristic that appeared to it in the years 1987 and 1988.
Recently in 1987, I started by solving puzzles and political genealogy around my Konstantynowicz family in Poland and Russia.
In the first period October 1987 - September 1989 I recognized the immediate environment of our family Konstantynowicz, maybe 200 people; unfortunately it 'coincided' with the death of my father on November 3, 1987; buried 09 November 1987.
Curiosity! The webpage 'Executive Intelligence Review www.larouchepub.com/.../eirv15n03-1988011' was founded on 21 November 1987, but EIR, Executive Intelligence Review, was ed. on January 15, 1988, vol. 15, No 3. EIR: Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. and Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos, Editor: Nora Hamerman. EIR is published by New Solidarity International Press Service. Executive Intelligence Review is a newsmagazine founded in 1974 by the American political activist Lyndon LaRouche. The article "New KGB history skirts lessons of the...", by Aleln and Rachel Douglas, is on "A History of the KGB" by John J. Dziak, Lexington Books, 1987, 234 pages. 'Chekisty: The KGB...' was ed. the first by 'Free Press' on 28 September 1987, and again on 01 January 1988 by this publisher. The Lexington Books edited this book in October 1987, but second publisher 'Ballantine Books' ed. on October 31, 1988.
(Some on Lyndon LaRouche: "...an internationally known economist, and his exceptional successes as a long-range forecaster, are the outgrowths of his original discoveries of physical principle, dating from a project conducted during the 1948-1952 interval". Acc. to http://www.larouchepub.com/larouche_biography.
"In his subsequent search for a metrical standard for this treatment of the functional role of cognition, he adopted the Leibniz-Gauss-Riemann standpoint, as represented by Bernhard Riemann's 1854 habilitation dissertation. Hence, the employment of Riemannian conceptions to LaRouche's own discoveries became known as the LaRouche-Riemann Method. That work was further enriched by his study of the Riemannian biogeophysicist Vladimir Vernadsky, whose concepts play a major role in LaRouche's scientific work".
At https://larouchepac.com/vernadsky we read: "Throughout the work of Ukrainian-Russian [Pole] biogeochemist Vladimir Vernadsky, we find a powerful argument for why processes on Earth, and in the Universe, are organized according to a top-down principle of life, and, even higher, human cognition. This is a concept found throughout the writings and speeches of economist Lyndon LaRouche, who has often referenced the work of Vernadsky".
Vernadsky's life's work ended up culminating in a similar investigation, of the unique distinction of man from animal, something Vernadsky approached from the standpoint of a biogeochemist. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky wrote 'Revolutionary Theory of the Biosphere and the Noosphere'.
Irina Trubetskova of the Department of Natural Resources, University of New Hampshire: After years of silence, the West finally started to discover and scientifically recognize a prominent Russian researcher, organizer of science, educator, public figure, person of encyclopedic knowledge, philosopher, and thinker - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, a genius that belongs to all of humanity.
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky b. 28 February 1863, was a Ukrainian / Polish and Soviet mineralogist and geochemist who is considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and of radiogeology, founder of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. In 1943 he was awarded the Stalin Prize.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Wernadski, Modzelewski and Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz family in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia.

At http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/cult/larouche
informed by By John Mintz from Washington Post, on January 14, 1985:
It was January 1974, and Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr., the leader of a left-wing sect, was telling his followers why they had to believe his story that one of them had been brainwashed by the Soviet secret police. ... The story of how Lyndon LaRouche transformed himself from Marxist theoretician to red-white-and-blue conservative in 10 years is a tale of a political chameleon. ... He has taken with him on his ideological journey a worldwide organization that follows his every instruction and mimics his every political twist and turn, according to interviews with former LaRouche associates and experts on the group, as well as the group's internal documents. ... his organization, known as the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC), according to interviews with former NCLC members, others familiar with its activities, published reports and an examination of the group's internal documents, some of which were filed in a recent libel suit in Alexandria. ... A top associate, Nancy Spannaus ... LaRouche associates point to the Schiller Institute's sometimes large conferences as evidence that his followers do not constitute a cult. ... Paul Goldstein, a top LaRouche aide, said descriptions of the group as a cult come from former members who "have gotten burned out because of the pressure" of outsiders' attacks.
Another source: Right-Wing Populism in America: Too Close for Comfort by Chip Berlet and Matthew N. Lyons, New York: Guilford Press, 2000: ...Though often dismissed as a bizarre political cult, the LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist movement whose pronouncements echo elements of Nazi ideology. Beginning in the 1970s, the LaRouchites combined populist antielitism with attacks on leftists, environmentalists, feminists ... They developed an idiosyncratic, coded variation on the Illuminati Freemason and Jewish banker conspiracy theories. ... A former Trotskyist, Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., founded the National Caucus of Labor Committees (NCLC) in 1968 as an offshoot of the radical student movement. But in the early 1970s, LaRouche engineered a political about-face, using cult pressure tactics to consolidate his grip over the NCLC and initiating a campaign of physical attacks on Communists and Black nationalists...
During the 1970s and 1980s, the LaRouchites built an international network for spying and propaganda, with links to the upper levels of government, business... The LaRouchites traded information with intelligence agencies in the United States, South Africa, East Germany, and elsewhere. ... Food for Peace and the Schiller Miezonka
Institute, and put out such publications as New Solidarity (later The New Federalist) and Executive Intelligence Review. In 1976 LaRouche's original electoral arm, the U.S. Labor Party (USLP), published a conspiracist attack on President Jimmy Carter...
In 1989, LaRouche was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for mail fraud conspiracy, based on illegal and manipulative fund-raising practices, as well as tax evasion. His organization continued to operate while he was in prison...
At Metapedia.org:
... LaRouchism, also known as the LaRouche movement, is an idiosyncratic political movement based on the views of Lyndon LaRouche, an American political activist. ... the LaRouche movement has attracted a significant amount of Jews (Anton Chaitkin, Jeffrey Steinberg, Paul Goldstein, Phil Rubinstein, Harley Schlanger and others). ...
Gregory Rose, a former chief of counter-intelligence for LaRouche who became an FBI informant in 1973, said that while the LaRouche movement had extensive links to the Liberty Lobby, there was also copious evidence of a connection to the Soviet Union. George and Wilcox say neither connection amounted to much-they assert that LaRouche was "definitely not a Soviet agent", by Wikipedia.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche founded the Schiller Institute in Germany in 1984. In the same year, LaRouche was able to raise enough money to purchase 14 television spots, at a cost of $330,000 each.
By http://www.lyndonlarouche.org/fascism19.htm:
"...Between February 1982 and February 1983, with the approval of the National Security Council, LaRouche met with Soviet embassy representative Evgeny Shershnev. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld reported in his 2011 memoir that at a 2001 dinner in Russia with leading officials, he was told by General Yuri Baluyevsky, then the second highest-ranking officer in the Russian military, that LaRouche was the brains behind SDI. ... In 2012 the former head of the Russian bureau of Interpol, General Vladimir Ovchinsky, also described LaRouche as the man who proposed the SDI. ... The LaRouche organization's relationship with the Soviet Union ranged beyond military and scientific matters. Former NCLC intelligence staffer Kevin Coogan writes that in 1979 LaRouche met in West Germany with Julian Semenov, a Soviet spy novelist widely believed to be linked to the KGB. Semenov asked the LaRouchians to investigate the disappearance of a czarist treasure looted by the Nazis. The LaRouchians found no treasure, but they did publish an EIR teaser about it. They also published an article by Semenov on the Kennedy assassination. Predictably, he speculated that Peking was involved. Another key Soviet contact was Ioni Andronov, a correspondent for Literaturnaya Gazeta. Andronov frequently chatted with Paul Goldstein, whom he occasionally quoted as a counterintelligencc expert. In one interview Goldstein told Andronov he thought the so-called Bulgarian role in the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul was a hoax. On this point he was probably right, but he went on to suggest that the CIA might have been involved - an allegation for which there is no evidence whatsoever. ... According to Coogan, the LaRouchians met regularly with Soviet officials in Washington as late as 1983. The LaRouchians claim they provided reports on these contacts to Judge Clark's office at the NSC. Whatever the truth, LaRouchian publications until the death of Leonid Brezhnev displayed a certain degree of affection for hard-line Stalinism because of its no-nonsense attitude toward Zionists and other dissenters and its commitment to central economic planning. New Solidarity's obituary on Brezhnev praised him as a "nation builder" and avoided any mention of his invasions of Czechoslovakia and Afghanistan. Thereafter, as LaRouche became more heavily involved in supporting Star Wars and NATO, the NCLC line changed. Moscow became the "Third Rome," a center of unremitting Russian Orthodox evil. When Gorbachev took power, the LaRouchians said he was the Antichrist. The Soviets in turn took serious note for the first time of LaRouche's West European political intrigues. In the wake of the 1986 assassination of Olof Palme, the Soviet press depicted the LaRouchians as the prime suspects. ... LaRouche countered that the KGB did it, a charge for which there was no more rhyme or reason than Goldstein's allegations about the CIA and the Pope. Meanwhile, LaRouche claimed that the October 1986 government raid on his headquarters in Virginia was Soviet-inspired. According to LaRouche, when Reagan and Gorbachev met in Iceland, Gorbachev delivered an ultimatum: Either you get rid of LaRouche or there'll be no arms deal. In Paris, LaRouche sued the pro-glasnost Soviet magazine New Times for calling him a "Nazi without the swastika." It was basically the same suit he had brought repeatedly without success in American courts. The pro-glasnost Soviet magazine chose to play by Western legal rules: They mounted an aggressive courtroom defense, entering LaRouche's own writings as evidence. The Paris High Court rejected LaRouche's suit and ordered him to pay costs as well as damages to the magazine and its distributors...").

We back to my work. Then came the period of 1990 - 2002, I met Georgia, Russia, etc, but mostly tens people of Poland and other countries has granted me accurate genealogical data, and not just about family Konstantynowicz; thanks to this I could - in 1992 - provide a working thesis of particular importance: "in our family was someone on the top of the Soviet military intelligence" , and our family Konstantynowicz moved in Tsarist Russia very close to the Russian intelligence core. The parts it turned out to be true; I am writing that only partially, because the key person was a Swiss with Italian - Estonian origin, and this man had no affinity with our family, but was created by the military system, whose my Konstantynowicz family was a part: in Miezonka, Swolna, Moscow, Estonia, St. Petersburg, Kazan, the Vaud canton and the nearby Swiss villages, Riga. This search took me 27 years, but it took 20 years to Stalin it came up on the trail military conspiracy in May 1937 - probably as long, because the key person - Artusov surely created a Soviet counterintelligence, and next he took the position as head of civilian intelligence, then deputy head of the military intelligence of the Soviet Union. In the period February 2003 to date (31 January 2014) in 2014, communicate to all with the help of Yahoo servers in California, knowledge on the history and genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family, by using further of the factual help my readers .

Sebastian Rybarczyk, journalist and publicist, specializes in the history of special services, at 'historia.focus.pl/swiat/' on January 15, 2014 write about Artuzow
(my webpage was writing on Artuzow on January the 01st, 2014 and on 08th January, 2014):
"...Strange that he did not defend himself, using his knowledge of the most senior (Soviet) leaders, eg, at early 20s (of the 20th cent.) he was responsible for the 'protection' of Clare Sheridan - an attractive young British sculptor, Churchill's cousin and lover of Trotsky and Kamenev, the personal enemies of Stalin...".
Well, unfortunately, I lost on 02 January 2014 the previous workplace.

Part 1 - Intelligence. Scotland, Ireland, Estonia, Switzerland, Russia. Bolshevik Revolution 1917. Key note.

Part 2 - Intelligence. Scotland, Ireland, Estonia, Switzerland, Russia. Bolshevik Revolution 1917. Key note.

Espionage and intelligence in Russia 1772, 1914, 1917, 1937, 1989.

  Inf. about my domain on 05 July 2013. Domain ID: D29088334-LRMS; Domain Name: KONSTANTYNOWICZ.INFO; Created On: 17-Jul-2009; Sponsoring Registrar: Melbourne IT Ltd. R141-LRMS / Afilias Global Registry Services; Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 13 (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, IANA, is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. http://www.iana.org/; Registrar IDs: 13 Melbourne IT, Ltd); Status: CLIENT TRANSFER PROHIBITED. Registrant ID: A124775697444322; Registrant Name: Bogdan Konstantynowicz. Private Registration US: PO Box 61359, Sunnyvale, California CA 94088, United States. Phone: +1.5105952002. Billing Name: PrivateRegContact Bill and Billing ID: A124775697444321. Webserver: YTS/1.19.8 and / or YTS/1.17.13; Server Information - Apache Traffic Server, Nameserver Provider - Yahoo DNS, Hosting Provider - Yahoo.

But November the 30th, 2015 my domain and Web Hosting is closed down. Temporary I believe. Webpages are working to July 2015. Maybe longer.

Provider Host: UNKNOWN-216-39-62-X.yahoo.com; host: X-Host : p4w12.geo.ac4.yahoo.com or / and p4p2.geo.re4.yahoo.com. Email Services - Yahoo! Business Email, Analytics and Tracking - Google Analytics, Yahoo Web Analytics, Yahoo Geocities Analytics. Content Delivery Network - Yahoo Image CDN. 4 Name Servers: (dns1.domaincontrol.com, dns2.domaincontrol.com) yns1.yahoo.com, yns2.yahoo.com, ns8.san.yahoo.com, ns9.san.yahoo.com. The YTS/1 server, its IP Number is; a ping speed test response, is timed at 35.0 ms. A different inf. in 2015: 1. Konstantynowicz.info is hosted in Quincy, Washington, US at; Washington, Quincy, United States, 98848. Quincy is located near the center of Washington State just 10 miles North of I-90. Microsoft, Yahoo! and Intuit built large data centers within the Quincy area between 2006 and 2008. Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) and Microsoft (MSFT) Corp. announced they would build huge new Internet data centers in the area. These are the facilities that house vast 'server farms' comprising computers and other gear to handle the flow of traffic on the Net. 2. the server IP (YTS/1.19.8 - located country United States, Sunnyvale, Server IP Address IP belongs to ISP UUNET TECHNOLOGIES INC, ISP domain: UU.NET, The company provides Internet logins and application services. UUNET Technologies, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Verizon Business. It started in 1983 as Bell Atlantic in Philadelphia). Tech ID: B124776876905430. IP-address: or - Sunnyvale - California - United States. IP History: 5 changes on 5 unique IP addresses over 4 years. Reverse IP: 248,970 other sites hosted on this server. This domain use cookies but only minimal privacy data should be saved and use the official Platform for Privacy Preferences Project. Search Engine Indexes GOOGLE, YAHOO, BING. Who is History: 45 records have been archived since 2009-09-28. Global traffic rank for the 'konstantynowicz.info' web page: 24,741,662 View Site in 2010 and Alexa Rank: 10.900.993 in July 2011; Alexa Rank: 6.757.845 in August 2011. The site home page speed: 0.15 seconds - very fast. The partial statistics of my four addresses of the Domain, with two subdomains since 17 July 2009 to 17 September 2012: 64.505 (to 27 November 2012 - 71.619; to 01/02 Febr. 2013 - 78020). Statistic of the Domain 01 January 2013 to 11 June 2013: 16633. All five 'geocities' since March 2003 to 26th October 2009 - 43.600. All at the Yahoo servers only and since March 2003 to 17th September 2012 - 108.105. The partial statistic of my four addresses of the Domain, with two subdomains since 17 July 2009 to 01 December 2011: circa 42668. Charset: windows- 1250.

The genealogy and history of the noble Kiedrzynski family.

November 2013 to July 2014 - new websites on the genealogy and history of the noble Konstantynowicz family in Russia 1772 - 1918, Poland 1918 - 1939 and next at a Polish territory 1939 - 2014.

konstantynowicz.info welcome. Bogdan Konstantynowicz - Historia, genealogia, biografia: USA, Europa, Polska i Rosja. Globalizm i globalizacja. Genealogia i historia rodziny Konstantynowicz. Archiwum - genealogia - biografia - historia - encyklopedia. Bogdan Konstantynowicz - globalizm i globalizacja. Genealogy and history of the Konstantynowicz noble family. History of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Poland, Latvia and Estonia. The Russian conspiracy intelligence network - globalism and globalization. Konstantynowicz Bogdan.

Europe 1789 - 1937. Belarusian, Estonian, Polish and Russian genealogical and historical database.

F.  W. Rose, A Serio-Comic Map of the Year 1877,  London:  G.  W. Bacon & Co., British Library; 
 an earlier Dutch map at the University of Amsterdam upon which this map is based is identical 
except for the wounded tentacle.    A later Rose map, even more obviously depicting the British 
perspective, is  'John Bull and his Friends' from 1900 in which John Bull (Great Britain) faces a  
continent full of hostile, disinterested, or preoccupied  'friends' and an even more threatening 
octopus-Russia, reaching out in all directions. On the eve of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-5), 
a Japanese take on the Serio-Comic map shifts the focus decidedly eastward and portrays Russia as the 
black octopus. And for a completely contrary view, a Japanese print self-identifies with the 
octopus after the war commenced with the Battle of Port Arthur.   Copyright by  

Polonia, Polonya, Poland, Polska, Polen.
Józef Piłsudski and Feliks Dzierżyński genealogy. Database for konstantynowicz.info. The noble Konstantinovich family history: Switzerland, Estonia, Belarus, Poland and Russia 1772 - 1939. Family Pilar Pilchau, Pilsudski, Dzierzynski / Dzerzhinsky, Bulhak and underground independence movement in Belarus and Lithuania in the years around 1885 to 1920. Trubeckoj and Konstantynowicz in Estonia and Belarus. Duflon, Breguet, Armand in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century - until 1918. Hacker, Reppman, Schilling and Benkendorff from Estonia.

Józef Piłsudski and Feliks Dzierżyński genealogy. Database for konstantynowicz.info. The noble Konstantinovich family history: Switzerland, Estonia, Belarus, Poland and Russia 1772 - 1939. Family Pilar Pilchau, Pilsudski, Dzierzynski / Dzerzhinsky, Bulhak and underground independence movement in Belarus and Lithuania in the years around 1885 to 1920. Trubeckoj and Konstantynowicz in Estonia and Belarus. Duflon, Breguet, Armand in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century - until 1918. Hacker, Reppman, Schilling and Benkendorff from Estonia.

Rody szlacheckie Pilsudski, Dzierzynski, Pilar Pilchau, Bulhak, oraz genealogiczne i historyczne dane dla domeny konstantynowicz.info - historia i genealogia rodziny Konstantynowicz. The noble Konstantinovich family history. Switzerland, Estonia, Belarus, Poland and Russia 1772 - 1939. Family Pilar Pilchau, Pilsudski, Dzierzynski / Dzerzhinsky, Bulhak and underground independence movement in Belarus and Lithuania in the years around 1885 to 1920. Trubeckoj and Konstantynowicz in Estonia and Belarus. Duflon, Breguet, Armand in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century - until 1918. Hacker, Reppman, Schilling and Benkendorff from Estonia.

Historia i genealogia rodziny Konstantynowicz. The noble Konstantinovich family history. Switzerland, Estonia, Belarus, Poland and Russia 1772 - 1939. Family Pilar Pilchau, Pilsudski, Dzierzynski / Dzerzhinsky, Bulhak and underground independence movement in Belarus and Lithuania in the years around 1885 to 1920. Trubeckoj and Konstantynowicz in Estonia and Belarus. Duflon, Breguet, Armand in Tsarist Russia in the nineteenth century - until 1918. Hacker, Reppman, Schilling and Benkendorff from Estonia.

Pilar Pilchau and Artuzow Frautchi: the Soviet military intelligence and the noble Konstantinovich family history. Switzerland, Estonia and the Lenin Revolution in November 1917 in Russia.

Renucci or Fraucci / Frauchi / Artuzov and the Great Purge 1937 in Soviet Union. The Russian military intelligence and the noble Konstantinovich family history. Switzerland, Estonia and the Lenin Revolution in November 1917 in Russia. Here is a key information to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family.

Switzerland and  Estonia  -  military intelligence in  Russia

The Russian military intelligence to 1918 and radio-intelligence (Sweden, Russia, Estonia, Poland) at the beginning of the 20th century. "...August 1931 to May 1935, Artuzov was the head of OGPU foreign intelligence / INO. May 1934 until early 1937, Artuzov was also deputy head of the IV Directorate of the Staff of the RKKA / the Soviet military intelligence / later GRU (to the IV Directorate from May 25, 1934; his raport to Stalin on June 23, 1934). On January 11, 1937, Artuzov was dismissed from his position as deputy head of the Soviet military intelligence. Artuzov wrote to Stalin on January 17, 1937. Artuzov was then sent back to the GUGB NKVD, was the head of archival department. On May 13, 1937, he was arrested...".

All on the life of the noble Konstantinovich family in tsarist Russia 1772 to 1918. The Duflon and Konstantinovich Company 1892 - 1918 in tsarist Russia. The Breguet Company and Edward Brown of Clerkenwell in Russia.

Cryptography, ciphers, radio and telegraph in Sweden, Switzerland, Russia (Nobel, Damm, Hagelin and Schilling) in 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The Breguet Company and Edward Brown of Clerkenwell.

Cryptography, ciphers, radio and telegraph. History on the noble Constantinovich family in Russia in 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The Breguet Company and Duflon & Constantinovich Company 1892 - 1918.

The noble Konstantynowicz family in new Poland 1945 - 2013.

Breguet, Brown, Masson, Rey, Armand, Constantinowitz / Konstantynowicz, Duflon and history of research on telegraph, radio and electricity. Deka Company in Petersburg, Moscow and Zaporoze - Russian engines and airplanes.

Table of contents for pages of the plane crash in Smolensk on 10 April 2010:
 First page to 12 August 2010
Second page
Third page
Fourth page
Fifth page
Sixth page
Seventh page
Page No 9 - April 2013.

Druga Konferencja Smolenska 21 i 22 pazdziernika 2013 roku w Warszawie

Katastrofa samolotu w Smolensku 10 kwietnia 2010 roku - czesc jedenasta. Sledztwo polskie w 2014 roku.

Konferencja naukowa 22 pazdziernika 2012 - Katastrofa Smolenska 2010. Wnioski ze sledztwa. Wypadek lotniczy, jego przyczyny i przebieg - Smolensk 2010 rok. Czesc szosta.

Sledztwa polskie w sprawie katastrofy samolotu rzadowego w Smolensku w 2010 roku. Wypadek lotniczy, jego przyczyny i przebieg - Smolensk 2010 rok. Czesc siodma.

Genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich, Troubetskoy, Bagration-Gruzinski, Kalinowski, Oginski, Paszkowski, Dyuflon, Staroch Siedoch, Armand, Pociej, Radziwill and Piottuch Kublicki family in the 18th and 19th centuries in Russia, Estonia and Belarus.

Wrzesien 1939 roku. New!

Duflon Company, Miezonka and 'Nadberezyncy' - new maps

Nadberezyncy, Florian Czarnyszewicz. New map south of Miezonka.

The noble Konstantynowicz family in new Poland 1945 - 2013.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Ca 1800 to 1951, Miezonka - destroyed noble catholic village 1937 before 1951. Genealogy and history of the Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz.

Photos of the Polish noble village Miezonka - genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich family in the 19th century in Russia and Belarus. Part one.

Photos of the Polish noble village Miezonka - genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich family in the 19th century in Russia and Belarus. Part two.

Photos of the Polish noble village Miezonka - genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich family in the 19th century in Russia and Belarus. Part three.

Photos of the Polish noble village Miezonka - genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich family in the 19th century in Russia and Belarus. Part four.

Photos of the Polish noble village Miezonka - genealogy and history of the Konstantinovich family in the 19th century in Russia and Belarus. Part five.

Dyrektywa Ogolna Naczelnego Wodza Marszalka Edwarda Rydza Smiglego - godz. 14.30 dnia 17 wrzesnia 1939 roku, jako konsekwencja Tajnego Zalacznika do Paktu Ribbentrop - Molotow z dnia 23 sierpnia 1939 roku.

Korpus gen. Dowbor Musnickiego na Bialorusi 1917 / 1918


Berezyna na Bialorusi

The Roman Catholic parish in Bialynicze / Bialynitchy; рымска-каталіцкая парафія ў Бялынічах

New photos of the Miezonka catholic Cemetery / Mieżonki / Мяжонка / Мяжонкі Cmentarz stary katolicki wieś Mieżonka, rejon białynicki, Rep. Bialorus, zdjęcia Аляксей Мацеша/ Aleksei Macesza

Rodzina szlachecka Wankowicz w parafii Berezyna ihumenska na Bialorusi The Wankowicz family  in the Berezyna parish, Belarus.

Here you can to acquaint with information about former Ihumen district and with data on the Polish in the parish of Berezino. Here there are details with Brzezinski family from Livland. It's a large part devoted to Polish senior officers in Tsarist Army and which next served for the 1st Polish Corps in Belarus in 1917 - 1918, and also part with information about the Corps of Balachowicz in 1920. 

Parafia Berezyna ihumenska na Bialorusi

About My Domain

WOT Reputation Scorecard

Zbrojna agresja Zwiazku Sowieckiego na Polske we wrzesniu 1939 roku a stan wojny z Sowietami po 1939. Soviet aggression on Poland in 1939 and a state of war with the Soviet Union after 17 September 1939.

General Władysław Eugeniusz Sikorski

Zamach stanu generala Wladyslawa Sikorskiego we wrzesniu 1939 roku. The coup d'etat by General Wladyslaw Sikorski in September 1939

Tlo polityczne dzialan zbrojnych we wrzesniu i w pazdzierniku 1939 roku

Analiza wydarzen politycznych towarzyszacych dzialaniom zbrojnym po agresji sowieckiej na Polske 17 wrzesnia 1939 roku

Oswiej, Oswieja, Oświeja, Асвея

Oswieja - parafia p.w. Sw. Marii Magdaleny

The list of participants in the uprising 1863 - 1864, exiled to Western Siberia

Anastasia Konstantinovich / Константинович Настасья born ca 1837 and Piotr Konstantinovich / Константинович Петр born ca 1833.


Glowne walki z Sowietami 1939

Jency polscy w niewoli sowieckiej 1939

Author Bogdan Konstantynowicz Appendix C on 22 March 2003; text - Polish language 

Agresja Zwiazku Sowieckiego na Polske w 1939 roku

from now on at the address: Kampania wrzesniowa 1939   Warszawa przeciwko sowietom 1939

from now on at the address: Kampania wrzesniowa podczas agresji Zwiazku Sowieckiego na Polske   

Author Bogdan Konstantynowicz Appendix on 12th January 2010 with text by Polish language  

Agresja Zwiazku Sowieckiego na Polske 17 wrzesnia 1939 roku

Wojna Obronna we wrzesniu i pazdzierniku 1939 roku w Polsce

Druga bitwa pod Tomaszowem Lubelskim - wrzesien 1939 roku

Bitwa generala Franciszka Kleeberga pod Kockiem i Lukowem - wrzesien i pazdziernik 1939 roku

Here you can to read about the Second Battle of Tomaszow Lubelski on 21st September - 28th September 1939. 

Ho gegrapha, gegrapha!

new maps!!

Copyright by 'Moikrewni.pl'

Konstantinovich from Lithuania and Belarus

Dyuflon / Duflon & Konstantynowicz Company 1892 - 1918

Завод Дюфлон, Константинович и Ко. - Dyuflon / Duflon / Dufflon and Konstantynowicz - Deka Company in St Petersburg 1892 - 1918, Moscow and Zaporoze 1907 - 1918

Here you can to read about noble ancestries deriving from former Mscislau province, DEKA Company in Russia 1912  mainly there are Polish and Byelorussian families, e.g. about Holynski, Wollowicz, Puszkin, Brujewicz, Polubinski, Hurko and others. An information on Polish exiles in Siberia are at the website, too. Also about Polish rebellion near by the Lake Baikal in 1866. Here is description of the January Insurrection 1863 in the Ihumen (Cerven) district and also in the Mahileu government; and theory about the Fox and Pielesz coats of arms in the Grand duchy of Lithuania. 

more about the Berezyna parish and the Konstantynowiczs at Siberia

The Baikal Insurrection in Siberia 1866

Polecam przeczytac:

Radiowywiad nie tylko polski

Nie tylko 'Enigma' ... Piotr Wodziński, maj 2011

Szaniawski, Polska między historią a geopolityką. Tajny epizod USA - Polska

Appendix A

The Balachowicz Corps 1920

Pogon Litewska

Korpus generala Stanislawa Balachowicza w 1920 roku na Bialorusi

Tallinn, Pskov, Toropiec 1917 - 1920.

Our roots from Grand Duchy of Lithuania


Armia generala Balachowicza 1920

Raport Zespolu Parlamentarnego Macierewicza z dnia 10 wrzesnia 2012 roku. Wnioski ze sledztwa. Wypadek lotniczy, jego przyczyny i przebieg - Smolensk 2010 rok. Czesc piata.

Katastrofa samolotu w Smolensku dnia 10 kwietnia 2010, czesc czwarta. Teoria dwoch wstrzasow lub dwoch wybuchow wedlug zespolu Maciarewicza.

Wypadek lotniczy, jego przyczyny i przebieg - Smolensk 2010 rok. Czesc czwarta. Dwa wstrzasy na pokladzie samolotu rzadowego dnia 10 kwietnia 2010 roku. Raport Maciarewicza z kwietnia 2012 roku.

Katastrofa samolotu w Smolensku dnia 10 kwietnia 2010

Wypadek lotniczy, jego przyczyny i przebieg - Smolensk 2010 rok


Smolensk 10 kwietnia 2010 roku

Katastrofa samolotu w Smolensku 2010 - czesc druga

Katyn 1940 - 1943 Smolensk 2010

Rosyjskie i polskie stanowisko w sprawie katastrofy lotniczej - Smolensk 10 kwietnia 2010 rok

® History of  the noble 



The Konstantynowicz / Konstantinavicius ancestry from Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Polska szlachta na Bialorusi - The Polish Nobility in Belarus

Here you will read about different lines and branches of the Konstantynowiczs from Lithuania (Konstantinavicius), Belarus, Latvia, Russia, Ukraine, Romania and now from Poland; and about emigrants in America and at others continents. This is my main homepage with references. Why not read that site? There are very interesting data about DEKA air company from St Petersburg, about the Boncz Brujewicz family and on my grandfather - Tsarist and Polish soldier in 1912/1916 - 1947. At every websites you will find out information about Szostak, Zbieranowski and Malkiewicz families, and also interesting links to genealogical sites and into historical pages. 

The Fox coat of arms 

in the Grand duchy of Lithuania  The Fox coat of arms

Fox crest

Herb Lis na Bialorusi i rod Konstantinavicius / Kanstancinovič (full information on the Fox coat of arms)

Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz, Trubetzkoy / Troubetskoy / Trubecki, Orlov-Denisov / Orlow Denisow, Bagrationi / Bagration-Gruzinski / Bagration Gruzinsky, Pashkovsky / Paszkowski, Duflon / Dyuflon, Siedych / Sedoch / Staroch-Siedoch, Armand, Demonets / Demonet in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia

Part ten - Autumn 2011

Part eleven - Autumn 2012, the first page

The Photos Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2012 - part twelve, Autumn 2012 Poland - second page

The Photos Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part nine. HQ

The Photos Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part eight, birds

The Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part seven, Pieniny mountains

Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part six

Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part five

Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part four

Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part three

Pictures Exhibition of Andrzej Konstantynowicz in 2011 - part two

Pictures Exhibition of 'konstantynowicz.info' 2010

more about the Bolsheviks and capitalists and about Lenin and the German military intelligence service

Lenin's funds in Russia and capitalists

Lenin's funds in Russia and the German military intelligence service - part 1.

Lenin's funds in Russia and the German military intelligence service - part 2: Alexander = Helphand vel Parvus (from Berezyna / Berezino) and also Hanecki and Mecheslav Yulevich Kozlovsky (Mieczyslaw Kozlowski son of Julian, a Bolshevik attorney, died in 1927, was described as the chief recipient of the German money that was transferred from Berlin through the Diskonto-Gesellschaft to the Stockholm Nya Banken and thence to the Siberian Bank in Petrograd) had been working for Parvus, Sklarz in Berlin, Karinsky, Bonch-Bruyevich, Lenin, Radek, and Vorovsky; Eugenia Mavrikievna Sumenson (Eugenia daughter of Maurycy, a woman relative of Hanecki), Svenson vel Hans Steinwachs, Alexinsky.

Lenin's funds in Russia and the German military intelligence service - part 3.


September 2008 / 02 February 2013

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The author is greatly indebted to all those who kindly supplied information. I inform all readers about statistic of my main website  18530 times on  June the 21st, 2009 and this page was made over 6 years ago on March 9th, 2003; my  five "geocities"  41410 times  (only single openings index.html), and were made in March 2003. The full statistic since March 2003 to 02nd December 2010: 64.902 (all five 'geocities' since March 2003 to 26th October 2009 - 43.600; and my Domain since 17 July 2009 to 02nd December 2010 - 21.302). My four addresses of the Domain, with subdomains since 17 July 2009 to 24/25 March 2011: 27.407. Yahoo! since 09th March 2003 to 28th January 2011: 67.838 - this is only single openings index.html on 02nd December 2010. Many thanks for your help. Osobom dyskutujacym w jezyku polskim - szczegolnie od 16 maja 2009 do 31 maja 2009 - w Internecie na temat moich stron, w tym o stronach poswieconych sowieckiej agresji na Polske w 1939 roku, pragne juz w kwietniu 2009 roku odpowiedziec w jezyku polskim: 1. dziekuje za obiektywizm i podawanie dodatkowych faktow z historii w: Sowieci pod Tomaszowem Lubelskim  Uwazajcie jednak na wlasne bledy, np. "regularna armia polska" to m.in. Front Polnocny, ktory toczyl wielodniowe boje z Armia Czerwoną; z Grupy Zieleniewskiego poszlo do radzieckiej niewoli tylko 10 tysiecy zolnierzy  z ogolnej liczby okolo 15000; Opoczno nie lezy nad Wisla i nie dotarli tam nigdy sowieci - moze chodzi komus o OPOLE LUBELSKIE blisko srodkowego odcinka Wisly w dniach 1 i 2 pazdziernika 1939 roku - ta raczej pomylkowa inf. o Opocznie funkcjonuje od ok. 15 lat! Co do walk o stacje Mrozy  na Mazowszu, to data 25 wrzesnia moze jeszcze dotyczyc Niemcow, ale to trzeba jeszcze sprawdzic!; 2. wyjasniam, ze wiedza historyczna, w obszarze nie ujawnianych z powodow politycznych faktow, rodzi sie takze z przeprowadzania krytyki zrodel, ich porownywania, logicznego wiazania ze soba rozlicznych wydarzen oraz interpretacji zrodel pisemnym i nawet ustnych - nazywamy to kwerenda i zazwyczaj trwa to pokolenie; 3. aby generalizowac opinie o 1939 roku trzeba wiele lat badac tysiace pojedynczych malych faktow - te bowiem starano sie ukrywac przez dziesiatki lat z paru powodow: A. otoz na terenie Polski toczyly sie trzy wojny - ta z Rzesza Niemiecka, wlasciwie poznana; wojna domowa rozpetana przez grupe politykow i wyzszych dowodcow, z ktorych czesc to otoczenie generala Sikorskiego. W 2011 roku jeden z polskich historykow podkresla, ze rola inspirujaca dzialania Francuzow do zamachu stanu we wrzesniu 1939 roku, nalezy zapewne do generala Wladyslawa Sikorskiego! Oraz trzecia wojna - z Sowietami, a nie z Rosją (prezydent Rosji Borys Jelcyn 25 sierpnia 1993 w Warszawie uzyl słowa "przepraszam" wobec całej Polski). Ponadto "strategiczne i polityczne skutki związania Wehrmachtu w Polsce zostały przekreślone przez Stalina. Sowieci uderzyli 17 września, a chociaż prowadzili operacje nieudolnie i ślamazarnie, skutek polityczny był natychmiastowy. Alianci zachodni, którzy 14 września zdecydowali się czasowo zawiesić główne działania zaczepne do momentu zakończenia koncentracji całości sił (co miało nastąpić miedzy 22 a 29 września) oraz do wyjaśnienia, czy główna część Wehrmachtu nie została w tym czasie przerzucona na zachód – zatrzymali 18 września wszystkie działania zaczepne na froncie zachodnim (jako ostatnie prowadzone na osi Metz-Trewir), a w początkach października ewakuowali zajęte wcześniej przedpola linii Zygfryda". B. drugi powod to spychanie na Niemcow ciezaru dzialan wojennych w 1939 roku, co jest nieprawda bo po 17 wrzesnia, a z calą pewnoscią po 20 wrzesnia, to Armia Czerwona prowadzila glowne boje z Polakami. Nie moglo byc inaczej, bowiem general niemiecki Jodl zeznal w Norymberdze, ze gdyby nie atak sowiecki, to Niemcom amunicja wyczerpalaby sie juz po dalszych 10 dniach walki z Polakami. Oznacza to date 27 wrzesnia i tak bylo np. pod Warszawa, gdzie amunicji do mozdzierzy Niemcom starczylo do rana 27 wrzesnia. Gdyby nie zminimalizowanie walk z Niemcami po 17 wrzesnia, a z cala pewnoscia po 20 wrzesnia 1939 roku - skutkiem ataku Armii Czerwonej od wschodu - to amunicji zabrakloby pod Warszawa jeszcze wczesniej. Pod Lwowem juz dnia 16 wrzesnia amunicji Niemcy mieli wyjatkowo malo, ale dzieki postawie Langnera przetrzymali kryzys, do dnia 20 wrzesnia, gdy Lwow otaczala juz Armia Czerwona. O braku bomb lotniczych tez napisano sporo - oczywiscie po stronie niemieckiej i to juz przed  atakiem Armii Czerwonej. Zas Polacy mieli zapasy zywnosci i amunicji na poltora miesiaca walk - to jest do 15 pazdziernika 1939 roku. ; 4. obecnosc Armii Czerwonej na przedpolu Pragi warszawskiej to opinia autora, ktora powstala na podstawie zrodel, danych posrednich i interpretacji dostepnego materialu, jak i na zwroceniu uwagi na to, co jest do chwili dzisiejszej nie publikowane - np. ruchy brygad pancernych sowieckich po ok. 24 / 25 wrzesnia 1939 roku, itd.; tak wiec informacja moja w Wikipedii o obecnosci Armii Czerwonej na przedmiesciach Pragi warszawskiej jest udokumentowana na tej stronie internetowej - wczytajcie sie w szczegoly; 5. bitwa pod Lukowem i Kockiem oraz Druga Bitwa pod Tomaszowem Lubelskim  - obie prowadzone glownie z Sowietami - to tematy tak oczywiste dla osob, ktore chociaz 10 lat gromadza o nich faktografie, ze jedynie podsune tutaj wszystkim pomysl wprowadzania do komputerowych baz danych, najdrobniejszych wydarzen, z uwzglednieniem godzin a nie dni, ze zwroceniem uwagi np. na to, ze wsie maja dwa krance - na jednym atakowali Sowieci, a z drugiego kranca wycofywali sie Niemcy, a miedzy nimi byli Polacy, to tylko dla przykladu...; 6. niestety trzeba czytac w kilku jezykach i trzeba przeczytac wszystko co jest dla Was dostepne wylacznie w wielkich miastach; 7. pamietajmy tez, ze niestety historycy sa najczesciej powiazani ze swoimi dostawcami zrodel i nie zawsze moga publikowac to co widzieli na wlasnym biurku; 8. tak wiec za kilka lat wspolnie z moimi czytelnikami doprowadzimy do calkowitej zmiany tresci podrecznikow szkolnych w aspekcie obrazu wojen z wrzesnia i pazdziernika 1939 roku.
Armia Czerwona na Mazowszu i Lubelszczyznie oraz na linii Wisly i na zachod od tej rzeki we wrzesniu i pazdzierniku 1939 roku. The Soviet Army west from Vistula - September 1939

Moze ponizsze cytaty są sprzeciwem wobec tych utartych "komunistycznych" opinii o Kampanii Wrzesniowej? 

"Jeszcze trudniej pojac, ze szczególowo informowany o sytuacji pod sowiecka okupacja rzad polski z gen. Wladyslawem Sikorskim na czele nie podjal (a czy choc próbowal?) prób skutecznej ochrony przed mordem calego skladu korpusu oficerskiego w sowieckiej niewoli", jak podkresla prof. Stanislaw Alexandrowicz; a dalej dodaje: "Kapitulujacy przed Sowietami - nie przed Wehrmachtem, z którym walczyl - dowódca obrony Lwowa gen. Langner wydal im na smierc tysiace oficerów. Czy w nagrode za to Sowieci umozliwili mu spokojne odejscie i przedostanie sie na Zachód? General Rómmel po bombardowaniu przez Luftwaffe sztabu jego Armii "Lódz" "znalazl sie" z samochodem i adiutantem w Warszawie. Wczul sie zapewne w role Wodza Naczelnego (!), nakazujac przez radio "clairem" (czyli bez szyfrowania) traktowanie wojsk sowieckich jako sprzymierzonych (!). Chyba za to byl on honorowany w PRL jako bohaterski "dowódca" obrony Warszawy. Pomimo uplywu lat i kolejnych pokolen do pelnego poznania "losów polskich" 1939-1945 jeszcze daleko. (...) Odpowiedz byc moze przyniesie czas." Juz w czerwcu 1940 roku zlozono pierwszy meldunek na rece oficerów organizacji podziemnej w Warszawie o masowych grobach polskich oficerow w Katyniu. "Liczba ofiar stalinowskiego terroru znacznie przewyzszala liczbe ofiar Hitlera. W przypadku Polaków ... nie mozna sie bylo doliczyc miliona zaginionych podczas ... deportacji. Innych wygodnie wpisano do rubryki 'dwudziestu milionów rosyjskich ofiar wojny', ... Masakra katynska w roku 1940 zajmuje szczególne miejsce w historii wspólpracy nazistowsko-sowieckiej. Biorac pod uwage rozmiary zbrodni, do jakich doszlo w czasie wojny, rozstrzelanie 15 tysiecy polskich oficerów ... stanowilo drobniejszy incydent. Slusznie jednak zbrodnia ta nabrala znaczenia wysoce symbolicznego ... (prof. Norman Davies, w: 'Tygodnik Powszechny' 1999, nr 39). W zagadce katynskiej tkwila glebsza tajemnica. Klucz do niej mógl spoczywac w sferze stosunków miedzynarodowych:  ujawnienie calej prawdy o Katyniu godziloby w moralną fikcje, na której zbudowano Wielka Koalicje. Byc moze klucz ów lezal w sferze ideologii. Najprawdopodobniej jednak problem polegal na tym, ze Katyn byl  dowodem wspólnej kampanii ludobójstwa prowadzonej zgodnie przez nazistów i  Sowietów ... Gdy w roku 1940 general NKWD Nabrasznikow skladal wizyte generalnemu gubernatorowi Hansowi Frankowi rezydujacemu w Krakowie, ujrzal sztandar z mlotem i sierpem powiewajacy obok swastyki ... Nie ma najmniejszych watpliwosci, ze nadludzki wysilek Armii Czerwonej uratowal nas przed Hitlerem. W rewanzu Zachód zbyt skwapliwie lakierowal prawde o bilansie rzadów Stalina ...".

W kwietniu 2011 roku w Niemczech ukazala sie praca pt.:
Franz Kadell, 'Katyn. Das zweifache Trauma der Polen', Wydawnictwo F. A. Herbig 2011, ISBN 978-3-7766-2660-5.
Polskie wydanie rok pozniej, w kwietniu 2012 roku pt.: 'Katyń w oczach Zachodu', Franz Kadell.

Dnia 26 listopada 2010 roku Duma Państwowa Zgromadzenia Federalnego Federacji Rosyjskiej podjela Uchwale 'O katyńskiej tragedii i jej ofiarach'

"Siedemdziesiąt lat temu rozstrzelano tysiące polskich obywateli, którzy byli przetrzymywani w łagrach dla jeńców wojennych NKWD ZSRR, a także w więzieniach zachodnich obwodów Ukraińskiej SRR i Białoruskiej SRR. W oficjalnej propagandzie radzieckiej odpowiedzialność za tę zbrodnię, którą zbiorczo nazwano tragedią katyńską, przypisywano nazistowskim zbrodniarzom. ... Na początku lat 90-tych nasz kraj wykonał ważne kroki na drodze do wyświetlenia prawdy o tragedii katyńskiej. Uznano, że masowa zagłada polskich obywateli na terytorium ZSRR w czasie II wojny światowej była aktem przemocy ze strony totalitarnego państwa ... Opublikowane materiały, które przez wiele lat były przechowywane w tajnych archiwach, nie tylko ujawniają skalę tej strasznej tragedii, lecz także dowodzą, iż zbrodnia katyńska została dokonana z bezpośredniego rozkazu Stalina i innych radzieckich przywódców. Potępiając terror i masowe prześladowanie obywateli swojego kraju i obywateli innych państw jako będące nie do pogodzenia z ideą prymatu prawa i sprawiedliwości, Duma Państwowa Zgromadzenia Federalnego Federacji Rosyjskiej wyraża głębokie współczucie wszystkim ofiarom nieuzasadnionych represji, ich rodzinom i bliskim. ... Stanowczo potępiając reżim, który gardził prawami i życiem ludzi, deputowani do Dumy Państwowej w imieniu narodu rosyjskiego wyciągają przyjazną dłoń do narodu polskiego. Wyrażają też nadzieję na początek nowego etapu w stosunkach między naszymi krajami, które będą rozwijać się na gruncie demokratycznych wartości. Osiągnięcie takiego rezultatu będzie najlepszym pomnikiem ofiar katyńskiej tragedii ... Przewodniczący Dumy Państwowej Zgromadzenia Federalnego Federacji Rosyjskiej." 

We bear in mind that the website was made up in memory of my father Edward Gwidon Konstantynowicz  who died on 03rd November 1987 in very strange circumstances, so now  this is independent website thanks to a host of  Yahoo!


November 11th, 2015

Stirling Castle, King James VII of Scotland and II of England, and Jacobins in Scotland in the 18th century. Mayer Amschel Rothschild - the Illuminati, 1776. The Knights Templar in 1791 and The Order of Mark Master Masons, 1769.

On 25 May 2018, GDP (RODO) enters into force, in other words a new regulation of the EUROPEAN UNION regarding the protection of personal data. Below - conditions for processing specific categories of personal data in the general EU regulation.

The following data processing conditions for a specific category have been introduced:

1) processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another person [the author of this webpage], and the data subject is physically or legally incapable of giving consent;

2) processing is carried out as part of authorized activities [these websites are published in the State of California in the USA in 2003-2018, and their subject matter was registered at Yahoo in 2003] carried out with appropriate safeguards
through a non-profit subject with political goals, world views,
... provided that the processing concerns only ... persons maintaining permanent contacts with him in connection with his goals ...

3) the processing relates to personal data that are obviously made public by the data subject [the data from Internet from 2000 to 2018];

4) processing is necessary to establish, assert or defend claims ...;

5) processing is necessary for reasons related to major public interest [threat from Russian and Soviet intelligence and from the communist ideology] under EU law or the law of a Member State that is proportionate to the objective pursued, does not infringe the essence of the right to data protection
and provides for appropriate and specific measures to protect fundamental rights and the interests of the person data refer to;

processing is necessary for archival purposes in the public interest or for scientific or historical or statistical purposes and is subject to the conditions and safeguards laid down by EU law or law of a Member State
which are proportionate to the objective pursued, do not affect the substance of the right to data protection and provide for adequate, specific measures to protect fundamental rights [for example, the name of the city is not provided if street address is provided] and the interests of the data subject.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George von Mohrenschildt, 1961-1963.

Konstantynowicz Bogdan - encyklopedia Polski Niepodleglej.

Lech Kaczynski, Hanna Suchocka, Angela_Merkel_and Bronislaw_Komorowski - the family history and genealogy.

Stanisław August Poniatowski the King, General Stanisław Fiszer, General Franciszek Paszkowski, Tadeusz Antoni Mostowski and General Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko - a way to the independent Poland.

General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus. Part 1.

General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus. Part 2.

Lenin's Revolution 1917 - Polish independence in 1918.

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Autor opracowania o 1939 roku dziękuje Panu
Bohdanowi Skaradzińskiemu za recenzję makiety pracy o wojnach w obronie Polski w 1939  roku.

Genealogy of the Dadiani and Japaridze - Imereti and Svaneti - Racha. History and genealogy of the Constantinovich family with relatives from Sakartvelo / Georgia,  Svaneti, Imereti.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz and Pushkin / Puszkin in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Estonia, Russia, Latvia.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz, Trubetzkoy / Troubetskoy / Trubecki, Orlov-Denisov / Orlow Denisow, Dadiani, Nikitin, Wittgenstein, Golicyn / Golitsyn, Bagrationi / Bagration-Gruzinski / Bagration Gruzinsky, Pashkovsky / Paszkowski, Duflon / Dyuflon, Siedych / Sedoch / Staroch-Siedoch, Armand, Demonets / Demonet in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia

Genealogy of the Constantinovich family 1534 - ca 1945 in Belarus, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Lithuania. Константинович - биография. History and genealogy of the Constantinovich family with relatives: Troubetzkoy, Radziwill, Piottuch-Kublicki, Sedykh from Kazan, Soltan, Oginski, Paszkowski and Kalinowski from Cracow, Zbieranowski, Zarako-Zarakowski, Malkiewicz, Armand in Moscow and Petersburg, Gernet from Estonia, Dunkel / Tunkel from Estonia, Dubbelt / Dubelt from Riga, Bakst, Demonet or De Monet, Dizeren, Azbelev, Holynski of 18th cent., Bagration-Gruzinski and Mukhrani from Sakartvelo-Georgia.

Genealogy of the Constantinovich family 1534 - ca 1945 in Estonia and Latvia. Константинович - биография. History and genealogy of the Constantinovich family with relatives: Troubetzkoy, Sedykh from Kazan, and Kalinowski from Cracow, Armand in Moscow and Petersburg, Gernet from Estonia, Dunkel / Tunkel, 
Rehbinder / Rebinder, Benkedorf, Urban, Steinberg, 
from Estonia, Dubbelt / Dubelt from Riga, Bakst, Demonet or De Monet, Dizeren, 
Azbelev, Bagration-Gruzinski and Mukhrani from Sakartvelo-Georgia.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz family in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia. The Lenin Revolution 1917 - 1918.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Wernadski, Modzelewski and Kanstancinovič / Konstantinovich / Konstantynowicz family in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Dubbelt / Dubelt, Pushkin / Puszkin, Gernet, Toll, Croy, Rehbinder, Konstantinovich / Constantinovich / Constantinowitz, Armand, Paszkowski, Demonet, Kalinowski, Trubecki / Troubetzkoy / Troubetskoj, Sedykh / Siedoch, Zarako Zarakowski / Zarakovskij, Dyuflon / Duflon, Nobel, Vernadskij, Modzelewski families in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia (Moscow, St Petersburg, Alexandrovsk, Miezonka, Berezyna, Orsha, Mahileu, Mscislaw, Riga, Tallinn, Kronstadt, Viljandi, Parnu / Parnawa, Daugavpils, Harku, Saku, Nomme, Kazan).

L. Duflon wrote to Popov in 1898. Copyright by http://nauchebe.net/2014/01/maket-pervaya-liniya-radiosvyazi/ - The Duflon and Konstantinovich Company in Russia.

История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи. Genealogy and history of the Trubetzkoy / Troubetskoy / Trubecki, Orlov-Denisov / Orlow Denisow, Katenin, Dadiani, Nikitin, Wittgenstein, Golicyn / Golitsyn, Bagrationi / Bagration-Gruzinski / Bagration Gruzinsky and Mukhrani families in the XVIII and XIX centuries in Russia (Moscow, St Petersburg, Alexandrovsk, Miezonka, Kazan).

Estonia: Balachowicz, Constantinovich / Konstantinovich, Trubetzkoy / Troubetskoy / Trubecki, Dadiani, Dunkel, von Krauze / Krause, Gernet, Toll, Rehbinder / Rebinder, Croy - the Baltic German nobility. История фамилии Константинович - генеалогия семьи.

A photo of Miezonka at present.

Belarusian, Estonian, Polish and Russian genealogical and historical database for the Konstantynowicz family. The noble Pilsudski, Konstantinovich, Dzerzhinsky, Pilar Pilchau, Bulhak families.

Polonia, Polen, Polska, Poland - Jozef Pilsudski i Feliks Dzierzynski genealogia. Baza danych genealogicznych domeny 'konstantynowicz.info'. Wywiad wojskowy Rosji carskiej - telegraf, radio, elektrycznosc, silniki lotnicze i samochodowe. Lenin: Szwajcaria, Estonia, Bialorus. Nobel, Damm, Hagelin i Schilling - kryptografia i szyfry. Breguet i Edward Brown z Clerkenwell.

France 1789. Russia 1917. Polonia, Polen, Polska, Poland 1989.

Intelligence. Scotland, Ireland, Estonia, Switzerland, Russia. Bolshevik Revolution 1917. Key note.

Table of contents for pages of the plane crash in Smolensk on 10 April 2010:
 First page to 12 August 2010
Second page
Third page
Fourth page
Fifth page
Sixth page
Seventh page
PART EIGHT until today

Genealogy of the Constantinovich family 1534 - ca 1945: Kopciowka, Berezetnia, Szamowo, Niesterewo. History and genealogy of the Constantinovich family  from Belarus:  Kopciowka,  Berezetnia,  Szamowo,   

Genealogy of the Constantinovich family 1534 - ca 1945: Swolna, Kniaziewo, Holubowo. History and genealogy of the Constantinovich family from  Belarus:   Swolna, Kniaziewo,  Holubowo.

Wywiad brytyjski, niemiecki i rosyjski, a niepodleglosc Polski w 1918. Lista teorii konspiracyjnych - najwieksze teorie konspiracyjne w historii. Teorie konspiracyjne, historia i genealogia rodu Konstantynowicz z Bialorusi. Masoneria. Rosyjski wywiad wojskowy. Kluczowe zagadnienia. Wstep i glowne uwagi o historii rodu Konstantynowicz na Bialorusi i w Rosji 1772 - 1917.

German, Russian and British Intelligence and the greatest conspiracy theories in history of Scotland, Ireland, Estonia, Switzerland, Russia and Poland.

Kiedrzynski, Walewski, Madalinski, Kalinowski and Oginski genealogy.
General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus. Part 4.

The Kiedrzynski, Walewski, Madalinski, Kalinowski, Oginski family - history and genealogy. Part 5.

Bolshevik Revolution 1917 - Polish independence in 1918, part 1.

Bolshevik Revolution 1917 - Polish independence in 1918, part 2.

Bolshevik Revolution 1917 - Polish independence in 1918, part 3.

Lenin's Revolution 1917 - Polish independence in 1918.
General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus.

At the beginning of the 2016 the Russia's president, Putin understood the main assumptions of my websites and he fully supports them. But he had to wait until three years. But he did not mention the role of the major Polish noble families and German clans, which led to the collapse of Tsarist Russia, about whom I am writing from the beginning of 2013. My research continues the work begun in 1987 and covering activities of Soviet intelligence around my family Konstantynowicz. So, President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, 21st January 2016, blamed Bolshevik revolutionary Vladimir Lenin for planting the ideas that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Interfax news agency reported on a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education. Putin said: "In the end that idea led to the fall of the Soviet Union".
"There were many such ideas as providing regions with autonomy, and so on. They planted an atomic bomb under the building that is called Russia which later exploded. We did not need a global revolution" -
he said.
Acc. to http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article.

At https://newcoldwar.org/23107-2/ we read:
"...The comments by Putin on January 25 (2016) followed the controversy stirred by comments he made on January 22 to a meeting of the Presidential Council on Science. There, he cited a line from a poem about Lenin, saying the revolutionary leader and other leaders of the Russian Revolution had 'planted an atomic bomb under the structure called Russia, and it then exploded'. ...
Putin said that he had been referring to an iconic debate between Lenin and Joseph Stalin, when the two revolutionary leaders were arguing about the best way to organize the new communist country. While Stalin suggested offering the Soviet Union’s member states, such as Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the south of Russia, autonomy within a federation, Lenin disapproved and put forward a plan giving each republic the right to secede from the USSR. ...
'That was the time bomb under the structure of our state system', Putin said, adding that history should be carefully analyzed so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past. Noting that he really liked and still sympathizes with some communist and socialist ideas, Putin added that the rule book of those who built communism could be compared to the Bible:
'There are some very good ideas, [including] equality, brotherhood and happiness.'
He pointed out that, in practice, however, the reality turned out quite differently than that which had been planned. ...
'Then, there is the economy. They had to adopt the New Economic Policy because even the surplus appropriation system did not work. It became impossible to supply major cities with food. That was why they had to shift to a market economy, to the New Economic Policy, but then they quickly did away with it. ... Finally, the main reason why I was saying that we need to take a fresh look at the ideas the former leader of the Soviet state Vladimir Lenin formulated. What were we talking about? I was saying that a bomb was planted at the foundation of our statehood. What did I mean by that? I will give you the details now. I was referring to the discussion between Stalin and Lenin regarding the creation of the new state, the Soviet Union. If you are a historian, you should know that back then Stalin came up with the idea of the autonomisation of the future Soviet Union. Pursuant to this idea, all the different subjects of the future state were to join the USSR as autonomies with broad authority. Lenin criticised Stalin's views, saying it was an untimely and wrong idea. Moreover, he promoted the idea of uniting the future entities, and there were 4 then – Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia and, as a matter of fact, the south of Russia, the North Caucasus Federation, as it was called – you know this better than I do. So, Lenin said the state, the Soviet Union should be formed on the basis of full equality with the possibility of seceding from the union - I may have gotten the exact words wrong, but that was the idea. That was the time bomb that was planted under the structure of our statehood. Not only did they set the borders for ethnic groups of a multinational, essentially unitarian state; the borders were also established arbitrarily, without much reason. Thus, why did they make Donbass part of Ukraine? The reason was to raise the share of the proletariat there to ensure greater social support. Pure nonsense, as you may see. And this is not the only example, there are many others. Say, cultural autonomy is one thing, an autonomy with broad state authority is another, while the right to secede is something else altogether.
Eventually, this, along with an inefficient economic and social policy, led to the collapse of the state. This was the time bomb.
What was it if not a time bomb? That is exactly what it was. We simply need to carefully analyse what happened in the past using the opportunities we have today. However, we cannot paint everything in the past black, or present a rosy picture of everything that is happening now. We need to make a careful objective analysis to avoid the mistakes that were made and develop our statehood, our economy and social sphere in a way that would only make the state stronger'."

Encyklopedia internetowa Polski Niepodleglej. Czesc 1. 1768-1990.

Encyklopedia internetowa Polski Niepodleglej. Czesc 2. 1772-1989.

Encyklopedia internetowa Polski Niepodleglej. Czesc 3. 1795-1988.

Encyklopedia internetowa Polski Niepodleglej. Czesc 4. 1815-1987.

Bogdan Konstantynowicz - encyklopedia Polski Niepodleglej.
Bogdan Konstantynowicz, the Independent Poland Encyclopedia.

Below are some explanations to the family history of the knighted Konstantynowicz house of Belarus. The following data are to complement to the links on this website. The below data explain in short a lot of genealogical issues to the above mentioned websites. First, refer to the following text - and later read on the above pages.

President of POLAND, Bronisław Komorowski / Bronisław Maria Karol Komorowski b. 1952 - Count, is son of Zygmunt Leon Komorowski 1925-1992; and grandson of Juliusz Komorowski 1893-1982; and great-grandson of Zygmunt Leopold Piotr Komorowski
[he was son of Piotr Jan Komorowski owner of Radkuny, 1838-1905; grandson of Antoni Jakub Komorowski 1790-1846 - Antoni's grandfather was Franciszek Komorowski Count, 1723-1800 in Szirwyty or Szenta, and come from Teresa Oziemblowski and Bartłomiej Komorowski b. 1697 in Laszki, d. 1758;
{Bartlomiej was father of
Countess Marcjancella Piłsudzka / Marcjanna Pilsudska / Marcjanella Pilsudski + Franciszek Piłsudzki b. 1707 [Pilsudski] in Pajūralis, close to Šilalė, and died in 1791 in Šilalė, the Tauragė County, Lithuania.

Teresa Oziemblowska and Bartlomiej Komorowski b. 1697 in Laszki had many children: Franciszek - top officer in the Wilkomierz county; Hektor; Antoni of Maldyn and Józef; Anna Ciecierska; Teresa Szukowa; Maryancella 1 voto Szemiot, 2 voto Pilsudska of Retow; Teodora, and Józefata. Above Ukmerge / Wilkomierz, is a city in Vilnius County, Lithuania, located 78 km north-west of Vilnius.

Franciszek Pilsudski was 1st married to Johanna von RONNE b. ca 1718 / Joanna Rehno / Renno - she was mother of Anele Pilsudskyte of Zermaitija / Aniela Pilsudska Frackiewicz
(Stefan von Rönne was married 2 times: 1st to Rosa Siukstaite [Roza daughter of Jozef ?], 2nd to Anna Ivanovic [Anna daughter of Jan], with children:
1. Johanna b. circa 1718 m. Franciszek Pilsudski;
2. MIKOLAJ / Nikolai Anton b. ca 1720 [see below !], in 1781 Russian Colonel and he was owner of the manor Renavas / Renowo or Rennow. Twice married:
1st to Lady Eleonora Pietrowicz / Petravicitute,
2nd to ANIELA PILSUDSKI / Anele Pilsudskyte of Zermaitija

{Mikalojus Renė / Nicolaus Ronne / Nikolaus von Rönne / Mikołaj von Rönne b. ca 1720 / 1740 + Aniela Piłsudska b. 1750 or 1740}.
Children of the 2nd wedding: Felix b. ca 1770 [??] and Maria b. ca 1760 [?];
above Felix I Baron Rönne, Lieutenant Colonel, owner of Manor in Swiatoszyn by the Memel River in Lithuania and of Renavas / Renowo, in 1781 - Major of the Polish King court and 1792 was the Polish Chamberlain, awarded in [before ?] 1799 with the title of Baron from Polish King.
His wife Antonina Gielgud)}]

1865-1920 + Eliza Irena Römer 1871-1961;
Eliza was daughter of Michał Kazimierz Römer 1845-1920; and granddaughter of Michał Stefan Römer 1814-1846 - and great-granddaughter of Michał Józef Römer 1778-1853 + Rachela de Raës 1783-1855; Rachela / Rachela Kolowrat de Raes b. 1780, d. 1855 in Vilnius was daughter of Franciszek Kolowrat de Raes / Franciszek de Raës b. ca 1750 -
Franciszek de Raes was a judge in Troki.

Representatives of the Lithuanian Komorowski branch received on December 1, 1892 the title of the count by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Austria-Hungary.
They were descendants of Francis Anthony Komorowski (1723-1800):
that is 4 brothers - Stanislaw Franciszek Wincenty (1862 / 1863 - 1920), Stefan Karol (1866-1894), Czeslaw August (1867-1913) and Wiktor Emil (1870-?), who were sons of August Piotr (1817-1905); Leon Wilhelm (1849-1900), son of Wiktor Tomasz (1821-1887); 3 brothers - Piotr Anton (1862-1920), Jaroslaw Jan Narcyz (1865-1919) and Szymon Stanislaw Cyryl (1869-1907), the sons of Antoni Jerzy August (1833-1881);
3 brothers - Zygmunt Leopold Piotr (1865-1920) {Zygmunt and above Francis Anthony (1723-1800) were ancestors of Bronislaw Komorowski in a straight line}, Witold Stanislaw Adam (1875-?) and Antoni August Samuel (1873-1910), sons of Piotr (1838-1905);
3 brothers - Adam Stanislaw Hieronim (1873-1923), Józef Wiktor Onufry (1876-1947) and Henryk Onufry Seweryn (1875-1922), all sons of Jan Leopold Antoni (1833-1904?) [under copyright by Wikipedia].

Radkuny - 14 km south of DRUJA (see: Zarako-Zarakowski, Stankiewicz, Malkiewicz); since the eighteenth century, the Lithuanian family of Komorowski [to 1922] held an estate around town Kurmen in Zemgale / Semigalia / Courland, which inherited the Livonian barons von Lüdingshausen.

Myza Kurmen: in Latvia - as Kurmene; near the Lithuanien border, Kurmene, is located north of Birzai / Birze. Kurmene Parish (Latvian: Kurmenes pagasts) is an administrative unit of the Vecumnieki Municipality, Latvia. Bronislaw's ancestor, Franciszek Antoni Komorowski married Franciszka Lukrecja Lüdingshausen-Wolff, in ca 1750, and his wife was landowner of Kurmen in Zemgale / Kurmene at the Latvian - Lithuanian border. Son of Franciszek Antoni was Jan Bonifacy Komorowski , but the estate inherited Antoni Komorowski (son of Jan Bonifacy) - ancestor of Bronislaw Komorowski; the oldest son of Antoni was Antoni Jerzy August Komorowski (1833-1881), and younger son Piotr Jan received Kowaliszki estate in the north-east Lithuania close to Rakiszki and Latvian border - this is branch of Bronislaw Komorowski; Franciszek Antoni bought Kowaliszki from the father in law of Lüdingshausen-Wolff in the end of XVIII century. The last owner of Kurmene was Piotr Antoni Komorowski, and his widow.

Piotr Komorowski has established a testament in 1824 to Kurmene and Murmen; he was, among others, Marshal of the Kurland / Courland Duchy (1793-1794), Chancellor (since 1794), chairman of the Evangelical Lutheran consistory of Courland (1801-1807). He had high social position in Courland and he was established also envoy at the royal court in Warsaw. In 1797 he took part as a delegate of knighthood of the Courland to a celebrations of the coronation of Tsar Paul I.
Piotr died 1825, and appointed the owner - his nephew and godson Peter II / Peter Komorowski II (1800 - 1869), son of Jan Bonifacy Komorowski, lieutenant; Piotr / Peter married to Css Zofia Isenschmit v. Milbitz / Sofia Isenschmit v. Milbitz / Sophie Isenschmidt-Milbitz [Izenszmid, Izenszmit, Isenschmidt]. The best-known representative of this family was Sofia's brother - Alexander Izenšmits de Milbitcs (1800 - 1883, Aleksander Isenschmit de Milbitz), Polish Army colonel in the November Uprising time [major], twice awarded the Virtuti Militari, the last of the Adam Mickiewicz Italy legion Supreme Commander; the Italian army General and fought under Garibaldi.
Above named General Alessandro Isenschmid conte di Milbitz / Alessandro Isenschmid Milbitz / Alessandro Isenschmid de Milbitz b. 1800, died in Torino, 1883, he joined the army in 1816; was the General under Garibaldi, Polish. General Alexander Izenschmidt-Milbitz / Alessandro Milbitz was lieutenant in 1819, in 1830 was one of the most respected captains of the General Staff of the Grand Duke Constantine, Viceroy of Lithuania. He took the road of exile. In 1848 he arrived in Italy, where Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi and Domenico D'Apice had the command of the Polish Legion in Florence. Then an expedition of Giuseppe Garibaldi to Sicily and the defense of Rome. He left Sicily with Giacomo Medici, was the winner close to Santa Maria di Capua, Brigadier General and commander of Piazza, in the palace Della Valle. After organizing in Greece a Hungarian and Polish troops for the war of independence of Hungary, in 1859 he returned to Italy, where he was departed for Sicily and was immediately appointed by Garibaldi as inspector general of the army, under the command of a brigade in Milazzo and Volturno. In Paris followed the full course of Staff; in 1848 in Italy he was a volunteer; was later general in Rome in 1849, fought against the French troops, became famous in the defense of Rome. He died in Turin on June 17, 1883. In 1866 he was near by King Vittorio Emanuele, acted in Venice, and Lissa.
The estate of Isenschmid Milbitz GENERAL DE CONTE ALESSANDRO was confiscated and he gone on exile. The estate was in the Wilkomierz county, but in 1831 he organized here uprising and served as a major; near to gen. Rybinski, studied of the military science at the French School of Staff. In 1848 he traveled to Italy to the Polish legion, commanded a division at the service of the Roman republic. Then escaped from Italy to 1859. Started there again and in 1871 was a major general.
Count Aleksander Izenschmid de Milbitz / Alessandro Izenschmid de / Izensmid de Milbitz Alexander / Alessandro Milbitz, was the Polish patriot. He was promoted to the rank of General-Major of the Italian army and awarded many medals. After retiring (1871), he settled in Turin, where he became a champion of the Polish. He took part in the War of Independence (1849), left the Kingdom of Sardinia and settled in Paris.
Thirty years later (1879) was founded in Bologna scientific institution for the cultivation and dissemination of knowledge about Poland, its history, culture and literature. The Polish Military School in Cuneo, originally in Genoa with initiative of gen. Ludwik Mierosławski and with the support of Giuseppe Garibaldi, was established in 1861. After a few months was transferred to the Piedmont in Cuneo, where it worked in 1862.
Note: Antoni Jakub Komorowski born 1790, d. 1846, was son of named above Jan Bonifacy Komorowski, b. 1767, d. 1826 + Antonina Wiszniewska, b. 1763, d. 1822.
Antoni Piotr Jerzy Komorowski, b. on 16 Sep 1833, d. 11 May 1881;
Piotr Jan Komorowski, b. on 16 Jan 1838, Wilno, died 1905, Radkuny. Relatives in Radkuny: Felicja Komorowska born 1843, died 1910.

Other possessions belonging to the KOMOROWSKI family:
Kowaliszki, Gikanie, Skrobiszki, above Radkuny, Syrutyszki and Pabiržė.

Kurmene / Curmen is situated close to the Lithuanian border [Mēmele], since 1582 Johann von Lüdingshausen-Wolff [Wolff of Ludynghauz] with his wife owned Kurmen; this family had Krasław, Liksna, Nidzgal, Kirup, Kombul;
the Kurmen estate with Murmen in the second half of the 18th century owned Franciszka Lukrecja Lüdingshausen-Wolff, with husband Franciszek Antoni Komorowski; Franciszek Antoni Komorowski b. 1723, d. 1800, was son of Bartłomiej Komorowski and Teresa; 2nd time married to Anna; was father of Jan Bonifacy Komorowski, PIOTR I, and Stanisław Andrzej Komorowski;
was brother of Countess Marcjancella Piłsudzka [Pilsudski family]!

Piotr I KOMOROWSKI died 1825 [Piotr Komorowski, Colonel, was son of Franciszek Antoni Komorowski and Franciszka Lukrecja Lüdingshausen-Wolff], and appointed the owner - his nephew and godson Peter II / Peter Komorowski II (1800 - 1869), who was son of Jan Bonifacy Komorowski [see below], lieutenant;
Piotr / Peter 2nd married to Css Zofia Isenschmit v. Milbitz / Sofia Isenschmit v. Milbitz / Sophie Isenschmidt-Milbitz [Izenszmid, Izenszmit, Isenschmidt].
Zygmunt Leopold Piotr Komorowski was son of Piotr Jan Komorowski owner of Radkuny, 1838-1905; Zygmunt was the grandson of Antoni Jakub Komorowski 1790-1846 - Antoni's grandfather was Franciszek Komorowski Count, 1723-1800.
Above named Franciszek Antoni Komorowski born 1723 married two times: to Franciszka Lukrecja and Anna Radzimińska-Frąckiewicz;
he was father of Jan Bonifacy Komorowski; above Piotr I, and Stanisław Andrzej Komorowski.

The Kurmen estate belonged to Kaczyński of Upita in the 17th cent.; then back to Lüdingshausen-Wolff.
When wife of Franciszek Antoni died, Colonel Piotr Komorowski, son of above Franciszek Antoni and Franciszka Lukrecja, fought about the estate with the Lüdingshausen-Wolffs; Piotr Komorowski in 1807 agreed with the Lüdingshausen-Wolffs [Georg Christoph died], and taken Curmen; Piotr d. 1825, appointed his nephew Peter I, the son of John Boniface Komorowski, as new landlord.
Dorothea Engelhardt m. Piotr Komorowski and they owned the Alt-Born (Vecborne) estate between Dyneburg and Krasław in the Curland side of the Daugava River. For five generations, the Curmen estate remained of the family Komorowski property;
Piotr Antoni Komorowski died in Riga in May 1920; his widow Matilda Maria Komorowska moves out to the family estate in Lithuanian Podbirże; she died in 1935.

Note on Reinhold von Lüdinghausen (Wolff) or Reinhold von Lüdinghausen-Wolff, b. 1900 in Gumbinnen;
Baron Friedrich von Lüdinghausen Wolff b. 1643 in Dünaburg; d. 1708 in Breslau - the Jesuit.
Reinhold von Lüdinghausen (Wolff) or Reinhold von Lüdinghausen-Wolff, b. 1900 was husband of Marie Gabrielle Sebastopol, nee Perret, 1899 in St Petersburg, died 1986; she was daughter of Charles Fréderic Perret and Mathilde Marie Luther! Wife of Emmanuel Subsay Sebastopol and Reinhold von Lüdingshausen-Wolff; sister of Leon Perret.
Above Charles Fréderic Perret b. 1853 in Viborg, died 1930 in Reval, son of Louis Alexandre Perret and Marie Marguerite Grangier.
Louis was born 1824, in Vevey, Switzerland, Marie was born 1827, in La Tour-de-Peilz, Switzerland; family PERRET come from [and family JEANNIN] Les Ponts-de-Martel, Neuchâtel, Suisse, and from Le Locle, Neuchâtel [see DUFLON, Breguet with line to Konstantynowicz].

We can start from European Commission for Democracy through Law, that is Venice Commission, with Dan Meridor, Lydie Err, Hanna Suchocka - 1992–1993 Polish PM (close to Jerzy Buzek; near the Malta Order), Krzysztof Drzewicki, Ch. Grabenwater, J. Verlaers.

The genealogy of Felicja Mielżyńska and Władysław Blociszewski vel GAJEWSKI:
Felicja Mielżyńska, Css, 1877-1939 had great-grandparents:
Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński 1778-1826, Maksymilian Józef Potocki 1786-1837, Michał Ignacy Ksawery Mycielski 1760-1815, and Piotr Bisping 1777-1848, Prowidencja Honorata Zaremba 1787-1827, Józefa Wyszyńska b. 1800, Elżbieta Mierzejewska 1773-1849, and Józefa Kicka 1790-1850.
Grandparents: Leon Tomasz Mielżyński 1809-1900, Felicja Elżbieta Potocka 1811-1870, Teodor Kazimierz Maciej Mycielski 1804-1874, and Ludwika Bisping.
Her Parents: Maciej Eliasz Mielżyński 1846-1907 and Teresa Mycielska 1856-1903. Above Felicja Mielżyńska died in 1939.
Felicja m. 1895, in Żytowiecko close to Gostyń, to Władysław Gajewski / Błociszewski, 1867-1925, son of Józef Gajewski of Błociszewo, with children: Ludwika Gajewska and Rafał 1905-1951 m. Aniela Szenic b. 1910,
with Łukasz Gajewski b. 1946 + Elżbieta Suchocka [see below more] b. 1949.

And of course back to Angela Merkel's ancestry thus two hundred years ago her family were peasants in an estate
by General Stanislaw Kostka Mielżyński Count, in Pawlowice close to Leszno.
His great-granddaughter, Felicia nee Mielżyńska married to Władysław Blociszewski, and was grandmother of Lukasz Gajewski - husband of Elzbieta Suchocka - her sister Hanna SUCHOCKA was the first woman as Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.
They come from Pawlowice, in the Leszno County; a village in the district of Krzemieniewo, in the Leszno County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, in west-central Poland, at present - 7 kilometres south-west of Krzemieniewo, 13 km east of Leszno; here is the location of a classicist palace built for Maksymilian Mielzynski in 1779-1783. From the seventeenth century to the World War II the estate was in the hands of the Mielżyńskis.

Krzysztof Ignacy Mielzynski (1670-1721) is the founder of the PAWLOWICE family line of the Mielżyńskis.

The owner of Pawłowice and a part of Kąkolew, was Katarzyna nee Mycielski - Gorzycka, in 1684 she married Maciej Mielżyński.
Maciej Mielżyński (1636-1697) - the top officer in Srem; he was son of Krzysztof Mielżyński Jr. 2nd
[Krzysztof 2nd died 1658, was son of Krzysztof Mielżyński 1st, and Zofia Popowski]
and Elżbieta Niegolewska;
Maciej was husband of Katarzyna Mycielski
[but we know about others children of Teresa Mielżyńska - Barnowska d. 1682, daughter of Adam Dadźbog Baranowski and Barbara STRZELECKI:
Zofia Anna Koźmińska; Krzysztof Mielżyński b. 1670; Ludwika Ponińska; Franciszka Zakrzewska and Franciszek Walenty Mielżyński of Chobienice],
father of Elżbieta Wessel and Urszula Wierusz-Walknowska
[above named Maciej b. 1636 was - acc. to geni.com - the brother of Maciej Mielżyński 1670 - 1721 ? - this is mistake].
Maciej Mielżyński b. 1636, was the owner of Dąbrowa close to RABIN, Błocko and Łąki, Chobienice, Woźniki, Borzysław, in 1685 all the Kąkolew estate, 1694 all Pawłowice from the Bojanowskis;
after Maciej's death in 1696 his son Krzysztof taken above estates; Krzysztof was the officer in 1717 in Przemęt, married in 1693 to Anna Gorzycki, with her properties in Pawłowice with Robczysko and half of Kąkolewo; Anna bought in 1688 a part of Kąkolewo, in 1713 from Paweł Radomicki taken part of Pawłowice, but
sons of Maciej in 1717 divided above properties:
Chobienice to Franciszek;
Krzysztof 3rd taken Dąbrowa; he bought Rąbin, Łaszczyn + Izbica and Żelice; in Pawłowice was main property,
then to Andrzej Mielżyński, who in 1771 built the palace;
his oldest son taken above named Pawłowice;
next to Stanisław (1805), Leon (since 1828), Maksymilian (in 1885), Krzysztof (1915) and Andrzej Krzysztof (since 1927).
Above named Krzysztof Ignacy Mielzynski 3rd (1670-1721) is the founder of the PAWLOWICE family line of the Mielżyńskis.


Maciej Ignacy Mielżyński b. 1869 in Chobienice, d. 1944 in Wien, son of Karol Ignacy Mielżyński, of Chobienice, and Emilia Bniński. On 21 Dec. 1913 he shot down his wife Felicja nee Potocki daughter of Bolesław Eligiusz Potocki, and her lover Alfred Miączyński son of Władysław Miączyński and Helena nee Potocki.
His son was Karol Maciej Mielżyński (1906-1994), artist, lived in Kłodzko and Poznan.
Famous for her beauty, Countess Felicja Mielzynska / Felicia Mielżyńska, daughter of Count Potocki, and his grandson Alfred Miełczyński / Mielczyński, had been lovers in spite of their close relationship. At the beginning of the 20th century they turned to be victims of a famous scandal. They were both shot by Felicija's husband, Count Maciej MIELZYNSKI / Macieh Mielcyński, an officer of the Prussian Army. At Będłowo castle, Alfred Miełczyński / Mielczyński / Miączyński was buried in the family tomb.

The ancestors of Angela Merkel lived near by the Mielzynski family:
Stanislaw Kostka Andrzej Jakub Mielzynski b. on November 14, 1778, Rabin, d. on June 29, 1826, Pawlowice, close to Leszno, Earl, freemason, Brigadier General of the Polish Army.
His father was Maximilian Mielzynski in 1786 with hereditary title of Prussian Count.
In 1815, after the final fall of Napoleon, Mielzynski not joined the army of the Kingdom of Congress, but moved to his possessions in Pawlowice, Kąkolewo, Poniec, Smogulec, Gołańcz, under Prussian King. There he was very active as a mason, especially supported the underground struggle for independence and unification of Poland; member of the 'Union of the Scythemen' near to a secret Masonic organization created by Valerian Łukasiński.
Stanislaw Kostka Andrzej Jakub Mielzynski married in 1800 to Prowidencja Honorata Zaremba with son Leon and three daughters:
Laura (Eleonora) married 2nd time to Józef Napoleon Czapski with her son Bogdan Hutten-Czapski.
The 'Union of the Scythemen' was a secret organization for Polish independence, which operates in the Poznan region in 1820-1826. It was established on the base of the Poznan National Freemasonry with the head board -
Gen. Stanislaw Kostka Mielzynski, and General Jan Nepomucen Umiński.
He carried out the unification talks in Warsaw, ending with the transformation of Freemasonry to the National Patriotic Society in May 1821 [Ignacy Prądzyński, Maciej Mielzynski and Louis Sczaniecki] but was broken in 1826.
Maciej Józef Franciszek Mielzynski b. 1799 in Winna Gora, d. on March 5, 1870, Polish political and social activist, a landowner. He was the son of Jozef Mielzynski / Joseph; he was educated in Berlin; he was imprisoned for participating in the 'Union of the Scythemen'; took part in the November Uprising in 1831, served under the command of Dezydery Chłapowski. For a short time he lived in exile, then jailed; also received a high penalty fine. Since 1849 a member of the parliament of Prussia, since 1855, a member of the Prussian House of Lords.
Józef Mielzynski, 1824 - 1900, social activist, a landowner. He was the son of above MACIEJ / Matthias. He inherited his father's estates, since 1863 he was member of the Prussian House of Lords.
Seweryn Mielzynski b. 1804 in Poznan, d. 1872, political activist, painter and collector of works of art, a participant of national uprisings, honorary president of the Poznan Society of Friends of Science in 1865-1872. He was a participant in the November Uprising 1831; the expedition of Savoy in 1834 and the Poznań uprising in 1848. In 1848-1850 he was an activist of the Polish League, 1858-1861 sent to the Prussian parliament. He was brother of above Maciej.
The Polish League / National League of Poland - an organization founded in Berlin which operates in Poland and Pomerania in 1848-1856; the initiator was August Cieszkowski. Among other leaders were also Charles Libelt, Leon Przyłuski, Wojciech Lipski and Gustav Potworowski.

On the appeal of the General J. H. Dabrowski and Joseph Wybicki, Stanislaw Mielzynski allocated substantial sums for the organization of the infantry regiment. Their wealth included palaces like Pawlowice and Iwno. Stanislaw Mielzynski was owner of Pawlowice, Poniec, Laszczyn and Golancz. Above named Stanislaw Mielzynski was born on November 14, 1778 in Rabin as Stanislaw Kostka Andrew James.
He was the fourth child (the first of three sons) of the writer of the Crown - Maximilian Mielzynski / Maksymilian Mielzynski and Konstancja Czapska / Constance Czapski.
In the early 90's of the XVIII cent., the family lived in Pawlowice owned by Maximilian. In 1799, Count Maximilian Mielzynski died - the owner of a huge fortune inherited by his three sons. Stanislaw got Pawlowice, Poniec, Laszczyn and Golancz. His brother Nicholas among others, Zytowiecko, Leka, Karczewo, Baszków close to Krotoszyn and Rawicz; the youngest brother Thomas died four years later. Three brothers had sister Catherine.
On 18 November 1800, Stanislaw married in Gostyn to Prowidencja Honorata Zaremba, the daughter of the chamberlain Peter Zaremba and Elizabeth nee Radolinski.
From this marriage were born in the following order: Elizabeth (1802), Joseph (1803), next daughter (1807), Leon (1809) and Eleanor (1815). In 1806 in November, the French troops invaded the Great Poland; in Poznan was gen. Jan Henryk Dabrowski and Joseph Wybicki who known Mielzynski and began creating Polish army; the count Stanislaw Mielzynski on 24 November 1806 was appointed colonel of the Napoleonic army and began to organize the 3rd infantry regiment in the division of the General Jan Henryk Dabrowski.
Because Mielzynski had no military experience, his 3rd Infantry Regiment commanded Major Stanislaw FISZER / Fisher. Major Stanislaw Fisher was later the heroic chief of the General Staff of the Army.
The commanders of the other regiments in the division were also Prince Anthony Sulkowski from Rydzyna (1 Regiment), Lacki (2 regiment) and Poninski (4 Regiment). With Mielzynski co-operated the commander of the battalion Major Stanislaw Fisher / Fiszer (then the Army Chief of General Staff). On January 3, 1807 created division of gen. J. H. Dabrowski, with the 3rd Infantry Regiment, of Colonel Stanislav Mielzynski stationed in Pawlowice.
Other regiments stationed in Leszno, Zduny and Rawicz (see Sulkowski).
The service of regiment in Gdansk lasted for two years until 1809. In the spring of 1809 the Duchy of Warsaw was attacked by the Austrian army. He was promoted to the rank of Brigadier General (20 March 1810). Mielzynski was the commander of one of three departments in Plock. On the way to Russia 30 V 1812 by Leszno Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte passed, going from Glogów to Poznan. The Polish Army was partly assigned to the units of the French, led by Prince Jozef Poniatowski. The corps consisted of three infantry divisions;
General Mielzynski was appointed commander of the infantry brigade in the 16th infantry division of General Zajaczek. With him, commanders of the brigades in the division were:
General Franciszek Paszkowski (II infantry brigade)
and General Tyszkiewicz (cavalry brigade) [see MOSCOW, Armand, Konstantynowicz, Dadiani, Japaridze].
Mielzynski co-operated with Zakrzewski and Miaskovsky. During 1813, the Russians occupied the former Duchy of Warsaw. His mother died July 29 1813 (1812 ?). After complete breakdown, General Mielzynski was commander in the 3rd Infantry Division of General Loison within the thirteenth corps of Marshal Louis N. Davout; Meanwhile, on December 19, 1812, Russian troops seized Leszno, then again took the Prussians. As a result of the Congress of Vienna in 1815, the Great Poland was the Grand Duchy of Posen.
On September 8, 1815 Mielzynski was released from military service and began acted in secret societies, among others, in the Poznan branch of the National Freemasonry, the 'Association of Kosynier', he was a member of Freemasonry in the seventh degree and also belonged to several other Masonic lodges: "Knights of the Star", "The Brothers of the Union", was a master of the lodge "Humanity".
Stanislaw Mielzynski died in Pawlowice in June 1826 and was buried here; left 17-year-old son Leo, who got Pawlowice and Kakolewo; Stanislaw; Elizabeth (1822 married Louis Mycielski, who in 1831 died) got Poniec; Filipina (wife of Ignatius Szczaniecki - Miedzychód, a colonel during the uprising of 1848) had Laszczyn, while youngest
Eleonora Laura (m. in 1834 to Karol Czarniecki of Volhynia, divorced, 2nd m. in 1850 to General Józef Napoleon Hutten-Czapski) taken Golancz.
Golancz is situated at northern Great Poland, close to Chodziez. The widow Prowidencja lived later in Poznan by 11 years. She died in Poznan, on October 11, 1837 and was buried in Pawlowice. Inf. under copyright by http://www.krzemieniewo.net.
Józef Czapski on 29 January 1850 - as an administrator of Smogulec - married Eleonora / Eleanor Czarnecka (1815-1875), daughter of General Stanislaw Mielzynski, owner of Smogulec and Golancza; 1846 she was separated with her husband Charles Czarnecki;
1851, Bogdan Franciszek Serwacy Hutten-Czapski / Bogdan Hutten Czapski was born (1851-1937); about him at my webpages - more at my webpages.
Smogulec and Golancza since the eighteenth century, remained in the hands of the family Mielzynski. Eleonora / Eleanor Czarnecka inherited them; Eleonora 1st married Karol Czarnecki, 2nd in 1850 to Joseph Czapski / Napoleon Jozef Czapski (died in 1852), the only son of Joseph Czapski, Major General, and Cornelia Plawinski;
Bogdan Hutten-Czapski (1851-1937) led a busy political and diplomatic activity in the service of the Prussian State (see my webpages).
Bogdan since 1918, stayed in Smogulec; Czapski Bogdan has adopted before the death, 25 aged Emeryk August Czapski, son of Karol Czapski of the Lithuanian Czapski line [see Minsk and the Konstantynowiczs + Duflon].
Bogdan will's executor was his cousin Józef Czapski of Modra; in the first half of the nineteenth century, the heiress of Modra was Rozalia Chlapowski - Engeström, the wife of a Swedish diplomat and politician, Count Lars Lawrence von Engeström - 1803; 1826, to German merchant Daniel Gottlieb Baartha; before 1939 Modra was owned by Joseph Hutten-Czapski of Kuchary close to Pleszew.

More about Stanislaw Fiszer:
Stanislaw Fisher / Fischer was the son of Charles Louis Fischer, who passed through the Polish army from the Russian service (ca 1761; see Pilar-Pilchau), a lieutenant colonel, 1767 was the adjutant of the king, and in 1771 was promoted to the rank of colonel in the 1st infantry regiment. In 1767 Fischer received nobility with the coat of arms Tarczala, in 1774 major general. He was married to Joanna Louise Elizabeth von Luck. Stanislaw was born in Mazovia as the youngest of four siblings (he had the oldest sister Joanna, and two older brothers - William Louis Sebastian and Charles John Leonard). He defended the Constitution of 3 May and was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Military Virtue in 1792. Also gained promotion to captain, and above all had Kosciuszko's trust; was his favorite (he called to him "Fiszerek"). Stanislaw Fiszer remained in the army after the Tagrowica. In 1792 was admitted to the Gdansk Masonic Lodge, and he organized here a secret conspiracy. Together with Dabrowski tried to organize resistance against the Prussians in 1793 in Pomerania with Gdansk and Torun. During the insurrection of 1794 Fisher was promoted to the rank of Major; April 1794 - he was the aide - adjutant to Kosciuszko and chief of his staff. Fisher in the absence of Kosciuszko signed his orders; 1794 - emigrated to France, where he vegetated in Paris; after returning of Kosciuszko from America in 1798, Fisher went to the legion of the Danube, in which he was the head of the brigade. 1800 - close to Offenburg fell into the hands of Merveldt; as a political prisoner he was sent to the Czech, where he was imprisoned in Königgrätz (Hradec Kralove) until 1 February 1801. With the efforts of Kosciuszko and General Moreau was replaced by Lichtenstein. Fisher after consultation with Kosciuszko, back to the Danube Legion, but resigned - the summer of 1801; leaves the service. Studied in Paris;
Kosciuszko showed to him Wirydianna Kwilecka, nee Radolinska;
then he traveled to Italy, England, Holland and Germany, where in the local libraries studied the works of the military. The summer of 1802 - visited Warsaw and met Jozef Poniatowski. He settled then in the Great Poland, where Mycielski gave him the property.
Meanwhile Wirydianna finally obtained a divorce from first husband, and she could marry Fiszer. When Stanislaw Fiszer received a letter of Wybicki, sent in Berlin on November 4, 1806, Fisher contrary to the promises made his wife and objections of Kosciuszko, immediately gone to Dabrowski. The chief of the legions sent him on 18 November 1806 to Napoleon, with the report on the state of the organization of the Polish armed forces; at the request of Dabrowski was promoted to Brigadier General. He served as the Chief of Staff under Zajaczek; he was head of the Polish military General Staff.
At the end of January 1809 visited Paris, where he discussed issues related to the reorganization of the army of the Duchy of Warsaw. 1810, Fiszer / Fisher was promoted to the rank of Major General.
1811 - Fiszer / Fisher also served as head of the Polish military intelligence.
In the war of 1812 Gen. Fisher served as Chief of Staff of Polish corps. During the Battle of Smolensk in 1812 personally led the attack of the Polish infantry.

We back to Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kosciuszko / Andrew Thaddeus Bonaventure Kosciuszko, b. 1746, hero in Poland, Belarus, and the United States. As Supreme Commander of the Polish National Armed Forces, he led the 1794 Kosciuszko Uprising. Born in Mereczowszczyzna / Merechevschina, Belarus close to Kosów Poleski / Kosava; Kosciuszko was the youngest son of Ludwik Tadeusz Kosciuszko, an officer in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Army, and his wife Tekla, nee Ratomska. Kosciuszko moved to France in 1769 to studies, returned to Poland in 1774, returned to France. In 1776, Kosciuszko moved to North America, where he took part in the American Revolutionary War; back to Poland in 1784, as a major general in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Army in 1789; Polish-Russian War of 1792; 1796, Kosciuszko was pardoned by Paul I, and he emigrated to the United States; close friend of Thomas Jefferson, returned to Bayonne, France, on June 28, 1798. Kosciuszko remained politically active in Polish circles in France, and in 1799, he joined the Society of Polish Republicans, but October 17 and November 6, 1799, he met with Napoleon Bonaparte; 1801, Kosciuszko settled in Breville, near Paris; Kosciuszko wrote a letter to Napoleon, and did not move to the Duchy of Warsaw; after the fall of Napoleon, he met with Russia's Tsar Alexander I, in Paris and then in Braunau, Switzerland, demanded borders on the Dvina and Dnieper Rivers in the east. In Vienna, Kosciuszko called new Poland as "a joke" of Russia; send letters to the Tsar, and left Vienna, moved to Solothurn, Switzerland.

Above named The Society of Polish Republicans was the Polish secret organization, in Warsaw on October 1, 1798 to mid-1801; with contact to the Deputation in Paris, and Kosciuszko in Paris. The main activists were:
Jan Orchowski / John Aloysius Orchowski,
Raymond Rembielinski,
Andrew Horodyski and
Erasmus Mycielski.
Above named Raymond Rembielinski / Rajmund Rembielinski 1775 - 1841, MP, Freemason.

Andrzej Michal Horodyski b. 1773 in Baworowo, d. 1847 / 1857, politician, translator, freemason; the son of Anthony, of Kiev, and Justyna Marchocki; 1796 was an activist of Centralization of Lviv. 1798 moved to Warsaw, where he became director, after E. Mycielski, of the Society of Polish Republicans, as Andrew Dumanski. In 1801, ran encrypted correspondence with H. Kollataja. In 1802, formed in Odessa the store of Trzycieski, Horodyski et comp.; also with P. Maleszewski, J. K. Szaniawski and J. Drzewiecki. In 1831 Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Erazm Mycielski / Erasmus Mycielski b. 1769 in Kamieniec Podolski, died 1800 Kalisz, Colonel in 1794, son of Aleksander Mycielski General; 1775 served the Regiment of Poninski. Captain 1788. Campaigns in 1792 took place in Lithuania. The Kosciuszko Uprising 1794. He was a member of the conspiracy, preparing the uprising of Kosciuszko; promoted by Tadeusz Kosciuszko. He was one of the founders of the Polish Society (1798). He was involved in the conspiracy in the Great Poland. Above Aleksander Mycielski 1723 - 1818, the Crown Army lieutenant general, envoy.
Son of John, a lieutenant of the royal army and Domicella Horodynski; He was a friend of Joseph Alexander Sulkowski.

Above Aleksander Józef Sulkowski, 1695 - 1762, 1733-1738 the Saxon Electorate prime minister, Count and Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, chamberlain of Augustus III, 1734 Saxon Infantry Major General, grew up at the royal court, was the closest adviser the King and Elector Augustus III.
Prince Alexander Joseph died in Leszno in 1762, had a four sons from his first marriage.

We back to PAWLOWICE:
the classicist palace was built in 1779-1792 for Maximilian Mielżyński according to project like the Berlin Brandenburg Gate, by Karl Gotthard Langhans; In the palace in Pawlowice died Count Maximilian Mielzynski, the owner of a vast fortune. His three sons divided the wealth among themselves. The oldest Stanislaw inherited Pawlowice, Poniec, Łaszczyn and Gołańcz. To him belonged also the Poznan palace, where in November 1806, was living gen. J. H. Dabrowski and Jozef Wybicki.
Stanislaw Mielzynski allocated substantial sums on organizing infantry regiment.
Similarly have done: Prince Antoni Pawel Sulkowski of Rydzyna; Count Poniński; Count Melchior Lacki from Lwówek.
They were appointed Colonels in November 1806. Each regiment consisted of two battalions of 6 companies (each a population of 150 soldiers).

Note on Rabin / Rąbiń:
Rąbiń [the Mielzynski property], Poland - 19 north-west of the Kiedrzynskis Kunowo / Kunow!
In Rąbiń in 1676 lived Zofja of Strzelce, Mielżyńska;
1668 - Jan Krzyżanowski; 1668 - Zofja Krzyzanowska;
1712 - Katarzyna nee Mycielska, Mielżyńska, of Dąbrowa, built a church in Pawłowice;
1716 - Teresa Mielżyńska died in Wrocław, daughter of Krzysztof and Anna;
1754 - Regina Anna, daughter of Michał Łącki, with friend Maksymilian Mielżyński;
1773 - Rozalja Konstancja Franciszka, daughter of Maksymilian and Konstancja of Werbno, Mielżyński;
1775 - Katarzyna Regina Barbara Cecylia, daughter of Maksymilian Mielżyński, and Konstancja nee Czapski;
1754 - Józef Sczaniecki widowed, married Krystyna Mielżyńska; 1721 - Krzysztof Mielżyński lived Pawłowice, officer in Przemet, buried in Woźniki; 1762 - Owidjusz Mielżyński buried in Berlin; 1770 - Anna nee Bniński, Mielżyńska died in Głogow;
1774 - Helena, daughter of Mielżyński, died in Konary, buried in Pawłowice.
Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński Count, b. 1780 - Rąbiń, died in 1842 - Karczew close to OTWOCK.
Prowidencja Honorata Mielżyńska nee Zaremba was born in 1787, d. 1827, married Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński in 1800, and Stanisław was born 1778, in Rąbiń, they had 3 children: Filipina Sczaniecka born Mielżyńska, and Leon Tomasz Mielżyński.
Teresa Konstancja Seweryna Potulicka, born Mielzynska in 1797, to Prokop Mielzynski and Katarzyna Mielzynska, Prokop was born in 1763, in Golancz, Katarzyna was born in 1775, in Rabin, Teresa had sister Gabriela Potulicka born Mielzynska, Teresa married Kasper Piotr Potulicki b. 1792, in Kostyl'nyky, Ukraine, with 3 children: Katarzyna Mielzynska born Potulicka.
Katarzyna Mycielska d. 1712 in Dąbrowa, close to Rąbiń.
Maciej Mielżyński + Elżbieta Baranowska with son Krzysztof Ignacy Mielżyński b. 1670 (above Dąbrowa), died in 1721 (Pawłowice).
The owner of Pawłowice and a part of Kąkolew, was Katarzyna nee Mycielski - Gorzycka, in 1684 married Maciej Mielżyński. Maciej Mielżyński, owner of Dąbrowa close to RABIN, Błocko and Łąki, Chobienice, Woźniki, Borzysław, in 1685 all the Kąkolew estate, 1694 all Pawłowice from the Bojanowskis; after Maciej's death in 1696 his son Krzysztof taken above estates, officer in 1717 in Przemęt, married in 1693 to Anna Gorzycki, with her properties in Pawłowice with Robczysko and half of Kąkolewo; Anna bought in 1688 a part of Kąkolewo, 1713 from Paweł Radomicki taken part of Pawłowice, but sons of Maciej in 1717 divided above properties:
Chobienice to Franciszek;
Krzysztof taken Dąbrowa; he bought Rąbin, Łaszczyn + Izbica and Żelice; in Pawłowice was main property,
then to Andrzej Mielżyński, who in 1771 built the palace; his oldest son taken above named Pawłowice; next to Stanisław (1805), Leon (since 1828), Maksymilian (in 1885), Krzysztof (1915) and Andrzej Krzysztof (since 1927).
Leon Mielżyński bought in 1844 from the Dzieduszyckis - Żytowiecko, and in 1862 - Wielka Łęka from the Mycielskis.
Leon divided estates: older son Maksymilian taken Pawłowice, younger son - Maciej taken Wielka Łęka with Żytowiecko, then Pawłowice + Mchy.


the parents of Anna Kazmierczak who was the great-grandmother of ANGELA MERKEL - the German chancellor (Aniela nee Kazmierczak - Merkel), were:
Bartlomiej Kazmierczak and Apolonia Bielejewicz, m. in 1854 in Pawlowice, the Mielzynski estate.

On the genealogy of Aleksander Bielewicz / Bielejewicz / Bilejewicz [BILEWICZ !], born ca 1760, and a little bit of research to the ancestors of the Chancellor Angela Merkel:
Anna Katarzyna Kazmierczak / Kazimierczak / Anna Katharina Kazmierczak, married on 19 July 1877 in Kunowo, was daughter of Bartholomäus Kazmierczak and Apolonia Bilewicz that is Bartholomew Kazmierczak and Apolonia Bilewicz [Bielewicz / Bielejewicz / Bilejewicz].
The Billewicz / Bielewicz / Bilewicz family come from Zmudz; see: Kazimierz Pilsudki, great-grandfather of Marshal Józef Pilsudski, b. ca 1760, owner of Zemogile by the Dubisa river, and married to Anna Bilewicz - her mother nee Polubinska; oldest brother of Anna Pilsudka died !; next brother Colonel Józef Bilewicz, lived at Court of Stanislaw August Poniatowski; sister Eufrozyna m. Wincenty Biallozor of Poszuszwie; Kazimierz Pilsudski, of the Rosienie county, d. ca 1820, left son Piotr Pilsudski, b. 1795 in Zemigoly.

On the Billewiczs / Bilewiczs:

The father of Ludwika Marianna Pociej was Ludwik Konstanty Pociej. Ludwik Konstanty Pociej, and Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej were sons of Leonard Gabriel Pociej b. 1632, died in 1695; Leonard Pociej was closest friend of Marcjan Aleksander Ogiński, son of wife's brother. Leonard Gabriel Pociej married to Regina Ogińska, primo voto Walter Korff of Troki. Above Regina Pociej nee Oginska, b. circa 1624, died ca 1700, was daughter of Samuel Leon Ogiński and Zofia Billewicz. She was sister of Jan Ogiński; Szymon Karol Symeon Ogiński, and Helena Tyszkiewicz, inf. by Viktorija Janina Ruškuliene. Above Samuel Leon Ogiński b. ca 1593, d. 1657; inf. by Andrzej Hennel at geni.com.

The Bilewicz / Billewicz family lived in Viduklė west of RASEINIAI; in Biliūnai close to Raseiniai, south-east; and in the Rosienie (Raseiniai) county.
ADAM / Adomas Bilevičius, b. ca 1750, was father of Kazimierz Tomasz, and Kasparas Bilevičius [Kasparas Bilevičius, b. ca 1782, d. 1840]; and so on.
Kazimierz Pilsudki - great-grandfather of Marshal Józef Pilsudski - b. ca 1760, owner of Zemogile [ZEMYGALA, close to Betygala; ŽEMYGALA / Žiemgala ca 15 km east of Raseiniai] by the Dubisa [Dubysa / Dubīsa] river, and married to Anna Bilewicz - her mother nee Połubiński / Polubinska; she had 4 brothers: Joachim; Józef; Wincenty; Wojciech. The oldest brother of Anna Pilsudka drowned in the river!; next brother Colonel Józef Bilewicz, lived at Court of Stanislaw August Poniatowski; sister Eufrozyna 1760 - 1853 m. Wincenty Białłozor / Biallozor of Poszuszwie.
Kazimierz Pilsudski, of the Rosienie county, d. ca 1820, left son Piotr Pilsudski, b. 1795 in Zemigoly.
Above Anna nee Billewicz Piłsudska (1761 - 1837), great-grandmother of Józef Piłsudski.
Her father was Walerian Billewicz.
Anna had 5 children:
Piotr Paweł (1794 - 1851) + Teodora Urszula Butler - grandfather of Józef Piłsudski;
Walery (1796 - 1877) + Aniela nee Piłsudska (died in 1844);
Jerzy Jegor (1799 - 1816 / 1820) - officer of the Russian Army;
Anna Piłsudska b. 1761 / 1762, died in 1837.

Aleksandras Jurgis Bilevičius / Aleksander Jerzy Billewicz b. ca 1690 - died in 1764 or 1755, was son of Teodoras Steponas Bilevičius / Teodor Billewicz and Helena Grużewska / Elena.
Tadeusz Billewicz 1728 - 1788 was son of above Aleksandras Jurgis Bilevičius and Ona Bilevičienė.

Walerian Billewicz the officer in Dyrwiany Małe in 1788-1795, d. 1785? or 1795. Dyrwiany - Dirvonėnai, west of Siauliai, north of Raseiniai.
Walerian Billewicz was father of
Joachim Billewicz; Anna Piłsudska; Józef Billewicz; Joachim Billewicz; Wojciech Billewicz; Eufrozyna Białłozor and Emiliana.
Kazimierz Piłsudski b. ca 1750, d. ca 1820, officer in Rosienie, married in 1786 in Krakes, near Kiejdany [Krakes - east of Raseiniai], to above named Anna Billewicz 1761 - 1837.
Walerian's father was Piotr Billewicz, who was son of Zygmunt Billewicz born ca 1640

[Zygmunt was brother of Teodoras Steponas Bilevičius / Teodor Stefan Billewicz 1655-1697, and Teodor had sons: Aleksandras Jurgis Bilevičius b. 1690
{who was father of Tadas Bilevičius
(Tadeusz / Tadas was father of Helena Wazgird Morykoni and - ? - Adomas Bilevičius / Adam Billewicz, b. ca 1750);
Jurgis Bilevičius; Motiejus Bilevičius and Teodor Billewicz}
and Jonas Steponas Bilevičius];

Zygmunt's father was Stefan Billewicz / Bilevičius, ca 1610 - 1678; he was son of Jonas Bilevičius / Jan Billewicz / Johan Bielewicz, b. ca 1580 - son of Wojciech Billewicz and Krystyna Szemet.
He come from Wojciech Billewicz / Vaitiekus Jurgaitis Bilevičius, ca 1550 - 1600, son of Jerzy Billewicz.

Anna Piłsudska had son Piotr Kazimierz Wincenty Piłsudski 1794 - 1851, m. Teodora Urszula Otylia Butler daughter of Małgorzata Billewicz;
son of above Piotr: Józef Wincenty Piotr Piłsudski 1833 - 1902 in Petersburg, m. Maria Billewicz b. 1842, daughter of Antoni Billewicz and Helena Michałowska.
Son of above Jozef Wincenty: Józef Klemens Piłsudski 1867 - 1935.

Urszula Piłsudska / Ursula Pilsudska nee Bilevich / Billewicz, born ca 1790, was daughter of Józef Billewicz and Anna Szemiot / Ona Bilevičienė; wife of Ludvik Pilsudski. Above Józef Billewicz b. ca 1760.

Kazimierz Hieronim Bilewicz, b. 1870 + in 1899, in Łąkoszyn - the central Poland now.
Floryan Bilewicz Stankiewicz owner of Stanki / Stańkow, had 3 sons, inf. in 1685, and they were owners of Skorobowo in 1691 - 1720.
The Bilewicz / Billewicz family lived in Teneniai, Lithuania, 50 km south-east of Gargzdai; Tenenie / Teneniai, 22 km west of Taurogi, here Maria Piłsudska nee Billewicz was born in 1842 [Adamowo / Adomavas near Teneniai], she was mother of Józef Piłsudski; daughter of Antoni Billewicz and Helena Michałowski; her brother was father of Joanna Narutowicz; her sister Zofia Zubow nee Billewicz; in 1863 in Teneniai married to Józef Wincenty Piłsudski with 12 children - private teacher was from Switzerland; Maria Piłsudska d. 1884 in Suginty;
Suginty / Suginčiai - close to UTENA.

Above Helena Billewicz nee Michałowska b. ca 1828 - 1846, daughter of Elżbieta BUTLER; lived in Adomavas, Tauragės apskritis, Lithuania.
Above Antoni Billewicz was son of Kasparas Bilevičius / Kasper Billewicz / Kacper Billewicz, b. ca 1782, d. 1840, who was son of
Adomas Bilevičius and Bogumila BUDRYK.
KACPER was brother of Kazimierz Tomasz Bilevičius / Billewicz; Pranciškus Bilevičius; Jan Bilevičius / Billewicz; Ignacy Bilevičius / Billewicz; Stefan Billewicz; Antanas Bilevičius; Malcher Billewicz; Ludwik Billewicz; Grzegorz Billewicz and Józef Benedykt Billewicz.
Above Adomas Bilevičius / Adam Billewicz, b. ca 1750.
Above Kacper Wincenty Billewicz m. Kownacka.
Came from Tadeusz Billewicz 1728 - 1788, who was son of Aleksandras Jurgis Bilevičius and Ona Bilevičienė; above Aleksandras Jurgis Bilevičius / Aleksander Jerzy Billewicz b. ca 1690, died 1764, was son of Teodoras Steponas Bilevičius and Elena.

About above Aleksander Billewicz of the Rosienie county, m. Romer; with 4 sons: Tadeusz of the Mscislau province; Jerzy; Teodor Billewicz + Kozuchowska of Kalisz; Mateusz + Łopacińska.
Sons of above Mateusz: Józef, MP in 1793; Jan; Ignacy; Tadeusz.
Tadeusz Billewicz d. 1788, of Mścisław in 1783, had daughter Helena Wazgird (Morykoni) and also he had son ADAM / Adomas Bilevičius, b. ca 1750; who was father of Kazimierz Tomasz; and above named Kasparas Bilevičius; and so on.
Above KASPAR - Kasparas Bilevičius, b. ca 1782, d. 1840, had son
Antoni Billewicz or Tadeusz b. ca 1815, + Helena Michałowska b. 1820, with:
Pranas Bilevicius; Maria Piłsudska / Maria Billewicz (1842 - 1884) + Józef Wincenty Piłsudski (1833 - 1902); Wiktor Billewicz and Zofia Zubow b. ca 1860.
Above ZOFIA: Zofia Zubow nee Billewicz, was born circa 1860, married Włodzimierz Zubow before 1887, with son Włodzimierz Zubow b. 1887 Szawle [Šiauliai / Šiaulē north of Raseiniai] - d. 1959 in Kowno.

Anna Kazmierczak was born July 19, 1867 [? - it requires a explanation] in Kunowo, baptized on July 28, 1867 in the Catholic Church in Bytyń west of Poznan
- her parents: Bartholomew Kazmierczak and Apolonia Bilejewicz.
But there is not Anna Katharina, only the unmarried Anna Kazmierczak.
I assume that the called Anna Kazmierczak born on 07/19/1867 in Kunowo, was baptized in the Catholic Church in Bytyń but who is this above named Anna?

The different source:

The great-great-grandmother of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, that is Apolonia Kaźmierczak, was born in 1826 close to Krotoszyn! Mielżyński had the property near this city.

Above Apolonia Bielejewicz, acc. to Leszek Mila at geni.com: born on January 2, 1826 in Parzyce, the Bolesławiec County, Lower Silesian Voivodeship; died 1903; was daughter of Aleksander Bielejewicz, Jr.
[come from Aleksander Bielejewicz, Sr. / Bielewicz / Bilejewicz, b. ca 1760 probably in Żmudź / Samogitia / Žemaitėjė / Žemaitija, and he lived in the Pawłowice estate near Leszno, owned by von Maximilian Graf Mielżyński]
and Franciszka Sypkoska b. ca 1790; Apolonia Bielejewicz was wife of Bartłomiej Kaźmierczak and was mother of Philipp Kaźmierczak and Anna Rychlicka. Franciszka Sypkoska was daughter of Antoni Sypkoski and Brygida Dorocianka. Above Anna Rychlicka b. 1867 in Kunowo, close to Duszniki and Szamotuły - west of Poznan, or Kunowo of the Kiedrzynskis. Anna was Catholic, moved to Poznan, and born her son Ludwik in 1896; in 1901 Anna married to Ludwik Rychlicki; to 1915 Ludwik Kaźmierczak lived in Poznan; then Kaźmierczak moved home to Berlin, where in 1959 he died; in 1926 had son Horst Kaźmierczak. In 1930 change surname to Kasner. Horst had daughter Angela.

Note on Krotoszyn:

KROTOSZYN - south-east of Gostyn and Pawlowice. Pawlowice - 15 km east of LESZNO; south-west of Kunowo and Gostyn. GOLA 4 km west of Gostyn. Koszkowo north-east of GOSTYN. Noskow - 9 km south-west of Jarocin.
Stanisław Mielżyński was born on November 14, 1778 in Rąbin as Stanislaw Kostka Andrew James. He was the fourth child (the first of three sons) of the writer of the Crown - Maximilian Mielżyński and Constance Czapski. In the early 90's of the XVIII cent., the family lived in Pawlowice owned Maximilian. In 1799, died Count Maximilian Mielżyński, the owner of a huge fortune inherited by his three sons. Stanislaw got Pawlowice, Poniec, Łaszczyn and Gołańcz. His brother Nicholas among others, Żytowiecko, Leka, Karczewo, and Baszków close to Krotoszyn and Rawicz.
BOGDANSKI Walenty died ca 1761, owner of Gostynie [north-east of KALISZ] married to Ewa Stawicka, with A. Michal BOGDANSKI m. Salomea Kawiecka 1731 - 1821 daughter of Marcin owner of Charbice and Bratkowo, with:
1. Teresa b. 1768 in Orpiszewek;
and 2. Petronela 1783 - 1807 m. Józef Kiedrzynski a leaseholder of Ostrzeszów [see Izydor Kiedrzynski],
3. Ambrozy Sylwester b. 1776;
4. Józef Wincenty 1777 - 1852 in Krotoszyn m. 1806 to Józefa Otuska b. ca 1765, daughter of Helena nee Niemojewska.

Antoni Madaliński was friend in 1768 to Józef Bierzyński; 1770 of Józef Sawa-Caliński; 1778 - 1788 under protection of the Sułkowskis; was living in Baszkow - 6 km to the Silesien and then Prussian border - south-west of Krotoszyn, close to Zduny - north-west of Ostrzeszow. Baszków is situated ca 5 km west of Zduny, the Leszczyńskis land, then in 1791 to Mielżyński. Antoni Madaliński after capitulation in 1794, was jailed by the Prussians 1795 - 1797.
The great-grandmother of Angela Merkel came from Pyrzyce / Perzyce close to Krotoszyn and Zduny; 4 km north of the ex-Prussian border, and east of Baszkow, north of Zduny at the border; her name was Apolonia Kaźmierczak, b. 1826, died in 1903. Her daughter was Anna.
Perzyce / Pyrzyce belonged to the separate property, which was owned by Aleksander Mielżyński. Bestwin was part of the Baszkowo estate, owned by above Aleksander Mielżyński. The Piaski farm was the part of above named Baszkowo; since ca 1730 to the Sułkowskis; then to Maksymilian Miełżyński, but Aleksander Mielżyński lost them; next to duke Reuss.
Aleksander Dominik Mielżyński b. 1813 - Baszków, died in 1885 - Torino / Turyn / Turin; he was the son of Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński 1780-1842; the grandson of Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielżyński 1738-1799; the great-grandson of Andrzej Mielżyński 1698-1771.

Jan Nepomucen Umiński joined the Army of the Republic of Poland and took part in the failed Kościuszko Uprising of 1794 as an adjutant to General Antoni Madaliński. Following the Polish defeat, he escaped Russian-held Poland. In Dresden, he served as an emissary of the Society of Polish Republicans and General Jan Henryk Dąbrowski.

Aleksander Dominik Mielżyński b. 1813 in Baszków, the Krotoszyn County, died in 1885 in Turin, Italy; was son of Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński and Brygida Szczaniecka; husband of Katarzyna Potulicka of Wiecbork; father of Władysław Mielżyński.
Above Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński b. 1780, d. 1842 in Karczew, the Otwock County, son of
Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielżyński {born in 1738 in Łaszczyn, the Rawicz County, died 1799 near Pawłowice},
and Konstancja
[Konstancja Mielżyńska nee Hutten-Czapska b. 1749, d. 1813 was daughter of Jakub Hutten-Czapski of Brest region in BELARUS - son of Piotr Hutten-Czapski; and Rozalia Ewa Hutten-Czapska daughter of Piotr Aleksander Hutten-Czapski];
Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński was brother of Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński and Józefa Koźmińska.


Baszków - 4 km north to the Prussian border, 1684 bought by Rafał Leszczyński; 1696 to his son Stanisław then King of Poland, with villages: Długołęka, Rogożewo, Bestwin, Rębiechów, Sielec, Ruda, Borownica, to 1736; next to son of August II - duke Aleksander Sułkowski in 1741, but since 1762 to his son August Sulkowski,
who sold Baszków to Maksymilian Mielżyński in 1791 (to 1826); next Aleksander Mielżyński and Mikołaj Mielżyński 1828 / 1829.
In 1779 Baszków was hired by Antoni Madaliński, General in 1794;
in 1799 died Maksymilian Mielżyński who was father of Stanisław; Stanisław taken Pawłowice, Poniec, Łaszczyn and Gołańcz. Mikołaj - Żytowiecko, Łęka Mała, Karczewo, Baszków. Katarzyna taken Rąbin.
In 1800 Stanisław m. Prowidencja Honorata Zaremba daughter of Elżbieta Radolińska. 1848 and 1863 in Baszkow was centre of insurrections.
Heinrich XIII von Reuss ca 1860 bought (?) Baszkow.
In 1813 here was born Aleksander Dominik Mielżyński; his son Władysław Mielżyński b. 1848 in Wrocław; his son was Włodzimierz Mielżyński b. 1877 in Roskosz, the Lublin Voivodeship.

Important note:
Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, was son of Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński and Aniela Helena born von Rönne. Stanisław was born in 1840, in Baszków close to KROTOSZYN; Aniela was born in 1832, in Gargsdai / Gargzdai manor / Gorżdy, Lithuania now.
Felix II / Feliksas von Rönne, born ca 1797 - 1857, owner of Gargsdai / Gargždai; that is Feliks Filip von Rönne b. ca 1800 [or 1797] or Felix II Baron Rönne, b. ca 1797, son of Felix Baron Rönne and Antonia Gelgaudaite, owner of Gargsdai; married Franciszka ZALUSKA / Franziska Countess Zaluskyte, 2nd m. to Princess Ruboviska / Rubowicka; we have different data: Feliks Filip von Rönne 1800 - 1844.
When Felix von Rönne died, his daughter, above named
Countess ANIELA MIELZYNSKA / Anele Mielžinskienei
taken the estate land with Gargsdai / Gargzdai manor, then son of Baron, Eugenijus Ronne.
Retów / Rietavas of the Oginskis, is situated 25 km south of Plunge of the Oginskis, and east of Gargzdai, ca 40 km;
above Aniela / Aniele Amalia Baroness Rönne / Aniele (Anele Elena Amelija) b. 1832, d. 1911, married in 1868 to Stanislaw Count Mielzynski / Count Melzinski / MIELZYNSKI, the last heir of Renavas [he was born in 1840, in Baszków close to KROTOSZYN];
she was daughter of Felix Baron Rönne.
Their son Felix Count Melzinski / Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910 was the heir of manor Renavas. Renavas - 50 km east-north-north of PLUNGE.

Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, was son of Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński 2nd, b. 1840, who come from Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński 1780 - 1842, who was the branch of Andrzej Mielżyński 1698 - 1771. Above Andrzej Walenty Mielzynski born in Goscieszyn, 1698 - d. Pawlowice, 1771, and he married in 1734 to Anna-Petronella / Anna Petronela BNINSKA [c. 1720 - Glogów, 1770], with son Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielzynski b. 1737 + Konstancja Czapska.
Eugeniusz von Rönne b. ca 1830, married to Gabrielė Marija daughter of Tadeusz Antoni Ogiński b. ca 1805. Eugeniusz von Rönne was son of Feliks Filip von Rönne 1800 - 1844, who was son of Felix von Rönne 1st and Antonina Gielgud; above Felix b. circa 1770, d. 1827 was son of Mikalojus Renė.
Feliks Filip von RONNE was brother of Antoni von Rönne; MARIA TEKLA OGINSKA / Marija Teklė Oginskienė; Ludwika von Rönne and Teodora Ogińska.
Above Feliks Filip was father of Eugeniusz von Rönne and Aniela Helena Mielżyńska of BASZKOW close to Krotoszyn.
Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, had one sister Anna Maria von Wolmar Komorowska born Mielżyńska.
Above ANIELA von Ronne Mielzynska was half sister of Kazimierz Anastazy Karol Lubomirski [+ Zenaida Holynski daughter of Michal Holynski of the Mscislau province] and Władysław Lubomirski.

Above named Zenaida Lubomirska nee Hołyńska, b. 1820 in Rowne / Rivne, was daughter of Michał Hołyński and Elżbieta Tolstoj; wife of Kazimierz Anastazy Karol Lubomirski with children:
Stanisław Michał Henryk Michał Henryk Lubomirski, and Marie Lannes de Montebello.
Above Michał Hołyński / Михаил Иванович Голынский, b. 1784, was son of Jan (Ivan) Hołyński and Barbara KASZYC. Above Jan (Ivan) Hołyński b. 1746, was son of Józef Antoni Tadeusz Hołyński and Petronela ZUKOWSKA. Above Józef Antoni Hołyński / Juozas Antanas Holinskis of the MSCISLAU province of POLAND, born ca 1730, was son of Kazimierz Hołyński and Teofila MOSKIEWICZ.
Kazimierz Hołyński b. ca 1670 to Stefan Kazimierz Hołyński and Izabela Ostankiewicz. KAZIMIERZ of the MSCISLAU province was brother of Franciszka; Teofila Wojna; Jan Michał Hołyński; Krystyna Romeyko-Hurko; Jakub Hołyński; and Barbara Romeyko-Hurko.
About above mentioned KAZIMIERZ:
Franciszek Rohoza Konstantynowicz near of kin with Holynski family from Soino (either Big Soino or Voronove Slobody near by a farm of Mielkovka = Mietkowka), and his siblings and Hurko family also (from Krotowsza otherwise called Krynki or Krotovshe that belonged to Romejko - Hurko family in the Orsa district) were in trouble for this reason with Holynski
(Kazimierz son of Stefan Kazimierz Holynski from Chlyszczewo i.e. Chwostowo close by border between Belarus and Russia, from Soino and Uszpol)
family after 1714.
The above Soino is situated 18 km east away from Mscislau, at territory of Russia now i.e. 7 km from present border; it was the Grand duchy of Lithuania 1359 - 1772 and next in Russia: the Mstislavl district, Soino region = "volost" that is similar to county, in a parish of Mscislau (archbishopric of Mahileu, in the Mscislau - Klimavicy catholic area were three parishes: Lozovica, Mscislau and Smolensk in the 19th cent.); one our leg lived in the territory of present Belarus, but the second one stood at the present land of Russia in borders after 1992. A fortunes of Poles in this remote easterly territories of the former Both Nations Republic turned out differently than by Vistula, because not a few Poles had got to choose military service in the Russian Army since the end of the 18th cent. or they worked as engineers in different corners of former Russia since second half of the 19th century.

Aniela Helena Mielzynska / Miełżyńska (born von Rönne / Roenne / RONNE, barons) was born 1832, in Gorżdy
[Garsden / Gargždai - to the Oginski family - then 1781 to Otton Henryk Igielstrom; here died Gabryela nee Oginska, 1v. Edward Krasicki, 2v. Eugeniusz Ronne, she was b. 1830, d. 1912 / 1919 Gorzdy / Gargzdai].

The owner of the Gargždai estate from 1875 to 1895 was Baron Eugenijus Rönne, and then his widow Gabriele until 1912, that is Felix II Baron Rönne (b. ca. 1797), and his son Eugene Baron Rönne (1830 - 1895), then to Eugene's wife Gabriela Princess Oginska, and Eugene's sister, Aniele Amalia Baroness Rönne - Mielzynska of Krotoszyn.
They come from Karl (Carl) Ewald Baron von Rönne (1663 - 1716); and his son Carl Johann Ernst Baron von Rönne b. 1700; to grandson Carl Philipp von Rönne b. 1721 - he had big family with many children [copyright by Matthias Andreas Gredler]:
Carl Wilhelm; Anna Benigna Bsse von Rönne; Catharina Elisabeth; Gustav Philipp; Jakobine Benigna von Behr; Otto Hermann; Dorothea Christiana von Derschau; Christopher Carl; Johann Gotthard; Friedrich; Maria Elisabeth; August Bar. von Rönne; Anna Louise Caroline von Rosenberg; Ewald Heinrich; Christian Bar. von Rönne; Philippine von Roenne; Reinhold Benjamin, and Juliane Charlotte - inf. at geni.com in 2015.

Family von Roenne in Lithuania and Poland, acc. to the book "Rernavas" and A. Niewiadomski:
Stefan Karl Baron Rönne, in 1752 owned the manor of Gielgudyszki Wysolde / Gelgaudiskis by the river Memel, sold to his son-in-law Franciszek Pilsudski (1713-1791), head of administration of Wieszwiagny.

Colonel Ferdynand Ignacy Piłsudski (b. ca 1685 + Ludwika Urszula Billewicz)
[with son above named Franciszek Piłsudski + 2nd wife Joanna Rehno + 1st wife Marcjanella Komorowska and grandson Jan Chryzostom Piłsudski + Helena Strutyńska; and great-grandson Stanisław Piłsudski 1795 - 1865 + Anna Wicencja Plater b. ca 1790 daughter of Jerzy Broel Plater + Karolina Giedroyć]
was brother of Roch Piłsudski b. ca 1680 + Małgorzata Pancerzyńska who had son
Kazimierz Ludwik Piłsudski b. ca 1710 + Marianna Kukiewicz + Rozalia ks. Puzyna, with son
Kazimierz Piłsudski ca 1750 - ca 1820 + in 1786 in Krakes to Anna Billewicz 1761 - 1837
[her sister Eufrozyna nee Billewicz, Białłozor was owner of Poszuszwie; then taken by Pilsudski with Rapszany],
and grandson Piotr Kazimierz Wincenty / Piotr Paweł Piłsudski 1794 - 1851 + in Parynga to Teodora Urszula Otylia Butler
[with children: Józef Wincenty (1833-1902), Waleria Giedgowdow (1843-1926), Julia Bortkiewicz (1836-1910), Teresa Symonowicz (1838-1906), Ildefons; Wincenty (1839-1916); Otton; Anna];
and great-grandson Józef Wincenty Piotr Piłsudski b. 1833 - d. 1902 in Petersburg + Maria Billewicz 1842 - 1884
[with children: Helena Piłsudska (1864-1917), Zofia Kadenacy (1865 - 1935), Bronisław Piłsudski, Józef Piłsudski, Adam Piłsudski, Kazimierz Piłsudski,
Maria Juchniewicz (1873-1921) + Cezary Juchniewicz;
Jan Piłsudski; Ludwika Majewska (1879-1924), Kacper Piłsudski (1881-1915), Piotr Piłsudski; Teodora Piłsudska];
and great-great-grandson Józef Klemens Piłsudski b. 1867.

Above mentioned Franciszek Piłsudski (1707 or 1713 - 1791) - MP in 1758 and 1766, was m. 1st to Marcjanella Komorowska daughter of Bartłomiej and Teresa Oziembłowska, and had son Jan Chryzostom (ca 1760 - 1832), who was married 3 times: Helena Strutyńska; Bogumiła Strutyńska (1772 - 1832) and Antonina Bortkiewicz. Franciszek Piłsudski m. 2nd to Joanna Rehno, with daughter Aniela + Jan Frąckiewicz.
Above Kazimierz Piłsudski ca 1750 - ca 1815 / 1820, judge of the Rosienie county 1796 - 1809; owner of Puszuszwie and Żemiłowo / Żemigole [1807 to the Pilsudskis], m. Anna Billewicz with 3 or 4 sons: Piotr Paweł b. 1794; Walerian / Walery b. 1795; Jegor Igor b. 1799.


Aldona Kojallowicz Bulhak nee Dzierzynska, 1870 - 1966.
Aldona Dzierzynski was oldest sister of Feliks Dzierzynski, she in 1892 married to Gedymin Jerzy Bulhak (died 1908).
Her son Antoni Bulhak died after 1970, was one of the aides of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski. Anthony George Bulhak / George Bulhak (using his middle name) / Jerzy Bulhak / Antoni Jerzy Bulhak, a Polish citizen, the son of Gediminas Bulhak and Aldona Dzierzynski / Dzerzhinsky, was born in Zawoloczyce, on March 3, 1898 (or he was baptized in Zawoloczyce - Bulhak estate was near by this chapel in the Marina Gorka region);
Antoni married Wanda nee Juchniewicz, born in Vilnius, March 8, 1901, the daughter of Caesar / Cezary JUCHNIEWICZ and Mary nee Pilsudska / Maria Pilsudska / Maria Pilsudski. The marriage was April 11, 1923 in Vilnius.

Jozef Wincenty Piotr Pilsudski, b. 1833 died 1902, + Maria Billewicz has 12 children, among others
Helena Pilsudski b. 1864 d. 1917, Zofia Kadenac b. 1865 + Boleslaw Kadenac,
Bronislaw Pilsudski [see Japan, Sieroszewski, Azbelev, Duflon...],
MARSHAL Józef Pilsudski,
Adam Pilsudski b. 1869,
Kazimierz Pilsudski,
named above Maria nee Pilsudska, Juchniewiczowa / Juchniewicz b. 1873 + Cezary Juchniewicz.

Aldona Kojałłowicz Bułhak Dzierżyńska, b. 1870, was daughter of Helena JANUSZEWSKA Dzierżyńska [Helena was sister of Emilia Zawadzka and Zofia Pilar von Pilchau], and granddaughter of Ignacy Januszewski b. 1804; Aldona was sister of Jadwiga Dzierżyńska-Kuszelewska; FELIKS; Wanda Dzierżyńska; Ignacy Dzierżyński and Władysław Dzierżyński.

Aldona Kojallowicz - Bulhak - Dzierzynska was born in 1870 in Joda, close to Mejszagola, died 1966 in Lodz; she was wife of Gedymin Jerzy Bulhak and Artur Kojallowicz; was mother of Edmund; Rudolf; Helena; Antoni; Maria; and Helena 2nd; she was sister of Witold Dzierzynski; Jadwiga Dzierzynska-Kuszelewska; Stanislaw; Kazimierz; FELIKS DZIERZYNSKI; Wanda; Ignacy, and Wladyslaw Dzierzynski.
Aldona nee Dzierzynski was living near by Ryszard Edward Wincenty Dzierzynski b. 1817, who was brother of Edmund Dzierzynski b. 1829 or (date of birth is mistake maybe) / Edmund Rufin Iosifovich Dzierzynski, b. on 15 May 1838, died in 1882 (born in Oszmiany / Oshmiany in the Wilno government).
Sofia Pilchau Pilar / Zofia nee Januszewski / Zofija Pilar von Pilchau d. 28 Jan. 1898 in Wilno (Zofia Januszewska b. 1836, died 1920 - acc. to 'geni.com'), was sister of Januszewski Dzerzhinsky Helena / Helena nee Januszewski voto Dzierzynski (1849 - on January 15, 1896), mother of Feliks Dzierzynski / Felix Dzerzhinsky.

And about Jozef Oziemblowski / Ozieblowski + Aniela Zdrojewska: children - Boleslaw Ozieblowski, Michal, Maria Moszynski, Stefania. Dieriewno / Derevno located close to Ozemlovo / Ozemblovschizna. A church in Dieriewno / Derevno - there was baptized Feliks Dzierzynski / Felix Dzierzynski and buried his father Edmund Rufin Dzierzynski, his sister Wanda, his brother Stanislaus d. in 1917.
Edmund Dzerzhinsky born 1829 in Dzierzynowo, married to Helena Januszewska, he died 1882.
Helena Januszewska born 1849 in Joda and married to Edmund Dzerzhinsky, she died on 15 Jan. 1896 and buried in Vilnius.
Feliks Dzierzynski b. 11 September 1877 - his father was Edmund Dzierzynski b. 1829, and mother above Helena Januszewska b. 1849, died in 1896,
her parents: Ignacy Januszewski born 1804 and Kazimiera Januszewska born 1806;
parents of Edmund Dzierzynski: Jozef Jan Dzierzynski b. 1788 and Antonina Oziemblowska.

Anthony George Bulhak / George Bulhak (using his middle name) / Jerzy Bulhak / Antoni Jerzy Bulhak, a Polish citizen, the son of Gediminas and Aldona, the house Dzerzhinsky, was born in Zawoloczyce, on March 3, 1898; married Wanda nee Juchniewicz, born in Vilnius, March 8, 1901, the daughter of Cezary / Caesar and Maria / Mary nee Pilsudska. The marriage was April 11, 1923 in Vilnius. In above named Zawoloczyce was the Bernardine filial chapel, like in Chromce (near Bobruisk).
Zawoloczyce that is Zavalochycy, Zavolochicy, Zavolochitsy close to Simanavichi; west of Glusha, ca 38 km west of Bobruisk / Bobruisk. Glusha, Glusza [see de MOHRENSHILDT and LEE OSWALD], at half way from Bobruisk to Simonovichi, west of above Bobruisk / Bobrujsk; ca 28 km north-east-north of Glusk / Hlusk, and south-east of Osipovichi / Osipowicze.
Jozef Wincenty Piotr Pilsudski, b. 1833 died 1902, + Maria Billewicz has 12 children, among others
Helena Pilsudski b. 1864 d. 1917, Zofia Kadenac b. 1865 + Boleslaw Kadenac,
Bronislaw Pilsudski,
Józef Pilsudski,
Adam Pilsudski b. 1869,
Kazimierz Pilsudski,
Maria nee Pilsudska, Juchniewiczowa / Juchniewicz b. 1873 + Cezary Juchniewicz.

We back to the von Rönne family:

Ca 1645 was born Ernst von Rönne who lived and died in 1699 in Smolensk, was married ca 1670 to HELENA BILLEWICZ / Elena Bilevicikute, born 1650 with sons:
1. Krzysztof / Christoph b. ca 1673, d. 1723, Major General;
2. Theodor born ca 1675;
3. Stefan Karl b. ca 1678, died in 1753, in 1714 Polish Colonel and owner of the Manor of Kupiszki in the Rosienie / Rossienie caunty, head of the administration of Telsze and Uwenty.
His son Nikolai build in 1786 a Catholic Church in Renavas. He is the 1st owner of Renavas / Rennow [see MIELZYNSKI of Krotszyn].

Above Stefan was married 2 times: 1st to Rosa Siukstaite [Roza daughter of Jozef ?], 2nd to Anna Ivanovic [Anna daughter of Jan], with children:
1. Johanna b. circa 1718 m. Franciszek Pilsudski;
2. MIKOLAJ / Nikolai Anton b. ca 1720 [see below !], in 1781 Russian Colonel and he was owner of the manor Renavas / Renowo or Rennow. Twice married: 1st to Lady Eleonora Pietrowicz / Petravicitute, 2nd to ANIELA PILSUDSKI / Anele Pilsudskyte of Zermaitija {Mikalojus Renė / Nicolaus Ronne / Nikolaus von Rönne / Mikołaj von Rönne b. ca 1720 / 1740 + Aniela Piłsudska b. 1740 or 1750}.
Children of the 2nd wedding:
Felix b. ca 1770 [??] and
Maria b. ca 1760 or 1750.

Above Felix I Baron Rönne, Lieutenant Colonel, owner of Manor in Swiatoszyn by the Memel River in Lithuania and of Renavas / Renowo, in 1781 - Major of the Polish King court and 1792 was the Polish Chamberlain, awarded in [before ?] 1799 with the title of Baron from Polish King.
His wife Antonina Gielgud [see below], was daughter of Castellan of Samoigiten, Antoni and Barbara Judycka,
with 5 children named the baron-title:
1. Anton / Antanas, b. ca 1795 - 1869, owner of Ranavas;
2. Felix II / Feliksas, born ca 1797 - 1857, owner of Gargsdai / Gargždai;
3. Maria (Marija) 1804 - 1897 m. TADEUSZ OGINSKI / Tadeus Ogingskis;
4. Ludowika (Liudvika) b. ca 1805, unmarried;
5. Theodora (Teodora) b. ca 1807, married to KSAWERY OGINSKI.

Above Anton Baron Rönne b. ca 1795, was son of [Feliksas Renė b. ca 1770 [?] + Antonina Giełgud] Felix Baron Rönne and Antonina Gielgud / Antonia Gelgaudaite, in 1869 was owner of Renava / Renowo in the Zemaitija county, married 2 times: 1st to PRZECISLEWSKA / Psecislevska, 2nd m. Olympia Gorski.
His children:
1. Pelagia (1818 - ?);
2. Olimpia (1829-1861), married FELIKS OGINSKI / Felix Prince Oginskis (1830-1880), son of Ksawery Oginski.

Renavas / Renowo, Rennow, owned by above named Maria Baroness Rönne, daughter of Felix Baron Rönne and Antonia Gelgaudaite; Maria b. 1804, d. 1897 m. 1st to Michal BOREWICZ / Michael Prince Borevicius, Judge, d. 1814 with children: Nikolaus, Ludvikia, Teodora, and
m. 2nd to Tadeus Prince Oginski (1798-1844) with children: Nastasia, Gabriela, Angela.

Above Theodora Baroness Rönne, b. ca 1807, married Ksaveras Prince Oginski. Their son was Feliksas Prince Oginski 1830 - 1880 married with Olimpija Baroness Rönne, Anton's daughter.

Above Feliks Filip von Rönne b. ca 1800 or Felix II Baron Rönne, b. ca 1797, son of Felix Baron Rönne and Antonia Gelgaudaite, owner of Gargsdai; married Franciszka ZALUSKA / Franziska Countess Zaluskyte, 2nd m. to Princess Ruboviska / Rubowicka; children from the 1st wife:
Eugene Carl Anton Theophil b. 1830 in Gargsdai / Gargzdu, nearby Klaipeda [died 1895 in Berlin, married Gabriela Princess Oginska (1830-1912), he was Polish poet !];
Aniela / Aniele Amalia Baroness Rönne / Aniele (Anele Elena Amelija) b. 1832 m. Count Melzinski / MIELZYNSKI, the last heir of Renavas, daughter of Felix Baron Rönne, 1832-1911, married in 1868 to Stanislaw Count Mielzynski.
Their son Felix Count Melzinski was the heir of manor Renavas. Renavas - 50 km east-north-north of PLUNGE.

Important note: Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, was son of Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński and Aniela Helena born von Rönne. Stanisław was born in 1840, in Baszków; Aniela was born in 1832, in Gorżdy, Lithuania now.
Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, was son of Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński 2nd, b. 1840, who come from Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński 1780 - 1842, who was the branch of Andrzej Mielżyński 1698 - 1771. Above Andrzej Walenty Mielzynski born in Goscieszyn, 1698 - d. Pawlowice, 1771, and he married in 1734 to Anna-Petronella / Anna Petronela BNINSKA [c. 1720 - Glogów, 1770], with son Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielzynski b. 1737 + Konstancja Czapska.
Feliks Marian Mielżyński, 1871 - 1910, had one sister Anna Maria von Wolmar Komorowska born Mielżyńska.
Above ANIELA von Ronne Mielzynska was half sister of Kazimierz Anastazy Karol Lubomirski [+ Zenaida Holynski daughter of Michal Holynski of the Mscislau province] and Władysław Lubomirski.

Retów / Rietavas, 25 km south of Plunge of the Oginskis, and east of Gargzdai, ca 40 km

[Gargždai of the Rönne family. in the eighteenth century Gargzdai was owned by Prince Casimir Oginski; Sapieha in 1786; Baron Otto Heinrich de Igelstriomas in 1769, 1818; F. and E. Rėnė / Rönne. 1786 fire burned almost all the buildings,
for sometime, the estate was owned by Count MIELZYNSKI of Pawlowice - Krotoszyn (counts Mielžinskiams). 1829-1830 their mansion purchased by Baron Felix Ronne;
1831 uprising - fighting headed by K. Hanusevičiaus. Michael Suraki, was arrested, but later returned. After the uprising baron F. Ronne about 1840 built a chapel.
When Felix died, his daughter, Countess ANIELA MIELZYNSKA / Anele Mielžinskienei taken the estate land with manor, then son of Baron, Eugenijus Ronne.
In the 4th decade of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, the Gargždai Manor was owned by the famous baron E. Ronne. E. Ronne built a park, manor, he was educated, corresponded with Karolina Broniewska; his small museums equipped with collections of antiquities, porcelain collection, books in a library. 1895 Baron Eugene Ronne was buried in his father's chapel; 1912 was buried there his wife Gabrielle Oginskytė-Ronne / GABRIELA OGINSKA. The mansion went to daughter of his first marriage [was three daughters] Countess Gabriele Komarauskaitei-Krasickienei / Gabriela KOMOROWSKA - KRASICKA];

in 1732 Retów bought Józef Benedykt Skumin-Tyszkiewicz (1694 - 1754), who married to Teresa Niemirowicz-Szczyt (1708-?), then to his son Krzysztof (1729-1762), who in 1748 married Jadwiga Załuska (1726-1771); in 1763 widow Jadwiga Załuska Tyszkiewicz m. Duke Tadeusz Franciszek Ogiński (1712-1783), and Retów passed on the ownership of the family Oginski; Tadeusz Franciszek Ogiński was 1st married to Izabela Radziwiłł
[Izabela Kotryna Ogińska born Radziwiłł]
of Nieśwież, d. 1761 / 1763; Izabela Kotryna Ogińska Radziwiłł b. 1711, d. 1761 in Maladzyechna, the Minsk Province, was daughter of Michal Antoni Radziwill b. 1687

[he was brother of Lukrecja Katarzyna Donhoff; Adelajda Cecylia Teresa Dąmbska; Jan Mikołaj Radziwiłł, and Mikołaj Faustyn Radziwll who was father of Stanisław Radziwill 1722 - 1787, with daughter Franciszka Teofila Sołtan b. circa 1751 and her children were: Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan; Karolina Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1790 + Józef Piottuch-Kublicki b. ca 1780
{with 4 or more children:
Walentyna Sołtan (Walentyna Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1800 + Władysław Józef Sołtan 1795 - 1843 with daughter Oktawia Sołtan b. 1830, d. 1871 in Kazań, m. in 1849 to Władysław Hieronim Samuel Sołtan 1824 - 1900);
Anna Benisławska (Anna Piottuch-Kublicka + Józef Benisławski);
Stanisław Piottuch-Kublicki;
Oktawia Piottuch-Kublicka + Józef Szumski + DOMINIK KONSTANTYNOWICZ of MIEZONKA;
Emilia Piottuch-Kublicka + Wincenty Smokowski 1797 - 1876 son of Konstancja Mickiewicz;
Adolf Piottuch-Kublicki + Ida Ogińska b. ca 1820};
Helena Sołtan and Anna Wankowicz]

and Marianna Siesicka; she was sister of Leon Radziwiłł and Marijona Radvilaitė (copyright by Andrzej Hennel).

Tadeusz Franciszek Ogiński was 1st married to Izabela Radziwiłł with children: Franciszek Ksawery Stanisław Ogiński and Andrzej Ignacy (1738-1783) + Paula Szembek, with son Michał Kleofas Ogiński (1765-1833), owner of Mołodeczno, Zalesie and Retów in 1812 from hands Płaton Zubow [1806-1812].
Michał Kleofas Ogiński lived in Zalesie, married two times: Izabella Lasocka, and Maria de Neri (she died in 1851) - with her son Ireneusz Kleofas Ogiński (1808-1863) owner of Zalesie and Retów. Ireneusz Kleofas Ogiński married Józefa Kalinowska (1816-1844),
daughter of General Józef Kalinowski [see also Wola Pszczolecka] and Emilia Potocka she died in 1844;
then Ireneusz married 2nd to Olga Kalinowska [see Trubecki, Estonia, Konstantynowicz, 1840 St Petersburg and Cracow]. Olga had 2 sons: Michał Mikołaj Oginski owner of Zalesie, and Bogdan Michał Oginski in Retów. Bogdan Michał Ogiński / Bohdan Michal Oginski duke b. 1848, married on 28 Apr. 1877 to Gabriela Maria Potulicki in Cracow, died on 25 March 1909 in Retow in the Rosienie district.

Plungė Manor is a former Ogiński residential manor in Plungė. Oginski was a Lithuanian diplomat, and polish composer. Plunge is situated 44 km north-west of Gargzdai [see Krotoszyn and Mielzynski; see Angela Merkel]; 1806 to 1873 Plungė belonged to mentioned above Platon Zubov, and later to the Oginskis / Oginskiai, who built a palace here in 1879.

Above Prince Platon Alexandrovich Zubov b. 1767, died 1822, was the last of Catherine the Great's favourites and the most powerful man in Russian Empire; he had several siblings, including Nicholas, Valerian, and Olga Zherebtsova. "It was through his distant relative, Russian Field Marshal Nicholas Saltykov, that he met the Empress. Saltykov presented the young officer to the court on the understanding that Zubov would then help Saltykov in his feud with Catherine's long-standing favourite, Prince Potemkin".
See: Walewski, Potocki, Kalinowski, Lubomirski and Wola Pszczolecka, also Billewicz and Zubov / Zubow!
Above Platon Aleksandrovičius Zubov died in Joniškis [at half of way from Siauliai to Mitawa / Jelgava, now in north Lithuania], was son of Александр Николаевич Зубов and Елизавета Васильевна Воронова; partner of Sofia Leontievna Przysylonska; father of Sofja Platonovna Pirch; Александр Платонович Платонов; Константин Платонович Платонов; Валериан Платонович Платонов; Никанор Платонович Платонов; and Aleksandra Platonovna Zubova. He was brother of Olga Alexandrovna Zherebtsova; Count Valerian Zubov; Vasili Zubov and Anna Khorvat / HORVAT and so on.

Gabriela Krasicka b. 1866 in Hłusza
[see a place of birth of Edward Józef Krasicki in 1831],
d. 1938 - Kretynga;
she was daughter of Gabriela Maria Ogińska 1830-1912
{+ Edward Józef Krasicki 1831-1877, 2nd to Eugeniusz von Rönne 1830-1895};
she was granddaughter of Tadeusz Antoni Ogiński 1798-1844 + Maria Tekla von Rönne 1804-1897.
She was great-granddaughter of Michał Kleofas Ogiński 1765-1833 and Izabela Lasocka 1764-1852 {they known Felix von Rönne 1770-1827}.

Above Michał Kleofas Ogiński 1765-1833 had son Franciszek Ksawery Ogiński 1801-1837 who m. Teodora von Rönne 1807-1832

[Feliks Filip von Rönne 1800 - 1844, was son of Felix von Rönne 1st and Antonina Gielgud; above Felix 1st b. circa 1770, d. 1827 was son of Mikalojus Renė. Feliks Filip was brother of Antoni von Rönne; MARIA TEKLA OGINSKA / Marija Teklė Oginskienė b. 1804
{wife of Tadeusz Antoni Ogiński b. ca 1805 who was brother and half-brother to Franciszek Ksawery Ogiński; Amelia Załuska; Ireneusz Oginski / Irenėjus Oginskis; Emma Wysocka and Ida Oginskaitė; see Kalinowski, Trubecki and Konstantynowicz with Piottuch-Kublicki};
Ludwika von Rönne and Teodora Ogińska
{b. 1807 wife of Franciszek Ksawery Ogiński b. 1801, with son FELIKS}],

with son Feliks Ogiński 1828-1893 who married to Olimpia von Rönne 1829-1861.
Above Gorżdy / Gargždai, in west Lithuania, close to ex-Prussian border.

Lukasz Kiedrzynski married to (1st time ?) Franciszka Buczynski / Buczynska, he was owner of Kunowo / Kunow in 1767 (from hands of his mother), he was son of Ludwika nee Sitnicka or Sielinski - 6 km north of Gostyn and 31 km south-east of Koscian.
But this is Kunow / Kunowo 6 / 8 km north of Gostyn, that is east of Leszno of the Sulkowskis.
See: Koszkowo - 13 km north-east of Gostyn;
Noskow / Noskowo - 9 km south-west of Jarocin and 16 km east of above Koszkowo; Gostyn / Gostingen, is a town in Greater Poland Voivodeship, in Gostyn County.

Wirydianna m. 2nd time to General Stanislaw Fiszer, the Chief of Army Staff of the Duchy of Warsaw and longtime friend of Tadeusz Kosciuszko (see General Franciszek Paszkowski who had daughter - Armand's wife, and relatives to the Konstantynowiczs!).
Wirydianna Fiszer b. 1761 as 4th child of Katarzyna Radolinska nee Raczynska, who aged 18 (?!) years at this moment; Wirydianna was living in Chobienice, the estate of second husband of grandmother of Mielzynski who was governor of province
(Maciej Mielzynski / Mielzynski born 1799 was son of Józef 1765 - 1824 and Franciszka Niemojowski b. 1781, and brother of Seweryn; grandson of Maciej Mielzynski 1733-1793. Above Josef son of Maciej by his wife Seweryna Lipska, obtained the hereditary title of Count from King Frederick William III of Prussia on 12 July 1817);
Chobienice is situated close to Wolsztyn and the Prussian border.
At http://konstantynowicz.info/rewolucja_1917_niepodleglosc_Polski_1918/Konstantynowicz_1987/1/Kiedrzynski_Walewski_Madalinski_Kalinowski_Oginski/Wola_Pszczolecka_and_Miezonka/5/index.html
we read on Katarzyna Radolinska (born Raczynska), 1744 - 1792 daughter of Leon Raczynski and Wirydianna Mielzynska - Raczynska born Bninska. Leon was born in 1698. Wirydianna was born in 1718. Katarzyna had brother Filip Nereusz Raczynski; Katarzyna married Józef Antoni Radolinski born in 1740, d. 1781, with daughter above named Wiridianna Fiszer (born Radolinska). Katarzyna died in 1792.

We back to the MIELZYNSKIS:
Leon Tomasz Mielzynski 1809 - 1900 in Drezno, was son of above Stanislaw Kostka Mielzynski Count and Prowidencja Honorata; was husband of Felicja Elzbieta; was the father of Anna Czarnecki; Maksymilian Mielzynski; Maciej Eliasz Mielzynski; Maciej Ignacy Mielzynski and Maria Poninska;
he was brother of Elzbieta Mycielska; Filipina Sczaniecka and Eleonora Laura Hutten-Czapska.
Copyright by Leszek Mila in 2015 at geni.com.
Above Stanislaw Kostka Mielzynski 1778 - died in 1826 in Pawlowice, the Pszczyna County; he was son of Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielzynski Count and Konstancja; Stanislaw Kostka was the husband of Prowidencja Honorata ZAREMBA;
father of Elzbieta Mycielska; Filipina Sczaniecka; Leon Tomasz Mielzynski, and
Eleonora Laura Hutten-Czapska 1815 - 1875, wife of Karol Czarnecki, and 2nd to Józef Napoleon Kazimierz Sulpicjusz Hutten-Czapski.

Please remember about two individuals with similar first names: Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński 1840-1891 who married to Aniela Helena born von Rönne 1832-1911, and Stanislaw Kostka Mielzynski 1778 - died in 1826 in Pawlowice, the Pszczyna County, who was husband of Prowidencja Honorata ZAREMBA.

Above Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielzynski b. 1738 in Laszczyn, the Rawicz County, died in 1799 in Pawlowice; son of Andrzej Mielzynski and Anna Petronela BNINSKA [see my domain on the BNINSKIS].

The owner of Pawłowice and a part of Kąkolew, was Katarzyna nee Mycielski - Gorzycka, in 1684 she married Maciej Mielżyński. Maciej Mielżyński (1636-1697) - the top officer in Srem; he was son of Krzysztof Mielżyński Jr. 2nd
[Krzysztof 2nd died 1658, was son of Krzysztof Mielżyński 1st, and Zofia Popowski]
and Elżbieta Niegolewska.
Maciej Mielzynski was husband of Katarzyna Mycielski [2nd wife]. Named above Katarzyna nee Mycielski - Gorzycka, in 1684 married Maciej Mielżyński.
But we know that Krzysztof b. 1670 was son of MACIEJ Mielzynski and Teresa Mielżyńska - Barnowska who d. 1682 [1st wife], daughter of Adam Dadźbog Baranowski and Barbara STRZELECKI.
Krysztof Ignacy Mielzynski 1670 - 1721 [b. in Dabrowa Górnicza, died in Pawlowice] had son Andrzej [see below];
Krzysztof Ignacy Mielzynski 3rd (1670-1721) is the founder of the PAWLOWICE family line of the Mielżyńskis. Krzysztof was son of Teresa Mielżyńska - Barnowska who d. 1682, daughter of Adam Dadźbog Baranowski and Barbara STRZELECKI.
The genealogy of Andrzej Mielzynski [Andrzej Walenty Mielzynski born in Goscieszyn, 1698 - d. Pawlowice, 1771] and [m. 1734] Anna-Petronella / Anna Petronela BNINSKA [c. 1720 - Glogów, 1770]: they had son Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielzynski b. 1737 + Konstancja Czapska.

We back to the OGINSKIS:
Witold Zygmunt Joachim Wollowicz 1825-1875, married to Amelia Oginska [with son OLGIERD / Olgierd Michal Wollowicz 1869-1900], daughter of Tadeusz Antoni Oginski b. 1798, d. 1844, and Marianna Tekla von Rönne (Borewicz, Oginska).
Edward [Eduard-Josef Krasicki b. 1831 + Gabriela Oginska] owner of Hlusza in Wolyn; widow after him - Gabryela Oginska was also the daughter of above Tadeusz b. 1798 and Maryia Ronne / Maria von Ronne [Marianna Tekla von Rönne (Borewicz, Oginska)].
Above Edward Józef Krasicki 1831-1877 + Gabriela Maria Oginska 1830-1912 [1911] had son Leon Wilhelm Marian Krasicki 1856-1866.

Witold Zygmunt Joachim Wollowicz 1825-1875 that is Witold was owner of Wasilkowice (Wasilewicze) in the Congress Poland.
Amelia was granddaughter of Michal Kleofas Oginski 1765-1833 [Kleofas was father of Franciszek Ksawery Oginski; above Tadeusz Antoni {Tadeusz was father of above Gabriele Marija Rene; Natalia Gawronska and named above Amelija Wollowicz}; Amelia Zaluska; Ireneusz; Emma Wysocka; and Ida] and Felix von Rönne 1770-1827.

Witold was grandson of Antoni Wollowicz Count, [in 1798 of Prussia] 1750-1822 and Stanislaw Kajetan Krystian Breza 1752-1847, Teofila Matuszewicz, and Antonina Maria Radolinska 1771-1845.
Above Antonina Maria Radolinska 1771-1845 was granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radolinski of Wschowa, 1680-1740 and Leon Raczynski 1698-1755, and Wirydianna / Wirydiana Bninska 1718-1797. Above Wirydianna was daughter of Wojciech Bninski 1710-1755.
Witkowice and Grzeszyn - were the Wollowicz estates, in the Buczek parish [close to Wola Pszczolecka], and Zelow - Mikolaj Wollowicz (in the Buczek parish; see the Zelow estate).
Józef Wollowicz had brothers:
Andrzej Wolowicz 1750-1822 (Andrzej Wollowicz died in Kalisz, Catholic priest, in Plock and Warsaw, 1819 in Kalisz, 1819 senator),
Ignacy 1750-1795,
Mikolaj Wollowicz b. ca 1750 (see Zelow; Wollowicz owner of Brodnia [with Ignacy Bleszynski!], 9 km south-west of Lask, north of Buczek, Wola Pszczolecka, Faustynow and Zelow, south-east of Marzenin).

Felicjan Wollowicz b. ca 1690
(Felicjan Wollowicz was son of Adam Wollowicz b. ca 1665, and Jadwiga Kobielska; grandson of Jakub Wollowicz b. ca 1640, and Katarzyna Druzynska; great-grandson of Andrzej Felicjan Wollowicz b. ca 1610 ?)
m. Katarzyna Rogolinska with son Stanislaw Wollowicz 1720-1775 who m. Antonina Franciszka Wolowicz 1732-1779 [see below] with children:
above Józef Wollowicz 1748-1801,
Andrzej Wolowicz 1750-1822,
Ignacy Wollowicz, and above
Mikolaj Wollowicz [b. ca 1750 / 1757, d. March 1807 in Strzegocin].

Mentioned above Antonina Franciszka Wolowicz 1732-1779 was daughter of Aleksander Wollowicz b. ca 1700
(Marcyan Wollowicz + wife nee Pac: they had 3 sons i.e.
Dominik + wife nee Savicki,
Jan Kazimierz + Katarzyna nee Narushevich - inf. of 1676 and
Wincenty who died in 1698;
above Dominik [born circa 1640 ?] had 3 sons:
Marcyan 2nd + Antonina nee Zahorovski in the Mscislau area inf. in 1704,
Krzysztof [Krzysztof Wollowicz b. ca 1660 with son Jerzy Wollowicz b. ca 1690, died 1724 - see below]
and Wincenty from the Mscislau province [see below]!
Wincenty [b. ca 1660 / 1670 ?] had daughter who had gotten married to Pac, and also six sons
[the Wollowiczs were near and dear in the Mscislau / Mstsislaw territory of the Konstantynowiczs! They owned A.D. 1778: Staje, Berezetnia, Horowatka, Ray - i.e. Bolschoj Raj in present Russia and near by border between Belarus and Russia, Miteykow i.e. Miljejkova close by current border, Kozuchowicze - i.e. Koshuchowitschi in Russia now, Polachowszczyzna, Jurginow and Pietrowicze i.e. Petrovici estate - 810 ha. and 10 km E of Soino - in Zahustyn area, the Klimavicy district A.D. 1784, Russia now - close to the Konstantynowicz estates]:
Marcyan 3rd,
Dominik 2nd,
[mentioned above] Aleksander b. ca 1700 [Stanislaw Wollowicz 1720-1775 m. Antonina Franciszka Wolowicz 1732-1779 daughter of Aleksander],
Jerzy and
Stanislaw who died in 1737 and had gotten married to Eleonora Racs).

Mentioned above Antoni Wollowicz {Count in 1798 of Prussia] 1750-1822 was son of Józef Wollowicz b. ca 1720 and Magdalena Ludwika Marianna Michniewicz; husband of Józefata Piasecka and Teofila Matuszewicz; father of Joachim Józef Wollowicz and Eustachy Wollowicz; brother of Michal; Balbina Jelenska; Benedykt Wollowicz; Kazimiera, and Katarzyna.
Above Józef Wollowicz b. ca 1720, d. 1779, was the son of Jerzy Wollowicz [b. ca 1690, died 1724, who was son of Krzysztof Wollowicz b. ca 1660 - see above !] and Barbara Adamkowicz.

Dominik Oskierka of Wolkowysk b. 1810, m. Anna Wollowicz born 1809; Anna was daughter of Kazimierz Wollowicz 1779-1849 and Maria Felkerzamb born 1788 (daughter of Adam Ewald Felkerzamb 1734-1794 the Inflanty governor 1790-1794, the Witebsk governor 1787-1790, the chamberlain of the King Stanislaw August Poniatowski, with Ewa Marianna Oskierka 1753-1825; Adam Ewald Felkerzamb was son of Henryk Ewald Felkerzamb 1690-1758 with his wife Elisabeth Helene Witten / Elzbieta Helena von Witten b. ca 1700).
Anna had brother Michal Wollowicz 1805 - 1833 (the Zaliwski conspiracy in 1833). Anna nee Wollowicz, Oskierka / Oskierko was granddaughter of Michal Wincenty Wollowicz b. ca 1740.
Michal Wincenty Wollowicz (with wife Petronela / Petronella Swiecicka) was son of Kazimierz Wollowicz - the Slonim Marshal, b. ca 1720 ?, died November 1790 in Slonim, with wife Ludwika.

They come from Krzysztof Wolowicz b. ca 1620, son of Samuel Wolowicz b. ca 1595 ? and Elžbieta; Krzysztof was husband of Jadwiga Wierzbowska and Cecylia Buchowiecka; father of
Aleksandras Vladimiras Valavicius;
Jan Wollowicz;
Samuel Wollowicz;
Izabela, and
Kazimieras Valavicius.

Krzysztof b. ca 1620 was brother of Anna / Ona Valaviciute; Aleksander Wollowicz; Michal Wollowicz; Hieronim Wollowicz; Piotr Wollowicz; and Jerzy Wollowicz.
Above Aleksander Wladyslaw Wollowicz b. ca 1650, died in 1701, was son of above named Krzysztof Wollowicz / Kristupas Valavicius; was father of
Jonas Valavicius [1668 - died 1707 - who was father of Antoni Wollowicz {b. ca 1700} and Eleonora Skinder Hryniewiecki];
Rože / Roza;
Florencja, and
Antoni Wollowicz [see below];
brother of Halszka; Jan Wollowicz; Samuel Wollowicz and Izabela; half brother of Kazimieras.

Above Antoni Wollowicz 1691 - 1754, husband of Bogumila Tawrylowicz and they had son
Hieronim Wollowicz
[b. ca 1730 who was father of Lukasz Wollowicz; Tomasz {b. ca 1780, father of Michal; Gustaw; Rozalia and Kasylda}; Jan Wollowicz; Antonina and Adam Wollowicz {b. ca 1780, father of Pawel Józef Wollowicz; Ludwik Hipolit; Adam Tomasz Wollowicz b. 1834 (father of Józef Wollowicz; Tadeusz Jan b. ca 1870 [[father of Eustachy and Jerzy Wollowicz]] and Klemens); Rozalia Tyszkiewicz and Józefa Czarnocka}].

Above named Wasilkowice / Wasilewicze - was situated in the Suwalki government.

Wirydianna / Wirydiana Mielżyńska Bnińska b. 1718 - d. 1797 was daughter of Wojciech Bniński and Katarzyna; wife of Leon Raczyński and Józef Klemens Krzysztof Mielżyński.
Józef Klemens Krzysztof Mielżyński 1729-1792 had children with Wirydianna but we have not any more data: Józefa Krystyna Nepomucena b. 1760, and Franciszek Ignacy Alojzy / Franciszek Ignacy Alojzy Placyd Mielżyński born 1764.
Above Józef Klemens Krzysztof Mielżyński 1729 - 1792, was son of Franciszek Walenty Mielżyński b. 1682
{Franciszek's brother was Krzysztof Mielżyński 1670 - 1721, son of Maciej Mielżyński and named above Krzysztof was father of Andrzej Mielżyński b. 1698 - Andrzej was father of:
Maksymilian Antoni Jan Mielżyński Count
(MAKSYMILIAN was born in 1738 in Łaszczyn, the Rawicz County, died in 1799 near Pawłowice, son of above Andrzej; Maksymilian was the father of: Katarzyna; Stanisław Kostka Mielżyński Count b. 1778 [[Stanislaw Kostka was husband of Aniela Helena von Rönne and Prowidencja Zaremba with children: Leon Tomasz Mielżyński and Eleonora Laura Hutten-Czapska]]; and Mikołaj Gorgoni Mielżyński and Józefa Koźmińska);
and Andrzej was father also of Krystyna Barbara Róża Sczaniecka; Owidiusz Rafał Mielżyński; Franciszek Mielżyński; Zofia Hutten Czapska; Joanna and Florian}
and Krystyna Skalawska.

Above Jozef born 1729 was brother of Maciej Mielżyński 1733 - 1793
{MACIEJ was father of Prokop Mielżyński; Anna Maria Mycielska and Józef Mielżyński
(Józef Mielżyński Count, 1765 - 1824, he was father of Maciej Mielżyński b. 1799 and Aniela Mycielska. Maciej b. 1799 was father of Katarzyna Broel-Plater; Karol Ignacy Mielżyński b. 1838
[with son Maciej Ignacy Mielżyński b. 1869 in Chobienice]
and Gabriela)}.

Wirydianna / Wirydiana Mielżyńska Bnińska b. 1718 - d. 1797 was mother of Katarzyna; Filip Nereusz Raczyński and Estera Raczyńska;
Wirydianna was sister of Balbina Grąbczewska and Konstanty Bniński, and was half sister of Konstanty Bniński [1730 - 1810, son of mentioned above Wojciech Bniński].
Wirydianna Mielzynska - Raczynska born Bninska in 1718 married to Leon Raczyński [1698 - died 1750, son of Michał Kazimierz Raczyński and Krystyna Katarzyna Teofila Krassowska] with children:
above named Katarzyna Radolińska nee Raczyński [1744 - died 1792 + Józef Stanisław Radoliński with 2 daughters: Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer and Antonina Maria Breza]
and Filip Nereusz Raczyński, and Estera.

Mentioned above Wirydianna Fiszer was daughter of above Józef Stanisław Radoliński 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, who was father of named above Antonina Maria Breza and Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer.

PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was a daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki / Brygida Malecka [see the PONIATOWSKI family at my domain].
Petronela nee Radolinska was granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740. Józef Stefan Radoliński lived at the court of Polish King, Jan III Sobieski; clerk in Wschowa (see Sulkowski). Józef Stefan had 7 children:
youngest son Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 was owner of Jarocin, but his brother
Józef Stanisław was officer in Wschowa and in 1757 Józef Stanisław married to above Katarzyna Raczyńska (see Kiedrzynski).

Józef Stanisław Radoliński born 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, was father of Antonina Maria Breza and Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer (see General Stanislaw Fiszer, Radolinski of Wola Pszczolecka, General Franciszek Paszkowski, Armand + Konstantynowicz, Lenin + Inessa Armand, Tadeusz Kosciuszko).

Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740 was brother of Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 who married Kazimierz Walewski. Kazimierz Walewski was son of Stanislaw Walewski and Katarzyna Lanckoronska.

Teodora Ludwika Walewska, Marianna Radolińska and Józef Kazimierz Colonna Walewski b. ca 1710, d. 1763 (he had son Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815 and daughter Jadwiga Walewska who married in 1762 in Bielawy to Michal / Michael Walewski 1735 / 1740 - 1806) were children of above named Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia.

FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 / 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów (before him to the Mecinski family), Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki (Franciszek Walewski had son Aleksander), married 3rd in 1737 to above Teodora Ludwika Walewska (b. ca 1710), daughter of above mentioned Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia Radolińska 1677 - 1723.

Above Petronela died in Złoczew / Zloczow, m. in 1789 to Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813), son of Kazimierz and Teresa Struss; owner of Złoczów and Brzeźno; he was born in Złoczów, 1st married to Apolonia Sudrawska. See: Wola Pszczolecka. PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was a daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki / Brygida Malecka [see the PONIATOWSKI family at my domain].

November and December 2013 - new websites on the genealogy and history of the noble Konstantynowicz family in Russia 1772 - 1918, Poland 1918 - 1939 and next at a Polish territory 1939 - 2012.
The family history of the Konstantynowiczs in Tsarist Russia. In Viljandi, Tallinn, Parnu / Parnawa, Riga / Ryga, Moscow, Petersburg, Ufa, Miezonka, Hapsal / Haapsalu, Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti.
With: Melik - Beglyarov or Melik-Beglarov, Demonets / Demonet or Demontet, Breguet, Brown, Wilde, Nikitin, Katenin, Gruzinski, Bagrationi, Drzewiecki, Orlov-Denisov, Martynov, Paszkowski, Kalinowski, Zarako Zarakowski, Malkiewicz, Horodecki, Zbieranowski, Szostak, Nobel, Masson, Hacker / Hakker, Kammer, Briling, Vologdin, Azbelev, Benckendorf or Benkendorf, Pushkin, Kropotkin, Chikin, Bakst, Trubecki / Trubiacki / Troubetzkoy / Troubetskoi, Beklemishev, Rosenberg, Wittgenstein, Dadian-Mingrelsky / Dadiani Mingrelskij, Radziwill, Piottuch-Kublicki, Soltan, Oginski, Japaridze, Rosen, Gernet, Rehbinder, Schilling, Nakachidze, von Zarnekau, Yurievsky, Duke of Oldenburg, Nikoladze, Maipariani or Maypariani, Saparov, Armand, Diseren, Duflon, Rey, Paat / Paats, Karamyan.

All on the life of the noble Konstantinovich family in tsarist Russia 1772 to 1918. The Duflon and Konstantinovich Company 1892 - 1918 in tsarist Russia. The Breguet Company and Edward Brown of Clerkenwell in Russia.

Cryptography, ciphers, radio and telegraph in Sweden, Switzerland, Russia (Nobel, Damm, Hagelin and Schilling) in 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The Breguet Company and Edward Brown of Clerkenwell.

Cryptography, ciphers, radio and telegraph. History on the noble Constantinovich family in Russia in 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century. The Breguet Company and Duflon & Constantinovich Company 1892 - 1918.

The noble Konstantynowicz family in new Poland 1945 - 2013.

Breguet, Brown, Masson, Rey, Armand, Constantinowitz / Konstantynowicz, Duflon and history of research on telegraph, radio and electricity. Deka Company in Petersburg, Moscow and Zaporoze - Russian engines and airplanes.

The Kiedrzynski, Walewski, Madalinski, Kalinowski, Oginski, Psarski, Kreski of Grebanin, and Sulkowski family - history and genealogy. Part 5.

Kiedrzynski, Walewski, Madalinski, Kalinowski and Oginski genealogy.
General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus. Part 4.

Wola Pszczolecka and Miezonka; Kiedrzynski, Walewski, Madalinski, Kalinowski and Oginski genealogy. General comments to the genealogy of the Konstantynowicz family of Belarus. Part 5.

The branch of the Konstantynowiczs come from Dominik Konstantynowicz with the Fox coat of arms.

Brief explanation:

Adolf Piottuch-Kublicki born 1810 + Ida Oginska (b. ca 1820 or 1810 / 1813), with son Karol Piottuch Kublicki b. ca 1850 (+ Zofia Eysymont, 1840 / 1848 - died 1926, daughter of Oktawiusz, and Helena Soltan);
above Adolf was son of Józef Piottuch-Kublicki - officer in Zawilie, b. 1780 + Karolina Soltan b. ca 1780 / 1790.

Above named Jozef had daughters and sons:

1. Anna Benislawska (born Piottuch-Kublicki in 1809, d. 1885 + Józef Benislawski, 1790-1852, with: Leon Benisławski 1846-1935, Jan 1847-1899, Stanisław, Konstanty, Adolf, Edward, Ludwik Benisławski, Helena Benisławska b. before 1852);

2. Walentyna Soltan
(born Piottuch-Kublicka, b. ca 1800 / 1810 + Wladyslaw Józef Soltan b. 1795, died in 1843, son of Benedykt b. 1770 and Józefa Benislawska.
Walentyna's daughter was Oktawia Soltan, 1830 - 15.8.1871 in Kazan + in 1849 to Wladyslaw Hieronim Samuel Soltan, 1824 - 1900, the January Uprising 1863);

3. Stanislaw Piottuch-Kublicki born 1804;

4. Oktawia Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1810 + Józef Szumski b. ca 1800 + 2nd to Dominik Konstantynowicz;

5. Emilia Piottuch-Kublicka b. 1803 + Wincenty Smokowski 1797 - 1876, son of Michal and Konstancja Mickiewicz;

6. above named Adolf Piottuch-Kublicki + Ida Oginska b. ca 1820 / 1813 / 1810.

Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki was son of Jerzy Piottuch-Kublicki of Kublicze, officer in Livland, b. 1710 + Rozalia Korsak-Udzielska 1735-1789.

Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki of Livland / Inflanty, born ca 1730, married in ca 1775 to Augusta Soltan b. ca 1750 or 1760

[daughter of Stanisław Sołtan 1698 - 1758, and Helena Römer;
the granddaughter of Samuel Sołtan 1654 - 1735; and
great-granddaughter of Hieronim Władysław Sołtan],

1. Elżbieta Piottuch-Kublicka b. 1780, m. Benedykt Wawrzecki of Brasław, b. ca 1760, 2nd to Krütz;
2. above mentioned Józef Piottuch-Kublicki of Zawilie, m. Karolina Sołtan (see below).

Half sister of above named Stanisław Sołtan 1698 - 1758 was Teodora Sołtan 1700 - 1774 + Jerzy Stanisław Sapieha, with daughter Krystyna Róża Massalska b. 1724.

Brother of above Augusta Sołtan / Soltan / Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1750 or 1760, was Stanisław Soltan / Stanislovas Soltanas, born in 1756 in Berdyczów, died 1836 in Jelgava, now Latvia; he was son of Stanisław Sołtan and Helena Römer;
husband of Franciszka Teofila Radziwiłł b. 1751
and 2nd to Konstancija Taplockytė / Konstancja Toplicka.

Stanisław Soltan / Stanislovas Soltanas, b. 1756, was father of
Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan;
Karolina Piottuch-Kublicka (Karolina b. ca 1790, wife of Józef Piottuch-Kublicki);
Helena Sołtan;
Anna Sołtan;
Stanisław Sołtan junior; and
Helena Eysmont.

Stanisław Soltan / Stanislovas Soltanas, b. 1756, was half brother of Juozas Weyssenhoff; Ksawery Weyssenhoff; Mykolas Jonas Veisenhofas and Jan Weyssenhoff, acc. to geni.com.

Above Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan b. 1792 in Vilnius, died 1863 in Poznań,
husband of Idalia b. 1801, daughter of Aleksander Michał Pociej;
Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan b. 1792 was father of Aleksander Stanisław August Sołtan and Maria Anna Sierakowska.
Above Aleksander Stanisław August Sołtan 1821 - 1853, was father of Stefania Ludwika de Virion.

Note to Smokowski:

Wincenty Smokowski b. 1797 in Wilno, died 1876 in Krykiany (KRIKONYS or Krykiany, the manor / Krikonys, 18 km south-east of Ignalina, south-east of UTENA) close to Mielegiany.
Wincenty Smokowski, was "painter, graphic artist, sculptor, lecturer at the Vilnius University (studied at the Vilnius University 1817 - 1822);
and at the Art Academy in St. Petersburg in 1823-29 (1831-36 in Wilno again studied medicine).
In 1829 under Jan Rustem

[b. 1762 in Konstantynopol, died in 1835, Dūkšteliai / Duksztialiai / Dūkštas in Lithuania, he was a painter of Armenian ethnicity, was sponsored by
Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski, back to Poland around 1774, among his tutors were Jean-Pierre Norblin de La Gourdaine and Marcello Bacciarelli;
1788 and 1790 in Germany, where he became a freemason,
then in Warsaw, later moving to Vilna;
1789 he worked in the theater of Michal Kleofas Oginski / Michael Casimir Oginski in Slonim - to 1798;
in Wilno was as assistant to Franciszek Smuglewicz, his students were Taras Shevchenko, Józef Oleszkiewicz, Kanuty Rusiecki, and Michał Kulesza].

Painted compositions of an historical, daily life, and antiquarian nature, as well as portraits; illustrated books, and published articles about Lithuanian art and artists", acc. to http://www.unesco.org/webworld.
In 1822, the Vilnius artist Wincenty Smokowski (1797–1876) visited the ruins of the Trakai island castle and sketched the surviving fragments.
Wincenty Smokowski was excellent woodcutter - illustrator by Aleksander Majerski (1789-1857), artist, lithographer, drawing teacher.

Now back to
Andrzej Ignacy Oginski: b. 1740, Freemason; 1772 in Vienna, his wife Paula Szembek / Paulina Szembek, with son Michal Kleofas Oginski, b. 1765 died 1833 in Florencja.
Michal Kleofas Oginski married Izabela Lasocka ca 1791 (1789). They had 2 sons, Tadeusz Antoni, and Franciszek Ksawery / Xavier.
Maria de Néri / Maria Neri was his second wife in 1802, with children Amelia Zaluska, Emma Brzostowska - Wysocka, Ireneusz and Ida, acc. to Iwo Zaluski.
Michal Kleofas Oginski, in accordance with second source, had children: Tomasz Antoni Oginski, Ireneusz Kleofas Oginski, Franciszek Ksawery Oginski, Amelia Zaluska, Ida Oginska, and Emma Oginska.
Acc. to Iwo Zaluski: ca 1798, Kajetan Nagurski himself returned to Russian Lithuania, to reclaim and sort out his estate. Kajetan, unable then to get a passport allowing him back into Prussia, and thus to Warsaw, asked Morawski's father, Apolinary, to visit Maria Neri. Apolinary Morawski became lover behind Kajetan's back, with Maria Neri ca 1798. Nagurski brought her to his estate in Lithuania, where he married her, ca 1799. Ca 1800 Maria began to be seen in the company of the dashing young Count Ludwik Pac, whose father, Count Michal Pac, owned Jezno, one of the finest palaces in Lithuania. The affair came to an end when Count Kajetan Nagurski decided to go to Vienna with Maria, where he hoped to find a cure for his jaundice. Kajetan died soon afterwards in Vienna 1800 / 1801. His widow, now an independent lady, returned to Vilnius, and in 1801, Countess Maria Nagurska's life changed direction after she caught the attention of General Count Levin August von Bennigsen, Governor of Vilnius.
Above Michal Kleofas Oginski in 1790, to The Hague as a diplomatic representative of Poland in the Netherlands; in 1795 Konstantynopol, 1796 Venice, Tuscany; Paris; 1810 Petersburg; moved abroad in 1815?, in 1822 Italy, 1823 Firenze / Florence to death 1833.
Michal Kleofas Oginski in 1801 was living with his wife Izabela and two infant sons, Tadeusz and Xavier, at his wife's family's estate at Brzeziny, to the south west (see Otrebusy) of Warsaw.

Adolf Piottuch-Kublicki married to above Ida Ogińska b. ca 1813 / 1820. He was son of Józef Piottuch-Kublicki;
Adolf's sister
Oktawia Piottuch-Kublicka + Józef Szumski + 2nd Dominik Konstantynowicz;
next sister Anna Piottuch-Kublicka + Józef Benisławski;
Walentyna Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1800 m. Władysław Józef Sołtan b. 1795, d. 1843, son of Józefa Benisławska;
and Emilia Piottuch-Kublicka + above mentioned Wincenty Smokowski 1797 - 1876, son of Michał and Konstancja Mickiewicz
(his wife's estate was Krikonys, a small village in the Ignalina region).

Now we back to the Wankowiczs:

Melchior Wankowicz b. ca 1760-1815

(his brothers:
Wincenty ca 1760 - died 1814, m. in 1804 to Kajetana Gąsowska b. ca 1790; and
Teodor born ca 1760, married Izabela Gąsowska),

m. in 1800 to Scholastyka Gorecki; with sons:
Walenty 1800-1842 m. in 1827 to Aniela Rostocka;
Stanisława b. ca 1803, m. Wincenty Hornowski;
Karol 1805-1854, m. Rozalia Wańkowicz born ca 1807-1891 with
son Melchior 1842-1892 m. in 1876 to Maria Szwoynicki ca 1855-1895, and grandson
Melchior 1891-1974 m. in 1916 to Zofia Małagowska 1891-1969.

Above Melchior ca 1760-1815,
Teodor and
Stanisław b. ca 1760 were sons of
Aleksander and unknown Hrehorowicz.

Above Aleksander had brothers:

(b. ca 1730 with sons:
Teodor b. ca 1760;
Jozef b. ca 1760;
Ignacy with sons:
Hipolit b. 1809 and
Wladyslaw 1810-1848;
next sons of MARCIN:
Jakub b. ca 1760 and
Joachim m. Malgorzata JESMAN with
Jozef b. 1819 m. Wanda Swida with son
Florian b. 1851);

Mateusz m. in 1750 to Katarzyna Janiszewski
(with sons Kasper + Eleonora Makowiecka and
Józef + Marianna b. ca 1775);

and SEBASTIAN b. ca 1740

(with son Szczepan ca 1775 + Barbara Koziełł-Poklewski
and grandson Aleksander b. 1828 + Konstancja Estko;
and great-grandson Aleksander b. 1854 + Stanisława Aleksandrowicz; and his children:
Aleksander b. 1881;
Wanda 1882-1938 + 1st in 1900 to Rutkowski, 2nd in 1912 to Aleksander Ponomarew 1875-1965;
and Zygmunt born 1884).

Above Aleksander born 1854 had sibilings:
Ludwik b. ca 1858;
Stefan 1859-1923 + Helena Boguszewski 1868-1928, and
Konstanty b. 1860.

Above Stefan had children:
Maria b. 1890 + Jankowski b. ca 1880;
Maurycy 1893-1918;
Zofia 1894-1981 m. in ca 1925 to Tadeusz Römer 1894-1978;
Jadwiga 1900-1938 m. ca 1922 to Jan Rostworowski 1897-1975.

Above Mateusz Wankowicz (Mateusz m. in 1750 to Katarzyna Janiszewski) was son of Jan WANKOWICZ and Katarzyna Brzuchowski;
Jan was son of Stanislaw b. ca 1652 + Joanna Korsak.

Tadeusz Oginski owner of Luczaj, let this estate to Tadeusz Wankowicz and Anna Wankowicz nee Swietorzecka; Andrzej and Franciszek Ksawery Oginscy, sold Luczaj to the Wankowiczs.

Tadeusz Wankowicz junior was owner of Łuczaj in 1786, son of Tadeusz Wańkowicz senior b. ca 1675
(grandson of Jan Wankowicz b. ca 1646 and Zofia Chrapowicki;
Jan had brothers:
Wladyslaw b. ca 1648 and
Teodor b. ca 1650; and
Stanislaw b. ca 1652 + Joanna KORSAK)

and Helena Wołodkowicz born ca 1685;

Tadeusz Wankowicz junior m. in 1755 to Anna Świętorzecka ca 1735-1812, daughter of Antoni Świętorzecki

(Tadeusz Wankowicz junior had sibilings:
Antoni Wańkowicz b. ca 1710;
Eleonora Wańkowicz b. ca 1715;
Scholastyka Wańkowicz born ca 1720;
Franciszka Wańkowicz b. ca 1725;
half brother was Adam Wańkowicz son of Teresa Filipowicz and Tadeusz senior);

son of Tadeusz junior was Antoni ca 1758-1812 m. Anna Sołtan ca 1785-1812.

Daughters of above Antoni:
Klementyna b. ca 1804, m. in 1820 to Edward Mostowski 1790-1855;
Waleria b. 1805, m. in 1821 to Konstanty Tyzenhauz 1785-1853;
and Wanda 1808-1842, m. in 1825 to Benedykt Emanuel Tyszkiewicz 1801-1866.
See more at http://genealogia.plewako.pl.

Пётр / Piotr Wankowicz, officer in Minsk, Belarus, owner of Wolma and Skarabagatawa farm in the Minsk county in 1654, died before 1670, married to Ганна Дунін-Глушынская / Anna / Hanna Dunin-Gluszynska of Wolkowysk;
his son was Stanislaw Wankowicz b. ca 1652.

Above Stanislaw Wankowicz / Станіслаў, of Smolany north-west of Orsha, bought from Tomasz Cedrowski and Katarzyna nee Drucka-Lubecka, Siemionkowicze / Сяменькавічы and Slobodka / Slobudka in the Minsk county in 1672, landowner of Domaszewicze / Damashevichi / Дамашы / Дамашэвічы in the Minsk county in 1682, 1st married to Krystyna Cedrowska / Цадроўская, 2nd to Hanna Korsak / Anna / Ганна Корсак of Polock.

Son of Stanislaw Wankowicz was Jan Antoni Wankowicz; see below.
All sons of above Stanislaw:
Kazimierz Wankowicz / Казімір;
Andrzej Wankowicz killed in 1700 near Olkienniki;
Tomasz / Тамаш, officer in Minsk in 1704, exiled in 1706, died before 1746, married Teofila Korsak;
Jan Antoni Wankowicz / Ян-Антоні, officer in Minsk - 06.10.1744, owner of Zabaszewicze / Забашавічы in the Minsk county in 1753, d. before 1766, married Katarzyna Brzuchowski / Bruchanska / Brzuchanska / Кацярына Бруханская;
Emercjanna / Emerencjana, m. Michal Rowinski of the Dobrzyn county.

Above Jan Antoni Wankowicz
(Melchior ca 1760-1815, Wincenty, Teodor and Stanisław b. ca 1760 were sons of Aleksander and unknown Hrehorowicz - see below;

Jan Antoni Wankowicz had sons:
Aleksander + lady Hrehorowicz;
Mateusz m. in 1750 to Katarzyna Janiszewski
with sons:
Kasper + Eleonora MAKOWIECKA, and
Jozef + Marianna b. ca 1775);

Jan Antoni Wankowicz had also son Piotr Wankowicz.

Mateusz Wankowicz (Mateusz m. in 1750 to Katarzyna Janiszewski) was son of Jan WANKOWICZ that is Jan Antoni Wankowicz and Katarzyna Brzuchowski;
Jan was son of Stanislaw b. ca 1652 + Joanna Korsak

[Stanislaw Wankowicz / Станіслаў, of Smolany north-west of Orsha, bought from Tomasz Cedrowski and Katarzyna nee Drucka-Lubecka, Siemionkowicze / Сяменькавічы and Slobodka / Slobudka in the Minsk county in 1672, landowner of Domaszewicze / Damashevichi / Дамашы / Дамашэвічы in the Minsk county in 1682, 1st married to Krystyna Cedrowska / Цадроўская, 2nd to Hanna Korsak / Anna / Ганна Корсак of Polock].

Above named
Piotr was judge in Minsk, and married to Urszula Illicz / Ілліч. They had sons:
Michal Wankowicz;
Jan Wankowicz m. Anna Szablowska / Ганна Шаблоўская;
and last son Wincenty Wankowicz.

Above Michal / Міхал, officer in Orsha, 1st m. Teofila Mikusz with two sons, 2nd Elzbieta Dzierzynska with 2 sons.
Sons of above Teofila Mikusz Wankowicz:
Damazy Wankowicz died 30.11.1797 in Rakow, lieutenant, m. Kazimiera Zaroska;
Adam Wankowicz officer under command of Count Eugeniusz Wurttemberg in 1833
(Duke Eugen of Württemberg / Eugen Carl Paul Ludwig von Württemberg, b. 1788, d. 1857, a General of Infantry in the Imperial Russian Army during the Napoleonic Wars, his younger brother was the explorer Duke Paul Wilhelm of Württemberg. His aunt was Empress Maria Feodorovna the consort of Paul I of Russia. 1776 moved to Petersburg to General Ehrenfried von Diebitsch und Narten, father of Iwan Dybicz).

Sons of Elzbieta Dzierzynska Wankowicz:
Antoni Franciszek Piotr Wankowicz, died in June 1820, buried in Smolany church;
Eustachy Wincenty Wankowicz d. April 1827, buried in Smolany church.

Смаляны / Смоляны / Smolany - north-west of Orsza / Orsha, ca 25 / 28 km.

A branch from Samuel Sołtan b. 1654, killed in 1709, m. 1st to Wisiunianka / Wisimianka, and 2nd to Helena Ewa von Manteuffel 1-v. Jan von Berk;

his son:
Stanisław Pereświt Sołtan 1698 - 1758, owned Andrepna and Zielonpole close to Rezekne / Rzeczyce, and Lideksna with Sprykutow close to Ludsen / Lucyn,
m. 1st to Eleonora Hilzen, daughter of Jerzy Konstanty Hilzen, and Anna Regina Schimmelpfennig von der Oye;
m. 2nd time in Dyrwiany to Helena Römer / Romer b. ca 1730 - she was 2-v. Jan Wayssenhof;
children of Stanislaw Soltan:
1. Augusta Sołtan, b. ca 1750 m. Eliasz Piottuch-Kublicki;
2. Stanisław Sołtan b. 27.8.1756 - died in 1836 in Mitawa, General, secret acted in 1793, then in 1812, member of Parliament of 1782, 1788, m. Franciszka Teofila Radziwiłł d. 1802, daughter of Stanisław RADZIWILL and Karolina Pociej, owned Zdzięcioł;
m. 2nd in 1820 to Konstancja Toplicka-Tupalska 1-v Kasper Korsak, daughter of Antoni and Róża Górska.
Children of above Stanislaw Soltan:
1. Karolina Sołtan, b. ca 1780 / 1790 married after 1800 to Józef Piottuch-Kublicki;
2. Anna Sołtan, b. ca 1780 / 1785 / 1788 / 1790 + Antoni Wańkowicz ca 1758 / 1760 or in 1780 - 1812 son of Tadeusz Wankowicz junior
[Tadeusz-Casimir Tadeushevich Vankovich / Tadeusz Kazimierz Wankowicz son of Tadeusz Wankowicz owner of SWOLNA in 1725]
who m. in 1755 to Anna Świętorzecka ca 1735-1812, daughter of Antoni Świętorzecki;
with children:
Waleria Wańkowicz, m. Konstanty Tyzenhauz,
Wanda Wańkowicz, + Benedykt Tyszkiewicz-Łohojski,
Klementyna Wańkowicz, + Mostowski.
Antoni Wankowicz / Anton Vankovich married Catholic noblewoman Anna Stanislavovna Soltan, who belonged to a wealthy and influential in those days family, was in close relationship with the magnate clans; her mother was Franciszka Teofila Radziwill / Francisco Theophile Stanislavovna Radziwill, daughter of Stanislaw Radziwill (1722-1787) and Karolina Pociej / Carolina (1732-1776); her father Stanislav Stanislavovich Soltan Pereswiat (1756-1836), who was court Marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (1791-1792 ), and in 1812 he led the Commission to the Provisional Government.
Helena Sołtan b. 1790 m. to Franciszek Soltan b. 1780, member of the Order of Malta;
Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan, b. 2.7.1792 in Warsaw, freemason, m. Idalia Pociej 1790 - 1839;

Samuel Jerome Wladyslaw Soltan born 1824 in Uzukrewno.
Joseph Piottuch-Kublicki of Kublicz, about 1800 m. Soltan Carolina born ca 1780; with child:
Valentina Piottuch-Kublicka of Kublicz, b. ca 1800 and m. Wladyslaw Jozef Soltan was born 1795, d. 1843 (mother Josepha Benislawska), her child
Soltan Octavia, b. in Prezma / Pryzma / Presman 1830, died on August 15, 1871 in Kazan (or Razan ?), she was married in 1849 to above
Samuel Jerome Wladyslaw Soltan / Hieronim S. V. Soltan born 1824, died in 1900, landowner, member of the January Uprising.
Above named Samuel Jerome Wladyslaw Soltan was born 1824 in Uzukrewno (his mother's estate) and died on March 15, 1900 in Prezma, now Latvia;
he was son of Stanislaus Soltan (collaborator of the Constitution of 3 May, imprisoned in Smolensk in the 1794-1796, the President of the Provisional Government of Lithuania in 1812, d. Mitawa 1836) and Constance Toplicki / Konstancja Toplicka, a high school in Mitawa in 1835-1842 Courland, his parents after confiscating the 'Zdzieciol' estate (in the Slonim area and mentioned by Mr. Tadeusz Mickiewicz) moved house on the Livonia area, he was the insurgent in 1863, exiled to Ufa, interned in Riga. Study at the University of St. Petersburg in 1843-1844, married in 1849, with a relative of his, Oktawia nee Soltan, daughter of Joseph and Valentina, and settled in the estate of his wife, Pryzma in Polish Livonia. In 1858 - 1859 he traveled abroad, where he conferred with Adam Czartoryski and Witold Czartoryski and Count Zamoyski on the current state of Lithuania and Belarus.

Stanislaw Soltan, 1822 - died 1897 in Anninsk, from Brzostowica Murowana in the Hrodna goverment, with wifes:
Maria Dunin-Jundzill b. 1827 and
Albertyna Dunin-Jundzill, b. 1837.
Children of Stanislaw Soltan b. 1822:
1. Bogdan Wiktor Soltan 1861 - 1912 married to Maria Franciszka Soltan b. 1863, with daughter
- Maria Emilia Soltan b. 1889 Aninsk and died 1963, m. Zdzisław Henryk Grocholski - her daughter
Maria Grocholska b. 1911 Pietniczany and died in 1940 Otrebusy;
2. Emilia Soltan Korsak, b. 1847 d. 1908,
3. Stanislaw Soltan, 1848 - 1850,
4. Helena Soltan 1849 - 1852,
5. Adam Soltan 1851 - 1902 Brzostownica Murowana,
Wiktor Władyslaw Rudolf Pereswit-Soltan, born in 1853 - d. 1905 Warsaw, owner of Kraszuty.

Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł / Jundzill Dunin had three daughters (see above and below):
1. Albertyna Sołtan nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1836 - 1863;
2. Maria Sołtan nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1827 - 1858;
3. Helena Chodźko nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1822 - 1886 in Paris.

Alexandre Chodzko / Aleksander Borejko Chodźko / Александр Ходзько / Аляксандар Ходзька, born 1804 in Krzywicze / Krivitchi, the Vilna Governorate, Russian Empire (now Kryvitchi, Minsk Region); died 1891 in Noisy-le-Sec; an Orientalist, Polish writer and poet, was Russian consul in Persia. Son of the writer Jan Chodzko; from 1841 to 1842, he stayed in Greece, in Italy and the United Kingdom.
In 1847 he married in Lausanne to
Helena Dunin-Jundzill (1822 - 1886), daughter of Earl Wiktor / Victor Jundzill Dunin, General who emigrated from Poland;
she was the granddaughter of Mikołaj Michał Cichocki
(godchild of Marshal Joseph Poniatowski),
son of Stanislas Poniatowski King of Poland, and Marianna Iwanska (Magdalena Agnieszka Lubomirska ?).

Stanislaw Soltan, 1822 - died 1897 in Anninsk, from Brzostowica Murowana in the Hrodna goverment, married named above:
Maria Dunin-Jundzill b. 1827 and Albertyna Dunin-Jundzill, b. 1837.

Parents of Józef Kazimierz Broel-Plater / PLATER 1796-1852:
August Jacek Hieronim Broel-Plater / August Hiacynt 1745-1803 and Anna Beydo-Rzewuska 1761-1800.
Józef Krzysztof Donat Broel Plater b. 1796 in Krasław, died 1852 in Wilno, m.
Antonina Pereświt-Soltan (1800-1871) or
she married to Józef Kazimierz Broel-Plater who was sentenced to settlement in Smolensk, where he lived with his family to 1846.
In Smolensk he has established a contact with Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. After 1846 he returned to Kombula, in 1847 was elected assessor of the Criminal Chamber of the Novgorod province. Writer under nick-name Joseph Płaskoziemski in 1846, gave his own theory of light, heat and electricity, but not supported by experiences in the mid-nineteenth century. He was also the author of the short history and geography of Livonia; died in 1852 in Vilnius, was buried in Krasław.
He was married from 1819 to Antonina Pereświt-Soltan (1800-1871) and had 14 children.

Antonina Pereświt-Soltan (1800-1871) was daughter of Benedykt Soltan b. ca 1770 and Jozefa Benislawska
(Jozefa had also son Władysław Józef Sołtan 1795 - 1843 + Walentyna Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1800 with daughter
Oktawia Sołtan 1830 - 1871 + Władysław Hieronim Samuel Sołtan 1824-1900);
Antonina was granddaughter of Piotr Sołtan + Przyborowska + Kopeć + Szostakowska;
the great-granddaughter of Jan who was son of Samuel Soltan;
Samuel was son of Jan Sołtan + Aleksandra Boreysza.

Note at margin on the Jundzill family:

Alexandre Chodzko / Aleksander Borejko Chodźko / Александр Ходзько / Аляксандар Ходзька, born 1804 in Krzywicze / Krivitchi, the Vilna Governorate, Russian Empire (now Kryvitchi, Minsk Region); died 1891 in Noisy-le-Sec; an Orientalist, Polish writer and poet, was Russian consul in Persia. Son of the writer Jan Chodzko; from 1841 to 1842, he stayed in Greece, in Italy and the United Kingdom.
In 1847 he married in Lausanne to Helena Dunin-Jundzill (1822 - 1886), daughter of Earl Wiktor / Victor Jundzill Dunin, General who emigrated from Poland; she was the granddaughter of Mikołaj Michał Cichocki (godchild of Marshal Joseph Poniatowski), son of Stanislas Poniatowski King of Poland, and Marianna Iwanska (Magdalena Agnieszka Lubomirska ?).

Michał Mikołaj Cichocki / Michael Nicholas Cichocki (b. 1770 in Warsaw, died 1828 in Warsaw), Brigadier General of the Duchy of Warsaw; graduated from the Corps of Cadets, the captain, took part in the 1792 war with Russia. He died suddenly. He was a member of the Masonic lodge 'Slavic Unity'.

Above Magdalena Agnieszka Sapieżyna (1739 - 1780), was daughter of Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski.

Above Marianna Iwanska + Stanisław August Antoni Poniatowski had child Michał Mikołaj Cichocki, General, 1770 Warsaw - 1828 Warsaw; Parents: Stanisław August Poniatowski 1732 Wołczyn - 1798 in Petersburg; Marianna Iwańska about 1740 - after 1770.

Note on Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł / Jundzill Dunin and his daughters:

1. Albertyna Sołtan nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1836 - 1863;

2. Maria Sołtan nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1827 - 1858;

3. Helena Chodźko nee Dunin-Jundziłł, 1822 - 1886 in Paris.

See also about Konstantynowicz, Poniatowski King of Poland, Sulkowski, Venture, Breguet, Bizet, Maleszewski.

At geni.com:
Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł 1790 - 1862, son of Franciszek Dunin-Jundziłł and Teresa Burzyńska, husband of Teresa Karolina;

father of Teresa Wiktoria Daszkiewicz; Helena Chodźko; Emilia Dunin-Jundziłł; Maria Sołtan; Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł;
Karol Dunin-Jundziłł;
Konstancja; Albertyna Sołtan.

Helena Chodźko was wife of Aleksander Chodźko Sr., and she was mother of Adam Chodzko; Victor Chodzko; Alexandre / Aleksander Chodzko.

Maria Soltan was mother of Emilia Korsak; Helena Sołtan; Wiktor Władysław Sołtan; Adam Sołtan, and Stanisław Sołtan. Under copyright by Leszek Mila.
Some on above named
Karol Dunin Jundzill (1826-1855):
1. great-grandparents:
Tadeusz Dunin-Jundziłł of Grodno 1720-1771; Tadeusz Burzyński 1730-1773; Stanisław August Antoni II Poniatowski 1732-1798; Ignacy Jakub Bachmiński 1740-1794; Aniela Cygemberg-Zaleska b. 1730; Józefa Broel-Plater 1720-1778; Agnieszka Magdalena Anna Lubomirska 1739-1780 or after 1784
(1st married at the age of 16; we have inf. that Agnieszka 2nd married to Stanislaw II August Poniatowski in 1784, and they had one daughter Konstancja Szwan Poniatowska; Konstancja b. 1768 - d. 1844 in Dolsk, the Śrem County, was daughter of Agnieszka Magdalena Anna Sapieha; wife of Karol Szwan, and mother of Kazimierz Szwan + Julianna Barbara Elżbieta Szpilman b. circa 1796);
Ludwika Józefa Jórska of Jurzec b. 1740;
2. grandparents:
Franciszek Dunin-Jundziłł 1750-1818; Teresa Burzyńska b. 1764; Michał Cichocki, 1770-1828; Emilianna Bachmińska 1768-1844;
3. parents:
Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł 1790-1862; Teresa Karolina Cichocka 1799-1858.

Magdalena Agnieszka Sapieżyna / Magdalena Agnieszka Maria Poniatowski / Magdalena Agnieszka Lubomirska that is Maria Iwańska + Stanislas II Antoine Auguste Poniatowski de Pologne; she was born 1739, d. 1780, her parents:
Anthony Benedict Lubomirski / Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski and Anna Zofia / Anna Sophia Ożarowska - the daughter of George Ozarowski. Sister of George Martin Lubomirski.
In 1756 she remarried by Alexander Michael Sapieha. From this marriage were born two sons and four daughters. Names of children are: Kazimierz, Anna Teofila, Karolina, Franciszek, Marianna Katarzyna, and Emilia.
Her all children:
Konstancja Żwan, Michał Cichocki (with Stanisław August Poniatowski), and mentioned Kazimierz, Anna Teofila, Karolina, Franciszek, Marianna Katarzyna and Emilia (with above Aleksander Michał Sapieha).
Meanwhile, the Princess Agnes Lubomirski Sapieżyna approached the king of Poland, giving birth to another man; with Sapieha was above five children (!) during the first five years of married life; the first husband, her next of kin Lubomirski, was 35 years older, and soon died. At the age of 23 began approchement with the king, gave birth of two children, Michal / Michael and Konstancja / Constance, but Prince Sapieha did not recognize them, by giving the name "Cichoccy" (formally as children of Jan / John Cichocki, and his wife Marianna Iwańska).
Above Michał Mikołaj Cichocki / Michal Cichocki, son of the king and the Duchess, was born in 1770, in 1813 become a General. He left numerous children (maternal branch).
He was father of Teresa Karolina Dunin-Jundziłł. She was born 1799 and died in 1858 in Switzerland; her mother was Emilia Katarzyna Abramowicz;
Teresa Karolina Dunin-Jundziłł was wife of Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł, and mother of Teresa Wiktoria Daszkiewicz; Helena Chodźko; Emilia; Maria Sołtan; Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł; Karol Dunin-Jundziłł; Konstancja; and Albertyna Sołtan.
About Constance wrote Dr. Czeppe:
son, Michal Cichocki was born in the autumn of 1770. In 1768 was a daughter Constance, bearing the names of Rużycka, Peters, and Cichocka. She lived at home in Warsaw of merchants Peter and Dorothy Peters.
Constance, married (and divorced) Szwan / Shvanov aka Zwanow. See Polish Biographical Dictionary, Vol. XXXV, pp. 170-171.
1844 in Dolsk, the parish Turzysk in Volyn / Volhynia, Konstancja Ciechocka Żwanowa died, left a son Kazimierz Zwan, the grandson of the king Poniatowski.
Kazimierz Zwan died in Warsaw in 1858, was colonel of the former Polish Army; born in the Volyn province in Mikitycze; Constantine Koehler, stepson;
in 1854 Zwan was living in Warsaw at a palace, owned by Joseph Dyzmański, previously owned by the sister of King, Izabella Poniatowski Branicka; next of kin was Julia Spilman.
Karol Szwan was married to Constance Cichocka (she aged 15 ?!) on January 19, 1783 in Warsaw; she divorced above Karol / Charles. At the cemetery Powazki in Warsaw: KAZIMIERZ ŻWAN, colonel, died 1858; close to him buried is JULJA 1st KOEHLER, 2nd ŻWAN, d. 1875; divorced (in 1825), Kohler had four children, including probably the last born shortly before the divorce.
But we know Julia Köhler m. in 1836 to Dobrski Julian, a noble and at the same time a singer; the youngest of their children, Helen, married Charles Wolanski, landowner in Podole;
on the other hand about Julianna nee Spillman / Szpilman, 1st married to Köhler / Kochler, 2nd to Szwan / Żwan; she was daughter of Franciszek and Małgorzata nee Rogowski; Franciszek Spillman died in 1840 in Warsaw.
Konstancja Salomea Gładkowska born 1810, in Warsaw, was the daughter of Andrzej b. ca 1763, and Salomea Woelke aka Wilkin (1786 - after 1833); her father was manager of the house;
the godmother was Constance / Konstancja Cichocki Żwan, illegitimate daughter of King Stanislaw August. Gladkowska studied singing at the Warsaw Conservatory, under the direction of Carl Soliva. 1829 during the concert she met Frederic Chopin
- lasted one and a half year and turned into a youthful fascination with Frederick. Konstancja married Grabowski and has left five children, of whom we know Sophia-Valentina married
Antoni Karpinski - Anthony led the Branickis company near Kiev and traded wheat in Odessa.
Under copyright by Mysłakowski and Andrzej Sikorski in 2007.
Stanislaw II August Poniatowski, 1732 - 1798 in Saint Petersburg, was son of Stanisław Poniatowski and Konstancja Zofia; father of Izabela Sobolewska; Michał Grabowski; Stanisław I Grabowski; Konstancja Grabowska; Petrovna Romanov Grand Duchess of Russia; Anna Poniatowski; Michał Mikołaj Cichocki and Konstancja Szwan.
King was brother of Kazimierz Jakub Poniatowski; Franciszek Poniatowski; Aleksander Poniatowski; Ludwika Maria Zamojska; Izabela Antonina Mokronowska Branicka; Andrzej Poniatowski, and Michał Jerzy Ludwik Poniatowski. Inf. by Andrzej Hennel in 2014.
Above Petrovna Romanov Grand Duchess of Russia / Анна Петровна Romanov, 1757 Petersburg - 1759; daughter of Stanisław II August Poniatowski, King of Poland and Catherine II the Great, Empress of All Russia; she was sister of Anna Poniatowski.
The brother of above named King of Poland, Stanislaw August Poniatowski, was
Michał Jerzy Ludwik Poniatowski 1736 in Gdańsk - 1794 in Warsaw; son of Stanisław Poniatowski; father of Piotr Paweł Jan Maleszewski.

Wiktor Jundziłł (1790-1862 Switzerland) was the landlord of Brzostowica / Bieriestovica to 1858;
village at present is close to the Belarus-Poland border;
in 1750, the estate bought Tadeusz Dunin-Jundziłł (1720-1771), chamberlain, and then the marshal of the nobility of Grodno district, married for the first time with Franciszka Lazow / Francoise Łazówna, and the second time with Aniela Zaleska;
a palace began to build Tadeusz Dunin-Jundziłł, finished his son from his second marriage, Franciszek Dunin Jundzill;
Francis (1750-1818), married to Teresa Burzyńska (1764-?) - like his father was chamberlain of Grodno, holder of the title of Count granted to him in 1798 by the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III;
after Francis Dunin-Jundzill, Brzostowica was inherited by his son, Victor (1790-1862). In 1818 he married Teresa Cichocka (1799-1858), (acc. to dworypogranicza.pl/) Polish army general's daughter, Michal Cichocki and she had twelve children. Victor took part in the November Uprising, and after he emigrated to Switzerland. Tsarist authorities for their participation in the uprising confiscated this property but
Catherine Emilia Cichocka with her third husband, Michal Abramow / Michael Abramov, bought Brzostowica, and he took on education the eldest daughter of Victor, Maria Jundziłł. Then he gave her to marry Stanislaw Soltan (1822-1897), a graduate of the University of Dorpat, owner assets situated in the district of Wiłkomierz; he was the son of Stanislaw Soltan (1758-1836), a court marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and his second wife, Konstancja Toplicka / Constantine Toplicki;
after the wedding, Stanislaw Soltan sold his lands and settled in Brzostowica Murowana. Maria nee Jundziłł, Sołtan (she died in 1858) gave birth to two daughters and four sons.
After the death of Maria / Mary, above Stanislaw / Stanislaus Soltan married to her sister, Albertyna / Albertine (1836-1863).
Due to the illness of his wife, he did not take part in the armed uprising of January 1863, but he supported them financially; he was exiled in 1864 to Tobolsk, and he could return to Brzostowica after 10 years.
In 1896 he moved to the province of Vitebsk, to the estate Anińsk, of his daughter, Emilia, married to Bronislaw Korsak. Stanislaw Soltan died in Anińsk in 1897, and Brzostowica was taken by his only son from his second marriage, Bogdan Wiktor Soltan / Bohdan Victor (1861-1912), graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riga, counselor of the Society of the Earth Credit in the Polish Kingdom. Married to his next of kin, Maria Franciszka Sołtan / Mary Francis Sołtan (1863-1926), with six children: three daughters and three sons.
Another lord of Brzostowica Murowana was the second son of Viktor Bogdan, Bohdan Joseph (1893-1960), married with Anna Nartowski (1898-1970); he was the last owner of the property.

Wiktor Jundziłł (1790-1862 Switzerland) was a Polish nobleman, married the grand-daughter of King Stanislaw August Poniatowski - Teresa Karolina nee Cichocka / Teresa Cichocka
(in 1818 he married Teresa Cichocka 1799-1858, sometimes is mistake: Polish army general's daughter, Michal Cichocki and she had twelve children).

Agnieszka Magdalena Anna Lubomirska 1739-1780, daughter of Antoni Benedykt Lubomirski 1718-1761;
her children:
1. Konstancja Cichocka 1768-1844 m. Karol Szwan b. 1750 with child:
a. Kazimierz Żwan 1793-1858 m. Julianna Barbara Elżbieta Szpilman 1780-1875;
Michał Cichocki, General in 1827, 1770-1828;
m. 1st to Emilianna Bachmińska 1768-1844 with child
Teresa Karolina Cichocka 1799-1858 m.
Wiktor Dunin-Jundziłł 1790-1862;
m. 2nd to Józefa Brzozowska 1801-1853.

The well-known activist of Polish emigration, acting in Switzerland, a close friend of Adam Mickiewicz.
He was a supporter of the religious sect of Andrzej Towiański 'The matter of God' / 'The issue of God'. In 1834 the Russian Government has been confiscated his property; in 1836 he obtained Swiss citizenship and moved to Freiburg first, then to Lausanne, where he bought a property called "Campagne Lithuania".
Jundziłł had ten children and lived in the same house in Lausanne with Adam Mickiewicz.
Jundziłł for a short time sympathized with Towianski (Mickiewicz acted); Jundziłł frequently gave cash and favors to Mickiewicz.
Sometimes he supported immigrants who settled in Lausanne; Mickiewicz after his return to Paris, continue contacts and correspondence with Jundziłł.
Wiktor Dunin-Jundzill was living in Switzerland since 1831; his children:
Adam Dunin-Jundzill;
Magdalena nee Dunin-Jundzill (Magdalena married to Alois Tachet-de-Combes / Aloizy Tachet de Comtes);
Zofia; Konstancja; Karol; Emilia;
Wiktor Dunin-Jundzill (Wiktor born 1832, married to Adela nee de Reiff {Adela de Reiff born 1840, died 1892} and 2nd time to Maria de Reiff; died 1875);
Teresa nee Dunin-Jundzill (Teresa born 1830, married to Ryszard Daszkiewicz; died 1909);


Under copyright by Site Genealogique et Heraldique du Canton de Fribourg, by Thierry Hürliberger, Ada Romer-Wysocka of Paris in 2004, and Gerard Troisvires at http://www.diesbach.com/sghcf/j/jundzill.html:

Count Victor Pierre Thadee DUNIN de JUNDZILL, in Fribourg in 1836, b. 1790 in Poland, a member of the 'Cercle de la Grande Societe de Fribourg' in 1859; m. Therese Caroline Rosalie CICHOCKA, nickname LICHOCKA, b. 1799, d. in Lausanne in 1858;
1. Emilie, b. in Poland in 1819, d. Lausanne 1845.
2. Helene JUNDZILL, lived in Fribourg, b. Dresden in 1822, d. in Paris in 1886, m. in Lausanne in 1847 to Alexandre Edmond BOREJKO - CHODZKO, b. in Lituanie in 1802, d. in Noisy-le-Sec in 1892, with children:
Adam, Victor-Jean-Adam, Alexandre, Marie and Therese.
3. Constance, b. in Poland, in 1823, d. St-Julien in 1902.
4. Charles (Karol) / Charles de Jundzill, b. Dresden in 1826, d. in Paris 1855, studied at the l'Ecole Polytechnique de Paris in 1844, professor, poet, near by Auguste Comte; member of the la Societe Positiviste (1848-1855);
5. Marie, b. in Poland in 1827, d. 1858, m. Stanislas SOLTAN.
6. Adam, b. 1828, d. in Hyeres, France, engineer;
7. Therese, b. in Poland in 1830, d. Geneve 1909, m. to Ryszard KORYBUT - DASZKIEWICZ, with Therese Tina, and Dymitr.
8. Victor.
9. Sophie, b. in Lausanne in 1833, d. Rome 1891.
10. Antoinette, b. Lausanne 1835, d. Warsaw in 1870.
11. Albertine, b. 1836, d. Poland in 1863, m. Stanislas SOLTAN / Stanislaw Soltan.
12. Madeleine de JUNDZILL / Magadalena DUNIN-JUNDZILL, b. 1839, d. Geneve 1907 m.
Alois TACHET des COMBES, of Vaulion b. 1836, d. 1905, with children:
1. Marie Tachet des Combes, of Vaulion 1862 - 1935 m. in Villars-sur-Glane;
2. Pierre Tachet des Combes, of Vaulion b. in Thonon (France, Haute-Savoie) in 1868, d. Lausanne in 1933, lived in Villars-sur-Glane, and Morges (1909-1910), Sacre-Coeur (1910-1930), Geneve, Fribourg (1928), Geneve (1929-1932).

Above mentioned Count Victor JUNDZILL, of Villars-sur-Glane, b. Lausanne 1831, d. Pau in 1875, engineer;
m. 1st ca 1860 to Marie Louise Josette, b. Fribourg in 1835, daughter of Jacques Louis Balthazar de REYFF de LENTIGNY, from Fribourg, and Marie Anne Josephine de REYNOLD;
m. 2nd ca 1866 to Marie Adele Madeline de REYFF de LENTIGNY, b. 1840, d. in Fribourg in 1892, with
Count Charles JUNDZILL, d. Fribourg in 1884;
Stanislas, b. Fribourg in 1867, d. 1941;
Jadwiga / Hedwige, b. 1873, d. Montreal 1963;
Marie / Misia, 1869 - Gries 1902, m. Bronislas ROMER, b. in Lithuanie 1856, d. San Remo 1899, with children:
a. Mathias / Maciej, 1890, d. Warsaw 1955 m. Marie KORYBUT - DASZKIEWICZ, 1889 - 1953.
b. Bronislas / Broneck, 1891 in Powience, Russie,
c. Tadeusz Romer / Thaddee ROMER, b. in Antonosz near Kaunas in 1894, died in Montreal 1978, and acc. to Wikipedia: a secretary to Roman Dmowski in 1919, the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ambassador to Italy, Portugal, Japan (1937-1941) and the Soviet Union (1942-1943). Then he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Polish Government in Exile (1943-1944);
m. Zofia Wankowicz / Sophie WANKOWICZ, b. Poland in 1897, d. Montreal 1981.
Tadeusz Romer has the 'Medaille de Juste parmi les Nations decernee par le Memorial Yad Vashem' (1984).
d. Jadwiga / Hedwige / Jadziulka, b. Lithuanie 1897, died in Geneve 1956.

Note on Zofia Wankowicz:

Acc. to http://www.sejm-wielki.pl/:
Zofia Wańkowicz m. Tadeusz Ludwik Römer b. 1894 in Antonosz, d. 1978 in Montreal; Zofia Wańkowicz b. 1907 in Zaświatów, died Sept. 1981; her parents:
Stefan Kolumb Wańkowicz 1859-1923 and Helena Boguszewska 1868-1928.
Above Stefan Kolumb Wańkowicz was father of Jadwiga Rostworowska and Zofia Römer.
Above named Zofia Römer b. 1907 or Zofia Wankowicz born on 17 Feb. 1897 in Zaswiatow by Swislocz river, died in Montreal in Sept. 1981, daughter of Stefan Kolumb Wankowicz 1859 - 1923, and Helena Boguszewski 1868-1928;

Helena nee Boguszewski had 2 daughters:
Jadwiga Rostworowski and above
Zofia Romer;
Zofia m. two times:
1st to Tadeusz Ludwik Romer 1894 - 1978, with 3 children;
2nd to Konstanty Maria Józef / Konstanty Maria Drucki-Lubecki, 1893-1939, since 1918;
her grandfather: ?
She was mother of Gabriela Alba Taylor.
Above Gabriela Alba Taylor (Römer) b. 1931, d. 1990;
married to Charles Margrave Taylor who was born in Montreal, Canada, in 1931, the youngest of three children (one brother, one sister) to Simone Beaubien, and Walter Margrave Taylor, a partner in a Montreal structural steel factory; Catholic. 1956 Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford;
"...studies under Isaiah Berlin, a major 20th century political philosopher who helped foster understanding of the relationship of liberty and equality, and analytic philosopher G. E. M. Anscombe, whose article Modern Moral Philosophy introduced the term consequentialism and influenced the study of ethics...".
Alba Romer has five daughters: Karen, born 1958; Miriam, 1959; Wanda, 1960; Gabriela, 1962; and Gretta, 1965.

1. The George Combe (1788-1858) of Edinburgh; lawyer;
2. Andrew Combe, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1797 and died on 9 August 1847;
3. Henri Tachet des Combes and Marguerite de Grenaud, married 1888 she born 1863 from Alexandre Joseph Bonifort de Grenaud, Count of Saint-Christophe 1835-1888 and Gabrielle della Chiesa d. 1887;
4. Nicolas Tachet des Combes;
5. Elisabeth Marie Paule ESGONNIERE du THIBEUF, nee Bournezeau b. 1892, m. 1918, to Jean TACHET des COMBES, with:
Elisabeth TACHET des COMBES; Marie Madeleine TACHET des COMBES, m. Georges LE JARIEL des CHATELETS; Henri TACHET des COMBES.

Wiktor Konstantynowicz or Wiktor Konstantynowicz Staroch Siedoch was born on 20 October 1874 in Kazan, his father unknown name - Wasyl acc. to me
(remember about A. Konstantinovich / Apollon (Apollo, Palemon, Apolon) Konstantynowicz / Константинович son of Wasyl / Wasilij Константинович, the owner of the technical office in Moscow, worked for Breguet, and with Duflon. Wasilij / Wasyl Constantinowitz / Konstantynowicz, was general of the Russian Army, and Leon Bakst (1866 - 1924) is our far kinsman: his relatives, families Tretyakov, Barsak, Klyachko and Manfred. Apollon (Apollo, Apellon) Wasylewicz Konstantynowicz / Константинович who b. ca 1862, was the son of Wasilij Константинович / Wasyl Konstantynowicz who was born ca 1840. The wife of Apollon was Anna Armand, oldest - Anna nee Armand was born on 19 August 1866 in Moscow - daughter of Evgenii / Eugeniusz Armand; Eugene / Eugeniusz Armand was born about 1842),
but mother was Mary vel Maria nee Trubecki / Duchess Mary Trubetskaya / Maria Trubecka / Trubetskaja / Trubetzkaya born ca 1853 (or circa 1840).
Wiktor Konstantynowicz was married to Alexandra Nikolaevna nee Starych Siedych / Sedykh / Siedoh, born 03 February 1877 in St Petersburg, her father Nikolai Ivanov Starych Siedych / Sedykh / Siedoh, mother Olga Ryabchinskaya / Riabczynski; Wiktor on 09 June 1934 lived in Estonia, Nomme, the Harku street No (tn) 28-2 and buried in the cemetery Hiiu-Rahu.
Above named Starych Siedych Victor Konstantynowicz born 1874, in service since 1904, an officer since 1912, 'ensign' that is praporschik by Admiralty, in the North - Western Army of White movement enlisted on May 20, 1919 and in December 1919 at the headquarters of the 4th Infantry Division.
In 1917 Wiktor Konstantynowicz was living in Peterburg / St. Petersburg but on June the 14th, 1924 they lived in the town of Viljandi.
Daughter of Alexandra and Victor Konstantynowicz / Konstantinovitsch was
Galina nee Konstantynowicz born approx. 1900 / 1902 died in Nomme after 1968 and was married to a Latvian - Dunkel / Tunkel; she had two daughters, one married to a Latvian, another to a German (Irena? Rita Irene).
Alexandra Konstantynowicz was buried by Rita Dunkel, and in the recording of Constantin (Wiktor Konstantynowicz) is Galina Dunkel / Tungel or Tunkel.
Dunkel Galina was buried at the cemetery of Siselinna on 13 August 1982; here name of Rita Krause.
Maybe Rita KRAUSE is a daughter of Galina DUNKEL nee Konstantynowicz, and Rita Irene and Rita are the same person.
Rita Irene, was daughter of Heinrich.
Rita Irene Heynrihovna b. 1927; Rita-Ireene was buried at cemetery of Siselinna that is Krauze Rita-Ireene who died on 21 November 1998.
Heinrich Dunkel, was a father of Rita, Irene; captain, husband of Dunkel Galina / Halina nee Konstantynowicz.
Heinrich Georg Dunkel / Heinrich Dunkel / Baldwin-Heinrich Dunkel was a reserve captain; Heinrich Dunkel was poisoned in the central prison of Tallinn by the communists. On January 10, 1934 or 1935 in Tallinn - was a funeral of the union officers leader, a reserve captain Baldwin - Heinrich Dunkel.
He had died in prison.
Inf. from Riga, Latvia: daughter of Galina Sedykh / Dunkel nee Konstantynowicz was Irena.
Granddaughter was Sabine from Riga, the Sedykh family relatives. After Irene's death from Tallinn brought some pictures, among them there were, pre-revolutionary.

Now we back to the Konstantynowiczs:
Nestor Troubecki vel Nester Kalinowski in 1857 went to Vienna, in 1859 returned to Krakow, promote the Ruthenian Catholic Church, the Belarusian Greek Catholic Church and Ruthenian language; 1863 the outbreak of January Uprising and he was involved in the secret 'Prowincjonalny Litewski Komitet' in Vilnius / Wilno; Trubecki was a member of the 'Miedzynarodowa Socjalno-Rewolucyjna Partia Proletariat' and a contributor of the 'Wolny Swiat' in 1904; 1905 went to Warsaw in the Congress Poland and next fled arrest in April 1906 and went to Zürich and Geneva; "...lived in several European countries and returned to Congress Poland; active in the Polish-Belarusian underground resistance until his death in 1907".
Prince Nestor Grigorievich Troubetzkoy / Nester / Nestor Grigoriewicz Trubecki, a landowner and revolutionary, international journalist and from 1901 "correspondent of Freiheit, Neues Leben, Der Anarchist, Der Freie Arbeiter, Wolny Swiat, Der Generalstreik, Der Weckruf, member of Jan Machajski’s squad in Geneva", was born and died in Poland, b. in 1832 (?) in Free City of Cracow or in 1840 (!) - died in 1907 Warsaw.
Mother of Nestor Trubecki or Nester Trubiacki / Troubetzkoy vel Nestor Kalinowski was countess Maria Kalinowska.
Probably she was born after 1805 - ca 1819 and it was the same age as Maria Paszkowska / Mary Armand nee Paszkowski. The genealogy of Maria Kalinowska has to be proven, but it appears that the family was listed below:
her mother Emilia Potocka b. 1790 and married Kalinowski and second time married to Czeliszczew;
father Josif / Jozef / Osip Kalinowski b. after 1780 ? and died 1825;
grandfather was Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759 and
grandmother Elzbieta Bielska from Olbrachcice b. ca 1760.

Above Emilia Potocka married first to Kalinowski and second time to Czeliszczew, was born 1790 and her parents: Protazy Antoni Potocki b. 1761 and mother Marianna Lubomirska (Zubow, Potocki, Uwarow) born 1773 or Marianna Elzbieta Lubomirska b. ca 1766 - 1810.

Marianna Elżbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska, ca 1766 - d. 1810, was daughter of Kasper Lubomirski and Barbara Ponińska;
wife of Protazy Antoni Potocki; Count Valerian Zubov, and Федор Петрович Уваров / Uvarov;
mother of above Emilia Kalinowska + Jozef Kalinowski (Josef / Osip Kalinowski general of Polish Army, b. ca after 1780, died 1825 - his wife Emilia Potocka / Kalinowska born 1790);
Aleksandr Valerianovich Zubov;
Platon Valerianovich Zubov, and
Elizaveta Valerianovna Voieikova.

Marianna Elżbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska was sister of Józefa Walewska.
Józefa Walewska nee Lubomirska, b. ca 1764 - 1851; she was wife of Adam Walewski, and Jan Witt, Count; copyright by Leszek Mila.
Adam Walewski + Józefa Lubomirska had 2 children:
a. Tadeusz Walewski (1795-1855), in 1828 m. to Anna Karwicka / Ann Dunin-Karwicka (1797-1881), daughter of General Krzysztof Karwicki;
b. Izabela Walewska.

Husband of above Maria Kalinowska {countess Maria Kalinowska was born after 1805 or ca 1819} was
Gregory / Grigory Troubetzkoy / Grigorij Petrovich Trubecki who - settled before 1832 in the Kingdom of Poland - was born in 1802 after death of his father, and died in 1879 or 11 January 1874
- his brother Prince Jurij Petrovich Trubeckoj / Yuri Troubetzkoy was born 1796, died 1859 (married to Olga Nikolaevna Tchaikovsky / Czajkowski daughter of Mikolaj Czajkowski).
His sister Anna nee Trubecki / Trubetsky / Anna Kozhoukhova born 23 December 1793 died 29 March 1827 (married to Alexandr Stepanovitch Kozhoukhov / Aleksander Kozuchow or Kozuchowski son of Stefan Kozuchow or Kozuchowski).

Above Grigory Troubetzkoy / Grigorij Trubetsky / Gregori Trubiacki / Grzegorz Trubecki was a Prince of the Troubetzkoy family. He married above MARIA Kalinowska (lived in St Petersburg to 1840, then in Cracow).
Grigory / Grzegorz Trubecki was the son of Piotr Nikolaievich Troubetzkoy / Prince Petr Nikolaevich Troubetskoy born 18 November 1773 and died 16 November 1801 and Nadezhda Ivanovna Pestov / nee Pestova born 1793.
Above Prince Пётр Николаевич Трубецкой / Petr Nikolaevich b. 1773 and d. 1801 had parents:
mother Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Czerkasskaja / Princess Varvara Alexandrovna Tcherkassky, and her husband
Николай Никитич Трубецкой / Nicholas Nikitich Trubeckoj b. 1744 and d. 1820 / 1821, writer, who was son of
Prince Nikita / Ники́та Ю́рьевич Трубецко́й
(1699 - 1767, for 3 years as head of the Military Board with the rank of Field Marshal General).

Prince Nikita was son of Юрий Юрьевич Трубецкой (1668 - 1739), Russian statesman, privy councilor, senator.

Above Prince Nikita 7 months after the death of the first wife, married the widow of Major Matthew Kheraskov - Anna Danilovna, daughter of Prince Daniel DRUCKI-SOKOLNICKI; Anne Danilovna was primarily married to major Matvey Andreyevich Kheraskov. Above Даниил Андреевич Друцкий-Соколинский died 1752.
Above named Анна Даниловна Друцкая-Соколинская (Хераскова, Трубецкая) died 1780; she had son born in 1744 in Moscow - above Николай Никитич Трубецкой 3rd, 1744 - 1820.
The family had 8 sons Yuri, Nikolai, Alexei, Nicholas, Nicholas II, Alexander, Alexander II, Basil, and 5 daughters: Anna, Maria, Elena, Elena II, Catherine. Of the 13 children, 6 died in infancy.
TRUBETSKOY Nikolai Nikitich (1744-1821) is known as a close friend of Novikov and one of the main members of society Martinists. In 1796 Paul I sent him to the Voronezh province, but he was soon appointed as a senator in Moscow Senate.
This Society had a close connection to the Franco-Masons and the Illuminati, in the end of the XVIII century, was a lot of branches in Russia and Germany. Many of its members were of royal and high-ranking foreign persons, such as the Duke of Brunswick, Duke Kassalsky, Velkner, Prussian First Minister, etc.
Many of the members were the Russians: Lopuhin Ivan, Ivan Turgenev, Kutuzov, Tatishchev, Chebotarev, etc.

His brother Prince Yuri Nikitich, who was also a member of society Martinists, had a name Neasta (Neastes).

M. Kalinowska (Maria) married Troubetzkoy / Trubecki was sister of Seweryna Kalinowska, Jozefina and Olga, but this data need to be check, of course!
Above countess Olga / Ольга Осиповна Калиновская born 1818 or 1822 was married to Ireneusz Kleofas Ogiński b. 1808 d. 1863 from Belarus in 1844 and her son: Bohdan / Bogdan Oginski was born in 1849. She was lover of Alexander II, tsar of Russia who was born in Moscow on 29. 04. 1818.
This Emperor has children from two marriages and children with two different women: with NN princess Lubomirska ca 1867 and with above Olga, countess Kalinovsky / Olga nee Kalinowska was son Michael-Bogdan or Bogdan / Bohdan, prince Oginski born 10. 10. 1848 or 1849 married after to Gabrielle-Marie, countess Potulicka / Maria Potulicki.
Above Ireneusz Oginski, duke, lived in the Kovno government, and was landowner of Retow and Zalesie.
Bogdan Ogiński died on 25. 03. 1909.

Sister of Olga: Jozefina Kalinowska born 1816, was also married to duke Ireneusz Kleofas Ogiński who was born 1808.
And Северина Иосифовна Калиновская / Seweryna Kalinowski b. 1814 d. 1852 was married to Mikolaj Plautyn / Плаутин b. 1794 or 1796 d. 24 December 1866, son of Fiodor Sergiejewicz Plautyn / Plautin died 1807?
Above Nikolai Fedorovich Plautin was an outstanding military leader and statesman of the Russian Empire, General of Cavalry 1856, Adjutant General 1849, a member of the State Council in 1862.

Note on count Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759:
his father was Ignacy Kalinowski born ca 1720 died 1782 and his mother was Justyna nee Borzecka b. ca 1735 (1710 it's error) -
Justyna was daughter of Franciszek Borzecki (ca 1693 - 1739) and Ludwika Marianna Pociej (b. ca 1715),
and married ca 1765 to Ignacy Kalinowski; she died after 1780?.
The father of above Ludwika Marianna Pociej was Ludwik Konstanty Pociej.
Ludwik Konstanty Pociej, and Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej were sons of Leonard Gabriel Pociej b. 1632, died in 1695; Leonard Pociej was closest friend of Marcjan Aleksander Ogiński, son of wife's brother. Leonard Gabriel Pociej married to Regina Ogińska, primo voto Walter Korff of Troki.
Above Regina Pociej nee Oginska, b. circa 1624, died ca 1700, was daughter of Samuel Leon Ogiński and Zofia Billewicz.
She was sister of Jan Ogiński; Szymon Karol Symeon Ogiński, and Helena Tyszkiewicz,
inf. by Viktorija Janina Ruškuliene.
Above Samuel Leon Ogiński b. ca 1593, d. 1657;
inf. by Andrzej Hennel at geni.com.

Above Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej and Anna Teresa had son Aleksander Pociej 1698 - 1770, who was the father of Anna Tyszkiewicz; Karolina Radziwiłł; Leonard Pociej, and Ludwik Pociej.
Mentioned above Karolina Pociej was born in 1732 in Witebsk - died 1776, was daughter of above Aleksander Pociej and Teresa Brzostowska.
Karolina POCIEJ was wife of Stanisław Radziwiłł;
she was mother of Anna Barbara Mostowska; Mikołaj Radziwiłł; Franciszka Teofila Sołtan; Antonina Barbara Anna Mostowska; Teofila Radziwiłł.
Karolina was sister of Anna Tyszkiewicz; Leonard Pociej, and Ludwik Pociej. Copyright by Jacek Woźniakowski.
Above named Antonina Barbara Anna Radziwiłł 1762-1833 was 1st wife of Tadeusz Antoni Mostowski Count (1824), 1766-1842; he 2nd married to Marianna Anna Potocka.

Above Ludwik Konstanty Pociej b. 1664, d. 30 January 1730, in 1709 commander-in-chief of the Lithuanian army,
his parents: Leonard Gabriel Pociej and Regina Oginska.
I wrote down above that
Ludwik Konstanty POCIEJ was father of above Ludwika Marianna Pociej (b. ca 1715) who married to Franciszek Borzecki (ca 1693 - 1739) with daughter
Justyna KALINOWSKA (m. Ignacy Kalinowski who was born ca 1720 died 1782).
Her son was count Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759.
Justyna nee Borzecka b. ca 1735 (1710 it's error).

Above named Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski was born 1759, married in 1780 to Elzbieta Bielski from Olbrachcice born ca 1760 with children:
1. Josef / Osip Kalinowski / JOZEF KALINOWSKI - general of Polish Army, b. ca after 1780, died 1825 - his wife Emilia Potocka born 1790,
2. Ignacy Franciszek Kalinowski b. 1784 d. 1831 and
3. Justyna Kalinowska married Russocka b. 1790 d. 1876.

Above Ignacy Kalinowski, MP in 1830, 1784-1831, owner of Białokiernica, and Kurzany; m. ca 1830 to Hortensja / Hortencja Karśnicka 1800-1881, 2nd voto Jablonowska, daughter of Antoni Karśnicki b. 1777 / 1779 in Hrechorów, died 1844 [writer, son of Walenty and Salomea; he was two times in Italy - Roma; Count] and Julia Głogowska b. 1780;
child of Ignacy:
Władysława, b. 1831, d. 1893 in Oryszkowce, landowner of Białokiernica and Oryszkowce; Władysław Kalinowski m. Cecylia Szeliska, with:
Jadwiga Kalinowska + in 1884 to Artur Cielecki owner of Hadyńkowce;
Jerzy Kalinowski;
Władysław Kalinowski junior + in 1893 to Karolina Sieminigowska;
Marcin Marian Kalinowski / Marcin Maryan Kalinowski-Jabłonowski;
Józef Kalasanty Kalinowski b. 1861 + Wanda Russocka / Wanda Aleksandra Russocka Css, 1875-1935.

Above Wanda Aleksandra Russocka married in 1896 in Brody to Józef Kalasanty Kalinowski b. 1861, son of above Władysław Kalinowski b. 1831; Wanda had brother Bronisław Russocki b. 1877 in Brzozów, m. in 1910 in Zbaraż to Stefania Niezabitowska b. 1889, daughter of Feliks Niezabitowski and Aniela Linert.

Below data under copyright by Elżbieta Halina Nejman:

Stanisław Franciszek WALEWSKI d. 1716, officer of Sieradz, owner of Pstrokonie, Woźniki, Świerzyna, Gronów, Ptaszkowice, Lichawa, Grabia, m. in 1694, to Marianna Rozalia Siemianowska, 2nd to Krystyna Rychłowska - Trzebicki
(she was 3rd married to Jan Feliks Walewski),
1. Józef WALEWSKI d. 1724, m. Elżbieta Magnuska - Skarbek,
2. Feliks WALEWSKI d. 1752,
3. Karol WALEWSKI died ca 1757, owner of Ptaszkowice, Lichawa, Grabia, m. Brygida Gałecka, daughter of Franciszek and Ludwika Poniatowska
(she was 2nd to Jan Radoliński),
a). Ludwika m. Kazimierz Kacper Gembart,
b). Julianna Joanna b. ca 1756, m. Feliks Złotnicki, 2nd Daniel Suchecki;
4. Wojciech WALEWSKI died in 1757, owner of Pstrekonie / Pstrokonie, m. in 1730, to Teresa Łaszowska with:
a). Józefa b. 1737 + Konstanty Ossowski,
b). Eleonora Walewska m. Maciej Krobanowski d. 1792,
c). Rozalia Walewska + Jakub Madaliński,
d). Ludwik Mikołaj WALEWSKI 1754 - 1820, MP in 1776, + in 1784 to Martyna / Maksyma Wężyk d. 1792 - owner of Kalinowa and Ligota, 1v. Andrzej Niemojowski, 2v. Ludwik Wężyk;
Ludwik Mikołaj WALEWSKI 2nd m. in April 1794 to Kalinowska Janina / Antonina Kalinowska of Lelow daughter of Ignacy KALINOWSKI and Justyna Borzęcka - she was 2nd time married in 1822 in Świerzyny, to Mikołaj Jaksa Krobanowski b. ca 1771;
Ludwik Mikołaj WALEWSKI children:
A. Michał Walewski b. 1804, owner of Krześlow (see Wola PSZCZOLECKA), Kurow, Wypychow, Podlesie, Dziuby, Stara Poczta,
B. Justyna b. 1807,
C. Karol Franciszek Salezy Walewski b. 1795, owner of Parzymiechy, + Marianna Radolińska daughter of Piotr RADOLINSKI and Tekla Lanckorońska,
a). Piotr Ludwik Teodor Walewski b. 1822 in Parzymiechy,
b).Jadwiga Maria + 1850 to Henryk Stanisław Wojciech Lanckoroński;
D. Napoleon Walewski b. 1802, owner of Pstrokonie, Woźniki, Świerzyna, Gorzuchów, Lisy, + Natalia Kręska d. ca 1833, daughter of Florian KRESKI and Antonina Karśnicka.
Children of Napoleon Walewski:
a). Ludwik Mieczysław Walewski b. 1830, owner of Pstrokonie, Paprotnia, m. unknown with: Adela,
b). Antonina Floriana Salomea b. 1831 in Pstrekonie, + Bolesław Kobierzycki,
c). Wanda Natalia Maria Walewska b. 1832 in Masłowice, m. Władysław Sulimierski owner of Lubiec near Wola Pszczolecka (see Adam Kiedrzynski in Sulmierzyce).

Władysław Jan / Władysław Sulimierski, 1830 - 1866, owner of Lubiec south of Wola Pszczolecka, was son of Marceli / Marceli Jan Sulimierski b. ca 1805, and Zofia Szołowska / Joanna Szolochowska.
Parents of above Marceli: Jan Sulimierski and Magdalena Fundament-Krasicka.
Father of above Jan: Jozef Sulimierski b. 1738, d. 1805 in Widawa + Franciszka Wierzchlejska / Wierzchlenska.
Parents of above Jozef: Michal Sulimierski [son of Marianna Stokowska], and unknown wife.

Above Marceli Jan Sulimierski b. ca 1805, was also father of Korneli Kazimierz Edward Sulimierski b. 1834 in LUBIEC close to Wola Pszczolecka, who married to Adamina Markowska ca 1830 - 1900, with son Bronisław Sulimierski b. 1863, d. 1952, and Maria Siemienska.

Above named
JÓZEF SULIMIERSKI b. 1738, d. 1805, owner of Lubiec south of Wola Pszczolecka, and Kuźnica (near Lubiec), m. Franciszka Wierzchlejska, with son Jan Piotr Walerian SULIMIERSKI b. 1783, m. in 1804 in Cieszęcin to Magdalena Jastrzębiec Karśnicka born in ca 1784, daughter of Jan Gwalbert KARSNICKI and Jadwiga Masłowski, with son:
Marceli Jan Gwalbert / Marceli Jan Sulimierski b. ca 1805 in Weglowice / WEGLEWICE close to Wielun (the Wieruszow county); d. 1874, judge, exiled to Siberie, m. in 1828 in Częstochowa, to Zofia Joanna Wczele Szołowska b. 1808,
with son - above Władysław Jan Sulimierski 1830 - 1866, who m. Wanda Walewska b. 1832.
Above Wladyslaw Jan Sulimierski b. 1830 in Lubiec, d. 1866, m. in ca 1850 to Wanda Walewska b. 1832, daughter of Napoleon Izydor Roscislaw Walewski (see Wola Pszczolecka, Kalinowski, Oginski, Trubecki, Konstantynowicz) 1802-1835 and Natalia Marianna Kreska 1804-1832.
Natalia Kreska was daughter of Florian Stanisław Józef Kreski b. in 1771 Grębanin - died in 1838, owner of Masłowice, who married in 1803 in Węglewice, to Antonina Fundament Karśnicka d. 1862, daughter of Jan Gwalbert Fundament - Karśnicki and Józefa Masłowski.

Above Napoleon WALEWSKI was son of Ludwik Walewski 1754-1820 who m. Antonina Kalinowska with sons:
1. Karol Franciszek Salezy b. 1795 + Maria Radolinska with children: Piotr Ludwik Teodor Walewski b. 1822, Jadwiga Maria Walewska 1825-1857 + Henryk Stanislaw Wojciech Lanckoronski 1816-1897;
and 2. above Napoleon Izydor Roscislaw Walewski 1802-1835 who married to Natalia Marianna Kreska 1804-1832.

About above mentioned Antonina KARSNICKA and her children:
a. Laura Rozamunda KRESKA b. 1805 in Grebanin [near Wieruszow], d. 1860, m. Adam Andrzej Sulimierski 1803-53, son of Marcin SULIMIERSKI and Józefa Zdziennicki, owner of Paprotnia,
b. Natalia Marianna KRESKA born in 1804 in Grebanin, d. 1833, m. Napoleon Walewski owner of Pstrokonie, son of Ludwik Walewski (Napoleon Izydor Roscislaw Walewski 1802-1835),
c. Edward Napoleon Kreski born in 1806 Weglewice, d. 1879, owner of Maslowice, judge in Wielun, owner estates close to Lask from 1852, m. 1st to Urszula Apolonia Lazarowicz 1811 - 1843 in Lask, daughter of Grzegorz and Teodozja Bagiewski, m. 2nd in 1846 to Antonina Kreska 1823 - 1851, daughter of Konstanty Hermenegild Kreski and Brygida Kozuchowski [!], 3rd m. in 1852 in Maslowice, to Alojza Uherek b. 1826, daughter of Ignacy.

Tomasz KOWALSKI who died 1812, owner of Rakowice and Bedkowo, m. in 1789 in Lubczyna, to Helena Karsnicka daughter of Jan Gwalbert Karsnicki official in Ostrzeszow; second time Helena Kowalska - Karsnicka married to Feliks Murzynowski, with:
Jozefa or Honorata Józefa KOWALSKA born ca 1807, Myjonice, m. in 1820, to Nestor Julian Wezyk of OSINY 1795-1862, from Myjonice in the Ostrzeszow county, son of Ksawery Franciszek Wezyk of Osiny b. 1750 and Marianna Fundament-Karsnicka of Karsznice 1767-1817.

Piotr RADOLINSKI died 1823, m. Tekla Celestyna Lanckorońska, with:
1. Maria Radolinska b. ca 1795 married to Karol Franciszek Salezy Walewski, son of Ludwik and Antonina Kalinowska,
2. Józefa Radolinska b. 1800 in Żelazków m. to Józef Jastrzębiec Karśnicki 1784-1862, son of Jan Gwalbert and Józefa Jadwiga Masłowska; Jozefa 2nd time married to Sylwester Boito.

Wojciech Donat Rokossowski died 1834, owner of Poręba in the Olkusz county, the Cięgowice parish, m. Zuzanna Jabłońska d. 1851, with
Marcela Marianna Rokossowska b. 1810, m. Jan Gwalbert Karśnicki 1795-1874, owner of Łyskornia and Węglowice
(his sister Urszula Julia Agnieszka Fundament-Karśnicka 1823 [1813 ?] - 1881 m. Józef Marek Piotr Stadnicki 1816-1893),
son of Idzi Karsnicki (ca 1765 ? / 1780-1835 or E. Karsnicki) and Konorata / Honorata Kożuchowska 1770-1860 (see Trubecki).
Idzi was son of Jan Gwalbert Fundament-Karśnicki 1731-1820.
Jan Gwalbert Fundament - Karśnicki was born in 1731 to Sebastian Fundament - Karśnicki; in 1808-1810 Jan Gwalbert Karśnicki, had built a church in Weglewice, he was MP in 1788, insurgent in 1794. Jan Gwalbert Karsnicki married Jadwiga Maslowska. Owner of Węglewice.


PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was a daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki / Brygida Malecka;
Petronela nee Radolinska was granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740.
Józef Stefan Radoliński lived at the court of Polish King, Jan III Sobieski; clerk in Wschowa (see Sulkowski).
Józef Stefan had 7 children:
youngest son Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 was owner of Jarocin, but his brother
Józef Stanisław was officer in Wschowa and in 1757 Józef Stanisław married to Katarzyna Raczyńska (see Kiedrzynski).
Józef Stanisław Radoliński born 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, was father of Antonina Maria Breza and Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer (see General Stanislaw Fiszer, Radolinski of Wola Pszczolecka, General Franciszek Paszkowski, Armand + Konstantynowicz, Lenin + Inessa Armand, Tadeusz Kosciuszko).

Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740 was brother of Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 who married Kazimierz Walewski. Kazimierz Walewski was son of Stanislaw Walewski and Katarzyna Lanckoronska.
Teodora Ludwika Walewska, Marianna Radolińska and Józef Kazimierz Colonna Walewski b. ca 1710, d. 1763
(he had son Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815 and daughter Jadwiga Walewska who married in 1762 in Bielawy to Michal / Michael Walewski 1735 / 1740 - 1806)
were children of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia.

FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 / 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów (before him to the Mecinski family), Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki
(Franciszek Walewski had son Aleksander),
married 3rd in 1737 to above Teodora Ludwika Walewska (b. ca 1710), daughter of above Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia Radolińska 1677 - 1723.

Mentioned above
Petronela died in Złoczew / Zloczow, m. in 1789 to Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813), son of Kazimierz and Teresa Struss; owner of Złoczów and Brzeźno; he was born in Złoczów, 1st married to Apolonia Sudrawska. See: Wola Pszczolecka.

Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 was daughter of Andrzej Radolinski the 2nd and Marianna Sarnowska.
Andrzej was born circa 1650
(grandfather of above Zofia: Andrzej Radoliński older, born ca 1610 / 1620, died in 1681, from Jarocin, clerk in Krzywin 1670 - 1681, m. KATARZYNA;
father: above named Andrzej Radolinski younger, 1650 - 1708, married two times ca 1670; his brother was Wojciech Radolinski).
Zofia 1677 - 1723 had brother Jozef Stefan Radolinski
(Józef Stefan Radoliński who lived at the court of Polish King, Jan III Sobieski, was a clerk in Wschowa (see Sulkowski), died in 1740, was son of above Andrzej junior {younger} 1650 - 1708; see a branch of Petronela Radolinska).
Zofia RADOLINSKA 1677 - 1723 married Kazimierz Walewski. They had daughter Marianna Radolinska, born Walewska.

PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was a daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki / Brygida Malecka; Petronela nee Radolinska was granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740.

Kajetan Radoliński of Poznań, b. ca 1740
[he was son of Andrzej Radoliński the 3rd b. ca 1680 ?, and above Marianna Walewska
daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia nee Radolińska 1677 - 1723,
who was daughter of Andrzej Radoliński the 2nd born circa 1650 and Marianna Sarnowska]
+ Małgorzata Łubieńska 1733-1784, with son
Piotr RADOLINSKI b. 1760, died 1823, m. Tekla Celestyna Lanckorońska;
with grandson Aleksander Eustachy Piotr Radoliński b. 1816,
and with great-granddaughter Gabriela Radolińska b. ca 1850 + Witold Kazimierz Marian Jundziłł of the Slonim branch.

The genealogy of above Ignacy Bleszynski [Ignacy Bleszynski of Luszowice, close to Koscielec]:
Ignacy Błeszyński born in 1742 Zloczew - d. 1813 / 1815, son of Kazimierz Bleszynski b. 1703 in Bleszno, and Teresa nee Struss / Strus m. 1st to Jan Jordan

[all children of Jan:
Spytek Rogatian Jordan; Wojciech Ludwik Jordan, and Konstancja Urszula Walewska - married Stanisław Józef Walewski 1740-1770 with children:
Bogumił Gabriel Walewski 1750-1814
{his daughter Konstancja Salomea Józefa Walewska married to Wincenty Walewski b. 1785 d. 1819},
and Kunegunda Szembek born in 1760 / 1766 - d. 1828 wife of Ignacy Józef Szembek 1740-1835 MP in 1788, officer in Ostrzeszow 1777-1793 with son Piotr Szembek 1788-1866 General, Freemason, 1813 in Gdańsk married to Fryderyka Becu de Tavernier,
with son Aleksander Szembek (1815-1884)]

who died in 1735;
Ignacy BLESZYNSKI was owner of Zloczew
(Bujnów - 3 km west of Zloczew and 9 km north-east of Dymki and close to Lututow, Borzęckie, Czarna, Cegielnia, Grójec Mały, Huta Szklana / Szklana Huta, Huta Stara, Miklesz, Stanisławów, Złoczewska Wieś, Złoczewska Wola and Zapowiednik, inf. by Wikipedia; 1773 - Grodzice and Łagiewniki),
MP in 1809, 1811 of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, officer in Brodnica, very active member of the 1794 Insurection (battle of Sieradz; see Madalinski and Uminski) in the Sieradz province; married Petronela Radoliński.
With son Ignacy Franciszek Błeszyński b. 1783, m. ANNA ca 1810.
With 3 grandchildren:
Teodora Błeszyńska b. ca 1825 married 1852 in Wierzbie, near Tczyca to Henryk Kacper Tarczałowski - his brothers:
Roman Ignacy Tarczałowski b. 1810, Krzepice + Sylwia Bleszynska;
Bolesław Tarczałowski b. 1818 - d. ca 1874, in Cieszęcin;
Wincenty Antoni Tarczałowski born 1820, in Krzepice.

Brief on the CICHOWICZ family:
CICHOWICZ of Zydaczow in 1764 with son Marcin d. 1833 m. Małgorzata Wieczorkiewicz, with
1. Rozalia Bednarski;
2. Marianna b. 1795, m. 1835 to Antoni Felicjan Karśnicki, 1789-1836, owner of Kuźnica Marianowa, son of Wincenty Karśnicki, owner of Dembe, and Rożdzały + Franciszka Bajkowska;
3. Franciszka CICHOWICZ m. Jan Karśnicki;
and last son (No 9) Antoni owner of Danków close Częstochowa, officer in Złoczewa, m. in 1828 to Józefa Błeszyńska daughter of Stanisław Błeszyński and Konstancja Wężyk.

On the Kalinowskis:

BRODY in Podolia - first to the Paszkowskis, next to the Kalinowski family.
Kamionka Bużańska / Kamionka Strumiłowa, 1857 owner was Count Karol Mier, heir of the family Kalinowski; Kalinowski Samuel Jerzy (1621-1652), son of Marcina 1588-1652, and Duches Helena Korecka, owner of Bracław, Lityń and Lubecz, Łojów, Konotop and Husiatyn, in 1646, then also Czernihow; m. to daughter of Jerzy Ossoliński - Urszula Brygida; his son Marcin Adam, 1640 / 1650-1701, of Husiatyn, had daughter married to MORSZTYN Jakub Władysław.
Żwaniec in Podolia, estate of Walenty Kalinowski, General.
HUSIATYN, 1630 castle of above Marcin Kalinowski, and his family Kalinowski in 1795; 7 km south of Husiatyn is situated Sidorow, with the Kalinowskis castle in the XVIII century.

Children of above named landowner and revolutionary Nestor Trubecki / Nester Troubetzkoy or Kalinowski / Trubeckoj born 1832 or 1840 in Cracow and died in Cracow or in Warsaw, Congress Poland in 1907:
1. professor Nestorovich Paul Troubetskoy / Павел Трубецкой / Pavel Trubecki son of Nestor / Pawel Trubecki (TROUBETZKOY, was born in Congress Poland 1879); with title of Prince; died in 1941 in Tallinn; in Orsza, Belarus, 1903 was married to Maria Makeiewna Dobrzinska (Maria daughter of Maciej Dobrzynski born in Orsza on August the 1st or 8th, 1887 and died in Tallinn on 22 March 1974).
Pavel Trubecki was a member of the Polish Socialist Party of Józef Pilsudski, "was a partisan of Stanislaw Bulak-Balachowicz, a member of The Special Unit of Belarusian People's Republic in Estonia (Asobny Atrad BNR in Estonia) and veteran of Estonian War of Independence. By 1905 Jozef Pilsudski's party, the Polish Socialist Party, of which Pawel Trubecki was a member, was the largest socialist party in the entire Russian Empire. Failing in his purpose, Trubecki left Congress Poland in 1906, and moved to Reval (now Tallinn, Estonia). (Pawel Trubecki / Pavel Trubiacki / Paul Troubetzkoy moved from Orsha / Orsza to Tallinn in 1906, at the end of this year probably - but all his family to 1908).
In 1906, as a stable government was re-established in the province, a Neo-Romantic literary movement 'Young Estonia' (Noor-Eesti) took hold there. Pawel Trubecki got the Nansen passport".
His children:
Jan Michal / Ivan Mihkel Trubecki / Pavlovich Troubetzkoy born in Orsza 1906, died in Tallinn 1971 with wife Alma Koidu;
second - Anjuta Pavlovna Gorbachev / Gorbaczow b. Tallinn in 1908, died Tallinn 2004 with husband A. Gorbachev, proprietor of houses in Tallinn;
third Aleksander Trubetskoi / Alexander Pavlovich Troubetzkoy b. Tallinn 1913, d. 1941 with wife Linda;
fourth (see also below) - Wladymir / Vladimir Trubetsky / Wladimir Trubetskoi / Vladimir Waloc Troubetzkoy, b. 5.10.1915, d. 22.4.1997 with wife Gerda Tiksmann and second wife 1935 Lydia Maripuu born Dundaga 1915, died in Muuga Aedlinn 1990
(Muuga aedlinn - Muuga garden city is area in the western part of the town of Maardu, Estonia; it's located just east of Tallinn's Pirita district and Maardu is a town and a municipality in Harju County, Estonia and it is part of the east Tallinn metropolitan area; Nomme is south-west part of Tallinn):
his child - Jan Trubecki / Jaan Trubetsky, born in Tallinn on 29.12.1938 and his children with Leili Rikk:
Tonu Trubetsky (+ Anu Klyszejko) and Toomas Trubetsky and also with Dagmar:
Tonis Trubetski and Toivo Trubetski.

Above named Vladimir Trubetskoy was a member of the Polish Home Army born 1915 died 1997 and his son was above Jan Trubetskoy born 1938.

2. Gerasim / Herasim Trubecki / Gerasimos vel Gerasim Nestorovich Trubecki, doctor, born 1866 / 1870 / 1880 or after 1870 and died in Paris; scientist.
3. four (5?) unknown:
an unknown oil magnate in Baku who was born ca 1870s and died ca April 28, 1920 in Baku; he was chemist in oil industry in Bakou;
the second unknown, captain of the soviet icebreaker 'Yermak' / Ermak,
and two (or three) unknown daughters.

The genealogical research are directed to show that
Nestor Troubetzkoy (with nickname Nester Kalinowski) had a sister Maria Trubecki / Troubetzkoy.
His sister's name would be given by the mother Maria of the Kalinowski house: Mary Kalinowski who had affinities with family of Oginski; in turn, this family was associated with the Radziwills and then with the Konstantynowiczs in Miezonki.
Duchess Maria Troubeckoy probably born about 1840 or after 1840, married Konstantinovich - genealogical research go towards demonstrating that her husband's name was Vasily / Wasyl.
Wasilij or Vasily Konstantynowicz was born about 1840.
Therefore, we have strong links between the 'Duflon and Konstantynowicz' Company in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Zaporozhya / Zaporoze / Alexandrovsk and with Estonia, including Tallinn, Viljandi and Parnu. These relations also apply Miezonki, Lodz, the secret Pilsudski movement (Andrzejak, Wankowicz, Trubecki) in Belarus and Estonia and the smuggling of weapons from Russia to Galicia by (Spychalski, Andrzejak) Lodz.
Two families: Kalinowski and Paszkowski [see Armand], has a lot connections. Count Joseph Kalinowski fought in the Polish Legions, among others between 1806 and 1807 - Silesia, Westphalia, etc. Similarly, the colonel and then general Franciszek Paszkowski. Both participated in the Napoleonic wars, years 1812-1813. Returned to the country in 1814. Then Paszkowski, and Kalinowski, have made a Free City of Krakow (ca 1819) and established families. Their children were born just after 1816 [see Moscow and the Armands]. Both have completed military service in the rank of general. Both family came from south of the former Poland, after in the Russian zone, and also in the Austrian partition, but had a relationships with families living in Russia.

Note about Ludwik Kalinowski and Ignacy Kalinowski:
They were living in Lgota Murowana: 14 km north-east of Zawiercie, south-east of Czestochowa, and south of Lelow.

The branch of Walenty Kalinowski b. ca 1615 + Eufrozyna Bydłowska b. ca 1610 - his son:
Marcin Kalinowski 1640-1738 + Anna Katarzyna Tarnawska / Tarnowska b. ca 1640 with son

Ludwik Kalinowski b. ca 1680 + Zofia Potocka b. ca 1670 + 2nd in 1723 to Elżbieta Ponińska b. 1690, with daughters:
Marianna Kalinowska b. ca 1700,
Tekla Kalinowska b. ca 1700 married to Antoni Bielski died in 1789
(with daughters Julianna Bielska + Dominik Herakliusz Dzieduszycki 1727-1804, Elżbieta Bielska and Aniela Bielska),
and Barbara Kalinowska born circa 1725
(Tomasz Ulinski 1620 - 1658, son of Jan Ulinski senior and Katarzyna; husband of Anna; father of Michal Ulinski; half brother of Jerzy Ulinski. Michal Ulinski b. 1650.
Augustyn Ulinski b. 1720 / 1728, m. Barbara Kalinowska b. 1725 / 1730, he was son of Jan Ulinski, of Podolia; Count in Austria in 1779;
Jan Ulinski b. ca 1690 and died in 1761, Colonel, Kamieniec Podolski 1714-1751, MP 1728, 1729 - 1732 and 1733, m. 2nd in 1720 with son Augustyn Ulinski).

The family of above Marcin Kalinowski 1640-1738:
Aleksander Kalinowski b. ca 1640 + Elżbieta Strzemeska,
Klara Kalinowska b. ca 1640 + Paweł Chamiec,
Antoni Kalinowski born ca 1640 + Ludwika Gidzińska Gierowska,
and Józef Jan Kalinowski 1650-1728 + Anna Lanckorońska b. ca 1660, with children:
Adam Kalinowski b. ca 1690 + Marianna Boryszewska
(with son Józef Kalinowski b. ca 1720),
Ignacy Kalinowski b. ca 1710 + Justyna Borzęcka b. ca 1720 with children:
1. Agnieszka Kalinowska b. ca 1750,
2. Franciszka Kalinowska b. ca 1760/1765 + Olszewski / OLSZOWSKI,
3. Justyna Kalinowska b. ca 1750 + Józef Sołtyk + Tomasz Piasecki,
4. Józefa Kalinowska b. ca 1750 + Jan Sadel Sadlo + 2nd time to Głogowski,
5. Antonina Kalinowska b. ca 1750 + Ludwik Walewski,
6. Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759 + Elżbieta Bielska.
Mentioned above
Ignacy Kalinowski b. ca 1710 (ca 1730 !?) + Justyna Borzecka b. ca 1720 (b. ca 1735 ?) daughter of Franciszek Borzecki b. ca 1695 - son of Antoni and Justyna Winnicka - and Marianna Pociej b. ca 1700, daughter of Ludwik Konstanty Pociej, commander-in-chief of the Lithuania Army in 1709, with his second wife Emercjanna Warszycka - daughter of Stanislaw Warszycki - she was 2nd time married to Duke Montmorency (his 1st wife was Aniela Katarzyna Zahorowska, daughter of Stefan).

Duke Montmorency 1st married to Aniela Katarzyna Zahorowska. Joseph Alexandre de Montmorency / Józef Aleksander de Bours de Montmorency / Józef de Montmorency, chevalier seigneur de Bours [d'Alexandre-Joseph de Montmorency de Bours / Alexandre-Joseph, comte de Montmorency de Bours / Count de Mont-Morantz], was born in 1690 / 1700 [1692 in Brzesia in Belarus].
He married 2nd in September 1730 [she intends to sell their goods in Poland, which wants acquire the royal sons] to widowed Emerencjanna / Emercjanna Pociej [then de Bours de Montmorency / d'Émérentienne de Warszycki, palatine de Vilna / Mont Morange], nee Warszycka born ca 1692 [she died after October 1762 in France; in 1730 - it was error of course!] to Stanislaw Warszycki and Marianna of Zakliczyn nee Jordan [m. in 1690].
Stanislaw WARSZYCKI was born in 1666 [d. in 1710] to Michal Warszycki b. 1630 and Helena Warszycki [Stanislaw had sister Barbara Teofila Mecinski b. 1660 {see Jedlno}]. Marianna JORDAN was born in 1670 [see below on the JORDAN family].
Emerencjanna 1st married Ludwik Konstanty Pociej in 1717, who was born in 1664, in Kietowiszki. They had daughter Ludwika Marianna Borzecka nee Pociej.
Ignacy Kalinowski [see Wola Pszczolecka; Kaczynski; Komorowski] b. ca 1710 (ca 1730 !?) married to Justyna Borzecka b. [error - ca 1720] ca 1735, the daughter of Franciszek Borzecki b. ca 1695 - son of Antoni BORZECKI and Justyna Winnicka - and Marianna Pociej b. ca 1717 / 1718 [1700 was error !], daughter of Ludwik Konstanty Pociej, commander-in-chief of the Lithuania Army in 1709, with his second wife Emercjanna Warszycka - daughter of above named Stanislaw Warszycki - she was 2nd time married to Duke Montmorency (his 1st wife was Aniela Katarzyna Zahorowska, daughter of Stefan).
Above Joseph Alexandre de Montmorency was son of Daniel de Montmorency and Maria de Lescar. Daniel was a field marshal of the army of Saxony and a member of the Horse Guards of the King Augustus Poniatowski.
Agnes-Emerentienne Warszicki / Agnieszka Emerencjanna Warszycka / Emerencjanna / Emercjanna Pociej de Bours de Montmorency / d'Émérentienne de Warszycki, palatine de Vilna, in February 1731 was giving Punsk and Stoklisk to hands of Sapieha, and Szerezewsk to Flemming - Colonel of the Lithuanian Guard.
About above mentioned Daniel de Montmorency [2nd] and Maria de Lescar:
Daniel 2nd, d'Acquest, died 1708, 1st m. Marie de Lescar; 2nd m. in 1699 to Charlotte le Ver;
above Daniel 2nd was the son of Daniel 1st, d'Acquest, b. ca 1614, d. 1688, m. Marthe de Habart; and grandson of Pierre, d'Acquest, m. Judith le Fournier; and great-grandson of Jean, de Bours, d. after 1579, m. Bernarde Gaillard.
The sibilings of above DANIEL:
Amaury Louis, d. 1714, m. in 1699 to Etiennette le Normand; Judith, d. 1713, m. in 1700 to Alexandre le Ver; Catherine, d. 1727, m. François de Fontaines, de la Neauville-au-Bois; Charlotte m. Charles de Lamire, de la Retz; Marthe, 1st m. in 1707 to Pierre de la Grenee, de la Mothe; 2nd m. Guillaume-Nicolas de Bois, de Belhonstel; Marie m. Nicolas Hanessier, de Selincourt; and Madeleine m. Marquis de la Rue.

On the JORDAN family [see above]:
Konstancja Urszula Walewska Jordan was daughter of Jan Jordan died 1735 and granddaughter of General JERZY JORDAN d. 1724
[his sons:

Jozef d. 1737 {m. to Teofila Konstancja LETOWSKA},

and JAN {d. 1735; m. 2nd to Teresa STRUSS - she was 2nd m. to Kazimierz BLESZYNSKI;
Jan Jordan was the father of Spytek Rogatian Jordan died 1777 (father of Jan Spytek Jordan, and Jakub Jordan);
Wojciech Ludwik Jordan 1725-1793;
and above Konstancja Urszula Walewska
(mother of
Bogumil Gabriel Walewski 1750-1814, Anna Bartochowski [with daughter Aniela Agnieszka m. Marceli Olszowski with son Antoni Olszowski b. ca 1800],
and Kunegunda Szembek 1766 - 1828 )
- she was half-sister of Ignacy Bleszynski 1742-1813}].

Marianna JORDAN born in 1670 was maybe sister of above Jan Jordan died 1735 [see KIEDRZYNSKI].

Justyna Borzecka's children:

1. Agnieszka Kalinowska b. ca 1750,

2. Franciszka Kalinowska + Olszewski / Olszowski
[Antoni Jan Olszowski was born 1732, to Stanisław Olszowski and Zofia Nekanda-Trepka. Stanisław was born in 1705. Zofia was born in 1700. Antoni had brother Jan Nepomucen Olszowski; Antoni married Katarzyna in 1756; they had one daughter Franciszka Załuskowski; Antoni Jan Olszowski m. to Katarzyna Niemojowska b. 1730, with son Marceli Olszowski 1767-1837, grandson Andrzej Olszowski 1801-1879 m. in 1837 to Emilia Czarzewska / Czażewska 1818-1885; great-grandson Ludwik Olszowski 1836-1911
married Julia Szembek 1836-1928. Ludwik was owner of Torzyniec, died in Breslau / Wroclaw, the marriage in 1866.
Julia was daughter of Wincenty Szembek and Emilia de Becu / Emilia Becu;
Julia nee Szembek was born 1836 or ca 1838 in the Siemianice parish, died in Wrocław.
Above Andrzej Olszowski was son of Marceli and Franciszka Kalinowska - she was born ca 1760 (before 1765 ?). Franciszka Kalinowska m. Olszewski / Olszowski in ca 1800.
The Ludwik Olszowski branch come from Walerian and his son Mikołaj who was born in 1619 in Olszowo / Olszowa, the Ujazd parish. Olszowo - 15 km north-west of Ujazd in the Śląsk province (Schlesien, Silesia)],

3. Justyna Kalinowska b. ca 1750 + Józef Soltyk + Tomasz Piasecki,

4. Józefa Kalinowska + Jan Sadel Sadlo + Glogowski,

5. Antonina Kalinowska b. ca 1750 / 1760 + Ludwik Walewski, with son Karol Franciszek Walewski,

6. Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759 d. after 1790 + Elzbieta Bielska b. ca 1760, d. ca 1809, owner of Petlikowce Stare 1799 - 1809, daughter of Jozef Bielski 1730 - 1774 - son of Boguslaw Bielski and Anna Szeptycka - and Jozefa Ostrorog b. ca 1730 1st wife;
with children:

a. Ignacy Franciszek Antoni Kalinowski b. ca 1790 / 1795 d. before 1846 + Hortensja Karsnicka 1800-1881 owner of Kurzany, daughter of Antoni Karsnicki 1779-1844 owner of Bakowiec and Hrehorow son of Walenty Karsnicki and Elzbieta Paczynska, and mother of Hortensja: Julia Glogowska b. 1760 ?;
Hortensja had husbands:
1 m. Ignacy Franciszek Antoni Kalinowski 1795 - before 1846,
2 m. Ludwik Jablonowski 1795 - 1846, son of Ludwik Stanislaw Jablonowski (1773-1825) and Lucja Glogowska,
3 m. Józef Jakubowicz (1820 - 1883) owner of Zochatyn close to Sanok, Kurzany, Podwysokie, Wólka, Huciska, Demna, son of Dominik Jakubowicz (1784 - 1887).
Child of above Hortensja:
Wladyslaw Kalinowski (1831 - 1893) m. Cecylia Szeliska b. ca 1835, daughter of Józef Kalasanty Szeliski and Emilia Pietruska / Postruska;
b. Justyna Kalinowska 1790-1876 in Paris owner of Petlikowce + 1st in 1809 to Józef Tomasz Russocki Count 1785-1862 son of Magdalena Dobinska daughter of Zygmunt of Brzeziny d. 1759, + 2nd to Jozef Oechsner b. 1790.
c. Józef Kalinowski ca 1790-1825 owner of Kamionka Wielka, Machnowka, Lubar, Udnow + Emilia Potocka b. ca 1791 in Guzow; the daughter of Prot Antoni Potocki 1761-1801 owner of Machnowka in the Berdyczow county, and her mother was
Marianna Maria Lubomirska d. 1810 1st m. to Prot Antoni Potocki, 2nd to General Walerian Zubow, 3rd to General Teodor Uwarow / Uvarov (see a note below);
she was daughter of Kacper Lubomirski d. 1780, and Barbara Lubomirska b. 1745 daughter of Jerzy Ignacy b. 1687

(acc. to http://myszkowscy.pl/ by Andrzej Wcislo - Barbara m. to Sollohub, Kacper Lubomirski, Kalikst Poninski, and Aleksander Winnicki):
with children:
Józefina Kalinowska + Ireneusz Kleofas Oginski,
Olga Kalinowska + Ireneusz Kleofas Oginski,
Seweryna Kalinowska,
and Maria Kalinowska m. Trubecka / Duke Trubecki. That is married to Grigory Troubetzkoy b. 1802 and died 11 January 1874, who was son of Piotr Nikolaievich Troubetzkoy b. 18 November 1773.

We remember about Maria Kalinowska in 1840 moved back from St Petersburg on Krakow / Cracow.
1840 acc. to Cosroe Dusi:
May 30. This morning began the portrait of Countess Josephine Kalinovskaya / Jozefina Kalinowska ... 1840, June, the 27. This morning the family Branicki leaves with Countess Kalinovsky. They ordered me a portrait of an older sister, who is married to General Plautin / Plautyn and lives in Tsarskoye Selo.
And Olga Kalynovska / Kalinowska goes away from court, to his native Poland, where she get married; Alexander agrees to marry Mary Hesse-Darmstadt.

Nestor Troubetzkoy (with nickname Nester Kalinowski) had a sister Maria. His sister's name would be given by the mother Maria of the Kalinowski house: Mary Kalinowski who had affinities with family of Oginski; in turn, this family was associated with the Radziwills and then with the Konstantynowiczs in Miezonki.
Maria Trubeckoi / Duchess Maria Troubetzkoy / Mary Trubecki was born 1835 / 1840 / 1850. Duchess Maria Troubeckoy married Konstantinovich - genealogical research go towards demonstrating that her husband's name was Vasily / Wasyl; Wasilij or Vasily Konstantynowicz was born about 1840.
Therefore, we have strong links between the 'Duflon and Konstantynowicz' Company in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Zaporozhya / Zaporoze / Alexandrovsk and with Estonia, including Tallinn, Viljandi and Parnu. These relations also apply Miezonki, Lodz, the secret Pilsudski movement in Belarus and Estonia and the smuggling of weapons from Russia to Galicia by Lodz.
Two families: Kalinowski and Paszkowski, has a lot connections. Count Joseph Kalinowski fought in the Polish Legions, among others between 1806 and 1807 - Silesia, Westphalia, etc. Similarly, the colonel and then general Franciszek Paszkowski. Both participated in the Napoleonic wars, years 1812-1813. Returned to the country in 1814. Then Paszkowski, and Kalinowski, have made a Free City of Krakow (ca 1819) and established families. Their children were born just after 1816. Both have completed military service in the rank of general. Both family came from south of the former Poland, after in the Russian zone, and also in the Austrian partition, but had a relationships with families living in Russia.
Nestor Troubetzkoy had father:
Grigory Troubetzkoy b. 1802 and died 11 January 1874;
grandfather - Piotr Nikolaievich Troubetzkoy b. 18 November 1773 - died 16 November 1801.
And mother of Nestor Trubecki or Nester Trubiacki / Troubetzkoy vel Nestor Kalinowski was Countess Maria Kalinowska. Probably she was born (after 1805) ca 1819 and it was the same age as Maria Paszkowska / Mary Armand nee Paszkowski.

Note on count Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759:

his father was Ignacy Kalinowski born ca 1720 died 1782 and his mother was Justyna nee Borzecka b. ca 1735 (1710 it's error) - Justyna was daughter of Franciszek Borzecki (ca 1693 - 1739) and Ludwika Marianna Pociej (b. ca 1715), and married ca 1765 to Ignacy Kalinowski; she died after 1780?.

The father of above Ludwika Marianna Pociej was Ludwik Konstanty Pociej.
Ludwik Konstanty Pociej, and Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej were sons of Leonard Gabriel Pociej b. 1632, died in 1695; Leonard Pociej was closest friend of Marcjan Aleksander Ogiński, son of wife's brother. Leonard Gabriel Pociej married to Regina Ogińska, primo voto Walter Korff of Troki.

Above Regina Pociej nee Oginska, b. circa 1624, died ca 1700, was daughter of Samuel Leon Ogiński and Zofia Billewicz. She was sister of Jan Ogiński; Szymon Karol Symeon Ogiński, and Helena Tyszkiewicz, inf. by Viktorija Janina Ruškuliene. Above Samuel Leon Ogiński b. ca 1593, d. 1657; inf. by Andrzej Hennel at geni.com.

Above Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej and Anna Teresa had son Aleksander Pociej 1698 - 1770, who was the father of Anna Tyszkiewicz; Karolina Radziwiłł; Leonard Pociej, and Ludwik Pociej.
Mentioned above Karolina Pociej 1732 in Witebsk - died 1776, was daughter of above Aleksander Pociej and Teresa Brzostowska;
Karolina POCIEJ was wife of Stanisław Radziwiłł;
she was mother of Anna Barbara Mostowska; Mikołaj Radziwiłł; Franciszka Teofila Sołtan; Antonina Barbara Anna Mostowska; Teofila Radziwiłł. Karolina was sister of Anna Tyszkiewicz; Leonard Pociej, and Ludwik Pociej. Copyright by Jacek Woźniakowski.

Above named Antonina Barbara Anna Radziwiłł 1762-1833 was 1st wife of Tadeusz Antoni Mostowski Count (1824), 1766-1842; he 2nd married to Marianna Anna Potocka.

Now we back to above named Franciszka Teofila Sołtan:
Józef Szumski b. ca 1800, m. ca 1827 to Oktawia Piottuch-Kublicka b. ca 1810; Oktawia 2nd married ca 1831 to Konstantynowicz Dominik of MIEZONKA; OKTAWIA was daughter of Józef Piottuch-Kublicki b. ca 1780 and from mother Karolina Sołtan;
KAROLINA was daughter of Stanisław Sołtan 1756-1836 and Franciszka Teofila Radziwiłł at Nieśwież b. ca 1751, daughter of above Stanisław Radziwiłł 1722 - 1787, who was son of Mikołaj Faustyn Radziwiłł 1688 - 1746.

We back again to above Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej 1666 - 1728, who was son of Leonard Gabriel Pociej and Regina; Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej was the brother of mentioned above Ludwik Konstanty Pociej; copyright by Viktorija Janina Ruškuliene.
Children of above Stanisław Sołtan 1756-1836:
1. Helena Sołtan + Franciszek Sołtan, member of the Order of Malta;
2. Adam Leon Ludwik Sołtan, b. 2.7.1792 in Warszawa, freemason, m. Idalia Pociej 1790 - 1839;
3. Karolina Piottuch-Kublicki; and others.
We back to above Leonard Pociej 1727 - 1774 who was son of Aleksander Pociej and Teresa Brzostowska; Leonard Pociej was the brother of Anna Tyszkiewicz; Karolina Radziwiłł and Ludwik Pociej.
Leonard had son Aleksander Michał Pociej (1774-1846); Leonard Pociej married Maria Aleksandra.

Aleksander Michał Pociej (1774-1846) was the husband of Anna Korzeniowska; he was the father of Teodor Pociej and
Idalia Pociej 1790 - 1839 married Sołtan.
Inf. by Maksim Pavlenko at geni.com.
Above Aleksander Michał Pociej (1774-1846) was son of Maria Aleksandra Radziwiłł b. 1753; his grandfather was Wojciech Albrycht Radziwiłł 1717-1762.
Above Aleksander Pociej 1698 - 1770, was son of mentioned Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej.
Above Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej 1666 - 1728, was son of Leonard Gabriel Pociej and Regina;
Kazimierz Aleksander Pociej was brother of Ludwik Konstanty Pociej; copyright by Viktorija Janina Ruškuliene.

A brother of above Justyna nee Borzecka was Aleksander Maciej Borzecki in 1773 who made agreement with Ignacy Kalinowski on a will and testament of Emerencjanna Warszycki who was married first to Pociej, and she was great-grandmother of Ignacy Kalinowski born ca 1720 died 1782, acc. to: http://www.redbor.pl/.

Above Ludwik Konstanty Pociej b. 1664, d. 30 January 1730, in 1709 commander-in-chief of the Lithuanian army, his parents: Leonard Gabriel Pociej and Regina Oginska.
Ludwik Konstanty was father of above Ludwika Marianna Pociej (b. ca 1715) who married to Franciszek Borzecki (ca 1693 - 1739) with daughter Justyna KALINOWSKA (m. Ignacy Kalinowski born ca 1720 died 1782).
Her son was above named count Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759.
Justyna nee Borzecka b. ca 1735 (1710 it's error).

Above named Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski was born 1759, married in 1780 to Elzbieta Bielski from Olbrachcice born ca 1760 with children:
1. Josef / Osip Kalinowski general of Polish Army, b. ca after 1780, died 1825 - his wife Emilia Potocka born 1790,
2. Ignacy Franciszek Kalinowski b. 1784 d. 1831 and
3. Justyna Kalinowska married Russocka b. 1790 d. 1876.

Above Ignacy Franciszek Kalinowski b. 1784 d. 1831 had son Władyslaw Kalinowski.

Children of mentioned count Jozef Kalinowski:
1. Seweryna b. 1814 d. 1852,
2. Jozefina married Oginska, born 1816 and died 1844 and also
3. Olga born 1822 died 7 April 1899 in Retowl;
4. probably M. Kalinowska (Maria) married Troubetzkoy / Trubecki was sister of above Seweryna, Jozefina and Olga, but this data need to be check, of course (see the Konstantynowiczs in Estonia)!

Above countess Olga / Ольга Осиповна Калиновская born 1818 or 1822 was married to Ireneusz Kleofas Ogiński b. 1808 d. 1863 from Belarus in 1844 and her son: Bohdan / Bogdan Oginski was born in 1849.
She was lover of Alexander II, tsar of Russia who was born in Moscow on 29. 04. 1818. This Emperor has children from two marriages and children with two different women: with NN princess Lubomirska ca 1867 and with above Olga, countess Kalinovsky / Olga nee Kalinowska was son Michael-Bogdan or Bogdan / Bohdan, prince Oginski born 10. 10. 1848 or 1849 who married to Gabrielle-Marie, countess Potulicka / Maria Potulicki.
I wrote above that the grandfather of Olga, Jozefina and Seweryna was Seweryn Ksawery Kalinowski b. 1759.

Grandson of named above Seweryna nee Kalinowska was Mikolaj Plautin / Николай Сергеевич Плаутин b. 1868 who married to Maria Michajlowna Rajewska 1872 - 30 December 1942; her mother:
Marija Grigorievna nee Gagarin -
her sister Anastazja Grigorievna nee Gagarin b. 1853 died 1876 married to Piotr Michajlovich Orlov Denisov born 1852 who was son of
Michail Vasilievich Orlov Denisov born 1823, who was brother of Nadiezda married Katenin.

Grandfather of above Marija nee Rajewskaja was Mikolaj Mikolajevich Rajevskij Younger from the Kiev government, Moscow and St Petersburg b. 14 September 1801; and the second grandfather of above Maria nee Rajewska was
Grigorij Grigorievich Gagarin b. 1810 d. 1893.

Note on the Gagarins:

Julia Martynova Solomonovna Gagarin b. 1821, m. in 1841 to Лев Андреевич Гагарин, 1821 - 1896; his parents: Андрей Павлович Гагарин 1787 - 1828 son of Павел Сергеевич Гагарин 1747 - 1789; grandson of Сергей Васильевич Гагарин 1713 - 1782 and Прасковья Павловна Ягужинская / Jakuszynska, died 1775; great-grandson of Василий Иванович Гагарин died in 1745.
Grigorij Grigorievich Gagarin b. 1810 d. 1893, son of Григорий Иванович Гагарин 1782 - 1837, grandson of Иван Сергеевич Гагарин b. 1752, d. 1810; great-grandson of mentioned above Сергей Васильевич Гагарин b. 1713, d. 1782 with his wife above named Прасковья Павловна Ягужинская d. 1775.
Sergei GAGARIN born 1795, m. Izabela Walewska (1800 - 1886), daughter of Adam Walewski and Pss Josefina Lubomirska / Jozefina; Sergei was son of Sergei senior (1745 - 1798) + Pss Warwara Nikolaevna Galitzine (1762 - 1802); grandson of Sergei (1713-1782) the 1st who married to above named Css Praskovia Pavlovna Jagushonsky / Ягужинская / Jakuszynska (d. 1775); great-grandson of Wassili Gagarin who died before 1745 and married to Maria Ivanovna Wolkov.
Now on the Walewskis:
Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was husband in 1740 to Marcjanna Romer 1720-1761, with:
1. Franciszek 1745-1813 m. Ludwika Stokowska;
2. Adam Walewski b. 1750 m. Józefa Lubomirska 1764-1851 with children:
Tadeusz Walewski 1800-1855 m. Anna Dunin-Karwicka 1795-1881,
above Izabela Walewska 1800-1886 m. Siergiej Gagaryn / Sergei GAGARIN 1795-1852, with children:
Maria Gagaryn 1829-1906, and Siergiej Gagaryn 1832-1890.
3. Justyna Walewska m. Michał Pisarzowski.
4. Marianna Walewska ca 1750-1778,
5. Paulina Walewska,
6. Kasper Walewski member of Parliament, ca 1750-1806, m. Teodora Colonna-Walewska b. ? - d. in 1812.
Teodora was daughter of Józef Walewski of Brzeziny died Jan. 1763, and Ludwika Colonna-Walewska b. ca 1730.
Jozef had children:
a. Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815,
b. Jadwiga Walewska m. Michał Walewski of Bochnia, the member of Parliament, in Sieradz (1784-1795) 1735 / 1740 - 1806,
c. Teodora Colonna-Walewska ? - 1812, m. in 1768, in Bielawy to above Kasper Walewski member of Parliament, 1750-1806. Teodora had children:
Antoni Colonna-Walewski 1774-1846 m. Julia Libiszowska;
Felicja Colonna-Walewska m. Józef Weryha-Darowski;
Jadwiga Colonna-Walewska 1780-1840,
Konstancja Barbara Colonna-Walewska 1780-1852,
Marianna Colonna-Walewska m. Aleksander Antoni Jan Rożniecki;
Feliks 1780-1809;
Julia Agnieszka Colonna-Walewska 1789-1857 m. Ignacy Badeni 1786-1859;
Ludwika Colonna-Walewska 1792-1837.
Anastazja Grigorievna nee Gagarin b. 1853 died 1876, come from:
above named Ivan Sergeevich Gagarin / Иван Сергеевич Гагарин b. 1752/1754, d. 1810; his son was Gregori Ivanovitch Gagarin 1782 - 1837, grandson was Gregori Gregorievitch Gagarin 1810 - 1893; great-grandchildren were:
Catherine Gregorievna Gagarin 1844 - 1920,
Gregory Gregorievitch Gagarin 1850 - 1918,
Maria Gregorievna Gagarin 1851 - 1941 m. Michel Nikolaievitch Raievsky 1841 - 1893 / MICHAL RAJEWSKI,
above Anastasia Gregorievna Gagarin 1853 - 1876 m. Pierre Mikhailovitch Orlov-Denissov 1852 - 1881.

According to Russian sources in 2015, Maria Tarnowska [Elizabeth M. Tarnovskaya / Elzbieta Tarnowska - Polish, 1783 - 1851] came from the Ukrainian Cossacks:

Michael / Michail Andreevich Katenin or Colonel Mikhail Andreivitch Katenin, married to Countess Nadejda Vasilievna, the second daughter of General Count Vasili Vasilievitch Orlov-Denissov.
They had daughters:
Mary or Maria / Princess Maria Mikhailovna Katenin married in 1868 to Prince Nikolaoz / Nikolai Ilyich Gruzinski b. 7th August 1844, Governor of Vilno 1899 and Vice-Governor 1896 - 1899; he d. 1916, having two sons and four daughters.
Sofia KATENIN d. 1908, married ca 1880 to Viktor Martynov / Wiktor Martynow b. 1858 d. 1915 - his father, Nikolai Martynov Solomonovich b. 1816, and his grandparents: Solomon M. Martinov and Elizabeth M. Tarnovskaya b. 1783.

Martynov / Martynov Dmitry M. born 1760, had brother
Martynov Solomon Mikhailovich b. 1774, d. 1839 or after 1840; a wife of above Martynov Solomon Mikhailovich was above named
Elizabeth M. Tarnovskaya / Elzbieta Tarnowska - Polish (1783 - 1851), the daughter of Major and State Councilor Mikhail Vasilyevich Tarnowski (1759 - ?).
Children of Elzbieta Tarnowska MARTYNOW were:
Elizabeth Solomonovna Martynov,
Ekaterina Martynova Solomonovna (Rzhevskaya - Rzhevskij Michal),
1814-60 Michael Solomonovich Martynov;
above named Nikolai Martynov Solomonovich 1815 / 1816 - 1875 / 1876 who in 1841 killed Lermontov in a duel, his family related to Kolirovsky and Romeiko - Hurko (Polish);
1819 Natalia Martynova Solomonovna;
Julia Martynova Solomonovna Gagarin b. 1821;
Dmitry Martynov Solomonovich born 1824 and died 1909;
also Pawel and Peter Solomonovich Martynov (? born ca 1820) - friends of Stefan Drzewiecki, Polish nobleman but about Pawel and Peter no any inf.

Above Mikhail Vasilyevich Tarnowski was son of Wasyl Tarnowski / Vasily Tarnowski; known as Michael Tarnavskiy, b. 1759; Vasily Tarnowski (? b. ca 1720) was son of Jan Tarnowski / Ivan Grigorevich Tarnavskiy died 1761 (? born ca 1700); Vasily was Cossak, captain of Poltava regiment.
Above Grigorij TARNOWSKI (? born ca 1670) was son of Jan b. ca 1650, and grandson of Jozef Tarnowski b. ca 1620.

Mentioned above Martynov Dmitry M. born 1760 - that is Martynov Dmitry Michajlovich b. 1760. Captain (or Major?). He was a Kirsanov district (in Tambov Province) leader of the nobility.
His daughter was Victoria nee Martynov / Wiktoria Matriniwna second voto Krasnickaja (Krasnicki), born ca 1796 and died on December 6, 1862 in Kiev.
Daughter of above Wiktoria:
Anna Petrowna Konstantynowicz / Анна Петровна Константинович (Вернадская) / Hanna Pietriwna / Konstantinovich who married Vernadsky / Vernadskij.
Anna became the wife of Professor Ivan Vasilevich Vernadsky / Iwan Wasylewicz Wernadski b. 1821 died 1884, and she was mother of W. I. Wernadski.
Anna b. November 11, 1837 (1827?) in Kiev / Kyiv in Ukraine and died on November 7, 1898 (1865?).
Her mother was named above Victoria nee Martynov / Wiktoria second voto Krasnicka, daughter of Major (or Captain?) Russian army - Martynow.
Wernadska Konstantynowicz Anna / Ganna / Hanna was friend of Wultfert Malecka Lidia, daughter of Karol Malecki.
Anna's children:
1. Владимир Иванович Вернадский / Wladymir Wernadski born 28 February 1863 d. 6 January 1945,
2. Екатерина Ивановна Вернадская / Ekaterina married Korolenko / born 1864 died 1910,
3. Ольга Ивановна Вернадская / Olga Wernadska born 1864.

Anna's father:
Piotr Konstantynowicz son of Krzysztof Konstantynowicz, b. 1785 (date 1795 was error) and died on October 9, 1850 in Kiev, Baykove cemetery; Kiev garrison 1836, general major 1848, son of
Krzysztof Konstantynowicz / Христофор Анастасійович Костянтинович who was born 1741 and died 1786.

Anna's stepmother (not mother):
Іванівна Гулак daughter of Надія Андріївна Суровцева and Іван Іванович Гулак / Jan Gulak, son of Jan.

Anna's brothers and sisters:
1. Pawel Konstantynowicz Piotrowicz / Pawlo son of Pietr, 1822 - 1884, lived in Wsiotiwce / Wojtiwce / Woitivcy / Wojtowce, married to Olga Iwanowna, b. ?, died 1903, daughter of Dubnikow; he served for the Poltawskij regiment in 1837, the Sleckij regiment (Slucki?) of 1842, 1843 lieutenant, the Newski Naval regiment 1845, has 7 children;
2. Lew,
3. Elena,
4. Iwan Piotrowicz - Jan Konstantynowicz who married to Marija Sofroniwna / Sofronow, daughter of Grigorij, b. ?, died 1850, she was from Sewastopol; they had daughter
Oleksandra Iwaniwna Konstantynowicz / Aleksandra Iwanowna 1848 - died 1920, nee Konstantynowicz; she was married in August 1866 to Modzelewski Lew son of Michail, 1837 - 1896; her sons:
Modzelewski Wadim Lwowicz 1882 - 1920, historian; and
Wsiewolod Lwowicz 1879 - 1936, the Naval Corps in Sankt Petersburg and after in 1898 he served in the Russian fleet in Petersburg, 'Imperator Aleksandr II', 1904 - 1905 a war against Japan, captain 2nd class in 1912.
Konstantynowicz Iwan son of Piotr, born 1818 - died 1877, since 1834 served the Russian fleet, captain 1st class, 1875 Caucasus army;
5. Zofia - Sofija Konstantynowicz Piotrowna, 1823 - 1848,
6. Wladymir,
7. Aleksandr,
8. Aleksandr second:
Aleksander Konstantynowicz who came from an Ukrainian military and landowning family, lived in the government of Poltava (now in Ukraine), also in Kiev; his daughter was
Olga I. Konstantynowicz who was born 1860 in Kiev - since 1880 in Paris and USA at the beginning of the 20th cent.;
9. Elizawieta,
10. Piotr older,
11. Piotr younger.

Evgeny Armand Ivanovich / 
Evgeny second / Eugene-Louis Armand
Evgeny Armand Ivanovich / Evgeny second / Eugene-Louis Armand was b. 1809 and died 1890, was a son of Jean Armand / Ivan and his first wife Elizabeth; was married to a Polish woman, Catholic - Mary Frantsevna Pashkovskaya / Maria Paszkowski (Пашковские) daughter of Franciszek.

She was born
1819 and died 1901

and was
highly educated, c. 1840 studied painting in France; she was a woman of strong and humble disposition.

Eugeniusz Ludwik Armand / Eugene Louis of MOSCOW was married to a beautiful Polish - Maria Wilhelmina Pashkovskaya.

Her father, Franciszek Paszkowski / Francis Paszkowski was a writer and military, during Napoleon's Italian campaign, he served as adjutant to Murat. ...

Young Catholics family donated money the Orthodox St. Nicholas Church in Pushkino.
When Armand moved to Orthodoxy, grandchildren of Louis Eugene / Yevgeny Ivanovich were baptized in this church.

Maria had a tender heart. In contrast to the position of her husband, his wife was educated, and drew quite well, in France she drew the ruins of castles and really liked them; Evgeny built in a park such ruins.  

Zygmunt Walewski (1656 ! or 1670-1716, son of Franciszek Walewski senior) had first wife Anna Gostyńska.
Zygmunt Walewski (1656 or 1670-1716), of Rozprza (1702-1716), married 2nd time to Maryanna Koniecpolska, of Pärnu. He had daughter and two sons:
Franciszek Walewski / Francis b. ?

(FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 ! or 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów [before him to the Mecinski family], Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki,
married 3rd in 1737 to Teodora Ludwika Walewska b. ca 1710,
daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia Radolińska 1677 - 1723
{Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 was daughter of Andrzej Radolinski younger, 1650 - 1708 and Marianna Sarnowska. The grandfather of above Zofia was Andrzej Radoliński older, born ca 1610 / 1620, died in 1681, from Jarocin, clerk in Krzywin 1670 - 1681, m. KATARZYNA; the father: above Andrzej Radolinski younger, 1650 - 1708, married two times ca 1670; his brother was Wojciech Radolinski. Zofia RADOLINSKA, 1677 - 1723, had brother Jozef Stefan Radolinski.
Kajetan Radolinski b. ca 1730 m. in 1755 to Malgorzata Lubienska 1733-1784; he was the son of Andrzej RADOLINSKI b. 1680 [Andrzej the 3rd] and Marianna Walewska! MARIANNA Walewska RADOLINSKA [b. 1695 ?] was daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and his wife - above named Zofia born circa 1677 / 1678 who was daughter of Andrzej Radoliński younger, 1650 - 1708 and Marianna SARNOWSKA})

with son Aleksander Walewski who married Elzbieta Mecinska of Jedlno, and grandchildren:
Józef Kalasanty Walewski {see - Izydor Kiedrzynski and Helena}

{Paulina RADOLINSKA m. Józef Kalasanty Walewski;
Wincenty Walewski 1785 - 1819 was son of Józef Kalasanty Walewski and Paulina; Wincenty was husband of Konstancja Salomea Józefa;
WINCENTY WALEWSKI was the father of Konrad Colonna-Walewski of JEDLNO, and Mikolaj Józef Colonna-Walewski.

Wincenty Walewski 1785 - 1819 was brother of Aleksander Józef Colonna-Walewski b. 1778 Count and Ludwika Niemojewska nee WALEWSKA {Anna Niemojewska was born ca 1795 ?, died 1872, acc. to my search, her mother was named above Ludwika nee Walewska 1775-1863}.

Wincenty Walewski b. 1785, had mentioned above son Konrad Walewski, b. 1813 in Jedlno, d. 1896 Cracow who married to Ludwika Potocka b. 1814 / 1815 with 2 children:
Stanislaw Aleksander Blazej Colonna-Walewski and
Marianna Tekla Wielopolska}

Michał Walewski d. 1801
(his daughter Tekla Colonna-Walewska 1783 - 1862, was wife of
Aleksander Józef Colonna-Walewski Count, 1778 - 1845 son of Józef Kalasanty Walewski and Paulina Radolinska, inf. by Leszek Mila at geni.com in 2014).

Jan Paszkowski, born 1742 + Petronela Kulikowska with son Dominik Paszkowski, b. 1783 in Brody, d. 1866 + Anna Niemojewska, died in 1872 (tomb in Kraków);
Anna Niemojewska was born ca 1795 ?, died 1872, acc. to my search, her mother was Ludwika nee Walewska 1775-1863 and her grandfather was Józef Kalasanty Walewski 1747-1792 + Paulina Pulina Radolinska, and
great-grandfather was
Aleksander Walewski m. Elzbieta Mecinska of Jedlno.
Alexander / Aleksander Walewski 1700 - 1751 with son
Stanisław Józef Walewski ca 1720 or 1740 - 1770 and
Bogumił Gabriel Walewski and
Kunegunda Szembek.

Aleksander Walewski + Elzbieta Mecinska and her son Jozef Kalasanty Walewski (ca 1743 / 1747 - 1792) were owners of Jedlno.
Paulina RADOLINSKA m. Józef Kalasanty Walewski.
Jozef Kalasanty Walewski had also Kurow (close to Wola Pszczolecka, see: Malkiewicz, Kiedrzynski), Turow, Wielun and Jedlno.

Michal Mikolaj Mecinski of Wschowa in 1715, Colonel, judge - 1724, a life companion of Friedrich August in 1706, that is of August II the Strong, August II der Starke b. 1670 in Dresden, Polish king 1697 - 1706 and 1709 - 1733, elector of Saxony 1694 to 1733 as Frederick Augustus I of Saxony / Friedrich August I; Augustus II the Strong relinquished the crown to Stanislaw Leszczynski in September 1706. In October 1706 army of Augustus II defeated the Swedes in the Battle of Kalisz. August II the Strong in 1709 returned to Poland.
Michal Mikolaj Mecinski of Wschowa b. ca 1660, d. 1725, married Felicjanna Rudzka, his children:
a. Wojciech of Wielun, 1698-1771 m. Anna Glogowska,
Elzbieta Mecinska b. ca ?, m. Aleksander Walewski of Piotrków - 1778, Rozprza - 1748, in Cracow in 1740, with children:
Józef Kalasanty Walewski 1747-1792 m. Paulina Pulina Radolinska b. 1750 with:
Ludwika Walewska 1775-1863,
Aleksander Józef Colonna-Walewski 1778-1845,
Wincenty Walewski 1785-1820;
and next children of ELZBIETA MECINSKA:
Michal Walewski 1749-1799 m. Salomea Psarska;
Salomea Walewska 1754-1814 m. Józef Kielczewski 1750-1812.

Jan Paszkowski, born 1742 + Petronela Kulikowska with son Dominik Paszkowski, b. 1783 in Brody, d. 1866 + Anna Niemojewska, died in 1872 (tomb in Kraków);
Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski, b. 12.10.1778 in Brody (to 1st wife of Jan), d. 10.3.1856 in Cracow, General, Virtuti Militari, owner of Tonie close to Cracow, tomb in Cracow - Rakowice, was half-brother of above Dominik Paszkowski.
Dominik Paszkowski was father of Józef Franciszek Paszkowski.

Below it's just a hypothetical representation of ancestors of above Anna!
Jan Paszkowski, born 1742 + Petronela Kulikowska with son Dominik Paszkowski, b. 1783 in Brody, d. 1866 + Anna Niemojewska, died in 1872 (tomb in Kraków);
Anna was born ca 1795 ?, died 1872: acc. to me, her mother was
Ludwika nee Walewska 1775-1863 and her grandfather was
Józef Kalasanty Walewski 1747-1792 + Paulina Pulina Radolinska, and great-grandfather was
Aleksander Walewski m. Elzbieta Mecinska of Jedlno
{Aleksander was son of FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 / 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów [before him to the Mecinski family], Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki;
Franciszek was son of Zygmunt Walewski (1656 or 1670-1716, son of Franciszek Walewski senior) who had first wife Anna Gostyńska. Zygmunt Walewski married 2nd time to Maryanna Koniecpolska, of Pärnu. Her son was above mentioned Franciszek}.

Jozef Niemojowski / Niemojewski 1760-1836 m. ca 1790 to Ludwika Walewska 1775-1863, with
Leon Michal b. 1798; Izabella Salomea Niemojowska b. 1801; Adolf Józef 1802-1873; Edward 1810-1874; Józef Niemojowski 1840-1857;
and above named oldest daughter Anna b. ca 1795 died 1872 m. Paszkowski?

Sons of above Dominik Paszkowski:
Franciszek Paszkowski b. 1818 in Warsaw, d. 1883 Cracow, owner of Tonie, MP; and
Józef Franciszek Daniel Paszkowski, b. 1817 in Warsaw, d. 1861 in Warsaw, + Seweryna Stompf with children:
1. Franciszek Paszkowski, jurist, in 1902 owner of Tonie, and
2. Leon Ignacy Paszkowski, 1845 - 1904, director of a bank in Cracow, + (1875 - 1887) Maria Lasocka daughter of Bronislaw + Felicja Wolowska.
In Cracow were buried
Józef Franciszek Daniel Paszkowski 1817–1861, who married to Kazimiera Seweryna Stompf;
PASZKOWSKI Józef Edmund 1817-1861, poet, translator;
Dominik Paszkowski 1783–1866 son of Jan + Petronela Kulikowska, who married Anna Niemojewska;
Laura Anna Antonina Paszkowska 1844–1866 daughter of above Józef + Kazimiera Stompf.
Jan Paszkowski married two times:
unknown and Petronela.
Above mentioned Franciszek Paszkowski, MP, son of Dominik (1783-1866) + Anna nee Niemojewski (d. 1872), was brother of above
PASZKOWSKI Józef Edmund 1817-1861, poet, translator;
Franciszek studied painting at the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts.

Franciszek Maksymilian Paszkowski died in 1856, in September 1800 received the assignment to captain in the Italian Legion. In 1801 he met Thaddeus Kosciuszko and the next three years 1801-1804 he spent at his side gathering material for a biography. In 1804-1805, he was in a camp of Chalons-sur-Marne. He was reactivated on the staff of Joachim Murat, as a translator and espionage officer, also an aide of Murat; He had correspondence contact with Kosciuszko, who named him 'my Paszkos'. In January 1815 Paszkowski resigned from the position of secretary in the Polish Kingdom, and was deleted from the state service of the Polish army.
After leaving the military he went abroad, visiting Kosciuszko and Frederick Augustus ex Duke of the Warsaw Duchy.
Back to the Posen Duchy, and then he settled in the Republic of Cracow - in 1820 in the village Tonie; after the death of Kosciuszko received an inheritance, and in Krakow organized the funeral of Kosciuszko; he was one of the initiators of the Kosciuszko mound in Krakow and chairman of the committee of its construction.

Andrzej Kiedrzynski born ca 1720 / 1730 was father of KACPER b. ca 1750,
DOROTA PSARSKA - MADALINSKA born ca 1740 / 1750;
and according to my research of
Izydor Kiedrzynski who was b. 1749 and m. to Helena who was born in 1762 and she died in Wola Wiazowa in 1828.
Andrzej Kiedrzynski b. ca 1720 / 1730, was the landowner of Biegacino in 1760, that is Bieganin / Bieganino ca 23 km west of Kalisz and 16 km south of Orpiszewko.


(acc. to me she was the daughter of
Romuald Walewski, General, 1738-1812, who m. 1st to Zuzanna Połchowska with:
a. Felicjanna Walewska 1760-1846 m. Sebastian Jan Dembowski 1762-1835, and
b. Magdalena Helena Walewska born ca 1761 / 1762.

Romuald was son of Marcin Walewski of Sieradz, 1700-1761, who m. in 1736 to Magdalena Antonina Szembek 1710 - 1744 daughter of Antoni Felicjan Szembek.
Marek Szembek b. circa 1700, d. 1744, son of mentioned above
Antoni Felicjan Szembek and Ewa Apolonia; husband of Jadwiga; father of Paulina / Paula Oginska; brother of Józef Eustachy Szembek, and named above Magdalena Antonina Walewska!
We back to mother of Paula Oginska:
Jadwiga Szembek nee Rudnicka, ca 1710 - ca 1765, wife of Marek Szembek and Kazimierz Lubienski, mother of Paula Oginska; Konstancja Kossowska and Anna Letowska.
Above Marek Szembek 1700 - 1744.
Above Paula Oginska Szembek, burned in Miedniewice, was born 1737, d. 1798,
wife of Celestyn Lubienski, Jan Prosper Potocki, and Andrzej Ignacy Oginski!
She was mother of Feliks Walezjusz Wladyslaw Lubienski, Michal Kleofas Oginski!
(see: Trubecki, Kalinowski, Konstantynowicz, Tallinn, Italy, Napoleon...)
and Józefa Zofia Lopacinska;
half sister of Konstancja Kossowska and Anna Letowska.
We remember that above Antoni Felicjan Szembek ca 1680 - 1739, was father of Magdalena Antonina Walewska.

Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was son of Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733.
Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733 was maybe brother of Zygmunt Walewski b. 1656 ! or 1670 - died in 1716, both were sons of Franciszek Walewski senior)

had sons:

A. Felix b. 1796 / 1799;
B. Józef KIEDRZYNSKI of Ostrzeszow.
BOGDAŃSKI Walenty died ca 1761, owner of Gostynie in the Kalisz province, m. Ewa Stawicka, with son Michał Bogdański d. 1787 m. Salomea Kawiecka (1731-1821). Michał had children:
Teresa b. 1768, Orpiszewek;
and Petronela BOGDANSKA 1783 - 1807 who married to Józef Kiedrzyński the leaseholder of the Ostrzeszów estate.
C. Stanislaw Kiedrzynski;
D. Gabriel Kiedrzynski born as Gabryel in 1796 (or 1798, 1803) in Osiny / Osina; married in 1821 in Wola Wiazowa, died Jan. 1848 in Wola Wiazowa (Gabriel died after 1819 - a mistake - acc. to somebody). Osiny / Osina - 10 km north of Sulmierzyce, ca 22 km north-west of Krepa, property Osiny / Osina of the Walewskis - south-east of Szczercow, that is north of Jedlno! Gabriel had 5 sons and 4 daughters with Katarzyna Wojtaszek b. 1796 / 1807 in Rusiec, m. 1821 in Wola Wiazowa, d. after 1866; Rusiec was land of the Walewskis!
E. Adam Kiedrzynski born 1783 / 1784 / ca 1787, landlord of Sulmierzyce near LUBIEC.
Adam Kiedrzynski was godfather in Wola Blakowa in 1803 like nobleman with Joanna Lepicka. His relatives Felicjan Kiedrzynski and Tekla Lepicka of Wola Blakowa. Sulmierzyce is situated close to Rzasnia, north of Jedlno; in the Krepa parish since 1769, close to LGOTA WIELKA.
Adam Kiedrzynski married in 1808 in Krepa to Anastazja Bleszynska b. ca 1785 / 1792, from Bakowa Góra close to Przedborz. His daughter was born in 1824 in Sulmierzyce - Franciszka Aniela Kiedrzynska.
Relatives of Izydor:
Lukasz b. 1772, 1774, 1786, lived in Jedlno 1820, and
Mikolay b. 1774, worked for the Walewskis.

Stanisław Franciszek Walewski b. ca 1670 / 1675 !, d. 1716, from Sieradz and
Franciszek Walewski / Francis b. ?
(FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 / 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów [before him to the Mecinski family], Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki,
married 3rd in 1737 to Teodora Ludwika Walewska b. ca 1710, daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia Radolińska 1677 - 1723)
were half-brothers!

Stanisław Franciszek Walewski b. ca 1670 / 1675, d. 1716, from Sieradz (see: Wola Pszczolecka, the Zaliwski movement, Radolinski, Sulimierski, Kiedrzynski), owner of Pstrokonie, Woźniki, Świerzyna / Swierzyny, Gronów; m. in 1694, to Marianna Rozalia Siemianowska, 2nd in 1708, to Krystyna Rychłowska daughter of Stanisław, owner of Podłężyce, Rzechta;
his parents:
Zygmunt Walewski (1656 or 1670-1716, son of Franciszek Walewski senior) and his first wife Anna Gostyńska.
His (that is Stanisław Franciszek Walewski b. ca 1670 / 1675, d. 1716, from Sieradz) children:
A. Józef Walewski d. 1724, m. Elżbieta Magnuska, 1 voto Jan Skarbek;
B. Feliks d. 1752;
C. Karol d. ca 1757 owner of Ptaszkowice, Lichawa, Grabia, m. Brygida Gałecka daughter of Ludwika nee Poniatowska, 2 voto Jan Radoliński
(Brygida Gałecka daughter of Ludwika nee Poniatowska. Countess Ludwika Maria Poniatowska (1728 - 1781) / as "Luds"; was the sister of King of Poland, Stanisław August Poniatowski. Ludwika married in 1745 Jan Jakub Zamoyski, by whom she had an only daughter).
Children of above Karol Walewski:
a) Ludwika m. Kazimierz Kacper Gembart,
b) Julianna Joanna b. ca 1756, m. Feliks Złotnicki;
D. Wojciech born ca 1715, d. 1757, landlord of Pstrekonie, m. in 1740, Teresa Łaszowska.
Above Wojciech Walewski 1715-1757 m. Teresa Łaszowska / Laszewska / Teresa Łaszewska, with:
1. Rozalia m. Jakub Madaliński with son Ksawery Madaliński;
2. Ludwik Mikołaj Walewski / Ludwik Walewski 1754-1820 m. 2nd in 1794 to Antonina Kalinowska.
Antonina Aniela Teodora Kalinowska b. 1764 in the Kroczyce parish, her parents:
Ignacy Kalinowski 1720-1782 and Justyna Borzęcka b. 1710.
Antoniona b. ca 1750 / 1760 had 3 sons (Karol Franciszek Walewski) and daughter.
See: Wola Pszczolecka, Kiedrzynski, Sulimierski, Oginski, Trubecki.
Ludwik Walewski bought Parzymiechy in 1794 from Poniński.

Brothers maybe:
Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733
{Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was son of Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733.
Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was husband in 1740 to Marcjanna Romer 1720-1761, but 1st time to (mistake that 2nd marriage) Magdalena Antonina Szembek}
Zygmunt Walewski (1656 ! or 1670-1716, son of Franciszek Walewski senior) who had first wife Anna Gostyńska.
Son of above named Zygmunt and Anna:
Stanisław Franciszek Walewski b. ca 1670 / 1675 !, d. 1716, from Sieradz
(see: Wola Pszczolecka, the Zaliwski movement, Radolinski, Sulimierski, Kiedrzynski),
owner of Pstrokonie, Woźniki, Świerzyna / Swierzyny, Gronów; m. in 1694, to Marianna Rozalia Siemianowska, 2nd in 1708, to Krystyna Rychłowska daughter of Stanisław, owner of Podłężyce, Rzechta.
Zygmunt Walewski (1656 ! or 1670-1716), of Rozprza (1702-1716), married 2nd time to
Maryanna Koniecpolska, of Pärnu.
He had daughter and two sons:
a. Justyna,
b. Franciszek Walewski / Francis
{FRANCISZEK Walewski born ca 1675 / 1690, died 1745, owner of Rusiec, Wieruszów [before him to the Mecinski family], Dąbrówka, Jastrzębice, Broszęcin, Wola Wiązowa, Leśniaki, married 3rd in 1737 to Teodora Ludwika Walewska b. ca 1710, daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia Radolińska 1677 - 1723}
with son Aleksander Walewski who married Elzbieta Mecinska of Jedlno, and grandchildren:
Józef Kalasanty Walewski and
Michał Walewski d. 1801
(his daughter Tekla Colonna-Walewska 1783 - 1862, wife of Aleksander Józef Colonna-Walewski Count, 1778 - 1845 who was son of
Józef Kalasanty Walewski and Paulina Radolinska,
inf. by Leszek Mila at geni.com in 2014),
Alexander / Aleksander Walewski 1700 - 1751 with son Stanisław Józef Walewski ca 1720 or 1740 - 1770 and grandchildren:
Bogumił Gabriel Walewski and
Kunegunda Szembek.

Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was son of Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733
{Franciszek Walewski from Sieradz, 1670-1733 was maybe brother of Zygmunt Walewski b. 1656 ! or 1670 - died in 1716, both were sons of Franciszek Walewski senior}.
Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was husband in 1740 to Marcjanna Romer 1720-1761, but 1st time to (mistake that 2nd marriage) Magdalena Antonina Szembek.
Marcin Walewski of Sieradz, 1700-1761, m. in 1736 to Magdalena Antonina Szembek 1710 - 1744 daughter of Antoni Felicjan Szembek, with children:
1. Anna Ludwika Colonna-Walewska 1722 / 1728-1832 m. in 1740 to Adam Slaski 1722-1773 with 12 children;
Michał of Bochnia, member of Parliament, in Sieradz (1784 - 1792 / 1795), 1735 / 1740 - 1806, m. 1st to Jadwiga Walewska with
Teodora Walewska 1770-1826 m. Jan Kazimierz Stecki-Olechnowicz,
Wojciech Walewski b. ca 1780 m. Prakseda Maszkiewicz;
Michal Walewski m. 2nd to Ksawera Marianna Jadwiga Turno,
with children:
Teresa Walewska 1776 - 1856 m. Adam Bierzyński,
Karolina Teresa Walewska 1778 - 1846 m. 1st Aleksander Franciszek Chodkiewicz 1776 - 1838, m. 2nd to Aleksander Golicyn 1789 - 1858;
Józef Walewski 1780 - 1813;
Hieronim Jerzy Walewski b. ca 1780 m. Cecylia Potocka 1783 - 1861 with
Juliusz Walewski 1805 - 1878.

Above named Michał 1735 / 1740 - 1806 m. 3rd to Szczęsna Feliksa Kokoszka-Michałowska 1770-1844.
Michał Walewski 1735 / 1840 - 1806, was son of Marcin Walewski and Magdalena Antonina Szembek.
Józef 1737-1807 m. Felicjanna Połchowska 1733 - 1808 (? born 1743) with
Antonina Walewska b. ca 1760 m. Stefan Walewski 1744-1803 with children:
Józef Walewski 1781-1813, Maciej Walewski 1785-1825, Kajetan Dominik Walewski 1789-1841, Salomea Walewska 1790-1833, Ferdynand Aleksander Colonna-Walewski 1792-1839, Wiktor Walewski 1794-1812.
Romuald Walewski, General, 1738-1812, m. 1st to Zuzanna Połchowska with:
a. Felicjanna Walewska 1760-1846 m. Sebastian Jan Dembowski 1762-1835,
b. Magdalena Helena Walewska (? wife of IZYDOR KIEDRZYNSKI; she was born ca 1762 !).

Married second to Teresa Dunin-Karwicka with
Michał Walewski,
Helena Walewska 1800-1856 m. Antoni Onufry Alojzy Libiszowski,
Teodora Walewska 1804-1884 m. Kwiryn Russocki.

Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761 was husband in 1740 to Marcjanna Romer 1720-1761, with:
Franciszek 1745-1813 m. Ludwika Stokowska, with:
Józef Walewski b. 1771,
Kasper Walewski 1774-1833 m. Anna Lubieniecka, m. 2nd to Izabella Oświęcimska 1780-1853 with Teodora Walewska, Józef Walewski, Edmund Walewski, Stanisław Walewski, Adam Walewski;
Damazy Walewski b. ca 1780,
Klemens Walewski 1782-1832,
Ignacy Walewski 1783-1833 m. Salomea Walewska 1790-1833, with children:
Ludwika Walewska 1811, Marianna Walewska 1812-1850, Antonina Walewska 1816-1868, Ewelina Walewska, Matylda Walewska 1820-1887.
Adam Walewski b. 1750 m. Józefa Lubomirska 1764-1851
with children:
Tadeusz Walewski 1800-1855 m. Anna Dunin-Karwicka 1795-1881,
Izabela Walewska 1800-1886 m. Siergiej Gagaryn 1795-1852,
with children:
Maria Gagaryn 1829-1906, and Siergiej Gagaryn 1832-1890.
3. Justyna Walewska m. Michał Pisarzowski.
4. Marianna Walewska ca 1750-1778,
5. Paulina Walewska,
Kasper Walewski member of Parliament, ca 1750-1806, m. Teodora Colonna-Walewska b. ? - d. in 1812
(daughter of Józef Walewski of Brzeziny died Jan. 1763, and Ludwika Colonna-Walewska b. ca 1730,
Jozef had children:
a. Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815,
b. Jadwiga Walewska m. Michał Walewski of Bochnia and member of Parliament, in Sieradz (1784-1795) 1735 / 1740 - 1806,
c. Teodora Colonna-Walewska ? - 1812, m. in 1768, in Bielawy to above Kasper Walewski member of Parliament, 1750-1806),
with children:
Antoni Colonna-Walewski 1774-1846 m. Julia Libiszowska
{Julia Colonna-Walewska nee Libiszowska, 1810 - 1866, daughter of Izydor Libiszowski and Modlińska. Izydor was born in 1780. Julia married Antoni Colonna - Walewski in 1830; Antoni was born in 1774 to Kasper 1750-1806 and Teodora Walewska; his grandparents: Marcin Walewski of Sieradz 1700-1761, Marcjanna Romer 1720-1761, Józef Walewski of Brzeziny 1720-1763, and Ludwika Colonna-Walewska b. 1730}
and 2nd to Marianna Dąmbska;
Felicja Colonna-Walewska m. Józef Weryha-Darowski
(with children:
Teodora Domicella Urszula Weryha-Darowska 1802-1859,
Klementyna Weryha-Darowska 1810-1865 m. Władysław Stadnicki,
Bolesław Weryha-Darowski 1810 / 1811 - 1874,
Józef Wincenty Szymon Weryha-Darowski 1812-1849 m. Helena Amalia Józefa Mieroszewska 1819-1908, with:
Bolesław Weryha-Darowski 1839-1905, Roman Weryha-Darowski, Adam Weryha-Darowski, Helena Weryha-Darowska 1842-1918, Maria Weryha-Darowska 1845-1896, Barbara Weryha-Darowska 1847-1929; Wiktor Werycha-Darowski 1818-1873);
Jadwiga Colonna-Walewska 1780-1840,
Konstancja Barbara Colonna-Walewska 1780-1852,
Marianna Colonna-Walewska m. Aleksander Antoni Jan Rożniecki;
Feliks 1780-1809;
Julia Agnieszka Colonna-Walewska 1789-1857 m. Ignacy Badeni 1786-1859;
Ludwika Colonna-Walewska 1792-1837.

Emilia Potocka married first to Kalinowski and second time to Czeliszczew, she was born 1790 and her parents:
Protazy Antoni Potocki b. 1761 and
mother Marianna Lubomirska (Zubow, Potocki, Uwarow) born 1773 or Marianna Elzbieta Lubomirska b. ca 1766 - 1810.
Marianna Elżbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska was sister of Józefa Walewska. Józefa Walewska nee Lubomirska, b. ca 1764 - 1851; wife of above mentioned Adam Walewski, and Jan Witt, Count;
copyright by Leszek Mila.

Adam Walewski + Józefa Lubomirska had 2 children:
Tadeusz Walewski (1795-1855), in 1828 m. to Anna Karwicka / Ann Dunin-Karwicka (1797-1881), daughter of General Krzysztof Karwicki.
At Polonszczyzna, was the Polonne estate; in the center of the cemetery is a burial chapel of the Karwicki family, the last owners of the city; the inheritance received from the Walewskis, with whom they were related. The last owner was Jan Dunin-Karwicki, son of Natalia Franciszka and Francis Karwicki. In 1795 Polonne was visited by King Stanislaw August Poniatowski, coming back from Kaniow. Polonne took then heir Callistus Poninski. After him Polonne took Tadeusz Walewski, who contributed among others to the Baranowka porcelain factory, existing to this day. Tadeusz Walewski had portraits of Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Prince Jozef Poniatowski. Subsequent owners were Jozef Dunin-Karwicki and Henry Stecki. The Adam Walewski family, the royal army brigadier, from the hands of his wife received the Polonna estate; others assets taken Mary Elizabeth Potocka. Adam Walewski as a result of a bad economy was forced to sell Ostropol and Miropol;
his son Tadeusz (1795-1855) - since 1828 married with Anna Karwicka (1797-1881), daughter of General Krzysztof / Christopher Karwicki - had only Polonna and part of Baranowiecko
- so in 1826 Tadeusz Walewski built a small manor house, and the Walewskis successor, Francis Karwicki, leaving all the buildings expanded, only the main dwelling house.
Widowed Anna Walewska, transferred Lubarsk and Polonna to nephews and niece - children of Kazimierz Karwicki; Polonna was received by Karwicki Francis (1843-1900), married with Natalia Frankowska. Their son Jan Dunin-Karwicki (b. 1896) was the last owner of Polonne before the First World War.
Mentioned above Adam Walewski + Jozefina or Józefa Lubomirska had 2 children:
a. above named Tadeusz Walewski (1795-1855), in 1828 m. to Anna Karwicka / Ann Dunin-Karwicka (1797-1881), daughter of General Krzysztof Karwicki;
b. Izabela Walewska.

Jozefina or Józefa Walewska nee Lubomirska married to Brigadier Adam Walewski, brother of Michal Walewski, the Voivode / governor of Sieradz.
Michał Walewski 1735 / 1740 - 1806, was Voivode of Sieradz in 1785-1792.
Kasper Lubomirski divided the estates, also the Tuczyn over Horyn was sold in 1775 to Michael Walewski.
Marianna Elzbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska, ca 1766 - d. 1810, was daughter of Kasper Lubomirski and Barbara Poninska
(Kasper Lubomirski 1724 - 1780 who was son of Teodor Lubomirski and Elisabeth / Elzbieta Marianna. Teodor / Johann Theodor Lubomirski 1697 - 1745, son of Stanislaw Herakliusz Lubomirski and Elzbieta Denhoff, brother of Józef Lubomirski and Franciszek Lubomirski, half brother of Elzbieta Sieniawska and Elzbieta Lubomirska);
Marianna Elzbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska, born ca 1766, was wife of Protazy Antoni Potocki; Count Valerian Zubov, and Uvarov;
she was mother of Emilia Potocka + Jozef Kalinowski;
Aleksandr Valerianovich Zubov;
Platon Valerianovich Zubov,
and Elizaveta Valerianovna Voieikova.

Marianna Elzbieta Uvarova nee Lubomirska was sister of Józefa Walewska.
Józefa Walewska nee Lubomirska, b. ca 1764 - 1851; wife of Adam Walewski and Jan Witt, Count; copyright by Leszek Mila.
Adam Walewski b. ca 1750 was son of Marcin Walewski 1700 - 1761, who was son of Franciszek Walewski and Felicja.

Izabela Walewska.

Mentioned Romuald Walewski b. ca 1738, died on June 14, 1812, was Major General, Adjutant General of Stanislaw August Poniatowski, the King of Poland, a captain of cavalry in 1789, Crown Court judge, six-time Member of Parliament. In Cracow from 1773 to 1775 joined the confederation Adam Poninski; member of Parliament in 1778 of the Cracow province; member of Parliament in 1786; member of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Military Commission in 1788; in 1792 he was awarded the Order of the White Eagle, in 1781 received the Order of St. Stanislaus.

Romuald Walewski, 1738 - 1812, m. 1st to Zuzanna Połchowska b. ca 1730 with:
Felicjanna Walewska 1760-1846, and
Magdalena Helena Walewska b. 1762 (Helena Walewska) in Stradom, Cracow;
Romuald m. 2nd Teresa Dunin-Karwicka b. ca 1760.
Romuald Walewski was half brother of Kasper Walewski, inf. by Karol Antoni Wodyński.

King's aides were Augustyn Gorzeński / Augustine Gorzenski and above named Romuald Walewski.
Romuald's close friends:
in 1789 an ensign Żeromski Maciej (lieutenant);
1789 - 1792, Stawiski Michał - ensign (Regiment of the National Cavalry of the Crown Army Capt. Romuald Walewski);
1790, Więckowski Marcin, Regiment of the National Cavalry of brigade under Hadziewicz;
1792, Jasieński Błażej, above Regiment of the National Cavalry of the Crown Army Capt. Romuald Walewski;
a counselors of the Permanent Council:
Anastazy Walewski, Ksawery Walewski, named Romuald Walewski, Hieronim Wielopolski, Jozef Wilczewski, Antoni Wollowicz, Maksymilian Woroniecki, Franciszek Woyna and others.

Mentioned above Ignacy Augustyn Michał Gorzeński born 1743, died in 1816 in Warsaw, the Senator of the Polish Kingdom, chamberlain, aide and chief of the Military Chambers of King Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, Crown Forces lieutenant general and adjutant general of the king; Ensign of Kalisz and Poznan; Poznan chamberlain, a member from the Poznan province to Four-Year Parliament in 1788; the Senator of the Kalisz province of the Duchy of Warsaw, co-founder of the May 3rd Constitution.
He was the son of Antoni, and Ludwika Błeszyński of Bydgoszcz,
in 1774 married Aleksandra Skórzewski of Łabiszyn (1761 - 1801), daughter of
General Franciszek Skórzewski and Marianna nee Ciecierski - famous favourite of Fryderyk II the Prussia King.
Above Ludwika Błeszyńska / Bleszynski, 1718-1759, daughter of
Michał Błeszyński 1680 - 1769,
grand-daughter of Jakub Bleszynski and Teresa Gorayska / Teresa Gorzeński; above
Michał Błeszyński died in 1769, top officer in Bydgoszcz, son of above named
Jakub (died 1710), top officer in Międzyrzecz (west Polish border) and Przemęt - 30 km north-west of Leszno (see SULKOWSKI).

Michal Bleszynski married in 1718 to daughter of Andrzej Teodor Grabowski, of Chelmno / Chełmno; her daughter was above Ludwika, wife of mentioned
Antoni Gorzeński (the counselor of the Poznan province during the Bar Confederation, 1768-1772).
Ludwika was mother of mentioned above General Augustyn Gorzeński.
Above Jakub Błeszyński d. 1710,
son of Wojciech and Agnieszka Brzozowski; married five times:
1st to Dorota Brodzka (d. 1670) in 1661;
2nd in 1670 to Teresa Dąmbska, daughter of top officer in Inowrocław and the widow of Konstanty Bojanowski.
The 3rd wife Teresa Gorajska (d. 1755), mother of Michał Bleszynski of Bydgoszcz;
4th m. Teresa Zielińska (d. 1699), daughter of Ludwik Zieliński of Sierpc;
5th time married to Marianna Łucja Trzebuchowska (died in 1709).
Jakub Błeszyński had 15 children (6 sons and 9 daughters).
His son Józef Błeszyński born circa 1670, died 1730, was husband of Marianna; and father of Kazimierz Błeszyński 1703 - 1757, who married Teresa Jordan with son
Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813).
Ignacy was half brother of Wojciech Ludwik Jordan and Konstancja Urszula Walewska.

Petronela who died in Złoczew / Zloczow, m. in 1789 to Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813), son of above Kazimierz and Teresa Struss; Ignacy was the owner of Złoczów and Brzeźno; he was born in Złoczów, 1st married to Apolonia Sudrawska. See: Wola Pszczolecka.

The genealogy of above Ignacy Bleszynski:
Ignacy Błeszyński born in 1742 Zloczew - d. 1813 / 1815, son of Kazimierz Bleszynski b. 1703 in Bleszno, and Teresa nee Struss / Strus m. 1st to Jan Jordan

[all children of Jan JORDAN:
Spytek Rogatian Jordan; Wojciech Ludwik Jordan, and
Konstancja Urszula Walewska - married Stanisław Józef Walewski b. 1720 or 1740 - died in 1770 with children:
Bogumił Gabriel Walewski 1750-1814
{his daughter Konstancja Salomea Józefa Walewska married to Wincenty Walewski b. 1785 d. 1819},
and Kunegunda Szembek born in 1760 / 1766 - d. 1828 wife of Ignacy Józef Szembek 1740-1835 MP in 1788, officer in Ostrzeszow 1777-1793 with son
Piotr Szembek 1788-1866 General, Freemason, 1813 in Gdańsk married to Fryderyka Becu de Tavernier, with son Aleksander Szembek (1815-1884)]

who died in 1735;
Ignacy was owner of Zloczew
(Bujnów - 3 km west of Zloczew and 9 km north-east of Dymki and close to Lututow, Borzęckie, Czarna, Cegielnia, Grójec Mały, Huta Szklana / Szklana Huta, Huta Stara, Miklesz, Stanisławów, Złoczewska Wieś, Złoczewska Wola and Zapowiednik, inf. by Wikipedia; 1773 - Grodzice and Łagiewniki),
MP in 1809, 1811 of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, officer in Brodnica, very active member of the 1794 Insurection (battle of Sieradz; see Madalinski and Uminski) in the Sieradz province; married mentioned above Petronela Radoliński.

PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki;
granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740 who was also father of Józef Stanisław Radoliński

[Józef Stanisław Radoliński 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, father of Antonina Maria Breza and Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer]

and Józef Stefan Radoliński was brother of Zofia Walewska 1677 / 1678 - 1723 who m. Kazimierz Walewski.

Petronela died in Złoczew / Zloczow, m. in 1789 to Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813), son of Kazimierz and Teresa Struss; owner of Złoczów and Brzeźno; he was born in Złoczów, 1st married to Apolonia Sudrawska.

Genealogy of above named Jan Radoliński (1726 – 1796):
Andrzej Radoliński (ca 1610 - 1681) owner of Jarocin and villages: Bogusław, Ciświca, Roszków and Pszonna. Andrzej Radoliński married Katarzyna with oldest son Andrzej junior who died 1708 and with his brother Wojciech travelling around Europa; they were owners of Jarocin.
Józef Stefan Radoliński was son of Andrzej junior acc. to Wikipedia. He was owner of Jarocin, Skoki, Łobżenica and Sierniki, Kretkowo, Wola.
Józef Stefan Radoliński lived at the court of Polish King, Jan III Sobieski; officer in Wschowa (see Sulkowski). Died in 1740.
Józef Stefan had 7 children:
youngest son Jan Radolinski was owner of Jarocin,
and his brother
Józef Stanisław was officer in Wschowa, in 1757 Józef Stanisław married to Katarzyna Raczyńska (see Kiedrzynski).

Mentioned above PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was daughter of Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki.
In 1774 Józef Stanisław from hands of Stanisław August Poniatowski had taken Jeziorki, Słupia and Piekary; Józef Stanisław died in 1781. Józef Stanisław and Katarzyna had daughter
Wirydianna (1761 - 1826), who married two times; 1st in 1788 to Maciej Antoni Kwilecki, officer in Wschowa;
Wirydianna m. 2nd time to General Stanisław Fiszer, the Chief of Army Staff of the Duchy of Warsaw and longtime friend of Tadeusz Kosciuszko (see General Franciszek Paszkowski who had daughter - Armand's wife, and relatives to the Konstantynowiczs!).
Wirydianna Fiszer b. 1761 as 4th child of Katarzyna Radolinska nee Raczynska, who aged 18 (?!) years at this moment; Wirydianna was living in Chobienice, the estate of second husband of grandmother of Mielzynski who was governor of province
(Maciej Miełżyński / Mielzynski born 1799 was son of Józef 1765 - 1824 and Franciszka Niemojowski b. 1781, and brother of Seweryn;
grandson of Maciej Mielzynski 1733-1793.
Above Josef son of Maciej by his wife Seweryna Lipska, obtained the hereditary title of Count from King Frederick William III of Prussia on 12 July 1817);
Chobienice is situated close to Wolsztyn and the Prussian border
{remember about Michał Błeszyński died in 1769, top officer in Bydgoszcz, son of above named Jakub (died 1710), top officer in Międzyrzecz (west Polish border) and Przemęt - 30 km north-west of Leszno (see SULKOWSKI)}.

Wirydianna married Antoni Kwilecki d. 1814, when she aged 26, with two children: Nina Anna, and Jozef Kwilecki. Wirydianna then moved home to Warsaw. 2nd time married to Stanislaw Fiszer d. 1812.
Her uncle Kazimierz Raczynski bought Rogalin; her aunt Estera was her friend.
Wirydianna known Ludwik XVIII in Warsaw;
her mother Katarzyna Raczynska b. 1744 married Jozef Radolinski who died in 1781; marriage was in 1756/1757 when she aged 12 years!

Wirydianna Fiszer met Kosciuszko in Paris. Wirydianna was living both in their estates in the Great Poland, in Warsaw and Paris, but Fisher died in 1812 during the retreat from Moscow. At the end of his life, Wirydianna wrote down her memories.

Mentioned few times above Ignacy Błeszyński, senior, born 1742 in Zloczow / Zloczew - died in 1813 or 1815, son of Kazimierz Błeszyński and Teresa Jordan Struss
(m. 1st to Jan Jordan or Ignacy Jordan of Zakliczyn);
he was half brother of
Wojciech Ludwik Jordan (1725 - 1793),
Konstancja Urszula Walewska,
and Spytek Rogatian Jordan.

Ignacy Błeszyński senior, born 1742 was married 2nd time to PETRONELA RADOLINSKA.

Henryk Kacper Tarczałowski b. ca 1820 m. in 1852 in Wierzbie, in the Tczyca parish, to Teodora Błeszyńska b. ca 1825,
daughter of Anna (b. ca 1780) and Ignacy Franciszek Błeszyński (b. 1783) junior,
son of Ignacy Bleszynski senior (1742 in Złoczów close to Sieradz - died 1813), member of the Bar confederation 1768, and the 1794 Uprising, and Apolonia Sudrawska;
2nd wife of above Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813) in 1789 was mentioned above Petronela Radolińska (1765 - 1821), daughter of Jan Radolinski (1726 - 1796) and Maria Brygida Gałecka.

Michał Jerzy Ludwik Poniatowski was brother to Kazimierz Jakub Poniatowski; Franciszek; Aleksander; Ludwika Maria Zamojska; Izabela Antonina Mokronowska - Branicka; and Andrzej Ksiaze Poniatowski / Duke.
Above Ludwika Maria Zamojska nee Poniatowska, 1728 - 1781, was wife of Jan Jakub Zamoyski; and was mother of Urszula Maria Wandalin-Mniszech and above named Brygida / Maria Brygida Gałecki / Brygida Gałecka.

Konstancja Urszula Walewska nee Jordan, was the daughter of Jan Jordan and Teresa Jordan; wife of Stanisław Józef Walewski and she was mother of
Bogumił Gabriel Walewski and Kunegunda Szembek.

Mentioned above Jakub Błeszyński (died in 1710), in Międzyrzecz and Przemęt Castellan; he was top civil servant in Bydgoszcz since 1677; he held the office of Przemęt Castellan in 1690-1694, then he was appointed Castellan of Międzyrzecz (1694-1710). In 1697 he was Elector of Augustus II the Strong of the Poznan province.

And now we will deal with
Adam Kiedrzynski who married in 1808 in Krepa to Anastazja Bleszynska / BLESZYNSKI b. ca 1792, from Bakowa Góra close to Przedborz, with children:
a. Apolonia Scholastyka Joanna 1809-11 in Krepa, 6 km north of Wola Jedlinska; north-east of Jedlno, 11 km north-west of Radomsko, south-east of Sulmierzyce;
b. and Franciszka Aniela b. 1824, Jan. 25th, in Sulmierzyce.
Above Bakowa Góra - near Reczno, 7 km north of PRZEDBORZ (see Wielgomlyny, Al Capone and Wolinski).
Above Ignacy Błeszyński (1742 - 1813) senior, in 1789 was married 2nd time to Petronela Radolińska (1765 - 1821).
Adam Kiedrzynski married in 1808 in Krepa to above named Anastazja Bleszynska b. ca 1792, from Bakowa Góra close to

Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 was daughter of Andrzej Radolinski and Marianna Sarnowska.
Andrzej was born circa 1650
(grandfather of above Zofia:
Andrzej Radoliński older, born ca 1610 / 1620, died in 1681, from Jarocin, clerk in Krzywin 1670 - 1681, m. KATARZYNA;
Andrzej Radolinski younger, 1650 - 1708, married two times ca 1670; his brother was Wojciech Radolinski).
Zofia 1677 - 1723 had brother Jozef Stefan Radolinski.

Above mentioned
Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740 was father of Józef Stanisław Radoliński, and Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 [m. Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki];

Józef Stefan Radoliński was brother of Zofia 1677 / 1678 - 1723 who m. Kazimierz Walewski; both were children of Andrzej Radolinski and Marianna Radolinska (born Sarnowska).
PETRONELA Radolińska (b. ca 1764-1821), was daughter of above Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 and Brygida or Maria Brygida Gałecki; she was granddaughter of Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740.

Kajetan Radoliński b. ca 1730 was son of Andrzej RADOLINSKI b. 1680 [Andrzej the 3rd] and Marianna Walewska! MARIANNA Walewska RADOLINSKA [b. 1695 ?] was daughter of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia born circa 1677 / 1678 who was daughter of Andrzej Radoliński b. ca 1650 [Andrzej Radolinski younger, 1650 - 1708] and Marianna SARNOWSKA.

Kajetan Radoliński - officer in Poznań, b. ca 1730, was great-grandfather of Jadwiga Maria Walewska born in Parzymiechy in 1825 - died in 1857
(her parents: Karol Franciszek Salezy Walewski b. 1795 + Maria Radolińska born 1795 [see Wola Pszczolecka]).
She married in 1850, Berlin, to Henryk Stanisław Wojciech Lanckoroński - insurgent in 1831, 1816-1897, son of Antoni Józef Lanckoroński 1777-1850 and Ewa Męcińska (see Jedlno); her daughter Henryka Lanckorońska 1852-1880 m. Henryk Gustaw Algernon Breza, Count.

Above Józef Stanisław Radoliński 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, was father of Antonina Maria Breza and Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer.

Małgorzata Łubieńska b. 1733, died in 1784, m. above Kajetan Radoliński, born ca 1730.

Kajetan had two sisters: Konstancja Radolińska 1720-1782 and one more.

From Florian Łubieński 1705 - 1760, who was son of Maciej Łubieński and Marianna, were children: Celestyn Łubieński and above named Malgorzata b. 1733.
Małgorzata Łubieńska b. 1720 [mistake ?] or 1733, died in 1784, m. Kajetan Radoliński, born ca 1730 with children:
a. Paulina Pulina Radolińska b. ca 1750 m. Józef Kalasanty Walewski of Jedlno, 1747-1792;
b. Karolina Radolińska 1757-1824;
c. Piotr MP in 1788, b. 1760, d. 1823, m. Tekla Celestyna Eleonora Lanckorońska 1774-1849, with daughters:
1. Izabela Kunegunda Maria Radolińska b. 1794, m. Jan Chryzostom Guillaume b. 1780, married 2nd time to Józef Walewski 1784-1827 with:
Leon Piotr Adam Walewski b. 1820, Władysław Franciszek Walewski 1822-1860;
2. Maria Radolińska born 1795 (see: Kalinowski, Wola Pszczolecka!) m. Karol Franciszek Salezy Walewski b. 1795 with Piotr Ludwik Teodor Walewski b. 1822, Jadwiga Maria Walewska 1825-1857;
d. Felicja Radolińska 1760-1826.

Above named
Józef Kalasanty WALEWSKI b. ca 1743 / 1747, d. 1792, was landowner of Jedlno (see Kiedrzynski), Jankowice, Borków,
married to Paulina Radolińska daughter of Kajetan Radoliński and Małgorzata Łubieńska (see Fiszer, Kiedrzynski, Wola Pszczolecka) with children:
1. Aleksander Józef Colonna-Walewski 1778-1845 / Aleksander Józef Walewski b. in Zelazków, Count, m. Tekla Walewska daughter of Michał Walewski and Salomea Psarska;
2. Ludwika ca 1775 - 1863 in Warsaw, m. Józef Niemojowski son of Feliks Niemojewski;
3. Ignacy Jan Nepomucen 1786 - 1787;
4. Franciszka Kunegunda b. 1787;
5. Wincenty Jan Nepomucen 1785 - 1820 in Stróża, Captain, m. in 1812 in Tczyca, to Konstancja Salomea Józefa Walewska 1791-1843, daughter of Bogumił Walewski and Józefa Wężyk, with children:
A. Mikołaj Józef Daniel Walewski b. 1813 in Stróża, d. 1869, m. Tekla Masłowska,
B. Konrad b. 1814 in Jedlno, d. 1896 in Kraków, m. 1839 in Warsaw to Ludwika Józefa Stanisława Potocka daughter of Stanisław and Marianna Górska;
C. Ludwika m. Ludwik Niemojowski.

The genealogy of above named
Jozef Kalasanty Walewski:
Aleksander Walewski + Elzbieta Mecinska had son Jozef Kalasanty Walewski (ca 1743 / 1747 - 1792) and they were owners of Jedlno.
Paulina RADOLINSKA m. Józef Kalasanty Walewski.
Jozef Kalasanty Walewski had also Kurow (close to Wola Pszczolecka, see: Malkiewicz, Kiedrzynski), Turow, Wielun and Jedlno (see Kiedrzynski).

Józef Stefan Radoliński lived at the court of Polish King, Jan III Sobieski; clerk in Wschowa (see Sulkowski).
Józef Stefan had 7 children:
youngest son Jan Radolinski 1726-1796 was owner of Jarocin, but his brother
Józef Stanisław was officer in Wschowa and in 1757 Józef Stanisław married to Katarzyna Raczyńska (see Kiedrzynski).
Józef Stanisław Radoliński born 1730 - died in 1781 in Winnogóra, the Szamotuły County, was father of
Antonina Maria Breza and
Wiridianna / Wirydianna Fiszer (see General Stanislaw Fiszer, Radolinski of Wola Pszczolecka, General Franciszek Paszkowski, Armand + Konstantynowicz, Lenin + Inessa Armand, Tadeusz Kosciuszko).

Józef Stefan Radoliński of Wschowa b. 1680 - died in 1740 was brother of Zofia Walewska 1677 - 1723 who married Kazimierz Walewski. Kazimierz Walewski was son of Stanislaw Walewski and Katarzyna Lanckoronska.

Teodora Ludwika Walewska, Marianna Radolińska and Józef Kazimierz Colonna Walewski b. ca 1710, d. 1763
(he had son Atanazy Colonna-Walewski 1733-1815 and daughter Jadwiga Walewska who married in 1762 in Bielawy to Michal / Michael Walewski 1735 / 1740 - 1806)
were children of Kazimierz Walewski and Zofia.

In 1774 Józef Stanisław Radolinski from hands of Stanisław August Poniatowski had taken Jeziorki, Słupia and Piekary; Józef Stanisław died in 1781. Józef Stanisław Radolinski and Katarzyna had daughter Wirydianna (1761 - 1826), who married two times; 1st in 1788 to Maciej Antoni Kwilecki, officer in Wschowa;
Wirydianna m. 2nd time to General Stanisław Fiszer, the Chief of Army Staff of the Duchy of Warsaw and longtime friend of Tadeusz Kosciuszko (see General Franciszek Paszkowski who had daughter - Armand's wife, and relatives to the Konstantynowiczs!).

Note on above DEMBOWSKI:

Let us now our Anna Walewska's brother in law.
Mr. Jan Sebastian Dembowski represents exceptional family linkages:
his mother was Ewa Dembowska nee Tarło b. 1736, died 1808; and his father was Stefan Florian Stanisław Dembowski b. 1728 in Warsaw, died 1802 in Warsaw, son of Antoni Sebastian Dembowski and Salomea Zuzanna Rupniewska.
Above Antoni Sebastian Dembowski born 1682 in Zambrow, died 1763 in Będkowo, close to Trzebnica and Wolbórz, the Lower Silesian Voivodeship at present; he was son of Florian Dembowski and Ewa; Antoni was half brother of Jan Dembowski; Józef Dembowski, and Mikołaj Dembowski.
Anthony Sebastian Dembowski b. 1682, was Polish Roman Catholic Bishop of Plock, the Crown Office regent until 1730, journalist and playwright.

Above named Jan Sebastian Dembowski (1762-1835) - insurgent, political writer, lover of life sciences; the author of "Comments on the letter of the Polish statistics" about Staszic (1755-1826). He know Henryk Lubomirski; he given the number of Polish population, the social and occupational structure and presented in statistical terms some of the problems associated with agriculture (October 1811); Jan Sebastian Dembowski b. 1762 in Debowa Gora (the Orlów county; Orlów-Kolonia and Orlów-Parcel close to Kutno and Bedlno), died in Lubcza, he was a supporter of the Constitution of May 3, took part in the uprising of Kosciuszko in 1794. In 1811 he was a Member of Parliament, mainly with tax issues. Since 1815 a member of the Warsaw Society of Agricultural Economic; he believed that the basis for social order is liberty, and property.

Dembowski / Debowski, Ludwik Mateusz, was his next of kin; Baron (1810), born 1768, Debowa Gora, d. 1812, Valladolid (Spain), general; he was a son of Colonel Andrzej Dembowski. At age 16, he enlisted in the Polish army, in 1790 captain, in 1791, appointed major of the 6th regiment of infantry. He fought in the war to defend the Constitution of 3 May, in 1792; then in the uprising of Kosciuszko (the colonel) in 1794; fought in defense of Prague, after the defeat of the uprising in exile. on 19 February 1795 he enlisted in the French army as a captain, he served under Kellermann, and since January 1796 in the Army of Italy under Bonaparte; wounded near Saint Georges in 1796; acted with the moderate group of Polish emigration and served the Dabrowski Legions as the head of the battalion (February 1797).
In 1801, married Anna Maria Józefina de Thanneberg of Blatzheim, and together moved on San Domingo.
Her son was Ignacy Ludwik Dembowski / Debowski, an officer of the French infantry, fought in Spain in 1824-1828. Dembowski / Debowski, Ludwik Mateusz was killed in a duel, deprived his wife and son the relevant allowance.

Next brother of above LUDWIK MATEUSZ was
Dembowski / Debowski, Jan, born ca 1770, in Debowa Góra and died in 1823, married Matylda Viscontini, was father of Herkules Dembowski - the astronomer; Jan was political activist, and Italian general; Brigadier General of the Polish Army.
He was born in Debowa Góra ca 4 km south of Skierniewioce, the Orlow county - east of KUTNO [at the end of the sixteenth century mentioned above Orlow was property of Paul Orlowski in 1576. Then Andrzej / Andrew Dembowski, and later his heirs. At the end of the eighteenth century the owner was Serafin Sokolowski]; the son of Andrzej; near Ignacy Potocki. Dembowski then was the Secretary of Potocki. He was closely associated with Kollataj; he traveled to Dresden as an emissary;
he took part in the uprising of Kosciuszko; a member of the club of Jacobins, and later an officer of the Polish Legions in Italy and adjutant of General Jan Henryk Dabrowski. Since 1802 he served the Italian army. 1808-1810 he took part in the campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte in Spain; in 1812 promoted to brigadier general during the Moscow campaign. Later he appointed governor of Ferrara.
In June 1804 he became a member of the Masonic lodge La Providenza on the 15th stage of initiation (Grand Orient de France) in the Kingdom of Naples - was caretaker of the lodge.
Since August 1805, he was a great caretaker of the Grand Orient of Italy in Milan!
Above Dembowski Herkules, born January 1812, Mediolan, and died 1881, Monte di Albizzate close to Varese, son of Jan. He was an astronomer.

Above Anna Maria Józefina de Thanneberg of Blatzheim - that is Anna Maria Josefina Thanneberg / Marie Joséphine visconde de Thanneberg / Thannberg / Anna Marie Josephine Philippine PERROT / Anna Maria Josephine Philippine PERROT of THANNEBERG (or Thannberg) - she is Philippine Perrot was born in 1787 in Neu Isenburg, to Jean Nathanael Perrot {born 1747, died in 1825 in Neu Isenburg}
and {married in 1772 in Neu Isenburg} Anne Marie Charrier
[we know about Jeanne Marie Marguerite Perrot who was born to Jean Nathanael Perrot and Anne Marie Brochet (her two children were: b. 1774 Jeanne Louise Marie Marguerite PERROT, in 1777 Jean Nathanael PERROT). Jeanne born 1774 married Jean Daniel Passet in 1796. And Jeanne Marguerite Susanne Perrot born 1783, to Jean Nathanaël PERROT / Jean Nathanael Perrot and Anne Marie Charrier {m. 1778; her two children were: in 1785 Jean George PERROT, and in 1787 Philippine PERROT !}];
married in Blatzheim in Alsace to Dembowski / Debowski, Ludwik Mateusz / Ludwik DEMBROWSKI,
who had a brother officer, Jan Dabrowski / DEMBOWSKI;
LUDWIK left Switzerland on December 21, 1802 and sailed to Santo Domingo in January to arrive in March. His son was born in Cape Town in July.

Freemasonry in Italy:
"Grande Oriente d'Italia was founded in June of 1805 to Milan, and was set under the regency of Eugene Beauharnais. With the fall of the French empire and of its Murat's appendage in Naples, the Italian Freemasonry fell in a deep crisis. ... especially in Sicily". "The extreme precedent dispersion of the Masonic groups, combined to the formation of 'secret societies' similar to the Freemasonry, but active on the political plain only, contributed to make difficult and hard-working the following Masonic reconstruction". (by Wikipedia) "The lodge founded in Milan in 1756 was quickly discovered by the Austrian authorities... However the lodge continued to exist and in 1783 joined the Grand Lodge of Vienna. ... In 1797, most of Northern Italy east of Piedmont and north of the Papal States became the Cisalpine Republic. ...
The Grand Orient of France formed the new state's first lodge in Milan in 1801, and in 1805 Milan also hosted a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. The Grand Orient of Naples amalgamated with the new body, and a new Grand Orient was born, recognised by Paris.
... By 1867 the Grand Orient was based in Florence ... Two Scottish Rite Councils existed in Palermo and one in Milan. Garibaldi personally intervened. His masonic congress in Naples in 1867 started a process of unification of the grand bodies ... when the Supreme Council of Palermo amalgamated with the Grand Orient".

A note on the genealogy of Borys Konstantynowicz / Борис Владимирович Константинович, born on May 2, 1912 in Kharkiv, Ukraine;
he was son of Wladymir / Владимир Константинович and Наталья Петровна Константинович;
he was brother of Татьяна Владимировна Константинович.
Above Tatiana / Татьяна Владимировна Константинович b. on April 11, 1922 in Kremenchuk, Poltavs'ka oblast, Ukraine.

Mentioned above Владимир Константинович b. on January 3, 1888 in Yartsevo, the Smolensk Oblast, Russia, and died on June 17, 1968 in Kremenchuk, Poltavs'ka oblast.

Wlodzimierz Konstantynowicz / Wladymir was son of Zygmunt Konstantynowicz / Sigizmund Konstantynowicz
(Sigizmund Konstantynowicz or Константин Матвеевич Konstantynowicz, b. 1851 in Poland, died in 1906 in Smolensk; see: Ludwik Konstantynowicz / Ludwig Konstantynowicz with the Fox coat of arms was born ca 1850 / 1860)

and Efrosynia / Ефросинья Лаврентиевна; Wlodzimierz Konstantynowicz was father of Борис Владимирович Константинович and Татьяна Владимировна Константинович; brother of Ольга Константиновна Шемякина / Olga Shemiakin.
Above Ольга Константиновна Шемякина nee Константинович, b. circa 1881 in Yartsevo, Smolenskaya oblast, Russia, died 1937 in Kremenchuk, Poltavs'ka oblast. She was daughter of Sigizmund Konstantynowicz; wife of Сергей Павлович Шемякин, and mother of Борис Сергеевич Шемякин and Галина Сергеевна Френкель / Halina Frenkel.
Above Ефросинья Лаврентиевна Константинович 1865 - 1909 in Smolensk.
Above Владимир Константинович Константинович 1888 - d. 1968 in Kremenchuk, husband of Наталья Петровна;
above Natalia / Наталья Петровна Константинович nee Будрина / Budryn, b. 1889 in Pulawy, Poland, died on January 31, 1969 in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
She was daughter of Петр Васильевич Будрин and Юлия Ивановна Будрина; wife of Владимир Константинович; mother of Борис Владимирович Константинович and Татьяна Владимировна Константинович; sister of Dymitr Budryn; Анна Петровна Будрина; Екатерина Петровна Будрина; Сергей Петрович Будрин; Таисия Петровна Павлова; Василий Петрович Будрин and Елена Петровна Сонгайло / Helena Songailo.

Mentioned above Sigizmund Konstantynowicz or Константин Матвеевич Konstantynowicz, b. 1851 in Poland, died in 1906 in Smolensk, Russia; his mother unknown Wojnowicz; Ефросинья Лаврентиевна married to Sigizmund Konstantynowicz / Zygmunt Konstantynowicz, she was born 1865, died 1909 in Smolensk.

Сергей Павлович Шемякин b. circa 1877, died 1917 in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine; his wife was Ольга Константиновна nee Константинович, b. circa 1881 in Yartsevo, Smolenskaya oblast, Russia, died 1937 in Kremenchuk.

Yartsevo, Yartsevsky District, ca 40 km north-west of Dorohobuz / Doroghobuz; Smolenskaya oblast in Russia.

We know at geni.com on
Ольга Константиновна Константинович b. on November 24, 1896, died on May 21, 1897; daughter of Константин Александрович Константинович and Вера Анатолиевна; sister of Софья Константиновна Константинович and Кира Константиновна Константинович, copyright by Yevheniya Brykova / Брыкова in 2015.

Above Константин Александрович Константинович b. on January 19, 1869 in Riga, Latvia; son of Александр Петрович Younger Константинович and София Антоновна; husband of Вера Анатолиевна; father of Софья Константиновна Константинович; Ольга Константиновна Константинович and Кира Константиновна;
brother of Ольга Александровна Шмидт / Olga Shmidt (Ольга nee Константинович b. February 8, 1858 in Kijow / Kyiv, wife of Андрей Иванович Шмидт);
Михаил Александрович Константинович;
Ekaterina Halenkowski / Galenkowska / Екатерина Александровна Галенковская;
София Александровна Манчич / Zofia Manczicz;
Евгений Александрович Константинович;
and Наталия Александровна Булацель / Natalia Bulacel b. 1867 (we remember on Павел Ильич Булацель 1797 - 1854 - son of Anastasja Anna Lutkowska b. 1777, d. 1845) - was wife of Григорий Павлович Булацель died on February 15, 1908 in Kyyiv.

But we know also on Ольга Константиновна Шемякина nee Константинович, b. circa 1881 in Yartsevo, Yartsevsky District, Smolenskaya oblast, died 1937 in Kremenchuk, Poltavs'ka oblast, Ukraine; daughter of Sigizmund Konstantynowicz and Ефросинья Лаврентиевна Константинович;
wife of Сергей Павлович Шемякин (circa 1877 - died 1917 in Dnipropetrovsk);
mother of Борис Сергеевич Шемякин and Галина Сергеевна Френкель / Halina Frenkel;
sister of Владимир Константинович.

Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine - ca 85 km north of Zaporoze / Aleksandrowsk / Alexandrovsk; Dnipropetrovsk / Dnepropetrovsk / Днепропетрoвск originally Ekaterinoslav / Katerynoslav.

Above Dymitr Budryn b. on December 24, 1892 in Warsaw / Warszawa; died April 1, 1940 in Katyn, Smolensky District, Soviet Union. He was son of Петр Васильевич Будрин; husband of Anna Budryn.
Above Julia / Юлия Ивановна Будрина nee Павлова / Julia Pawlow, b. on January 11, 1870, died February 1942.
She was daughter of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and Evgenia von Baltz; wife of above named Петр Васильевич Будрин / Piotr Budryn.
Above Eugenia / Evgenia von Baltz b. ca 1840 / 1850, died 1915, daughter of Friedrich Julius / Fedor Karlovich von Baltz and Lydia Adelaida von Tiesenhausen; wife of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.
Her father Friedrich Julius (Fedor Karlovich) von Baltz b. on April 30, 1800 in Pernau (Pärnu), Pärnumaa, Estland, died on July 27, 1873 in St. Petersburg, Russia; son of Carl Gottlieb von Baltz and Helena Juliana von Tornauw; husband of Rosa von Baltz and Lydia Adelaida von Tiesenhausen.
Above Helena Juliana von Tornauw / Tornauv b. 1772, daughter of George Andreas von Tornauw and Helena Juliana von Schlippenbach; wife of Carl Gottlieb von Baltz. Mentioned George Andreas von Tornauw d. 1786, son of Valerian von Tornow.

Note about above mentioned Friedrich Julius (Fedor Karlovich) von Baltz b. on April 30, 1800 in Pernau / Pärnu, Estonia.
Fyodor Karlovich (Friedrich Julius) Balz / Friedrich Julius von Baltz b. 1800, Pernau, Livonia province, died in 1873, St. Petersburg, Russian military engineer, Major General, born in the German merchant family in Pernau; Evangelist-Lutheran;
1822, he completed a full course of higher engineering education at the Main Engineering School, a second lieutenant of the Dynaburg / Dinaburgsky engineering team. He served in Riga, Moldova, Poland, Kronstadt; the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1829, uprising in Poland in 1831; 1835 Balz was promoted to lieutenant, under command of the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich. 1841 colonel. 1844 the hereditary nobility. 1851 was promoted to major general, 1855 retired. 1858 taken the manor of Domashovo, beautiful estate of Kingisepp district and the whole of St. Petersburg Province, near by the river Sume, was named in memory of his wife Lidino. Fyodor Karlovich Balz buried in the Volkov Lutheran cemetery.
Family by Wikipedia:
father - Carl Gottlieb Baltz (1760-1802).
Mother - Helena Juliana von Tornauw (1772-?), great granddaughter of the Vice Governor of Eastland - Wolmar Anton von Schlippenbach.
Brothers - Johann Georg Baltz (Ivan Karlovich) (1795 - 1849); Karl Ludwig von Baltz / Gotlibovič (1796 - 1879), Major-General, 1855-1857 the commander of the First Brigade of the 14th Infantry Division.
Since 1833 married to Lydia Bogdanovna / Lidino / Adelaide Katarina Alexandrina Tizengauzen / Adelaide Kath. Alex. Von Tiesenhausen (1808 - 1853),
daughter of Major-General Baron Bogdan Karlovic Tiesenhausen.
The second wife - Rosa Metzler.
Children from his first marriage:
1. Eugenia / Evgenia von Baltz b. ca 1840, died 1915, daughter of Friedrich Julius / Fedor Karlovich von Baltz and Lydia Adelaida von Tiesenhausen; wife of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - a member of the Military Council of General of Infantry. Her father Friedrich Julius (Fedor Karlovich) von Baltz b. on April 30, 1800 in Pernau.
2. Julius (d. 1914) - colonel, a graduate of the First Cadet Corps, the head of the construction of the Orenburg railway, then the Tashkent railway, his daughter - Aglaia Yulevna von Balz (1870-1956), married to Alexander Rüdiger (1870-1929). Their son Michael Riediger (1902-1962) was the archpriest of the Kazan church in Tallinn and is married to Elena Josephovna Pisareva (1902-1959), the daughter of a colonel of the tsarist army. Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy comes from the well-known Baltic noble family.
3. Ottilia (05.03.1836 - 04.11.1838). 4. Johann (1837 - 1875) - engineer, Lieutenant Colonel. 5. Nicholas (d. 1884) - Engineer-captain. 6. Leontine (1840 - 1856).
7. Alexander (1841 - 1899) - Lieutenant-General of the General Staff. Wife - Sofia Eduardovna von Baggehufwudt, b. 1851. The son - Vladimir (1871-1931). Daughter - Wiera (1866-1943).

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and Evgenia von Baltz - Ivan Petrovich Pavlov 1830 - 1909, son of Петр Петрович Павлов, father of Федор Иванович Павлов; Евгения Ивановна Павлова; Александр Иванович Павлов; Мария Ивановна Павлова; Елена Ивановна Павлова; Ольга Ивановна Павлова; Николай Иванович Павлов; Юлия Ивановна Будрина and Надежда Ивановна Павлова. Copyright by Elle Kiiker.

Above Johann Georg (Ivan Karlovich) von Baltz b. 1795 in Parnu / Pernau, died in 1849 in Petersburg, was son of Carl Gottlieb von Baltz and Helena Juliana von Tornauw.
And above mentioned Karl Ludwig Karlovich von Baltz / Karl Ludwig von Baltz / Gotlibovič (1796 in Pernau / Pärnu - 1879 in St. Petersburg), Major-General, 1855-1857 the commander of the First Brigade of the 14th Infantry Division.
He was brother of
Anna Karolina Juliana von Baltz b. 1791 m. NN Althan;
Helena Elisabeth von Baltz;
Johann Georg (Ivan Karlovich) von Baltz;
Friedrich Julius (Fedor Karlovich) von Baltz - Friedrich Julius von Baltz b. 1800 in Pernau, General-Major;
Juliana Elisabeth von Baltz
(wife of Johan Heinrich Althan - b. 1799 was son of Johan Diedrich Benjamin Althan and Catharina Elisabeth Pilar von Pilchau, he was brother of Georg Benjamin von Althann and Emilie Helene Althan.
Catharina Elisabeth Pilar von Pilchau b. 1769 in Hallik and died 1835 was daughter of
Magnus Wilhelm Pilar von Pilchau and Catharina Helena von Tausas;
she was sister of Wilhelm Friedrich Pilar von Pilchau;
Georg Ludwig (Egor Maksimovich) Pilar von Pilchau;
Jakob Johann (Jakob) Baron Pilar von Pilchau
and Reinhold Woldemar Pilar von Pilchau,
half sister of Margarethe Elisabeth Gfin. Manteuffel and Gotthard Johann III Reichsgraf Zoege von Manteuffel
- inf. under copyright by Elle Kiiker);
Gustav Herman von Baltz b. 1801,
Maria Ottilie von Baltz (b. 1802);
copyright by Elle Kiiker in 2013 at geni.com.

We back now to mentioned above
Наталья Петровна Константинович nee Будрина, b. on October 11, 1889 in Pulawy, died on January 31, 1969 in Saint Petersburg; she was daughter of Петр Васильевич Будрин and Юлия Ивановна; wife of Wladymir Konstantynowicz / Владимир Константинович Константинович.
Her father Петр Васильевич Будрин b. on June 6, 1857, d. on March 27, 1939, son of Василий Алексеевич Будрин and Анна Андреевна Будрина.
Above Анна Андреевна Будрина nee Suvorov / Suworow / Суворова, b. on January 13, 1835 in the Kirovskaya oblast, Russia, d. on January 26, 1877 in Perm Province; daughter of Andrej Suworow / Андрей Иванович Суворов and Елисовета Алексеевна Суворова; wife of Василий Алексеевич Будрин, and mother of Иван Васильевич Будрин; Петр Васильевич Будрин and Мария Васильевна Страмковская / Maria Stramkowski.
Above Андрей Иванович Суворов b. ca 1800 ? by Peter Trefilov in 2014.
Now about Jan Krzyżanowski 1869 - died 1910 in Łódź; son of Иван Андреевич Крыжановский; husband of Maria Andrusow; father of Olga Hersztanski / Ольга Ивановна Герштанская and Anna Budryn. Above Anna Budryn nee Krzyżanowska, wife of Dymitr Budryn, and mother of Wlodzimierz Budryn / Włodzimier Budryn.
Above Jan Krzyżanowski was son of Иван Андреевич Крыжановский.
Above Jan Krzyżanowski / Ivan / Иван Андреевич Крыжановский b. on May 8, 1834, died on September 3, 1889 in Warszawa, Poland; Colonel of the 37 Екатеринбурский Его Императорского Высочества великого князя Алексея Александровича полк / Ekaterinburskij Regiment, the Crimea War, Sevastopol / Севастопол 1853-1855.
Above Dymitr Budryn b. on December 24, 1892 in Warsaw, d. on April 1, 1940 in Katyn, wife of above Dymitr:
Anna Krzyżanowska, daughter of Jan Krzyżanowski and Maria Andrusow; mother of Włodzimierz Budryn. Sister of Ольга Ивановна Герштанская nee Крыжановская, b. 1899 in Plonsk, Poland, her sisters: Анна, Надежда and Лидия. We know on Герштанский Иван Васильевич inf. 1877.
We back to Иван Андреевич Крыжановский b. 8 May 1834, d. 1889 in Warsaw / Варшава.
And some on the Krzyzanowskis:
a. 1812 Крыжановский from Ukraine, commander of the Polish Corps under Napoleon; escaped to Poland with nickname Kржижановский;
b. General-lieutenant Mikolaj Krzyzanowski / Николай Андреевич Крыжановский 1818 - 1888, wars on Caucasus, the Crimea War, the Warsaw war governor, the Orenburg general-governor;
c. his brother was Pawel Krzyzanowski son of Andrzej Krzyzanowski; Павел Андреевич Крыжановский, Sewastopol / Севастопол 1853 - 1856;
d. Андрей Николаевич Крыжановский together with father Nikolaj / Николай Андреевич Крыжановский acted in Turiestan / Туркестан, Orenburg / Оренбург, Buchara / Bukhara / Бухарa.
Above Павел Андреевич Крыжановский (1831 - ca 1917), General, the Crimea War.
Above Николай Андреевич Крыжановский (1818 - 1888), born in St Petersburg, 1839 Berlin / Берлин.
See: Severin / Seweryn Krzyzanowski b. 1787 in Parchamówka in the Skwir county / Skwira, Ukraine, d. 1839 in Tobolsk, colonel to 1826 of the Polish Army, exiled in 1830 to Tobolsk!

We must back to Russia, to the Romanovs:

Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich of Russia, born 1832, served 1862 - 1882 as the Governor General of Caucasia, being seated in Tbilisi. Despot Zenovich Stanislav Ivanovich, son of Jan Despot Zenowicz / Jan Despot-Zenowicz (b. ca 1800) was born in 1833 or 1835, education in France, he settled in the Caucasus, 1856 with the rank of titular counselor, served as an officer of the Caucasus Governor, the Baku District Court, was appointed by the Caucasus Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich.

Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich had son Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich - Sandro / Sasho who was a key figure in the development of the Russian air force; Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro), b. 01 April 1866 in Tbilisi died 1933, Nice, France. Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro): Chief of the Commercial navigation and ports (1902-1905), during the First World war was in charge of the aviation in the army: paid much attention to the development of aviation industry in Russia, on his initiative, established flight schools, began preparing the first national flight training and 1914 appointed head of the organization of aviation business in the armies. Mason, and called himself Philalethes. Receiving education at home in Georgia, often went for long voyages: 1886 - 1889 made a voyage round the world on the corvette 'Rynda' and in 1890 - 91, at his own yacht 'Tamara' traveled to India, described in his journals.

Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich b. 1832, the fourth son of Tsar Nicholas I, died in Cannes on 18 December 1909; the funeral was in Russia; Field Marshal.
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia was partner of Countess Olga Kalinowska but she happened to be the mistress of Tsarevitch Alexander, the son of Tsar Nicholas I. Olga was pregnant by either the Tsarevitch or his father Nicholas I. On 10 October 1848 or in 1849 Olga gave birth to Prince Bogdan or Michael-Bogdan - Ogiński by name and Romanov by gene.

Children of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich:
1. Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich of Russia;
Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich of Russia, b. 1859, d. 1919, the eldest son of Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich, and a first cousin of Alexander III; he urged the Tsar to implement reforms, and he even participated in discussions of a palace coup. Nicholas spent his childhood and youth in Georgia, a socialist, he often visited Paris, the south of France; Francophile, he offended Germany during a visit to Paris when he expressed his anti-German political views; critic of most of his male cousins, Grand Duke Nicholas Nikholaievich in particular; a pacifist and was against the war in a time of uppermost patriotism.
Above Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia (1856 - 1929) was the eldest son to Grand Duke Nicholas Nicolaevich of Russia (1831 - 1891) and Alexandra Petrovna of Oldenburg (1838 - 1900). His father was the sixth child to Nicholas I of Russia and his Empress consort Alexandra Fedorovna of Prussia (1798 - 1860).
Alexandra Fedorovna was a daughter of Frederick William III of Prussia and Louise of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
His maternal grandfather was a son of Duke George of Oldenburg and Grand Duchess Catherine Pavlovna of Russia, daughter of Paul I of Russia and Maria Fedorovna of Württemberg.
Grand Duke Nicholas played a main role during the Revolution of 1905, from 1905 was commander-in-chief of the St. Petersburg Military District.
1907, Nicholas married Princess Anastasia of Montenegro, who reinforced the Pan-Slavic tendencies of Nicholas.
The Grand Duke had no part in the planning and preparations for World War I. The February Revolution found Nicholas in the Caucasus, next two years in the Crimean Peninsula, 1922, Nicholas was proclaimed as the emperor of all Russia.
Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich or Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov (1856 - 1929) served in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877 - 1878 and was inspector general of the cavalry for ten years from 1895; was Commander in Chief of the Russian army during the first year of the First World War and, for the briefest moment, at the end of Tsar Nicholas II's reign. I said that the maternal grandfather of Grand Duke Nikolay Nikolayevich Romanov of Russia was a son of Duke George of Oldenburg and Grand Duchess Catherine Pavlovna of Russia, daughter of Paul I of Russia and Maria Fedorovna of Württemberg. Duke George of Oldenburg (1784 - 1812) was a younger son of Peter I, Grand Duke of Oldenburg and his wife Duchess Frederica of Württemberg. He had two sons: Peter Georg Paul Alexander Georgievich of Oldenburg, and Konstantin Friedrich Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg (1812 - 1881). Duke Konstantin Friedrich Peter Georgievich von Holstein-Gottorp of Oldenburg was the grandfather of Duke Peter Alexandrovich of Oldenburg as well as grandfather of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, General of the Imperial Russian Army during World War I. Konstantin Friedrich Peter Oldenburg or Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg began a flirtation with Agrippina; Agrippina's husband, Prince Tariel 'Daniel' Dadiani, was one of the officers under Duke Constantine's command; Dadiani were a branch of the Bagrationi Dynasty; Agrippina was Tariel Dadiani's second wife but Agrippina in 1882 divorced Dadiani.
1882, Constantine entered into a morganatic marriage with Agrippina Japaridze; by the early 1890s, they were doing business in Odessa and Alexandrovsk (Zaporozhe). See the Armands and Konstantynowiczs in Moscow and Alexandrovsk. "...Georgian nationalist, Prince Viktor Nakachidze, was convicted in late 1885 for participating in a nihilist bomb plot to kill the Tsar. Through his Mingrelian relatives, Prince Nakachidze had connections to Agrippina Japaridze, the wife of Constantine Petrovich, and to the Dadiani family - Salome, Niko and Andria Dadiani - the Georgian royal family then living in exile at Nice ... For his role in the bomb plot, Prince Victor Nakachidze was sentenced to death and sent to Siberia. However, with the aid of his wife, Roedel, he managed to escape, travelling across the Pacific to the United States. The couple eventually resurfaced in London... Shortly after the marriage of Prince George Yurievsky to Countess Alexandra von Zarnekau at Nice in 1901, a connection between Prince Viktor Nakachidze and the Yurievsky circle in Nice became clear...".

The Saparov family:
Saparov Gerasim had children:
a. Saparov Mariam was married to Arutyunov,
b. Saparov Bagdasar / Baghdasar was married to Taliko daughter of Sarkisov with children: Saparov Ivan (d. 1912), Saparova Eugene was married to NN Karganova, Saparova Tamara;
c. Saparov Gaspar married to Catherine Yenikolopov with children:
Saparova married to George G. Ambardanov,
Saparova Maria was married to Markar'yan,
Nina married to Nikolai Shadinov,
and last Sofia married to Prince Cherkezov / Czerkasow;
d. Saparov Peter married to Yarovoy with children :
Nicholas married Melikova,
Michael m. [?] to Mirimanova, and
Darius married to daughter of [?] Vakhtang Jalalov;
e. Saparova Tatela was married to Kalabekov,
f. Saparov Pavel Gerasimov (1820 - 1878), was married to Sophia Grigorevne Paat (d. 1866) with children:
1. Anna b. before 1845,
2. Saparov Gerasim (1845 - 1869),
3. Elizabeth (ca 1854 - 1919), was married to Sergei Teimurazovich Melik-Beglarov (d. 1905),
and 4. Saparov Arkady (1854 - before 1921), was married to Varvara Maypariani with children:
Tamara Arkadevna was married 1st to Ivan Konstantinovich Japaridze, and
2nd marriage to Lev / Lion Emilievich Armand
(Inessa Armand relatives - this is next of kin to ANNA KONSTANTYNOWICZ nee ARMAND - relatives to the Konstantynowiczs from Viliandi, Tallinn, Nomme, PARNU, Miezonka, Borowina / Borovica, Riga, Mscislau, Krycau, Lida);
Saparova Nina Arkadevna d. before 1920;
Saparov Paul;
Catherine Arkadevna d. 1916;
Saparova Maria;
5. Saparova Olga Salome / Olga Saparian / Ольга Сапарова Сапарьян (born March 25 / April 6, 1859 in Signach 100 km of Tbilisi - died in 1951; mentioned Signach that is maybe Гыццыл Сихиат / პატარა ციხიათა - close to Didi Tsikhiata / Styr Sichiat; ca 18 km north-west of Cchinwal / Chinval on way to Oni), was married to Alexander Ivanovich Florensky (30 September / October 12, 1850 - 1908), with children:
A. Pavel Florensky (9 / 21 January 1882 - December 8, 1937), was married to Anna Mikhailovna daughter of Hiacynt (1889 or 1883 - 1973) with 5 children, 12 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren:
Florensky Vasily Pavlovich (1911 - 1956), Cyril P. Florensky (December 27, 1915 - 1982), Michael P. Florensky (1921/22 - 1961), was married to Helena daughter of Ivan;
B. Florenskaya Julia A. (1 / 13 July 1884 - 1947), was married to Mikhail Mikhailovich Asatiani (1881 - 1938) founder of scientific school of psychiatrists in Georgia;
C. Florenskaya Elizabeth A. (7 / 19 May 1886 - 1959),
D. Florenskaya Raisa Alexandrovna (16 / 28 April, 1894 - 1932).
6. Saparova Barbara (1861-1891),
7. Saparova Ripsime / Repsimiya P. (1865 to 1930), married the 1st to Tavrizov and 2nd to Leonid G. Konovalov;
8. Saparova Sofia P. (1866-1939), was married to Nicholas Romanovich Karamyan (d. 1930).

2. Grand Duchess Anastasia Mikhailovna,
3. Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich b. 1861 and in 1891 he contracted a morganatic marriage with Countess Sophie of Merenberg (relatives of the Pushkin family / Puskin/ Alexander S. Puszkin - family was near by military counterintelligence headquarters),
4. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich,
5. Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (Sandro) b. 1866 - freemason, and near by military intelligence headquarters,
6. Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich
7. and last Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich.
Above named Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of Russia b. 1861 was a son of Grand Duke Michael Nicolaievich of Russia; in 1862, the family moved to Tiflis, Georgia on the occasion of his father's being named Viceroy of the Caucasus; Grand Duke Michael spent his early years in the Caucasus, where his family lived for twenty years; served in the Russo-Turkish War and became a Colonel. In 1882, when Grand Duke Michael was twenty years old, he returned with his family to St. Petersburg, acc. to Wikipedia. In 1888, he had an affair with Princess Walewski; later, with Countess Catherine Nikolaevna Ignatieva daughter of Minister of Interior, Nicholas Pavlovich Ignatiev. In 1900, moved to Keele Hall, in Staffordshire, close to Newcastle-under-Lyme; visitor of North Berwick in Scotland, and in the south of France, Cannes where he met his sister Anastasia and in 1903 his father, also brother Alexander and his family; he moved with his family to Hampstead in 1909 and every year Grand Duke Michael would visit Edward VII at Windsor Castle, Sandringham and Buckingham Palace. 1912, Grand Duke Michael was with a visit in Russia. 1914 as an agent for Russian loans in France.
On 31 October 1916 he "...wrote to Tsar Nicholas II warning him that British secret agents in Russia were expecting a revolution".
And (by Wikipedia) "General Erich Ludendorff, Generalquartiermeister and joint head (with von Hindenburg) of Germany's war effort, stated that Russian communist elements working against the Tsar had betrayed Kitchener's travel plans to Germany. He stated that Kitchener was killed 'because of his ability', as it was feared he would help the tsarist Russian Army to recover...".
Grand Duke Michael Mikhailovich of Russia after November 1917 moved to Regent's Park. In 1916 his youngest daughter, Nadejda (Nada) married Prince George of Battenberg, eldest son of Prince Louis by Queen Victoria's granddaughter, Princess Victoria of Hesse-Darmstadt. Anastasia (Zia), the eldest daughter, in 1917 married Sir Harold Wernher. Michael Mikhailovich and his wife returned to Cannes in 1923, and died in 1929.

Brief explanation to the Japaridzes:
Saparov Pavel Gerasimov (1820 - 1878), was married to Sophia Paat (d. 1866) from Estonia, with children:
1. Saparova Anna born before 1845,
2. Saparov Gerasimos 1845 - 1869,
3. Saparova Elizabeth 1854 ? - 1919 was married to Sergei Teimurazovich Melik-Beglarov who d. 1905 and
4. Saparov Arkady 1854 - before 1921, was married to Varvara Maypariani, with children -
a. Saparova Elena Arkadevna,
Saparova Tamara Arkadevna (b. ca 1880?) was married 1st to Ivan Iaparidze son of Constantine Japaridze / Constantin Japaridze (b. ca 1860) junior from the upper Racha region of Georgia

(sister of Constantin junior was Agrippina, Countess von Zarnekau (b. 1855) nee Agrippina Constantines Japaridze and her parents were: Constantine senior JAPARIDZE and Melania Japaridze; this above named father Constantine born after 1810 ?, died 1860)

that is Ivan Konstantinovich Japaridze;

Saparova Tamara Arkadevna 2nd time married to Leo Emilievich Armand (b. 1880) - Inessa Armand was the wife of his cousin.

Louis Eugen Armand / Евгений Иванович Арманд
[was son of Jean-Louis Armand b. 1786 - died 1855 in Moscow, and grandson of Paul Armand {Paul Armand born 1761, died 1828 in Moscow} and Angelique]
b. 1809 in Moscow, died 1890 in Pushkino
[he has sisters: София Ивановна Armand; and Elisabeth Armand. Sophia nee Armand was the daughter of Ivan Armand by his second marriage and was born c. 1830, she was granddaughter of Paul that is Pavel. She married a Swede from Estonia - Joseph Hekke (Hacker or Hakker among others from Lehola) about 1850. No data about this Swede but this family gone from Estland / Eesti / Estonia. From this marriage was the oldest Maria Osipovna that is daughter of Osip / Joseph. She was born about 1851. The second child was 12 years later, and was born about 1863 - Sophia Osipovna. And about 1864 Alexandr son. When their parents died c. 1866, a guardian was appointed - uncle Evgeny 'second'. He put children in his office in the Old Square and Evgeny hired a governess for the children about 1867. Evgeny second / Eugene-Louis Armand was b. 1809 and died 1890, was a son of Jean Armand / Ivan Armand {Jean-Louis Armand b. 1786 - died 1855 in Moscow} and his first wife Elizabeth Osipovna (born 1788, died 1817) called Sabina, and the second wife was Marie Barbe, born Kolinon (1780 - 1872) who had a daughter Sophia, later married a Swede, Osip Hecke / Hekke / Joseph Hekke (Hacker or Hakker from Estonia, but roots from Sweden or Sverige?!) about 1850],
was father
[with Мария Францевна Пашковская / Maria PASZKOWSKA from Cracow, 1819 - 1901]
of Евгений Евгеньевич Арманд; Адольф Евгеньевич Арманд and Эмиль Евгеньевич Арманд;
above Эмиль Евгеньевич Арманд [+ Софья Осиповна Гекке from Estonia, d. 1920, daughter of Осип Гекке and София Ивановна Armand] was father of
Лев Эмильевич Арманд;
Наталья Эмильевна Арманд b. 1881;
Мария Эмильевна Арманд;
Софья Эмильевна Арманд;
Павел Эмильевич Арманд;
and Евгений Эмильевич Арманд b. 1890.

Above Leo / Lev / Lion Emilievich Armand / Лев Эмильевич Арманд [1880 - 1942] - 1st married to Лидия Марьяновна Тамповская, 1887 - 1931; she was mother of Давид Львович Арманд b. 1905 in Moscow, d. 1976 in Moscow + Галина Васильевна Ткаченко b. 1906.

c. Saparova Nina Arkadevna d. before 1920,
d. Saparova Catherine Arkadevna d. 1916 and
e. Saparova Maria Arkadevna.

In 1882, Princess Agrippina Japaridze (b. 1855 - died 1926 or 1927) became a morganatic wife of Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg (1850 - 1906) and received the title of Countess Zarnekau.
Agrippina, Countess von Zarnekau nee Agrippina Constantines Japaridze - a patron of numerous educational establishments in Russian Georgia. She taken controversial role in the secret marriage of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich of Russia.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agrippina,_Countess_von_Zarnekau -
Agrippina Japaridze was born in the upper Racha region of Georgia, to parents Constantine senior and Melania Japaridze. Her father Constantine died 1860, and her mother Melania moved to Kutaisi, where she 2nd time married. Agrippina was sent to the St. Nino School, where she received her education along with Olympia Nikoladze, sister of Georgian statesman Niko Nikoladze / ნიკო ნიკოლაძე / Nikolos Nikoladze.
In 1876, Agrippina married a Georgian nobleman named Tariel Dadiani, with four children, Miquel, Levanti, and Nino.
Above Niko Nikoladze / ნიკო ნიკოლაძე b. 1843, public figure, was born in the village of Didi Jikhaishi, Imereti, western Georgia. After leaving St. Petersburg he went to study in Zurich 1864 - 1868. During his stay in Zurich, through Paul Lafargue he met Karl Marx. While in Europe, he briefly collaborated with Aleksandr Herzen.

In the 1880s, Kutaisi became a new location for the Hopersky Kuban Cossacks, commanded by Duke of Oldenburg, Konstantin Friedrich Peter von Holstein-Gottorp, b. 1850, who was a son of Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg and his wife Princess Therese of Nassau-Weilburg.
Konstantin Friedrich Peter von Holstein-Gottorp was known in the court of Tsar Nicholas II as Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg. Under command of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich, the Governor General of the Caucasus, Constantine Petrovich rose to the rank of Lt. General of Kuban Cossacks. I wrote above that in 1882, Princess Agrippina Japaridze (b. 1855 - died 1926 or 1927) became a morganatic wife of Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg (1850 - 1906) and received the title of Countess Zarnekau.

Duke of Oldenburg, Konstantin Friedrich Peter von Holstein-Gottorp, b. 1850, had older sister:
Duchess Alexandra Petrovna of Oldenburg [born 1838; Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna of Russia d. 1900, was a daughter of Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg {see below} and a great granddaughter of Emperor Paul I of Russia. She married Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia (1831 - 1891), the elder, and was the mother of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia (1856 - 1929), the younger] m. in 1856 to above named Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, the son of Tsar Nicholas I and commander-in-chief in 1877-1878. Their son, above mentioned Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia b. 1856 was commander-in-chief of the Russian Army during the First World War I.
Alexandra Petrovna was born in St. Petersburg as Duchess Alexandra Frederika Wilhelmina of Oldenburg. She was the eldest of the eight children of Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg and his wife Princess Therese of Nassau-Weilburg, half-sister of Sofia of Nassau, queen consort of Oscar II of Sweden.
On 3 August 1809, Duke George of Oldenburg, the grandfather of above Constantine Petrovich, married to Grand Duchess Catherine Pavlovna, daughter of Tsar Paul I.
Above named Duke Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg / Duke Konstantin Friedrich Peter Georgievich of Oldenburg b. 1812 in Yaroslavl.

In 1876, Agrippina married a Georgian nobleman named Tariel Dadiani.

Duke Oldenburg, Konstantin Friedrich Peter von Holstein-Gottorp, that is Duke of Oldenburg / Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg, served as an adjutant stationed on the Caucasian Front in Georgia, under command of Grand Duke Michael Nikolaevich, the Governor General of the Caucasus. Agrippina's husband, Prince Tariel Daniel Dadiani, was one of the officers under Duke Constantine's command. The Dadiani were respected noble family in Georgia, as a branch of the Bagrationi Dynasty. Agrippina Japaridze was Tariel Dadiani's second wife. Prince Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, b. 1842, m. first to Princess Sopio Dadiani b. 1838 daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze of the Guria. On June 28, 1882, Agrippina divorced Dadiani. On 20 October 1882, Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg entered into a morganatic marriage with a titleless Georgian noblewoman Agrippina Japaridze. Between 1883 and 1892 they produced six children, all of them born in Kutais, the Caucasus: Alexandra Constantinovna Countess von Zarnekau b. 1883 married in 1900 Prince George Alexandrovich Yurievsky, a son of Alexander II of Russia. In 1884, they bought a local wine cellar established by the Frenchman Shote in 1876 for bottling champagne, doing business in Odessa and Alexandrovsk (Zaporozhe).
Above Prince George Gogo Yurievsky was the son of Tsar Alexander II and his secret mistress, Catherine Dolgorukov, the Princess Yurievskaya. In 1885, Baron Arthur von Mohrenheim, head of the Russian Okhrana (secret police) in Paris, reported that the widowed Princess Yurievskaya had been using her money to finance a group of Russian nihilists who were attempting to kill Tsar Alexander III and his family.

Above named Agrippina's husband, Prince Tariel Daniel Dadiani, was one of the officers under Duke Constantine's command. The Dadiani were respected noble family in Georgia, as a branch of the Bagrationi Dynasty. Agrippina was Tariel Dadiani's second wife. Prince Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, b. 1842, m. first to Princess Sopio Dadiani b. 1838 daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze of the Guria. On June 28, 1882, Agrippina divorced Dadiani. On 20 October 1882, Constantine entered into a morganatic marriage with a titleless Georgian noblewoman Agrippina Japaridze. Between 1883 and 1892 they produced six children, all of them born in Kutais, the Caucasus: Alexandra Constantinovna von Zarnekau, Countess von Zarnekau b. 1883 married in 1900 Prince George Alexandrovich Yurievsky, a son of Alexander II of Russia. In 1884, they bought a local wine cellar established by the Frenchman Shote in 1876 for bottling champagne, doing business in Odessa and Alexandrovsk (Zaporozhe). Above Prince George Gogo Yurievsky was the son of Tsar Alexander II and his secret mistress, Catherine Dolgorukov, the Princess Yurievskaya.
In 1885, Baron Arthur von Mohrenheim, head of the Russian Okhrana (secret police) in Paris, reported that the widowed Princess Yurievskaya had been using her money to finance a group of Russian nihilists who were attempting to kill Tsar Alexander III and his family.
Prince Viktor Nakachidze, was convicted in late 1885 for participating in a nihilist bomb plot to kill the Tsar. Prince Nakachidze had connections to Agrippina Japaridze, the wife of Constantine Petrovich, and to the Dadiani family.
Duke Constantine Petrovich of Oldenburg died 1906.

Grand Duke George Alexandrovich of Russia married to a local Georgian noblewoman from the house of Nakashidze, who was Agrippina's cousin.
Prince Nakachidze had connections to Agrippina and to the family of Agrippina's former husband, the Dadiani family, which was then living in exile at Nice. Prince Victor Nakachidze was sentenced to death and sent to Siberia.

Details on the Dadiani family:


Prince Alexander Leonovich Dadian / Aleksandr Leonovich Dadiani b. 1800, was married two times:

1. to Princess Nina Farnaozovna Georgia / Нина Фарнаозовна Грузинская b. 1802, daughter of Prince Gruzinsky and Princess Anne Georgian Eristov - Ksani / Аннa Эристовa-Ксанскa, making his son Nicholas (1824-1829);

2. in 1836 to Baroness Lydia G. Rosen (1817-1866) / Розен Лидия Григорьевна, daughter of
Gregor / Grigori Vladimirovitch von Rosen 2-nd / Gregory Vladimirovich Rosen (1782-1841) and Elizabeth Dmitrievna Zubov / Елизаветa Дмитриевнa Зубов (1790/1792-1862).
Mentioned above Elisabeth Dmitrievna von Rosen Gfin. Zubova / Елизавета Дмитриевна, b. 1792, d. 1862 in Moscow, was daughter of Дмитрий Александрович Zubov and Прасковья Александровна.

Above Gregor / Grigori Vladimirovitch von Rosen 2-nd's mother was Олимпиада Федоровна / Olimpiada von Rosen nee Rajewskij / Olimpiada Rajewska, and father was Woldemar / Vladimir Ivanowitsch von Rosen b. 1742 in Reval.

Above Baroness Lydia G. Rosen (1817-1866) {see also Japaridze, Oldenburg, Armand, Konstantynowicz} that is Lydia Grigorievna Dadianov / DADIANI / nee von Rosen, b. 1817, d. 1866 in Moscow, was wife of above named Alexander Leonevitch Dadiani Gf. von Mingrelien / Prince Alexander Leonovich Dadian; Lydia was mother of Maria Arseniew; Антон Александрович Дадиани, and
Paraskewa Alexandrovna von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg.

Now we back to central Poland and the WALEWSKIS:
Marianna Elzbieta Potocka Uvarova Zubov born Lubomirska / Marianna Elżbieta Uvarova Lubomirska, b. ca 1766, died 1810, was daughter of Kasper Lubomirski and Barbara Ponińska;
wife of Protazy Antoni Potocki;
2nd to Count Valerian Zubov and
3rd to Федор Петрович Уваров;
she was mother of Emilia Kalinowska;
Aleksandr Valerianovich Zubov;
Platon Valerianovich Zubov and
Elizaveta Valerianovna Voieikova.

Marianna Elzbieta Potocka Uvarova Zubov was sister of Józefa Walewska [see Wola Pszczolecka and Jedlno].

Above Emilia Kalinowska Potocka, b. 1790 in Guzów, was daughter of Protazy Antoni Potocki and above Marianna Elżbieta Uvarova; she was wife of Józef Kalinowski and mother of
Józefa Ogińska;
Seweryna Kalinowska and
Olga Ogińska
[and Maria Kalinowska wife of Trubecki].

Above Valerian Aleksandrovich Zubov b. 1771, d. 1804, was brother of
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Zubova; Николай Александрович Зубов; Дмитрий Александрович Zubov; Olga Alexandrovna Zherebtsova; Платон Александрович Зубов; Vasili Zubov and Anna Khorvat / HORVAT.

Above Дмитрий Александрович Zubov b. 1764, d. 1836, was father of Aleksandr Zubov; and above named
Elisabeth Dmitrievna von Rosen [Elizabeth Dmitrievna Zubov / Елизаветa Дмитриевнa Зубов, 1790/1792-1862; see DADIANI !];
Варвара Дмитриевна Сухтелен; Anna Knuth; Екатерина Дмитриевна Пашкова; and Николай Дмитриевич Зубов.

Above mentioned Elisabeth Dmitrievna von Rosen Zubova, b. 1792, was mother of Екатерина Григоьевна Пашкова; Dmitri Grigorjevich von Rosen; Прасковья Григорьевна Розен; Alexander von Rosen; Nikolai von Rosen;
Lydia Grigorievna Dadianov / DADIANI [Baroness Lydia G. Rosen, 1817-1866];
Adelheid von Rosen; София Григорьевна Аладьина; Pauline von Rosen and Anna von Rosen.

Трубецкая Елена Никитична 1745 - 1832, married Вяземская, daughter of Nikita Yurievich Troubetzkoy
[Nikita Yurievich Troubetzkoy, Prince, born 1699; see Kalinowski in Cracow, Trubecki in Orsha and Tallinn, Konstantynowicz in Estonia],
Prince and Анна Даниловна;
Elena was mother of Прасковья Александровна Зубова 1772 - 1835, who was wife of Дмитрий Александрович Zubov 1764 - 1836, and mother of above
Elisabeth Dmitrievna von Rosen Zubova, 1792 - 1862.


Prince Alexander Leonovich Dadian / Aleksandr Leonovich Dadiani b. 1800 in Simbirsk, Sengileevsky County and died 1865 in Moscow, adjutant, Colonel, commander of Erivan Regiment; his father Leon Aleksandrovich and Maria nee Naryshkina; Piotr / Peter Katenin reported violations to the emperor and when Emperor Nicholas I in 1837 visited the Caucasus, he removed Alexander Leonovich Dadian and ordered immediately send to Bobruisk. His wife's mother, Elizabeth D. Rosen, was next of kin with Baron Alexander G. Rosen (1812-1874) - the hero of the battle of Warsaw in 1831. His father Baron Grigory V. Rosen (1782-1841), Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, General of Infantry, Adjutant General in 1818. And grandfather Lieutenant-General V. I. Rosen (1742-1790) from his marriage to the Olympia Raevskaya Feodorovna.

Note on the Rosen family:
From Carl Gottlieb Gernet b. 1700 d. 1791: Hedwig Charlotte von Rosen nee von Gernet b. on March 30, 1821 in Reval / Tallinn and died 1884 in Reval, her father - Karl Johann von Gernet 1776 Lehhola / Lehola - 1857 in Lauenhof / Lőve, Pődrala, Valdamaa, Estland; and her grandfather - Carl Gustav von Gernet 1747 - 1812, and her great-grandfather - Carl Gottlieb von Gernet b. on March 18, 1700 and died on May 4, 1791 in Lehhola; her husband - Karl Gustav Woldemar Amandus / Woldemar von Rosen 1813 - 1892 and his father - Hans Wilhelm Gustav Freiherr von Rosen 1780 - 1862. Above Karl Gustav Woldemar Amandus von Rosen, b. 12 Jan 1813 at Resna, m. 1844 at Hapsal / Haapsalu to Hedwig Charlotte von Gernet b. at Reval, daughter of Johann von Gernet and his wife Hedwig Elisabeth von Patkul of Habbinem. Sons of above named Hedwig:
1. Johann Wilhelm Fabian Richard von Rosen, b. at Neuenhof near Hapsal, m. at St. Petersburg to Sophie Valentine Schottländer d. 28 Sep 1912 at Reval,
2. Leo Felix Karl von Rosen, b. in St. Petersburg, m. 2ndly in 1927 at London to Magna Smith daughter of Nadeschda Kowalewskaja Smith / Kowalewski. The palace of Herrenhaus Neuenhof that is Uuemőisa mőis east part of Haapsalu at present.
The noble Schillings / Schilling family moved to Estonia / Estland from Courland (Kurland). Karl Gebhard von Schilling began his service in the Russian army, married to Helene Charlotte von Römer of Müüsleri / Seinigal and Orina / Orgena - 2 km north-east of Jarva-Jaani (Orina, Järva-Jaani vald / Ярва-Яаани, Ярвамаа, Эстония). See: http://www.balticconnections.net/ Müüsleri (Seinigal by German) is a village in the rural community Kareda - ca 80 km east-south of Saku, close to Jarva-Jaani. Pauline Amalie Sophie von Schilling b. 1806 in Reval / Tallinn, Estland / Eesti, her mother Anna Juliane von Rosen b. 1770.

Above Prince Alexander Leonovich Dadian / Aleksandr Leonovich Dadiani b. 1800, was married two times:
1. to Princess Nina Farnaozovna Georgia / Нина Фарнаозовна Грузинская b. 1802, daughter of Prince Gruzinsky and Princess Anne Georgian Eristov - Ksani / Аннa Эристовa-Ксанскa, making his son Nicholas (1824-1829);
2. from 1836 to Baroness Lydia G. Rosen (1817-1866), daughter of Gregory Vladimirovich Rosen (1782-1841) and Elizabeth Dmitrievna Zubov / Елизаветa Дмитриевнa Зубов (1790-1862). Children:
a. Maria (1840-1894) m. Senator Nikolai Arsenyev, b. Anton / Anton Dadian b. 1841 - 1906 who has children: Nadiezda Antonovna Dadian, Dmitry Antonovich Dadian, Alexander Antonovich Dadian, c. Leon 1845, d. Mitro 1847.

Acc. to: http://www.royalark.net/Georgia/ under Copyright © Christopher Buyers, March 2003 - August 2008.
Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, b. 1842, m. first to Princess Sopio Dadiani b. 1838 daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze of the Guria.

His father: Prince Aleksandri Manuchari Dadiani
(and his grandfather: Duke of Mingrelia, fourth son of Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia, m. first a daughter of Prince Shervashidze; m. second to Ana Dadiani, daughter of Prince Kakhaberidze-Chijavadze; he d. after 1804, having six sons and three daughters. Above named the fourth son (he d. after 1804) of Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia, m. first a daughter of Prince Shervashidze; m. second to Ana Dadiani. Above Katsia II Dadiani (from List of monarchs of Mingrelia: 1758–1788 or 1744-1788) was friend of David II / დავით II (1756–1795), of the Bagrationi Dynasty, who was King of Imereti in the western Georgia. David II was the son of George IX of Imereti. With the support of Katsia II Dadiani, prince of Mingrelia, he seized the throne and proclaimed himself king on May 4, 1784. He attempted to establish a contact with Imperial Russia and to restrict the powers of great nobles. David's policy drew many leading aristocrats, including the Mingrelian prince Grigol Dadiani
(Prince Petri Nichola Dadiani, b. 1812, in Mingrelia, m. Princess Mariami Marika Dadiani, daughter of Prince Davit Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elena, third daughter of Grigol VI Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia - he had two sons: Prince Aleksandri Petri Dadiani b. 1843 and Prince Levanti Petri Dadiani b. 1848, m. Princess Kekela Dadiani. Western Georgia has the semi-independent prince-regent Dadian Grigol of Mingrelia / Grigol VI Dadiani. In 1803, his country was taken under direct Russian suzerainty until the dignity of Dadian was finally abolished in 1867. Nicholas Dadiani in 1867 was compelled to cede all his sovereign rights to the Tsar in exchange for 1.000.000 rubles, a grant of estates in Russia, and the title of Prince Dadian-Mingrelsky, and his brother Andrew has the name of Prince Mingrelia),
into opposition. Between 1792 and 1794, he attempted, with the Dagestan mercenaries, to reclaim the crown, but suffered a defeat and withdrew from Imereti. He died in exile at Akhaltsikhe. This is an excerpt from the article of the Wikipedia. Princess Thamar b. 1790, d. 1818, second daughter of Prince Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Dukes of Mingrelia, married before May 1808 to General Prince Giorgi Shirvashidze / Safar Ali Bey, Prince of Abkhazia, who signed a petition for protection from Russia in 1808, having four sons and six daughters),
m. Princess Rodami Dadiani b. 1820, daughter of Prince Manuchari Mikeladze. He d. 1856, having five sons and two daughters:
1. Prince Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, b. 1842, m. first Princess Sopio Dadiani b. 1838, daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze Bego of the Guria, by his wife Princess Marika, daughter of Prince Tarieli Dadiani of Mingrelia; m. second 1859 and div. 1882 to
Princess Agrafina

(Agrafina / Agryppina / Agrippina, Countess von Zarnekau nee Agrippina Constantines Japaridze and her parents: Constantine and Melania Japaridze; father Constantine died 1860; Princess Agrafina Countess von Zarnekau, daughter of Prince Konstantini Japaridze b. at Radsha, Georgia, 1855; m. second, at Kutaisi in 1882 as Countess von Zarnekau by Grand Duke Peter II of Oldenburg, to Lieutenant-General Konstantin Friedrich Peter, Duke of Oldenburg, by whom she had two sons and two daughters, and she d. at Kislovodsk, North Caucasus in 1926)

daughter of Prince Konstantini Japaridze / Konstantyn Japaridze.
Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani had one daughter by his first wife, and two sons and one daughter by his second wife (Agrafina or Agrippina born 1855 ?!; on June 28, 1882, Agrippina divorced Dadiani):
- Prince Mikeli Tarieli Dadiani b. 1860,
- Prince Levanti Tarieli Dadiani b. 1864,
- Margareta Tsitsino Dadiani b. 1859 m. Prince Giorgi Niko Dadiani (b. 1855), eldest son of Prince Niko Besarioni Dadiani, Chief of Police of Zugdidi, by his wife, Princess Salomea Nino, daughter of Prince Katsia Chichua,
- Princess Nino Dadiani b. 1868 m. Prince Aleksandri Kviti Niko Dadiani (b. 1864), son of Prince Niko Bessarioni Dadiani, Chief of Police of Zugdidi, by his wife Princess Nina (b. 1835), daughter of Prince Chichua.
2. Prince Nikolaoz Aleksandri Dadiani b. 1846,
3. Prince Platoni Aleksandri Dadiani b. 1848.
4. Colonel Prince Petri Aleksandri Dadiani, 1855, served in the Russo-Turkish War 1877-1878, m. Princess Agatha Dadiani younger daughter of Prince Ioani Elizbari Dadiani, by his wife, Princess Kesaria, daughter of Prince Vameq Giorgi Dadiani. He d. at Harbin, China in 1939.
5. Colonel Prince Giorgi Aleksandri Dadiani b. 1855, Col. of Cavalry, Russian service, m. Princess Nadejda Dadiani b. 1863, nee von Traumberg, adopted daughter of General Jakov Ivanovich Jzuravskii, and of his wife, Helena Zakharovna, daughter of Zakhari Chachikishvili of Natakhtari.

Major-General H. E. Prince Nichola Giorgi Dadiani / Nikolai Georgievitch Dadianov / Bolshoi Niko, Lord of Kurdzu, b. 1764, Ambassador to Russia 1805-1806, Major Gen. Russian Army, married first time to Princess Mariami Dadiani (d. 1802), daughter of Rustami Shervashidze, Duke in Guria, and married second to Princess Kethevan Dadiani, daughter of Prince Marshania. He d. 1834, having five sons and two daughters:

1. Prince Giorgi Nichola Dadiani, b. 1795, m. Princess Varvara Dadiani (b. 1804),

2. Prince Aleksandri Nichola Dadiani;

3. Prince Besarioni Nichola Dadiani, b. 1810, m. Princess Evdukia Dadiani (b. 1810), having one son and three daughters:
a. Prince Niko Besarioni Dadiani, b. 1830, Chief of Police of Zugdidi in 1857, m. Princess Salomea Nino Dadiani (b. 1835), daughter of Prince Katsia Chichua with children:
aa. Prince Giorgi Niko Dadiani, b. 1855, m. Princess Margareta Tsitsino Dadiani (b. 1859), elder daughter of Prince Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, by his first wife, Princess Sopio, daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze, of the Guria;
ab. Prince Demeter Niko Dadiani, b. 1862;
ac. Prince Aleksandri Kviti Niko Dadiani, b. 1864, m. Princess Nino Dadiani (b. 1868), younger daughter of Prince Tarieli Taia Dadiani, by his second wife, Princess Agrafina Countess von Zarnekau, daughter of Prince Konstantini Japaridze - he had two sons and four daughters.

4. Prince Petri Nichola Dadiani, b. 1812, Supreme Tribunal of Justice in Mingrelia, m. Princess Mariami Marika Dadiani, daughter of Prince Davit Gurieli, by his wife, Princess Elena, third daughter of
Grigol VI Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia - he had two sons: Prince Aleksandri Petri Dadiani b. 1843 and Prince Levanti Petri Dadiani b. 1848, m. Princess Kekela Dadiani.

Western Georgia has the semi-independent prince-regent Dadian Grigol of Mingrelia. In 1803, his country was taken under direct Russian suzerainty until the dignity of Dadian was finally abolished in 1867. Prince
Alexander Dadiani, colonel of the Erivan Regiment, was an imperial aide-de-camp but tsar Nicholas taken his sword from him, and have him sent off to the fortress of Bobruisk. Nicholas Dadiani in 1867 was compelled to cede all his sovereign rights to the Tsar in exchange for 1.000.000 rubles, a grant of estates in Russia, and the title of Prince Dadian-Mingrelsky, and his brother Andrew has the name of Prince Mingrelia.

Praskovya A. nee Dadiani married to Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, was born 1846 or 1847; her parents: Aleksandr Leonovich Dadiani b. 1800

(his father Leon A. Dadiani, his grandparents Alexander P. Dadiani b. 1753 and

Leonovna Anna Bagration-Gruzinskaja of Mukhrani born 1753 died 1812.

The parents of above Alexander: Peter G. Dadiani and Anna Bagration-Gruzinskaja died March 19, 1780.

Parents of above Piotr / Peter: George / Egor Levanovich Dadiani b. 1683 and Sophia A. Imereti of Mukhrani b. 1691 died 1747

and mother of Praskovya: Lydia G. Rosen born 1816 and died 1866

(a branch from baron Vladimir I. Rosen, born 1742 died 1792 and his wife Olympia Raevskaya / Olimpia / Olimpiada Rajewska born ca 1746).

Above named Anna Bagration-Gruzinskaja of Mukhrani born 1753, died in Moscow, February of 1812, married

Alexander Petrovich Dadiani b. 1753/54, died in Moscow on 26 Jan. 1811.

Her father Levan Bagration-Gruzinsky, born Moscow 1739, or 1730 acc. to me! He was in 1753 married to Alexandra Yakovlevna Sibirsky b. 1728.

Her grandfather Bakar I King of Kartli, born Kutaisi 1700, married Anna Eristavi of Aragvi b. 1706.

Her great-grandfather Vakhtang VI King of Kartli, b. 15 Sept. 1675.


Prince Alexander Leonovich Dadian / Aleksandr Leonovich Dadiani b. 1800, was married to Baroness Lydia G. Rosen (1817-1866) and his branch is next of kin to Prince Katzo [Katsia] II Dadiani (1758–1788);
Mariam Dadiani (died 1841), was daughter of Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia and she was wife of Solomon II of Imereti.

Prince Aleksandri Kviti Niko Dadiani, b. 1864, m. Princess Nino Dadiani (b. 1868), younger daughter of Prince Tarieli Taia Dadiani, by his second wife, Princess Agrafina Countess von Zarnekau.
Above Aleksandri come from
Major-General H. E. Prince Nichola Giorgi Dadiani / Nikolai Georgievitch Dadianov / Bolshoi Niko, Lord of Kurdzu, b. 1764, Ambassador to Russia 1805-1806, Major Gen. Russian Army, and his son -
Prince Besarioni Nichola Dadiani, b. 1810, who m. Princess Evdukia Dadiani (b. 1810), with
Prince Niko Besarioni Dadiani, b. 1830, Chief of Police of Zugdidi in 1857, who m. Princess Salomea Nino Dadiani (b. 1835), daughter of Prince Katsia Chichua.

The genealogy of Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani, b. 1842, m. first to Princess Sopio Dadiani b. 1838 daughter of Prince Levanti Shervashidze of the Guria;
m. second 1859 and div. 1882 to Princess Agrafina Japaridze [see Armand and Konstantynowicz from Moscow].
He was son of Prince Aleksandri Manuchari Dadiani / Aleksandri Manuchar Dadiani / Prince Mamuka [Manuchar] Dadiani b. ca 1811.
His father was Манучар Чачба
[Manuchar Dadiani / Манучар Чачба Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia, b. ca 1785/1787, fourth son of Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia, m. first a daughter of Prince Shervashidze; m. second to Ana Dadiani, daughter of Prince Kakhaberidze-Chijavadze; he d. after 1804 {1813}, having six sons and three daughters]
who became interfere in herit of Mingrelia.
At the beginning of August 1808 on the orders of Russian General moved to Sukhum-Kale a forces for support a ruler of Samegrelo and her two sons in law: above Manuchar and Seferbey Chachba. In 1813, Manuchar was killed. The tragic fate befell the young sons of Манучар: above Prince Aleksandri Manuchari Dadiani / Александра b. ca 1811, and Дмитрии. The brother of their mother, Levan Dadiani took children under his care; but as soon as the eldest son of Manuchar - above Alexander reached the age of majority in 1829, Levan Dadiani sent him to Siberia, and in 1832 he killed named above Dmitry Chachba.

Above Katsia II Dadiani, a monarch of Mingrelia: 1758–1788 or 1744-1788, was friend of David II. Prince of Mingrelia - Katsia II დადიანი / Dadiani / Кации ბაგრატიონი / Bagrationi, b. 1757, d. 1788, was son of Отия Дадиани / Otija Dadiani
[Otija junior was since 1728 Duke of MINGRELIA and died 1757; he was son of Бежа́н Дадиа́ни who died 1728, and was Duke of MINGRELIA since 1715; Biezhan was son of Georgij IV / George Lipartiani
{died in 1715; he was Duke of Мегрелия as Георгий IV; 1691 - 1704 and again since 1710, Duke of Салипартиано as Георгий IV since 1682, Duke of Лечхуми in в 1704; Georgij / George Lipartiani was son of Кация Чиковани senior who died in 1682 - who was Duke of Лечхуми, Салипартиано, and Саинасаридзо. George Lipartiani had also son Чиковани Кация junior, who died 1710 or 1715, Lord of Samegrelo, Duke of Megrelija since 1704 or 1707 as Kacija I DADIANI / Кация I Чиковани-Дадиани; the Dadiani surname come from 1707. Georgij who died 1715 had brothers: Otija senior and Ijesse Chikovani - Duke of Lethumi 1682 to 1704 + Marijam d. 1726}
of the Chikovani family, the actual ruler of Мегрелия / სამეგრელო / Самегрело / Самаргало / Одиши, and his wife, Princess Sevda, who was daughter of Prince Otija Mikeladze];
husband of Elisabed Bagrationi
[Elisabed ბაგრატიონი / Bagrationi, 1750 - 1770, daughter of Teimuraz II, King of Kakheti and Kartli and Ana-Khanum Baratashvili; she was mother of Mariam Dadiani; sister of Solomon Bagrationi; half sister of Erekle II, King of Georgia; Anna Batonishvili (Bagrationi); Elene Bagrationi and Ketevan Bagrationi of Kakheti. Copyright by Peter Trefilov];
father of Grigol VI Dadiani; Тамара Кациевна Шервашидзе
[Тамара Кациевна Шервашидзе Дадиани, 1778 - 1818, wife of Сафир-бей (Георгий) Шервашидзе; mother of Омар-бей (Дмитрий) князь Шервашидзе; Хамуд-бей Чачба / Михаил Георгиевич Шервашидзе, and Леван Шервашидзе; half sister of Mariam Dadiani. Copyright by Henn Sarv]
and Mariam Dadiani,
and Манучар Чачба Dadiani Duke of Mingrelia, b. ca 1785/1787 - fourth son of Katsia II Dadiani, Duke of Mingrelia.

Katsia II დადიანი / Dadiani / Кации ბაგრატიონი / Bagrationi, b. 1757 was brother of George Dadiani and Мариам Dadiani.
Copyright by Tamas Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert in 2015 at geni.com.
Above Grigoriy (Grigol) Dadiani / Григорий (Григол) Кациевич Дадиани / Grigol VI Dadiani, 1774 - 1804, husband of Nino Dadiani, father of Gregor Dadian of Mingrelia and Levan V Dadiani; Duke of Mingrelia since 1788 - copyright by Elle Kiiker in 2015 at geni.com.
Above Levan Dadiani / Леван Григорьевич Дадиани, born 1793 in Georgia, died in 1846 in Zugdidi, in the Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti province of Georgia; buried in Martvili Monastery. Duke of MINGRELIA in 1804, Russian General-Lieutenant. He was husband of Nino Zurabovna Dadiani and Marta Zurabovna Dadiani; father of David I Dadiani; Grigol Dadiani; Nino Levanovna Bagration-Mukhranskiy; Konstantin Levanovich Dadiani and Екатерина Левановна Шервашидзе. Copyright by Henn Sarv.

Now we back to Peter G. Dadiani / Piotr and his parents:
Егор Леванович Дадиани / George / Egor Levanovich Dadiani b. 1683 - d. 1765 in Moscow [since 1700 in Moscow], and Sophia A. Imereti of Mukhrani b. 1691 died 1747.
Egor was son of Леван IV Дадиани, Duke of MINGRELIA / Megrelija, and Tinatin daughter of Баграт IV. Levan IV Dadiani was Lord of Megrelija 1681 to 1691, as son of Леван III, Lord of Megrelija 1661-1681
[he was next of kin to Вамех III who was son of Георгии Липартиани].

On above Левант III or Леван III, Lord of Megrelija 1661-1681:
in 1657 Levan II Dadiani died fighting for the princely throne. The king of Imereti, Alexander III (1639 - 1660) helps Vameh - Salipartiano ruler, who was the cousin of Levan. The nephew of Levan - Lipari Dadiani, pretended to the throne, too. With the help of Alexander in 1658 Vameh III Dadiani (1657-1661) defeat Liparit / Lipari Dadiani. In this battle, the Abkhazians led by Solomon Sharvashidze fought on the side of Vameh. Vameh III Dadiani with king of Imereti was able to extend its authority over Abkhazia; it is interesting to note that Vameh's brother - George Lipartiani was married to the daughter of above Sharvashidze. In 1665, Леван III Дадиани was the Lord of Megrelija and Abkhazia; in 1681, Леван III Дадиани died; a possessor of Guria wanted to take the throne of Odishi; he killed Manuchar and organized a campaign against Odishi, but could not capture it. The son of the Abkhazian sovereign princes, Savareh (Sorek) Sharvashidze filed claims to the throne of Odishi. In the autumn of 1681 he made a campaign against Odishi and declared himself the ruler; Savareh Sharvashidze had a legitimate right to the throne of Odishi; on the maternal side, he was the representative of the Odishi home.
Georgij IV / George Lipartiani was son of Кация Чиковани / Katsiya Chikovani senior, who died in 1682; Katsiya Chikovani was Duke of Лечхуми, Салипартиано, and Саинасаридзо.
In such a critical situation the ruler of Odishi, Katsiya Chikovani, died; he was replaced by his son, George, who ruled Salipartiano.
He also dreamed of a prince's throne of Odishi and at the request of George Lipartiani, Akhaltsikhe Pasha filed a petition to the Sultan to appoint illegally son of Levan III Dadiani - also named Levan, who was then in Akhaltsikhe, a ruler of Odishi.
The request was granted and in 1683 to the throne of Odishi come Levan Dadiani IV (1683-1691), but the principality ruled George Lipartiani.
Their authority extended throughout Odishi, except the north-west of the Inguri River, where Savareh Sharvashidze was the Lord.
By the beginning of the XVIII century, on the throne of Odishi was finally confirmed George IV Dadiani (1701-1709, 1710-1714), that is Georgij IV / George Lipartiani, who tried to reconquer the occupied Abkhazians lands;
in winter 1702 Dadiani asked for help of the regent king of Imereti, George Abashidze, against Abkhazians; Abashidze reconciled Dadiani with Sharvashidze.

The Lords of Megrelija:
Manuchar I (1590-1611),
then his son Levan II (1611-1657);
Liparit III (1657-1658) who was nephew of above Levan II;
Vameh III (1658-1661), who was great-uncle of Liparit III (Vameh III was son of George Lipartiani);
Levan III (1661-1681) - great-nephew of Vameh III (Levan II's nephew);
Levan IV (1681-1691) - son of Levan III.
And next Lord of Megrelija:
above Георгий IV Chikovani, since 1691 or 1700 was Lord of Megrelija, d. 1715 - he was son of Kacija Chikovani, d. 1682.
Above Георгий IV / George Lipartiani, died in 1715; he was Duke of Мегрелия as Георгий IV; 1691 - 1704 and again since 1710, Duke of Салипартиано as Георгий IV since 1682, Duke of Лечхуми in в 1704; Georgij / George Lipartiani was son of Кация Чиковани senior who died in 1682 - who was Duke of Лечхуми, Салипартиано, and Саинасаридзо.
George Lipartiani had son Чиковани Кация junior, who died 1710 or 1715, Lord of Samegrelo, Duke of Megrelija since 1704 or 1707 as Kacija I DADIANI / Кация I Чиковани-Дадиани; the Dadiani surname come from 1707. Georgij who died 1715 had brothers: Otija senior and Ijesse Chikovani - Duke of Lethumi 1682 to 1704 + Marijam d. 1726.

Otija junior was since 1728 Duke of MINGRELIA and died 1757; he was son of Бежа́н Дадиа́ни who died 1728, and was Duke of MINGRELIA since 1715; Biezhan was also son of above named Georgij IV / George Lipartiani who died in 1715 [the branch of above Tarieli Taia Aleksandri Dadiani].

konstantynowicz.info welcome. Konstantynowicz Bogdan - Polish Internet Archive - Donald Trump and the Russian intelligence global network. Konstantynowicz Bogdan set out on 28th November 2016.

Hillary Clinton, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Angela Merkel, John F. Kennedy and the Russian intelligence global network.
Konstantynowicz Bogdan set out on 11th November 2016.

Angela Merkel, Zbigniew Brzezinski and John Fitzgerald Kennedy - the Illuminati and the Russian intelligence global network.

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Order of the Illuminati. The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence.

Secret Societies. Masonic conspiracy theories as conspiracy theories involving Freemasonry. History Of Secret Societies: Knights Templar, Illuminati and Freemasons. The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence. Masonic Origins. FREEMASONRY SCOTTISH RITE CULT.